Written by
Poet Destroyer A
adventure, animal, beautiful, blessing, celebrity, funny, life,
The Squirrel
~My Nutty Squirrel Poem~
Up in a tree, on a branch
Now you see me, now you don't!
Sneaky and fast, I'm adorable
Now, why would you hunt or shot me for fun?
Do you like, how fast I run?
I'm not just another chipmunk
Stuffing my face with nuts,
I'm classy and beautiful,
The best part of nature.....
Red pointed ears, I hear you drawing near.
Chuckle, chuckle, caffeine free
I saw you looking at my fine coat.
Fluffy and curious, touch me and I'm Calling PETA!
See YA--- Life Is Beautiful!!!
I'm stuffing these nuts back into my mouth
and Jumping onto another tree :) The End
Love The Squirrel from another World.
Written by
Mike Gentile
food, fun, humor, words,
If You Weren'T Such a Nut Meg
She had so many chances
Yet she kept muffin it up
Butter intentions were good
Just not much coffee in her cup
Couldn’t make a good decision
Too much waffling back and forth
Always peppered with doubt
Should she head south, no maybe north
Still, she was fun at a party
I would say, hummus a tune
She’d say, "Icing because I’m happy"
As the words began to croon
Maybe that’s what’s most important
Omelet let her off the hook
So she’s always in a pickle
Doesn’t do things by the book
Once again, I’m gonna help her
Since she is such a good egg
I said, girl, you’d go much farther
If you weren’t such a nut Meg
Written by
Jan Allison
body, humorous,
Chocks Away - Poop Poem Warning
My turds float like choc’late marshamallows
Just lurking about in the shallows
I guess that my butt
Is truly kaput
So doctor suggests bitter aloes
I questioned such treatment regime
Doc said it may keep my butt clean
Aloe on my finger
Won’t cause me to linger
And floaters will look like whipped cream
Doc chuckled and said “Listen here
Your floaters are nothing to fear”
Poop floats cos you’ve gas
Which is passed through your ***
No treatment’s required my dear.
Written by
Jan Allison
humorous, , cute,
And Then I Kissed Him - Collaboration With Tim Smith
Hot date
Can’t wait
We're at
My flat
Cute eyes
Nice thighs
She’s fit
So sweet
Must eat
We dine
First Kiss
Sheer bliss
Soft peck
On neck
Tongue's twirl
Toes curl
First base
Hearts race
Bare breast
She’s ‘HE’
No joy
Night ends
As friends
Written by Jan Allison & Tim Smith
28th August 2014
Written by
Skat A
abuse, funny, husband, me,
Black and Blue
Today I wonder,
Wonder why?
You hit me in the eye,
you made me cry.
My eyes are brown,
Now they're black and blue.
Is that what I get for loving you?
My lips are pink, now they're bloody red.
Is that what I get!!!
Do you wish I were dead?
My teeth are white,
I just lost three,
Is that what I get over a little fight?
I see a smile underneath,
I see you leaving with the police.
I finally got rid of you.
I can't believe I waited,
NOTE: True story, I finally did the right thing and called the cops
Written by
Daniel Turner
funny love,
If I Were the One For Nicola
If only I could make my way to Paris
To search the boulevards and rainy rues
I'd look to find my lonely heart an heiress
An Irish lass vacationing her muse
We'd find a quiet cafe' on the Seine
Where we could sit and share a laugh or two
By candlelight we'd toast with French champagne
Pretend that we were on our honeymoon
But how could I convince her I'm the one
To make all of her fantasies come true
She knows there's more to life than having fun
In Paris hearts get easily confused
I'd get down on one knee under the stars
Give her the paper ring off my cigar
an original poem by Daniel Turner
Written by
Daniel Turner
funny, love, sad,
How Long
I've never kissed a pig with my eyes closed
Nor have I ever held a hand of time
However, there was once when I proposed
But that was back when I was in my prime
I still recall how much she loved to dance
She'd laugh at me and make my face turn red
She taught me all the secrets of romance
That love was what one did, not what one said
I search the shadows for her purple hue
I take her mem'ry everywhere I go
Its smile has it's own special shade of blue
Its taste so sweet no one could ever know
They tell me only time mends broken hearts
I wonder just how long before it starts.
by Daniel Turner
Written by
Poet Destroyer A
adventure, anti bullying, boat, humor, slavery, violence, voyage,
Pirate Bay
```Pirate Bay the Haiku```
pirates fierce and mean
drowning fish, sea to sea
parrots on their butt
```Polly Wants A Cracker```
bloodthirst & brutal
Quartermaster Gone Wild
dirty wings on deck
```Sea World Adventure```
ship crew goes on strike
sailing the Caribbean
wooden leg splashing
Written by
Jan Allison
art, humorous,
Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh**
Sliced his left ear off
Only one painting did Van Gogh sell -
maybe he didn’t hear the doorbell!
The only painting Van Gogh sold during his lifetime was Red Vineyard at Arles
**Based on the European pronunciation of the name which is Van Goff!
Entered into Premiere contest #11 sponsored by Skat A
Written by
Jan Allison
farm, humorous, sexy,
Mary In the Dairy
A curvaceous lady named Mary
Just loved having sex in the dairy
When smothered with whipped cream
Her beau would lick her clean…
His Calorie intake was scary!!!
