Funny Poems About Villanelle or Villanelle Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Villanelle poems and/or funny poems about Villanelle. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Villanelle funny poems!

Written by Ed Morris
Categories: funny, humorous, poetry, poets,

A Day In the Life of An Aspiring Villanelle Poet

This form repeats too much, I say.
It’s hard to write a villanelle—
I’ll try again some other day.

My rhyme begins without delay;
It’s going fine, then—what the hell?
This form repeats too much, I say.

Doggone it! This is not okay!
I’m under some nefarious spell.
I’ll try again some other day.

But no, I cannot stay away.
I breathe, then smell that same old smell:
This form repeats too much, I say.

I took the bait; I’ve fallen prey;
The crude result I cannot tell—
I’ll try again some other day.

And thus I end this odd ballet.
(I’ve really never danced too well.)
This form repeats too much, I say;
I’ll try again some other day.

Written by Mike Jones
Categories: humorous,

Tv Ads

There's nothing like a TV ad.
A crass intrusion to a play,
It shreds my nerves and makes me mad.

And some of them are really bad
The products too – they'll make you pay;
There's nothing like a TV ad.

The use of animals is sad :
Chimps “talking”, drinking tea all day !
It shreds my nerves and makes me mad.

But Russian meerkats make me glad,
To buy insurance ?  Well, I may –
There's nothing like a TV ad.

A bicycle pushed by a lad
Up cobbled street with brown loaf, aye,
It shreds my nerves and makes me mad.

And now I'll take a break, by gad,
A drink's the tonic, so they say,
There's nothing like a TV ad.
They shred my nerves and make me mad

Written by Tony Devers
Categories: humorous, love, trust,

My Love Is

My love is constant as the clouds
That flit across the sky.
In sleep I call her name aloud

Though when awake I am too proud
To let her hear me cry.
My love is constant as the clouds

Her fertile valleys I have ploughed
And over them I fly.
In sleep I call her name aloud

Does her affection wear a shroud?
If so she won’t say why.
My love is constant as the clouds

She picked me from the madding crowd,
It’s her rules that apply.
In sleep I call her name aloud

With such sincerity avowed
Am I to be denied?
My love is constant as the clouds
In sleep I call her name aloud

Written by Katherine Braithwaite
Categories: allusion, health, humor,

At the Time

I studied numbers,sequences and rhymes
Connections,patterns in between the lines
It seemed a good idea at the time

 Unfortunately,  with study, we use mime
We see   beneath the surface to the crimes
I studied numbers,sequences and rhymes

Whenever  I was found, I  took the  blame
 The clock gave  more than twenty thousand chimes
Life seemed a good idea all the time

Humiliation, sadism,torture,fame
We share the blasphemy  that God will smile
Life seemed a good idea at the time

How the world is full  of rebuffs yet  beguiles
Enough,I’ll give it one more finite trial
I studied numbers,sequences and lies
I joined the Secret Service,I’m a spy

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