Funny Poems About Singing or Singing Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Singing poems and/or funny poems about Singing. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Singing funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Singing Poems.

Poem Details | by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: animal, bird, farm, funny, music, silly, song,

Chicken Singing Turkey In the Straw

Buck buck buh-buck-buck
Buck buck buh-buck
Buck buck, buck buck, buck buck buck
Bucka buck bucka bucka buck
A'buck buck buck.

Buh-KAW k'buck buck
Buh-KAW k'buck
Buh-KAW k'buck buck
Buh-KAW k'buck
Buck buck buck buck
Buck buck buck
Bucka buck bucka bucka buck
A'buck buck buck.

Poem Details | by David Sollis |
Categories: fun, funny, humor, humorous, song,

Singing In the Shower

I’d love to sing proud and sing loud
But I’m embarrassed I might draw a crowd
So in public I’m dour
Though I sing in the shower
It’s the only time singing loud is allowed

Posted on my blog with an illustration - which you can see here-

Poem Details | by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: funny

Angel Singing

Is it an angel that I hear singing?
Or is it tinnitus in my ears ringing?
The voice is so high
Its making me cry
It’s my underwear, it's tight and wringing

Poem Details | by Poet. Undertaker |
Categories: humor, drug,

Singing Fool

Once there was a man called Jacob Pool.
Nightingale singing in the distance is Pool.
Sing all babes to sleep by night.
Drug to all depressed hearts.might!
bloody what a great sense from this fool!

Poem Details | by Eve Roper |
Categories: allusion, funny, sick, song,

Dressed In Pink Singing a Song of Harmony

singing a song of harmony
cheerfully sung eternally
covered in pink so perfectly
my silly   desire of tenacity

cheerfully sung eternally
from just drinking herbal tea
my silly   desire of tenacity
pink is all I wore for certainty
from just drinking herbal tea
rushed to the  emergency
pink is all I wore for certainty
embarrassed I’ll be for  eternity

rushed to the  emergency
covered in pink so perfectly
embarrassed  I’ll be for  eternity 
singing a song of harmony

A Monorhyme and Pantoum form with no perfect meter

Poem Details | by Peter Lewis Holmes |
Categories: humor, lust,

Singing In the Hay

there was a young lady from Trang,
renowned for her sexual slang, 
in heat of the moment, 
sang loud in the foment
oh darling I'm so glad you sprang!

Poem Details | by Justin Abdool |
Categories: funny, humorous,

The Singing Brat

There once was a boy named Meir
Who sung at home by the fire

His dad went insane
And yelled with disdain

"Why don't you go join a choir!"

Poem Details | by Gayle Rodd |
Categories: humor,

Singing In the Shower

I've got no choice
I've lost my voice
My vocal chords lack power
So rest sweet neighbor
'Tis but a favor
I shant sing in the shower

Bite sized poem #39 contest

Poem Details | by Elizabeth Kinch |
Categories: funny, happy, song,


Today I feel like singing
At the top of my voice,
Singing up loud and clear
Songs of rejoice.
Happy songs, cheerful songs,
The ones that make you dance.
Loud songs, quiet ones
And songs of romance.

I'm really NOT a singer
But I do like to perform.
To sing and open up my lungs
Makes me feel reborn.
There is only one problem
That causes me heartbreak,
My family all shout at me
That they've got a headache!

16th March 2017

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: humorous, , cute,

Slick Singing Sally

Slick Singing Sally

She was called slick singing Sally
In a big rally down in the valley
Where she swiftly started to sing
And she gave it her everything.

You ought to hear her voice vibrate
Was so great we could hardly wait
She sure seemed so tall and thin
We wanted her to come back again.

Her eyes with mine would entwine
She was not Sally but Patsy Cline
Every time she sang her number
Said she was quite a cute cucumber.

Guess what next thing we planned
Was being in Grand Old Opera land
And said that she'd do some teaching
So we would stop all our screeching.

James Thomas Horn, Retired Veteran

Poem Details | by Curtis Johnson |
Categories: funny,

Singing and Stealing

She said somebody staged sordid shows.
Sometimes, simple souls sold solo songs.
Seems sad sounds saturated seven solid scenes.
Silly sad singers sat, singing silently since Saturday.
Sunday snow suddenly stalled; stood stunningly still.
Stoics stopped strangers shipping stolen steaks.
Sandwiches, soups, spaghetti; slowly surfaced.                                                                                           
Smooth-faced soft-hearted soldiers showed.
Solid, strong, speedy, spirited, slow speech.

062822PSCtest, Begin with A Letter, Angela Tune
The Letter 'S'

Poem Details | by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: funny, sadwoman, love,

Singing the Blues

Have you ever, met a woman before?
Yes have you ever, loved a woman before? 
You wake up and see her, and run out the door

That’s my woman, that’s my strife, that’s my wife

I met my woman in a pub
Yes, met my woman in a pub
Only woman kicked out the ugly club

That’s my woman, that’s my strife, that’s my wife

She’s never been kissed by a boy
Yes never been kissed by a boy
You’ll feel compassion for her abused sex toy

That’s my woman, that’s my strife, that’s my wife

That’s my woman, that’s my strife, that’s my wife
You know marrying her has ruined my life
But I love her, I love her so

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humorous, religion,

Singing the Blues

From his pulpit the parson railed 'gainst booze

   For some in his pews this wasn't good news

      For so many, you see

         Bootlegged on the qui vive

            They all harmonized in singing the blues

Poem Details | by Gerald Dillenbeck |
Categories: culture, health, humanity, humor, integrity, society, song,

Singing Circles

We meet within and without Earth
in singing circles

Round songs
proposing this day's square cubed marches
in 4/4
not not spatial seasoned time
within and without
singing interdependently ratioed ZeroSoul circles

Webs between life's right conservative feeling
without emotional intelligent walls
against left's liberal loving win/win boundaried thoughts

Singing ZeroCircles
meeting within cellular walls
without Earth-bound webs
of interdependently woven information
exforming previously well-sung re-creational circles.