Funny Poems About Voice or Voice Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Voice poems and/or funny poems about Voice. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Voice funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Voice Poems.

Poem Details | by Sunlite Wanter |
Categories: humor, relationship,

Mother's Voice

Hush, my dear mother, say no more
(Shut up your criticizing, out the door)
I know you love me, want my best,
(You’re putting my temper to an acid test)
I’m trying Jenny Craig, I know I’ll win
(Your suggestions are tantamount to starvation sin!)

Hush, my dear mother, say no more.

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: humorous, irony, poems, poetess, poetry, poets, voice,

A Melody On Parchment

Feelings on paper
A melody on parchment
easy poetry

your heartfelt humor
delighting unknown strangers
while you ignore him

pouring out your soul
into a painting or poem
husband catches up

Poem Details | by Line Gauthier |
Categories: dance, funny, judgement, voice,

All Pirates Not Created Equal

Type casting Pirates of Penzance
Lining up those who’ll sing and dance
Some aced the illusion
Others beyond delusion
Laughing so hard I wet my pants 

AP: 3rd place 2020, Honorable Mention 2020

Submitted on April 8, 2019 for contest PIRATE THEMED LIMERICK sponsored by TANIA KITCHIN  -  RANKED 4TH

Poem Details | by John Lawless |
Categories: humor, voice,


within my mind like stringless mimes
reside the voices of discontent
discussing in their troubled tones
the conundrum of implied intent

“I’ll say this”, and “he’ll say that”
“she’ll do thus”, and “I’ll do so”
no invites to cerebral tea
 for conversations of “me with me”

for all the puppets in my head
dance to tunes I choose to play
none have the voice to boldly say
“move on, you dwell in yesterday”


for Ventriloquist Poetry Contest/Anthony Slausen

Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: giggle, how i feel, together, voice, words, world, writing,


ai not for me. a raging robot now taking over the world. what will we all do when ai comes for you.

Poem Details | by Trinity Chasara |
Categories: addiction, cute love, dedication, devotion, funny love, love,

I Love the Sound of Your Voice

I love the sound of your voice
My heart sings when you speak
Turns into symphonies and orchestras
Of sweet melodious bliss 
That when my ear tastes
My inner joy swells and abounds
Like a river in spate
Unfettered, deep, and resounding
Fresh as the medleys of life
That feed from infinite vastness
I love the sound of your voice
It is soft as doves, captivating and beautiful
Granted to hear now and ever after
Through morning, noon and night
Summer, winter and spring
Then I would gather each sentiment
Like lilies and toss
Each scent that is hope and peace
Upon the bed of my soul
Where the voice that I love to hear
Would come to me with angel kisses
And be my lullaby.

Poem Details | by Brittney Lopez |
Categories: absence, age, angel, april, baptism, beautiful, beauty, bible, birth, blue, boat, body, books, boyfriend, bridal shower, flower, for her, forgiveness, freedom, funny, games, garden, girlfriend, goodbye, graduation, poetry, voice, wisdom, women, words, writing, youth,


You send bolts through my skin 
something I was never to 
accomplish with you, when I 
saw you it's like my heart sank 
to my stomach and I was in 
shock my body still my body 
heavy felt like when I moved I 
was about to fall to my knees 
you make me want to get 
inside my brain pick you up and 
take you out pick you one by 
one like a flower because I do 
love you and love you not.

Poem Details | by Perry Campanella |
Categories: beach, color, dark, fire, fun, giggle, happy, humorous, inspirational, international, july, new year, poetry, senses, voice, youth,

Caution - Fireworks

E-Z Glo Punk, Lightning Flash,
TNT Devices will burst, do crash
Southern Night, Piccolo Petes
       are hard to beat...

I like hand held Sparklers, Tanks
 flashing fountains, Solar Flare
 Six to #20 Gold I have to share,
 no incidence, no burns, thanks...

  Whistles blow, fountains glow,
 pop'n sounds, entire sky all aglow
 I love those colors, high an low
  trails eched onto my retina
  inspired me to let ya know

  Now you close both eyes
in pitch dark, what a surprise
  for you to see, right there
 darkness, absolutely  anywhere
beautiful trails of lights in motion
"Always read a label of caution"

Poem Details | by Scott Harris |
Categories: angst, giggle, humorous, voice, wisdom,

Knot In My Stomach

Annoying knot right in the pit
Of my stomach, please stop it!
You twist and churn with fear and dread
Echo voices in my head

Have you any clue who I am
What I'm up to as a man?
What's your job, why were you hired?
I think you suck, that's it, you're fired

Here's your pink slip, now be gone
You been here now for far too long
Sorry there's no space for you
I've simply too much left to do

I wish you well,  it's been a blast
Redecorate your room at last
Dust the Cobb webs, walls are painted 
Furniture's been re situated 

Loving life, this brand new space
Without you up in my face
Happy feeling at peace with me
At home, in love, completely free

Poem Details | by Chris Hagy |
Categories: anger, change, funny, how i feel, march, sun, voice,

Slap In the Face

Just a cold, hard slap in the face
Is Daylight Savings Time to morning place

Winter’s drive is dark and cold
Headlights searching for deer in the road

But March brings the sun like golden ripe fruit
To brighten my chores and morning commute

For just a while I pretend it will last
Try to keep winter’s veil in the past

But then the inevitable Monday comes
Because someone decided this silly thing should be done

I’ve changed the clock the night before
So once again only darkness awaits out my door

For another month
I keep the dark pace
Whoever thought of this needs a slap in the face!

