Humorous and funny Villanelle poems and/or funny poems about Villanelle. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Villanelle funny poems!
Written by
Ed Morris
funny, humorous, poetry, poets,
A Day In the Life of An Aspiring Villanelle Poet
This form repeats too much, I say.
It’s hard to write a villanelle—
I’ll try again some other day.
My rhyme begins without delay;
It’s going fine, then—what the hell?
This form repeats too much, I say.
Doggone it! This is not okay!
I’m under some nefarious spell.
I’ll try again some other day.
But no, I cannot stay away.
I breathe, then smell that same old smell:
This form repeats too much, I say.
I took the bait; I’ve fallen prey;
The crude result I cannot tell—
I’ll try again some other day.
And thus I end this odd ballet.
(I’ve really never danced too well.)
This form repeats too much, I say;
I’ll try again some other day.
Written by
Mike Jones
Tv Ads
There's nothing like a TV ad.
A crass intrusion to a play,
It shreds my nerves and makes me mad.
And some of them are really bad
The products too – they'll make you pay;
There's nothing like a TV ad.
The use of animals is sad :
Chimps “talking”, drinking tea all day !
It shreds my nerves and makes me mad.
But Russian meerkats make me glad,
To buy insurance ? Well, I may –
There's nothing like a TV ad.
A bicycle pushed by a lad
Up cobbled street with brown loaf, aye,
It shreds my nerves and makes me mad.
And now I'll take a break, by gad,
A drink's the tonic, so they say,
There's nothing like a TV ad.
They shred my nerves and make me mad
Written by
Tony Devers
humorous, love, trust,
My Love Is
My love is constant as the clouds
That flit across the sky.
In sleep I call her name aloud
Though when awake I am too proud
To let her hear me cry.
My love is constant as the clouds
Her fertile valleys I have ploughed
And over them I fly.
In sleep I call her name aloud
Does her affection wear a shroud?
If so she won’t say why.
My love is constant as the clouds
She picked me from the madding crowd,
It’s her rules that apply.
In sleep I call her name aloud
With such sincerity avowed
Am I to be denied?
My love is constant as the clouds
In sleep I call her name aloud
Written by
Katherine Braithwaite
allusion, health, humor,
At the Time
I studied numbers,sequences and rhymes
Connections,patterns in between the lines
It seemed a good idea at the time
Unfortunately, with study, we use mime
We see beneath the surface to the crimes
I studied numbers,sequences and rhymes
Whenever I was found, I took the blame
The clock gave more than twenty thousand chimes
Life seemed a good idea all the time
Humiliation, sadism,torture,fame
We share the blasphemy that God will smile
Life seemed a good idea at the time
How the world is full of rebuffs yet beguiles
Enough,I’ll give it one more finite trial
I studied numbers,sequences and lies
I joined the Secret Service,I’m a spy
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