Humorous and funny Terza Rima poems and/or funny poems about Terza Rima. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Terza Rima funny poems!
Written by
Joyce Johnson
Failed Effort
My mama said to get a man,
I first must prove myself a cook.
I could not feed him from a can.
I tried to learn how from a book
And sought to make a chocolate cake.
I didn't care how long it took.
I set the oven high to bake
Then sat to watch my favorite soap
And to plan the menu I would make.
The cake was burned without a hope.
It was a cheerless sight to see,
The smoke so thick I had to grope.
Since it seems a chef I'll never be,
I'll find a man to who cooks for me.
Written by
Geoffrey Brewer
Perpetuum Mobile
I must go down to the pigging shops again
To Morrison, Tesco, Aldi or maybe Lidl
For I Just went there for the sodding milk in vain
How could I forget! it really is a riddle
To me, though to my wife it’s clear as day
It’s because my age is already well past middle
And the senior moments frequently make play
When I get there, wonder why, and so head back
Starting endless cycle - perpetuum mobile
Could it be I’ve found an answer to energy lack?
Send old geezers to the shops - instructions to buy
Tie to National Grid their unending there-and-back
We could call it ‘renewable’, answering Greeny cry
With old codgers in perennial supply.
22 April 2019
Written by
Ngoc Nguyen
humor, love, romance, wisdom, women, youth,
Lavender and Lovely, Red Roses
Like lavender and lovely, red roses,
they’re meant for your immaculate sweethearts
and their fine, little, delicate noses;
not to damage the most sensitive parts,
or overwhelm the olfactory senses,
bedaub with the finesse of the fine arts,
as love’s a game of great consequences.
Lovers choose on the mere whiff of a scent;
so smell good, or lead to major offenses.
Too much perfume is wholly unpleasant:
a little hint on the neck and the wrist
is enough to smell attractively fragrant;
then don’t offend like a face striking your fist,
if you heed these lines you'll get the main gist.
Written by
Doris Culverhouse
funny, holidaytree, tree,
Gift Horse(Second Hand Christmas Tree)
Christmas tree full of lights
What is the problem with your center?
darkness, darkness just like nights
starless, lightless tree center
unholy curses escape, unholy lips
murderous thoughts enter
branches remove and assemble tips
try and connect an electrical
circuit, help, help light the eclipse
unoriginal, typical, abnormal deal!!
Written by
Charles Henderson
confusion, funny, cousin, , cute,
My Whatcha Ma Call It
Has anyone seen my ding a ling?
You wouldn’t dare ask “what is it”.
I will just say it’s the cutest thing.
It must be a cousin of my widget,
about which my wife often digs.
It hasn’t a name, only a digit.
I also have some thing-a-ma-jigs
that attach to fishing lures, you know.
My heart sings making world famous rigs.
While pointing my do hickey just so
I turn on my color gizmo, git go.
© May 21 2010 For Catie’s “Beautiful Form” contest
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
fun, funny, hilarious, humor, humorous,
A Dead-Ringer Pure Sex Too
Buxom blonde, eyelashes long
Cabaret singer
Belting out a bawdy song
She’s a dead ringer
Pure sex too
For 50’s lounge singer
Sensual boobs, wig so thick
My most calm boy
Made up in drag, an easy trick
Full of easy joy,
So whoop-dee-doo
And ships ahoy!
Surprising he,
Someone says “you look rather whorish”,
Delighting me
I hate to be peevish or boorish,
But this is drag life in a flourish….
Written: 4-27-2019
Contest: Quirky Tercets
Type: Terza Rima
Sponsor: Nina Parmenter
Written by
Phil Capitano
My Husband Talks To Animals
My husband talks to animals.
With squirrels he has conversations
and blue jays often counsels.
With squirrels he has conversations
concerning the garden and digging;
to Dudley the cat he makes observations.
Concerning the garden and digging
he likes neat, green and salient.
It sounds funny but I’m not kidding!
He likes neat, green and salient,
my husband who talks to animals…
At least he’s stopped talking to aliens.
* Not a true terza rima, I call this style Fun With Tercets.
Written by
Romeo Naces
funny, people, places,
The Hypochondriac
Hey, bud, I see
you've got this
weird type of paranoia,
fearfully believing
that all the germs
are scheming to kill ya,
that's why you don't
trust bottled water,
not even tequila;
and you rely so much
on the power
of your disinfectant,
toward a slight smudge
on the doorknob
you're intolerant
because to you it's
the plague
lying there lethally dormant;
nothing wrong with
being sanitary,
with being hygienic,
but yours is a worrisome
worrying, bordering
on the psychotic,
soon you'll be scared
of inhaling air,
boy, that's gonna be tragic!
Written by
Jan Allison
humorous, poetry,
An Appealing Poem
I cannot find my contest poem
(It would have been a first place winner)
Alas, my first thoughts I cannot show em!
I scrawled down notes when preparing dinner -
perchance they fell in Tiddles litter tray
as my loose leaf pad is so much thinner.
If I locate my lines by contest day
I’ll appeal to our sponsor named Nina
then swap my poem, to that which went astray
But what if Nina starts acting meaner
because I tried to bend her strict rules -
my contest wins will be so much leaner...
Only time will tell if rules are for fools!
Quirky Tercets Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Nina Parmenter
Written by
Larry Bradfield
Deadly Cats
He stood and watched as stars appeared above
Was he to die this night or live 'til dawn
He laced his boots,breathed hard,pulled on his glove
He had come far and now the time was gone
The cat he tracked looked down as he looked up
This game of chess was now to yield a pawn
To calm his nerves he drank from his tin cup
He heard the cat begin to move with grace
Then thought of death and drank his last cool sup
Perhaps he'd kill this cat in this wild place
He heard again that growl from way down deep
But then he heard a voice nearby in space
"Put your kitten to bed and get some sleep!"
Contest:Quirky Tercets
Sponsor:Nina Parmenter
Written by
Debjani Mitra
celebration, crush, giggle, life,
magic in the eyes, whirlpools twinkle
a cascade of mirth pouring in free fall
liberating lives, ha ha, laughter so simple.
a white puppy on heels, dearer than all
silly giggles in a fountain from heart,
lilies in love burst an answering call.
laughter lingers and all sorrows depart,
a marquee moon in amusement park
the language of God, his beautiful art.
music in our cheeks, sings a little lark
Not laughing now? What is the rush?
Inside its shadow, light cheers dark.
I lasso the rainbow, Oh my first crush!
My Monalisa laughs, in my paint brush.