Humorous and funny Sunshine poems and/or funny poems about Sunshine. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Sunshine funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Sunshine Poems.
Poem Details | by
Doris Culverhouse |
funny, holiday
Make us some sunshine for Christmas Santa
It's mighty gloomy here, grey clouds over head
Put the color back into the day and moon light in the night
Bring me a tender heart and may kind words overflow
Santa you can bring it, bring it like no other
Call on the heavens to roll back the clouds
Warm my muscles and calm the aches
I won't ask for nothin' else Santa
Just put a warm glow in the sky!
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
beautiful, change, cheer up, confidence, cool, courage, cute love, deep, destiny, emotions, environment, fantasy, fear, feelings, first love, for her, funny love, happiness, happy, how i feel, humanity, hyperbole, i am, i love you, inspiration, journey, joy, life, lost love, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, ocean, paradise, philosophy, pride, romance, romantic, senses, smile, spring, sunshine, travel, uplifting, wind,
imagine the rainbow being
the dark tunnel
you've been stuck in for years
the lighthouse on the horizon,
the beam
that gets brighter as it nears
get soaked in the rain,
feel the sun in your heart,
let go of all your fears.
Poem Details | by
Edward Mccormick |
animal, boyfriend, funny, girlfriend, spring, summer,
a kiss of sunshine
pouty crimson horizon
Poem Details | by
Rev. Rebecca Guile Hudson |
allegory, fantasy, children, friendship, funny, happiness, imagination, life, mystery, nature, passion, places, sea, seasons, space, visionary
The clouds shook
A thick, black, very wet blanket out
In the Southeastern quadrant
Of the New Mexico firmament,
Complete with lightning
And growling, crackling,
Massive basso-profundo sound effects,
Inviting the sun to rest,
Take a load off,
Abrasively radiant,
Helios glared a brilliant, heated, passionate,
Steamy smile
Into the arid monsoon skies
And refused Storm’s invitation
To lie down and go to bed
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
butterfly, humorous, insect, summer, sunshine, weather,
Anacreontic Verse
Busy buzzing bees
and beautiful
sip nectar
from pretty flowers
in my garden.
Colourful pansies,
scented sweet peas,
pink begonias
and red carnations
brighten the borders.
I sit in the sun
enjoying the warmth
and beauty
that surrounds me.
Summertime -
I just adore
this season
of the year
albeit only
for the few
warm sunny
rain free days
that we get
on my tiny isle
in the UK!
Anacreontic Verse 4 Contest Sponsored by Edward Ebbs
Poem Details | by
Katherine Stella |
adventure, childhood, food, children, funny, happiness, health, imagination, inspirational, life, people, seasons, uplifting, visionary,
< covered chocolate
bursting ...... cherry implosions
over pallets tongue
a bit of sunshine
waiting for the right peeler ....
orange ya glad its you
Poem Details | by
Jslambert Mister Roboto |
computer-internet, depression, devotion, funny, happiness, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, nature, on work and working, peace, people, seasons, uplifting, work
Contractual agreements with publisher caused DELETION
JS Lambert
Poem Details | by
Mary Rotman |
bird, depression, humorous, nature, spring, sunshine,
Spring keeps trying to get in
even tho’
I nailed the window shut
and sewed the curtains closed.
Lemon sunlight seeks the cracks;
bird song rattles the panes.
Rain hums an invitation
to come watch it reach into the earth
and draw forth the green grass.
Make it go away.
Poem Details | by
Viv Wigley |
humor, sunshine,
Today's been so hot, skin's gone red
slept naked on top of the bed,
angry girl at the store
said “don't come back no more”
next time I'll cool off at home instead !
Poem Details | by
Anna Hopper |
funny, mental illness,
I recently heard something that caught my attention
Whether it's true or not, it was worth the mention
Now I can't quote it word for word
But this is my story and what I heard
To be a writer, you must be mad
Grew up with no dad
Unexplainably sad
Your life, a mess, just downright bad
This would explain the success you've had
I won't protest
It would be hypocritical
I must confess
I'm compulsively cynical
My head isn't filled with sunshine and daisies
I might just be, one of the crazies
Poem Details | by
Bill Baker |
funny, games, high school, humor, imagery, race, sunshine,
When short and running a cross country race
The short guys know when to pick up the pace
Just as we start up the hills
For we know they’ll be some spills
Odds say the tall men may fall on their face
Poem Details | by
Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
funny, imagination
A pair of pears,stare up the stairs
Watching hair, grow on the hare
The city Mayor rides on his mare
But stops to pay his fair, fare
I see the fleas; into the sea flee
Leaving much to the Imagination
Poem Details | by
Whit Deschner |
animal, earth, humor, humorous, nonsense, rain, sunshine,
A giraffe’s head is so high it
Lets him eat clouds for a diet
But in skies where there are few clouds
Cloud eating is not allowed
Science has shown there’s little doubt
That eating clouds causes drought
But the giraffe just eats and laughs and laughs
Because that’s the modality of giraffes
Eating clouds is a must
Cirrus, Stratus, and Cumulus
And so, he eats the clouds he needs
Carefully spitting out the seeds
Poem Details | by
Rudolph Rinaldi |
abuse, dark, funny, future, political, sunshine,
Poem Details | by
Courtney Hubbert |
fun, funny, humor, humorous, silly, simple, sunshine,
There once was a snowman named Ray
Who dreamed of a tropical bay
He packed his sunscreen
And flew to the scene
But melted as soon as he lay
*I wrote this poem on January 19, 2024, as part of a ’30 days of poetry’ January challenge. This was day 19 and the prompt was: Can you write a funny limerick about a snowman who wants to go on holiday?
Poem Details | by
Randy Freie |
beach, body, humorous, july, sunshine,
Beneath the hot Summer sun,
Bathed in pools of sweat.
Cooking of my skin begun,
And it wasn't noon yet.
I felt my forehead fry,
And my whole body quiver.
In the heat of July,
It was baking my liver.
I hoped for a cloud,
And prayed for a drizzle.
I even shouted out loud,
But it continued to sizzle.
After two to three hours,
Had to rethink my plan.
Crusty by blistering powers,
Was no way to tan.
Poem Details | by
Regina Mcintosh |
children, fairy, fantasy, fun, giggle, nursery rhyme, sunshine,
Pixie resting in the sun
All the wonder of morning’s warm.
Listen to her voice, so soft and fun,
Sweet giggles fade with the storm.
Pixie nods, speaks of peace so still.
Remembered words from poems spun,
Gentle petals from the flowers spill.
Dragonfly tells what she’s done.
Poem Details | by
Michelle Smith |
clothes, cute, funny, how i feel, silly, sun, sunshine,
Just clicked on an ad here --on the side-- for the cutest "sun hat!" :)
But it had no brim, and since I'm not bald-- what's the point in that?
Poem Details | by
Anais Vionet |
fun, humor, sunshine, teen,
Let’s pretend Sundays last forever
and spend hours drowsing in the sun.
Let stress slowly fade, like a passing parade
and our cares will seem light as feathers.
I hear clouds still collage on blue canvas,
and deciduous leaves turned bright colors
we’ll picnic, we’ll laugh, and lay in the grass
and this Sunday will outshine all the others.
Poem Details | by
Hamzah Ali James |
dream, earth, environment, humorous, imagery, imagination, sunshine,
Looking at the sun's brilliance
My eyes wonder the magnificent white light
An ocean or a blue sky.
Poem Details | by
Millard Lowe |
conflict, hilarious, imagery, nature, rain, sunshine, winter,
In bright shining sun,
cold winds blow, hale-like rain falls;
winter's paradox:-