Funny Poems About Soup or Soup Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Soup poems and/or funny poems about Soup. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Soup funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Soup Poems.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: friendship, humorous, me, poetry, thanks, tribute,

The Queen of Poop On Poetry Soup

I post my poems on poetry soup About farting and guys with brewer’s droop I’ve been given a crown And I won’t let Flo down Be assured I’ll keep on posting my poop! Posted in conjunction with my blog about my amazing gifts from F J Thomas 25th January 2017

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: angst, feelings, humorous,

- the Soup Cuckoo -

Jealousy is not the fear of losing
but the feeling that our position is threatened
As wet sand between your toes, unwanted

Sometimes jealousy turns into obsession
There are many wars, love your enemies ... never
We fight for love as a tender and small sparrow
Bitter taste, there is a fly in the soup

- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
  Copyright © All Rights Reserved


Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, me, poetry,

Soup Poop

I once knew a poet named Jan She writes when sitting on the can Some people here at soup Think her poems are poop Not everyone is a Jan fan! Contest: Sensitive Community Sponsor Skat (but a PD contest) 02~24~16

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: humor,

Soup Poop

A poet posted a verse on Soup
Receiving praise from those in the loop
But Vegemite spread
To Cunningham's dread
So Jan reported the latest poop

Poem Details | by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: food, funny,

Soup Addict

I just can't believe it
I'm addicted to soup
I can't put the spoon down
I continue to scoop

So many flavours
I can't get enough
It's like there's heroin
They put in this stuff

Sure I can quit
Any time I want
But wait a minute
Look at that font

A few more minutes
Perhaps an hour or two
Good thing I kept reading
I got introduced to you

Poem Details | by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: humorous,

Loss Soup

You have written with your heart
And shared it with, those worlds apart
Bared your soul in every verse
For us, a blessing, for you a curse
With pain you struggled to be heard
As we skimmed through every other word
Perhaps it's just not your time
For you to share what's on your mind
One day all poets get their due
I'm quiet sure, that so shall you
If not by contest winning Soup
Jan might share with you some poop

It always makes me feel like a winner ! Hi Jan lol

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: humor,

Soup Creek Sneak

Disaster fell upon Soup Creek
When everyone heard Jenna shriek,
"Tom's Marmite was taken!
He'll have to eat bacon
Unless we all play Hide 'n Seek!"

Poem Details | by Wren Rushing |
Categories: animal, food, humor,

Shark In the Soup

In my soup I could have sworn I saw a shark.
Swimming in roux that was rather dark.
But to my relief,
the fin a bay leaf.
Now I wear glasses before each meal I start.


Poem Details | by Damien Knight |
Categories: funny,

Hello To the Soup

Hello to the Soup

My name is Damien and I start my journey in the soup
I create words that riddle, rhyme, twist and loop.

Some folk say my name means The Evil One,
However for the record No I'm not The Prodigal Son.

I am just your normal everyday average savage,
My pen to the paper I methodically ravage.

I came here to say hello and wish you all well,
Before my wicked words cast their spell.

Hello everyone thank you for reading!

Damien Knight 02/20/16

Poem Details | by Tirzah Conway |
Categories: animals, funny

Turtle Soup

I love to slurp up turtle soup
It always makes me want to whoop

Soft-shelled turtle or red snapper
Cut up and stripped of their protective wrapper

Like a thick gravy with turtley parts,
Little beady eyes and turtley hearts;

Chopped up into turtle stew,
Come on people try something new.

~For P.D.'s Turtle Soup contest~

Poem Details | by I Am Anaya |
Categories: humor,

Soup Creeks Anaya's Steaks

Don’t be buffaloed it’s not Pancho Villa he’s dead
Just have’n a fling before what lies ahead
I respect Soup Creek and its laws
Although some have their flaws
There are no guns allowed where I am headed

Anaya’s Steak House, sure like the ring to that
A place of my own, where I’m no one’s door mat
On my way to the bordello
And then soon the rodeo
Mis campanero’s, I’m bringing my charro hat!

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 4th grade, 5th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, funny, humorous,

Eyelash Soup

Eyelash soup
Get it while you can
It tickles all the way down
It makes you want to move and shout
When you eat two bowls 
You get a wild urge to clean
Everything you have never cleaned before
You will move your oven out 
Because that is what eyelash soup does for you
Hello, sir, how many bowls do you want?
Get it while it’s hot
It is not every day we make it
Difficult to get eyelashes you know
Eyelash soup
Get it while you can
For your mother and your wife?
What about you, sir?
What about a bowl for you?
Okay, sir, but let me tell you,
It puts a zing in your step that 
was never there before.
Six bowls? Sure! 
To go or will you be dining in?

Poem Details | by Tom Bell |
Categories: confusion, food, funny, parody,

Waiter, There's a Fly In My Soup!!!

Fly in the ointment,
I've heard said,
Flies will use you for
food, when you're dead
But a fly in the soup?
Which one of you??
How'd you get in somehow?
What did you do?

