Funny Poems About Technology or Technology Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Technology poems and/or funny poems about Technology. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Technology funny poems!

Written by Rudolph Rinaldi
Categories: age, funny, nature, society, technology, youth,


Fall and
red yellowing 
leaves in the trees

an old man sitting 
on a bench
watches them 
and thinks of his youth

a youth 
sitting on a bench
looking into his iPhone
simulates the falling 
red yellowing leaves
and googles 
the future 
of trees

Written by Verlena S. Walker
Categories: freedom, funny, sexy, teacher, technology, teen, teenage, together, vanity,

Having Sex - Footle

buck wild
rodeo style

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: humorous, marriage, relationship, technology,

He Didn'T Get the Message - Collaboration

There once was a fellow named Ted Who recently in church got wed His wife was in the mood Laying there in the nude… He was texting his friends instead! He was sending text after text His new wife was feeling quite vexed 'I'm after your bone - now get off your phone .... Or I'll leave if I'm under sexed! A collaboration with Jospeh May Both Poems inspired by 'And Nothing Else Matters' By Andrea Dietrich 1st May 2016

Written by Gary Smith
Categories: humorous, stress, technology,

The Curse of Technology

The curse of technology,
It has taken over me.
Fear and panic soon ensue
If I'm low on battery.

If I get no signal,
And my emails go unchecked
I fret about what's in there,
Emotionally I'm wrecked.

I need to be on facebook
Instagram or more.
I need social media,
I'm like an online whore.

Message me, give me a nudge
Send me emoticons,
Please, please, give me a like
Or I can't carry on.

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: addiction, april, best friend, computer, confusion, courage, culture, cute love, earth, emotions, encouraging, environment, fantasy, farm, feelings, funny love, garden, happiness, happy, i love you, i miss you, inspirational, internet, irony, july, june, kiss, loneliness, love, magic, me, metaphor, nature, parody, repetition, satire, science, social, technology, tree, women, world, youth,


follow on facebook,
adore on pinterest,
fall in love on instagram,
kiss on a hunch,
all under a tree.

Written by Eve Roper
Categories: addiction, funny,

Too Much Technology

computer fix, another  minute, ZzzzzZzzzzzZzzzzz

by eve roper   10/21/2014

Written by Rudolph Rinaldi
Categories: funny, life, pollution, technology,

I Am Sitting Inside My Smart Tv Set With My Wireless Remote Control

I am sitting inside my smart TV set 
with my wireless remote control 
and I can’t seem to get my wireless remote control 
to work for me
can someone out there 
please keep on  changing the channels for me 
to something else

Written by Mark Martin
Categories: car, funny, humor, humorous, nonsense, technology,

Self Driving Cars - Bah

The car must become a freethinker
Case someone it might greatly injure
It clearly must steer
And brake and change gear
And give other bad drivers the finger

Written by Mark Martin
Categories: computer, funny, satire, science fiction, technology,

Artificial Intelligence - Bah

AI is worthy - but is it a pity?
Nothing's been done on synthetic stupidity
Smart may be good, but dumb gullibility
Will grow without limit and tend to infinity
Clever and cunning is not very hard
But it takes a brainbox to program a dullard
So why not SS instead of AI?
Well witless behaviour's in no short supply

Written by Riya Melvin
Categories: fashion, funny, missing, satire, science, technology, teen,

Upside Down World It Is

Am I wrong,
Or has the world went upside down.
What happened to all? I wonder.

While I said "hello" to my bestie,
He replied "hi" through messenger.
What happened to him? I wonder

I asked my brother to go for an evening stroll,
I will accompany you on my cycle was his answer.
What happened to him? I wonder.

While I told my old colleague "I wanna catch up with you",
We will have a video chat session was his reply.
What happened to him? I wonder.

Is it me or is it the world around me
Has the world went upside down
Or it might be me, thinking downside up.


Written by Earl Schumacker
Categories: adventure, celebrity, humorous, image, political, relationship, technology,

Bill and Monica - Limerick

Bill And Monica - Limerick

There once was a girl called Monica
Bill played her like a harmonica
Placed cigars in her rear 
News said that was *****
Both caught on surveillance electronica

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: humorous, technology,

This Bunny Can Bang All Night For Anil Deo

Poor Energiser bunny was slow For his battery charge had gone low He relaxed on a barge Got a solar recharge Now he’s able to drum a solo thanks to Anil for the Inspiration and to my hubby for helping with the title and line 4 04~14~17

Written by Dale Gregory Cozart
Categories: computer, humor, technology,

Technologically Challenged

what is a server
i use white-out on the screen
with ev'ry typo

Written by Robert L. Hinshaw
Categories: humorous, technology,

Tv Remote Control

The dude who invented the remote control certainly was a genius!

   I can surf the TV from the comfort of my Lazy-Boy - 'tis so ingenious!

      But even with this technological marvel I still have a complaint.

         Why is it that the illusive remote is usually where I ain't?

