Humorous and funny High School poems and/or funny poems about High School. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious High School funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other High School Poems.
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
fun, funny, sad, school,
He's the class clown, full of hijinks and pranks,
Puts tacks on your seat, swallows fish from the tank.
He's full of you-know-what and vinegar, energy galore,
Will he act goofy today? -- Does a hungry lion roar?...
...Back at home, he trudges slowly through the side door,
A frown and fret on his heart, like a festering sore,
His mind a dark cavern, not a thing to live for.
He takes off his mask, the transition's complete,
'Cuz you can't be a clown when life's got you beat.
Poem Details | by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
animal, bird, humor, nature, school, tree, work,
Have you heard
about the bird
Who built a nest
with zeal and zest?
With zeal and zest
with string and straw
It was the best nest
you ever saw.
She took her time
and smoothed out the creases
Then out jumped a chipmunk
who tore it to pieces.
Poem Details | by
Annika Johnson |
child, childhood, family, humorous, sympathy, teacher, child, school, child, school,
Why does a child have to go to school?
Why do we have to spend so much time working?
This seems simply cruel.
Isn't it just irking?
Some people say school is important for learning
Couldn't a child learn on their own?
It would cause much less yearning,
After all, we can learn from our phones.
I can somewhat see a parents point in sending their child to school.
But why would you choose what we wear?
It just allows us to look like fools,
We may as well come to school bear.
As you can see school is not fair,
So please don’t force us to go if you care.
Poem Details | by
Sandra Haight |
humorous, school, science,
Son's science quest,
insect nest finds;
school's best project.
Saves in his room.
Wakes to doom when
with gloom, he cries.
Hundreds now crawl.
Every wall sports
hatched small mantes.
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
8th grade, endurance, feelings, funny, humorous, school, teacher,
Know you are the absolute best,
The new kid has given a test.
You stayed calm cool, and collected,
So completely unaffected,
His childish behavior a test
We are watching you here at the school
Your resistance makes some of us drool.
He is almost on our last nerve,
Taking some around the last curve,
Yet, your calmness surrounds like a pool.
We implore you to please teach us your way,
It seems he is here and going to stay,
I think it is totally true,
Because his mother is new too,
His mother, superintendent, Miss Kay.
Poem Details | by
Michael Tor |
humorous, school,
"School of hard knocks"
Michael Tor 9/12/2015
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
humor, imagination, jobs, life, night, school, summer,
Alphabet learned
Before school
Counting too
Doing homework
Jump rope
Kicked and
Night dreams
On to
Queen crowned
Rest some
Summer is here
Visit jobs
Working now
X-raying bones
Ya-hoo I made it
Zoom through life.
Date Written:5/20/022
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
animal, death, dream, humor, school, teen, youth,
Up early and off to school I must go
Full of pep and not too slow,
That was then when I was young
This is now a new age I have begun,
How I hate them as I climb out of bed
Early mornings are for the dead,
Unreasonable I must seem
Unyieldingly demanding where is my coffee cream,
But I did love them bed and pillow
Seems so long ago I dreamed of an armadillo,
Now they‘re ruthless dreams
I just can’t do them with ice cream,
I’m now past my prime teens.
8-23-2019 "for contest COLLABORATION sponsored by Line Gauthier"
Poem Details | by
Mariam Traore |
age, funny, homework, humor, school,
Homework oh' homework
All kids say it stinks,
They say they wont do it,
but that it would disappear once they blink,
They say who invented it;
and who brung it forth,
They say they wish teachers would stop giving it,
And all though I agree
Homework is a good thing,
It will help you, you'll see
It will help tomorrow, today,
and years later
It will help you be smarter
it'll help you participate
So don't say that you hate it
All though you clearly do, because
you know that you need it
Don't you?
Poem Details | by
Cindi Rockwell |
funny, humorous, math, school, student, word play,
They try to give math a happier spin
"How many times can this number go in?"
As if you are part of some numerical clique
Because you can find a square root extra quick.
It's always "add up," time's up," "divide up,"
That keeps me looking down, counting down, feeling . . . yup.
I can't find the angle for a celebration
When numbers and math are in the equation!!!
Poem Details | by
Zamreen Zarook |
age, angel, beautiful, beauty, body, boyfriend, celebration, celebrity, change, character, creation, desire, emotions, children, friendship, girl, girlfriend, hero, humorous, i love you, image, life, memorial day, memory, middle school, relationship, romantic, school, society, student, teen, teenage, truth, wisdom, woman, women, words, world, youth,
Fake Words – Zamreen Zarook
God have given us mouth,
Not to speak to north and south,
Tongue is given under an oath,
So it’s our duty to protect them both.
Girls chat fake with boys,
Having a notion that the boys are toys,
They often make varied noise,
Thinking to keep a trap on handsome guys.
Boys are also human being,
So it’s not possible being clean,
Things varies in the way they are seen,
So positive thinking will make you keen.
Boys’ minds are pure,
As it is pure bio,
So don’t try to pour vino,
Which will take decades to get cure.
Poem Details | by
J.W. Earnings |
anger, childhood, class, confusion, crazy, dedication, children, kids, funny, growing up, growth, high school, how i feel, innocence, inspiration, life, middle school, people, rights, school, social, stress, student, teacher, teen, teenage, time, today, truth, words, writing, youth,
Numbers on
White board…names written hori-
Students ask
To go pee…right when class starts –
THAT’S just wrong…
Bathroom line
Of students who have bladder
Problems – WOW!