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: funny, introspection, life, love, mother, on work and working

Her Voice Say


                     When tired from sweeping with the storebought broom
                                  I'd lean against not wanting to resume
                                       Momma said, "Nusing your bab?"
                                     I would sweep, under breath crab
                        Now would love to hear her say,  "Clean your room!"

(Momma would say nusing not nursing..Bab is instead of baby..)

Poem Details | by Cindi Rockwell |
Categories: crazy, funny, humorous,

To a Voice In My Head

I don't know who you really are, but I love the things you mutter!
Like, "Eat more chocolate! Fat is in! That biscuit needs more butter!"

You said the limit is "Suggested speed. Just hit the pedal harder."
You tell me to just let one rip then accuse another farter!

I almost passed on expensive shoes that looked and fit just great,
Because my account was overdrawn! Thank God you set me straight!

And as I sit here penning this, I love you more than ever.
You were right, I feel so good, having killed my boyfriend Trevor!

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: community, farewell, funny, imagination, journey, light, voice,

The Honesty of Childhood Friends

Linda, you think that too?
I did not want to tell you, but since Jacque did.
Wait a second! You think I have road rage?

I have known them both for almost 60 years, but
they still betray me,
creeping at me with judgements, pretending to "help me"

Two childhood friends, doing a road rage  intervention.
I am incredulous,
ready to pack their stuff for them, and push them out the door.

I hope they will like their little 4 mile hike back to my house.

Poem Details | by Jimmi Canada |
Categories: cousin, culture, earth, emotions, family, fire, giggle, hyperbole, international, introspection, love, magic, simple, slam, thank you, today, voice, weather, wine,


Metti blic,

over-top soars of the harmonica,

the ancient way takes thee and smoke...

With soliloquies we join the mast-

sanctify the allegory,

sustain some good~ing!

Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: birthday, family, food, fun, humor, uplifting, voice,


Helium fills the colorful balloons
And the party will be this afternoon
Party is fun for everyone
Plenty of great food and gifts for my son
Ice cream with extra chocolate cake
Nice to see the family talking out by the lake
Everyone is having a good time
Some are even reciting a rhyme
Singing Happy Birthday out loud will be sublime

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: conflict, humorous, senses, sound, voice,

He Turns a Deaf Ear

wife’s loquacity spouse turns his hearing aid off silence is golden Senryu Contest Sponsored by Mick Talbot 7/6/18

Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: fun, humor, new year, poems, uplifting, voice, write,

Funny New Years Resolutions For 24

Quote By Poet "The pen is the tongue for many writers."

Welcome to the new twenty-four,
I am laughing on the floor.
Pen you need to change,
tongue you need to rearrange.
No talking just write a lot more.

Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: friend, humor, music, night, song, star, voice,

The Fiddler and the Frog

The bow would let out a groan
the big green frog sang baritone
we had great home cooked food
with stars for the best mood
heavenly nights at the lily pad zone

Mr. Cricket the fiddler would play
on the lily pad by the bay
here we made a great friend
friends until the very end
how about another round Jay

Date Written:1/26/2023
Double Limerick

Poem Details | by Don Pettinelli |
Categories: bird, humorous, morning, song, summer, voice,

Bird Song Serenade

It was early one hot summer morning,
When I heard off key singing through the air,
I looked to see who upset my morning
And bring peace and quiet to the morning air.

I looked around for the cause of the sound
To help give me a renewed peace of mind,
High on a wire was the source of the sound
It was an old black bird that stressed my mind.

I thought if I yelled he would fly away,
I didn't want him in my yard all day,
Nothing I did seemed to scare him away,
Why did I let one bird ruin my day?

The bird couldn't help the sound of his voice,
And I should be a lover of bird songs.

Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: bird, cat, giggle, home, satire, uplifting, voice,

Cagey Canary Cat Caught

You love to chase the old cow,
and make the kitten go meow,
I have put you in your place,
now no one left to chase.
I got you~let me take a bow.

Poem Details | by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: funny, introspection, life, on writing and words, people, philosophy

And the Voice Said-----

Contractual agreements with publisher caused DELETION

JS Lambert

Poem Details | by David Dowling |
Categories: childhood, children, funny, hope, imagination, life

The Voice

One sunny day in the month of May, a Young Grape heard a sound.
“Help a soul in need, and never kick one when it’s down.
Treat others how you wish to be, for everybody should,
do good deeds for no reason other than to do good.
Respect opinions and beliefs, it’s character that tells,
your opinion is just that, to someone else, you’re someone else.”
The Young Grape shouted “who gives these messages? Who’s the liaison?"
-And an Old Grape spoke up from afar; “twas I, the voice of Raisin!”

Poem Details | by Catherine Labeau |
Categories: boyfriend, brother, confusion, dream, humorous, voice,

Do I Know You

my heart my breath of dreams
a drool from the corner of of my lips
I wake on an empty bed 
to discover my worth to feed the furs around me
a cat purring on my chest not looking for a rump 
early morning and the small dog under blankets
I am the reborn virgin to be discovered and convoked
to share nothing.
the love long past I am glad you are gone brother
as they thought we were sibling.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, music,

Losing My Voice

I attempt to sing a song hubby covers his ears says I sound like a cat in pain so I’ll never attempt karaoke though I was once head chorister in a choir! Ring My Bell Poetry Contest Sponsored by John Anderson 06/30/21

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: humor, political, satire, spoken word, voice,

Speaking of Bullhorns

A politician using a bullhorn
places it over the mouth

  Though given the stuff that comes out
  it ought to be positioned down south