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired

Written by Rudolph Rinaldi
Categories: abuse, computer, funny, health, love, social, technology,

On the Fancy Package It Came In

on the fancy package 
it came in
it did not say
that smoking this 
might  be bad for your health --

in a dark corner of the room
I lit up my iPhone
smoked it 
and felt

Written by Bill Lindsay
Categories: computer, funny, technology,

Computers Are Annoying

half way 
through down-
loading an update 
for iTunes, when I was 
interrupted by a pop-up 
window asking me if I wanted to 
download an even newer version of iTunes …

Written by Shanity Rain
Categories: beauty, birth, celebration, creation, culture, fish, future, god, history, humor, image, imagination, immigration, inspirational, life, magic, miracle, mystery, mythology, natural disasters, nature, night, nostalgia, ocean, old, science, sea, technology, voyage,

New Aquatic Species

Science in all fascination has discovered a species aquatic 

  Theorizing this new yet old species remained hidden as Merman  

  only to live in secret at the oceans floor the mermaid a tribe indigenous 

  once said to be myth yet all proof and technology film does not lie 

  Tsunamis has given the ocean a true glance of the man with webbed hands

  The species communes with dolphins will be under a microscope to analyze  ?

    " The World is not ready to see what I have "  Jacques Cousteau ~

         to be entered in The Science contest ~

Written by Rudolph Rinaldi
Categories: fun, funny, funny love, humor, humorous, technology,

Phone Sex

I am lying in bed
With my lady 
Ready to voyage
to hades

when she whips out
an  iPhone
named Teddy
sometimes Freddy 
once Eddie

she texting and tweeting  
her friends on line
or reading  
romance novels and 
books on how and where to dine 

she ignore me
that’s fine
me biding my time
waiting patiently  for  sex
between the  texts

Written by Dylan Jacobs
Categories: career, computer, culture, humorous, internet, society, technology,

Todays Modern Lawyer

Hidden behind one of a billion screens 
Sits todays modern lawyer
Lines of code query through the possibilities 
Finding the best-fit affair

His personal attachment to the case 
Minimal, yet filled with burning passion 
His native tongue
Aggressive vulgarity
The overwhelming platform of communal ignorance 
Reinforces his arrogance

Todays modern lawyer radiates omnipotence through words
His persuasion isn’t in a courtroom 
Nor is it on a piece of paper

It echoes through the minds of the mindless
The minds of todays modern lawyer

Written by Rudolph Rinaldi
Categories: for her, friendship, funny, joy, life, self, technology,

Dear Old Boys -


I wanted to make smart boy toys
but instead made several smart joy toys
and tried them out 
in different colors and sizes

for me and my friends
electrified them
and gave them a brain
they can also be warmed up in a warm box
or cooled in an ice cold box 

kept one for myself
and gave some to my girlfriends 

And now
we don’t need old boys 
no more 
to find joy or jobs
or the meaning of life
since we now have and self control

called mine iTOYBOY for year-round iJOY and iJOBS
still COMES in different colors and sizes
Lovvvvvve Joy

Written by Julie Grenness
Categories: allusion, car, humor, men, technology,



Car insurance policies,
Snafu in technology,
Male methodology,
Some men are fun and comical,
Some are not so logical,
So-called men and their vehicles,
If they've got tyres and testicles!!!!!!

Written by Mark Toney
Categories: conflict, film, humorous, music, poetry, technology, universe,

Six-Word Couplet Series -August 2018

Near Earth Objects
NASA watches sky
Asteroids whiz by

It's About Time
`Crazy Rich Asians'
Exceeding all expectations

Chasing Unicorns
Unicorn float stuck
Unicorn startups' luck

Truth Isn't Truth
"Truth isn't truth"
Message for youth?

Culinary Robotics
Creator robot burger
Fad or future?

Oui Oui No No
Public urinals conceived
Paris residents peeved

Take It To The Limit
Eagles Greatest Hits
Most platinum certificates

Written by Jack Ellison
Categories: humorous, prayer, technology,

12 O'Clock 12 O'Clock 12 O'Clock

12 o'clock... 12 o'clock... 12 o'clock! How do you set this damn clock Thought of bashing it to bits with a hammer To get the damn flashing to stop Always assumed I was quite intelligent But technology has me bamboozled Tried reading the manual but that didn't work To comprehend, from my brain came refusal My smart *** ten year old nephew happened by "Not a problem dear uncle, I'll fix it" Two minutes later, the damn flashing stopped Felt dorkish and kind of a twit My fervent prayer which I possess without malice Is for technology to bury this young geek In a deluge of bits and bytes and firewalls Till he no longer can get a good night's sleep! © Jack Ellison 2012

Written by Timothy Hicks
Categories: bereavement, humorous, technology,

Scientific Mastery

How convenient it is too see
thanks to Thomas Edison's scientific mastery.
What do you suppose he would think of us,
visiting some place like Las Vegas?

Written by Rudolph Rinaldi
Categories: fun, funny, love, technology,

Re-Cycle Me

When its thought
To be
All over 
Put me through a cross
Cut shredder 
And store me 
In a cardboard shoe box

When the technology is right 
Re-cycle me 
As a vanilla ice cream pop
With a dark chocolate cover
To be eaten 
And loved 
Just one more time