14th June 2016
Written by
Jan Allison
beach, humorous,
Beach Footles Collaboration
Hot sun
What fun
Soft sand
How grand
Blue sea
For me
High tide
Surf side
Beach babe
In shade
Top less
No finds
Tan lines
Swim suit…
He sports
Tight shorts
No chance
Jan Allison
Casarah Nance
1st December 2014
Written by
Daniel Turner
age, humor, life,
Sucker Punched
I can't recall exactly when
Life swung and hit me on my chin
I"m ashamed to say, it knocked me cold
When I came to, I woke up old
While I was out, I had a dream
Of juggling on a balance beam
While jumping hoops, upon one leg
And one wrong move, cost one nest egg
Was it yesterday or the day before
I had it all but wanted more
When days were long and fears were short
Carouse by day, at night cavort
Yesterday, less was more
It must have been the day before
I wish I'd seen life's sucker punch
'cause now my memory's out to lunch
by Daniel Turner
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
fun, humorous, word play,
To Be Thrown Overboard Soon
Two scruffy pirates picked me up.
Intending to toss me overboard.
I weighed too much; they were struggling.
They needed to lighten their load.
But I was not going easy.
I purposefully got heavier.
"She is flotsom," the tall fat one said.
"Jetsam," the dumb ugly one argued.
"Let's get a dictionary," I said. "Let's do this right."
This gave me a few more days,
as there were no books on this ship.
Written by
Tom Cunningham
funny, humor,
Chainsaw Blues - Bawdy Limerick Lol
There was a lumberjack from Borehamwood
A chainsaw mishap took off his manhood
His Love life now a mess
And it caused him great stress
So he made himself one out of some wood .
He went to bed one night full of desire
Sue his wife put on her sexy attire
Things got steamy and hot
He gave it all he got
But with passion and friction it caught fire .
Written 5th March 2019.
For make me actually LOL 2 poetry contest
Sponsored by Nina Parmenter.
Written by
Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib
funny love, woman,
Disarming Disarray
Out there
With her flair for chasing inspiration
She draws you in her reason
Connecting dots and constellations
She takes you by the hand
Her world as messy as her mind
You need a guide
And as you wade through her chaff
Her heaps of half thoughts
Her every whim expressed
The only thing you know for sure is
Out there exists
Date: 11.19.2019
Contest Name: Disarray
Sponsor: Nina Parmenter
Written by
Charlie Smith
fantasy, humor, imagery,
Just a Light Summer's Rain
When the sun kisses each drop of rain,
spirited colors warm the heart...
like a wind wisped feather,
landing lightly on the soul.
Romance calls,
from a fresh faint whisper
mingled cleverly among the fallen.
A daydream smiles,
in a seductive voice.
Conjured memories evolve,
from indifference to fact,
plunging deep into fantasy,
erotically eager,
intoxicatingly anxious.
All is euphorically joyful.
Written by
Joyce Johnson
humor, love,
Knowin How To Keep Em
Oh don't think that I ain't seein'
As you roll those purty eyes,'
And my man stands there a gawkin'
Like he'd won some sort of prize.
My ma taught me how to keep em
And to cut you down to size.
For there ain't no man worth havin'
Can resist my apple pies.
Written by
Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib
humor, mom, sorry,
My One Regret
If I weren't afraid, I'd...
Have pulled that red lipstick
Out of my purse
And with cover
Of sister and cousin
Surrounding your coffin
Replaced that drab pink coral
With your trademark red
We knew it wasn't a colour
You'd have been caught in dead
Written by
Linda Alice Fowler
age, beauty, funny, hair, old, silly, silver,
No Blue Hair
No blue hair or curls for me.
I’ll grow old naturally.
Hanging breasts and flattened bum,
crooked teeth and graying gum.
Sagging knees and chicken skin,
sunny spots and double chin.
Silver streaks through thinning hair,
dimming eyesight no repair.
Crinkly crow’s eyes and flat feet
singing as the Maker I meet.
I don’t care what you say,
I can’t hear you anyway.
Written by
Paul Callus
death, funny,
Sidney Snoozer
Here lies Sidney Snoozer, a lover of sleep,
His last nap eternal – relaxed, six foot deep.
For Epitaph Contest 2
Hosted by Jesse Rowe
© 15th April 2019
Written by
Tom Cunningham
how i feel, humor,
The Rules For 8x8
Compose eight lines consult your muse
Subject matter is what you choose
Just eight syllables on each line
Follow these rules and you'll be fine
Pretty pictures you do not need
Your words only so please take heed
Only plain text no fancy fonts
And that you'll find is what she want's.
Written on 10th November 2018
Written by
David Fisher
animal, farm, funny,
Rear View Air
As soon as we got to the county fair
The country odor got through my nose hair
Coz above some milk pails
We encountered cow tails
Which filled our senses with their dairy-air
Written by
Eric Nolan
funny, happiness, life, satire, upliftingme, me,
My Butt Crack
My butt crack
Is quite a split
It supports the rest of me
when I sit
you thought I was gonna say something else didn't you ?
My butt crack
Is a marvel to behold
It was cute when I was young
but now offensive since I'm old
My butt crack
Is pretty darn straight
can you imagine if it was crooked
pretty weird sight I would rate
My butt crack
Is funny to me
when I bend over in my jeans
It peeks out
for you to see
My butt crack
wanted me to write this today
for no other reason
then just to say......................
I gotta split
Eric (and sometimes not)
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
age, funny, nature, society, technology, youth,
Fall and
red yellowing
leaves in the trees
an old man sitting
on a bench
watches them
and thinks of his youth
a youth
sitting on a bench
looking into his iPhone
simulates the falling
red yellowing leaves
and googles
the future
of trees
Written by
Judith Angell Meyer
funny, imagination, song-
His Funeral
That he planned his funeral is factual
And being a prankster quite actual
He prerecorded his voice
So when we kneeled on the joist
He said, "Hi there! Don't I look natural."