People are
Not using lunchtime to do
Their business
No one knows
When to do their duties – SER-
Poem Details | by
Tom Bell |
education, funny, school,
yeah, and i came out the same way....
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
beautiful, cheer up, computer, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, encouraging, fantasy, feelings, funny, future, humorous, i love you, love, love hurts, math, meaningful, metaphor, miss you, mystery, passion, relationship, romance, romantic, sad love, school, science, science fiction, silly, social, sweet, teacher, together, true love, truth, uplifting, visionary, word play,
One is love,
Zero is everything else.
Poem Details | by
Khalil Franklin |
black african american, child, childhood, children, food, children, funny, metaphor, middle school, social,
"Oodles of Joy"
In the morning of everyday i
I make a food that's really
Crunch'em, rip'em, and pour'em out
As saliva pools form in my
Put it in the mic for just about
Impatiently watching those
beautiful noodles waiting for
When the time Is up
I Pop it open and take them out
And start shoving "Oodle's of
Noodles" into my mouth.
Khalil Wali
Poem Details | by
Carolyn Devonshire |
funny, high school, sports,
Each child has talents and Dee always loved to skate
One night at the lake she was called up to the plate
The high school hockey team was “slip-sliding away”*
So call her a chauvinist; Dee wanted to play
But when the coach recruited her for the team
One boy offered a bottle of shaving cream
They couldn’t skate backward; Dee sure showed them how
Stealing their puck, she curtsied, and took a bow
Take it from Dee, men don’t like to be upstaged
By her free-flowing glide the boys were outraged
When it came time for the school’s holiday dance
To find a date, this skater hadn’t a chance
Poem Details | by
Lindsay Ward |
best friend, character, friend, friendship, funny, middle school, teenage,
Who is she?
She is a seventh grader
Plays softball
Wears glasses
She lives and loves cheesecake
Chaddar cheese
Mac n' cheese
Who is she?
Poem Details | by
Peter Dome |
hair, humor, humorous, imagination, school,
The Nit nurse would come around once a month
To my primary school usually after lunch
We'd all queue up in a line
All the kids and friends of mine.
One by one the nurse would examine our hair
Once in a while the scruffier one's in the class
Were given a brown paper bag and letter for their mum
And told to run home fast.
You could say I was a bit slow
But it took me years before I got to know what was in that
Brown paper bag.
I never got one myself
My hair must have been in perfect health
But I don't know why but I'm suddenly beginning to itch
I swear and it's not just my hair
Do you feel itchy now too?
Peter Dome.Copyright.2015.May.
Poem Details | by
Richard Breese |
abuse, bullying, funny, giggle, high school, humor, humorous,
there was a teacher from crete
whose foot size was quite petite
well students did plot
and to school they brought
some shoes for oversized feet.
Poem Details | by
Bartholomew Williams |
books, education, funny, humorous, life, relationship, school,
A lazy student known as Burt,
To parents and teachers was curt.
With little knowledge,
Flunked out of college;
Played stock market and lost his shirt!
Poem Details | by
Thomas Martin |
cute love, funny, hyperbole, school,
I skate
with date
not ready
cling rail
would bail
my maid
would skate
leave rail
act male
fall down
I frown
but she
helps me
cling arm
no harm
we skate
up late
let go
oh no!
spill cup
helps up
red face
no race
to rail
still male
take home
not nome
high school
now fool
Poem Details | by
Timothy Hicks |
allusion, crush, cute love, kids, funny love, love, school,
What's this?
Pure bliss
NOTE: Hey everyone ... so I've been pretty busy these last few days, with packing, cleaning up, setting up yard-sales etc., so I'm gonna take a short break from posting and commenting ... but in the meantime feel free to enter my very first contest, March of the Footle. Curious to see how it goes ... happy writing!
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
growing up, humorous, school, , cute,
During my time at high school
I never once broke any rule
I was quiet and shy
Didn’t flirt with a guy
Even if I thought he was cool
I was never ever great at sport
Even though it was subject taught
I was so very short
That on the netball court
I couldn’t reach the hoop and scored naught!
At college I met a cute guy
Both of us were terribly shy
We went out to a gig
But he lit up a cig
I hate smoking - I wanted to cry!
Contest:- Let’s Hear it
Sponsor:- Judy Konos
Poem Details | by
J.W. Earnings |
angst, change, childhood, confusion, depression, fear, feelings, children, kids, funny, growing up, home, homework, humor, inspiration, lonely, me, miss you, moving on, nature, pain, poetry, school, self, sorrow, stress, teen, time, writing, youth,
Like sick allergies,
Boredom can be passed around
Like a horrid storm,
Boredom can catch you off guard
Hold on for DEAR LIFE!
Like the whooping cough,
Boredom can be serious
If I were you, I’d
Get a vaccination !
Poem Details | by
Barbara Dickenson |
9th grade, funny, girl, growing up, high school, youth,
Ode To A Gym Teacher
Amid brassiere and derrière
She strives to put her clothes on.
Her panties there, stockings here
The rest of it, she throws on.
At the mirror, shining bright
She struggles with her powder.
She holds her place with main and might
As others try to crowd her.
How can she dress so nimbly
In but five minutes of an hour?
The question’s answered simply:
She did not take a shower.
Barbara Dickenson
August 1966