These rhetorical questions,
do not require answer,
But one thing does, for sure....
Just how did a zipper get in
my chicken noodle?
This question I do implore

My lips are torn,
my faith in Campbell's shot,
this is one thing,
to predict, I had a chance not

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: funny,

Fly In His Soup

Clyde found a fly floundering in his soup

   This discovery threw him for a loop

      He summoned the maitre d'

         And that pompous ***, said he

           "Don't worry! He'll die if he eats that goop!"

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Kp Nunez |
Categories: friendship, humor, poets, truth, wisdom,

Reflections Over a Cup of Soup

These three things I have learned today,
no, not just one or two;
The lessons here I have to say
came while I Souped with you.

Real friendship gained has great value
there’s pleasure in it too;
though I expect not all of you
would want my friendship, true?

Another thing I’ve learned is that
when in doubt learn to ask -
‘Tis better to have known the fact
than make a big faux pas.

And still there’s that third lesson here:
Though one thinks he has class,
Soupers will know if not sincere
and be after his a$$.

*To all Soupers, this is not a slam, just having a blast with the gang!

21 February 2015

Poem Details | by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, drink, friendship, humor, humorous, insect, parody,

A Minnow In My Soup

Waiter waiter!

	but monsieur
	you ordered a minnow soup, n'est pas?

Waiter waiter
Not one swimming 
around in my soup
a brown minnow full of brown poop

I don't want minnow poop
in the soup

why look, its a bald beady eyed minnow
waiter! I swear this minnow is drunk

	ah Monsieur, we give all our minnows wine
	before death

Waiter now I know why Greeks
throw dishes at walls

I swear than damn minnow tried to write
a poem, what gaul!

Plato must be going mad
in his grave

	 Monsieur , can we offer you some Coock & Hen whiskey
	to drown out this bad taste?

No comment

Poem Details | by Anya Chebukina |
Categories: food, children, funny, life, giggle,

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle soup On a cold and winter day makes you feel all warm inside And ready to face today You slurp the noodles and you smile at its tastiness You drink the broth and giggle a little Its Chicken Noodle Soup So slurp away.

Poem Details | by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: allusion, funny, humor, muse, nonsense, satire, silly,

Leaking Soup

Someone leaked this poem
I thought I hid it well
I didn't post on the net
and there's no one I would tell

Perhaps it's North Korea
heard they're hacking everyone
or that group they call the Lizards
just out to have some fun

Now all the time I spent 
to write it, gone to waste
All millions have to do now
is simply cut and paste

I'm sure by now, around the world
everyone has downloaded
and my pop-u-lar-i-ty
on the web, exploded

But I still have some little gems
of which I'll never let them peek
unless of course, I find the source
of how my poems leak

Poem Details | by Jackson Labaugh |
Categories: beautiful, hate, humor, metaphor, political, sweet, world war i,

Haiku For Alphabet Soup

My alphabet soup,
it is getting very cold,
my microwave broke.

Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: funny, tribute,

Kim On Poetry Soup

A clever cookie and a good looky,
But certainly not a poetry rooky,
She always enjoys writing some,
Then stretching out in the Philippine sun,
Let's hope she never plays hooky.

Poem Details | by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: art, food, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, husband, life, love, on writing and words, people, places, romance, social, wedding, wife,

Soup Spoonin'

Online tonite
looks like 
a whole lotta' spoonin'
goin' on in the "Soup"

nosin' around the comment coral
I see love 
amongst the group

hot Soup!
not shaken
marriage scent in the air
no fakin'

where it leads...
we shall see
I know some 
are dippin' crackers in the "Soup"
but Lawd' knows 

Poem Details | by Katherine Stella |
Categories: friendship, funny, imagination, inspirational, people, places, visionary,

Poetry Soup {cinquain}

                                                   appetite dish
                                            limerick cinquain freeverse
                                        mind challenging boggling fun

Tribute To All 
At  The Soup

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: food, funny

Mock Turtle Soup

Did you happen to see old Sam?
He's my poor turtle on the lam

It  happened he was told
That his body had been sold

To a restaurant in the city
Where the cook had little pity

On the stove he put the pot
And the veggies that he got

But he had no turtle meat
So decided he would cheat

Chicken tastes about the same
Or so the turtles always claim

So his turtle soup became a mock
Cause he made it with chicken stock


For the Turtle Soup Contest

Poem Details | by Iolanda Scripca |
Categories: animals, fantasy, funny

Nuisance Soup

I bought the "hugest" pot I found
It's very tall, extremely round

I had enough with four teenagers
Killers of eardrums and Pizza beggars

I Googled  recipes for "Turtle Soup"
I dreamed of flavors, carrots and this "group"

Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Rafael
Mutants in green - they jumped and almost fell

When coming in my kitchen they all at once in awe
"Mutant Ninja Turtle - The Gourmet Recipe" they saw


So now I  quietly  enjoy my veggie soup
A slice of pizza and an ice-cream scoop...

For Destroyer(Poet's contest: Turtle Soup

Poem Details | by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: art, funny, hope, imagination, on writing and words, places, uplifting, work,

The Soup Hall of Fame

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