Humorous and funny Romantic poems and/or funny poems about Romantic. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Romantic funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Romantic Poems.
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
beautiful, beauty, courage, cute love, dark, deep, depression, desire, destiny, devotion, dream, first love, funny love, grief, happiness, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, how i feel, i am, i love you, i miss you, innocence, irony, jealousy, lonely, longing, loss, lost, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, night, passion, psychological, romance, romantic, sad, sad love, silence, sky, sleep, solitude, sunset, true love,
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
lonely as ever
visible at night, useless by day?
in sync with its partner next door
for a quick kiss over a few flashes only
then arguing again and again
night in, night out.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
not signaling a warning to keep away
but sending a call for compassion?
using the dark pauses in between
to yell the same name
over and over and over
into the emptiness of each night.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
being your silent cry
only heard by your eternal love?
Poem Details | by
Edward Ibeh |
drug, humor, love, romantic,
Look in your eyes unveils a smoldering ember that could make Gibraltar crumble.
One in a million heart that magically kindles fire without matches. Nothing...
Ventured, nothing gained in this rewarding game of love; a four letter word that
Emanates such sweet ecstasy. And no, I don't mean the drug.
Universal Acrostic Collaboration Poetry Contest/Winner(1st Place)
Sponsored by: Steven Henderson
Date written: and posted 04/01/2016
Poem Details | by
Bill Baker |
friend, funny, heart, love, relationship, romance, romantic love,
looking for love, in all the wrong places
don’t just look at all the pretty faces
look at their heart, make sure they’re real
sometimes a friend is the best deal
quit trying so hard to round the bases
Poem Details | by
Bill Baker |
adventure, boy, crush, girl, humor, romantic, youth,
He showed up dressed in black leather
Dates aren’t meant to last forever
It wasn’t just fun
He was on the run
A hostage date was --quite clever
Poem Details | by
Clive Culverhouse |
fun, funny, humorous, love, nonsense, romance, romantic,
up from the east
rose the sun for a feast
with the moon who was still up at dawn
the two for a banquet
upon a tartan blanket
and ate pickled eggs on the lawn
so bright was the sun
at what had begun
with the moon who was desperately shy
the two sat for hours
enjoying the flowers
until it was time for goodbye
the sun did then go
after getting so low
but the moon had decided to stay
we’ll do it again
perhaps go on a train
to the beach for a lovely day
Poem Details | by
Zamreen Zarook |
age, angel, beautiful, beauty, body, boyfriend, celebration, celebrity, change, character, creation, desire, emotions, children, friendship, girl, girlfriend, hero, humorous, i love you, image, life, memorial day, memory, middle school, relationship, romantic, school, society, student, teen, teenage, truth, wisdom, woman, women, words, world, youth,
Fake Words – Zamreen Zarook
God have given us mouth,
Not to speak to north and south,
Tongue is given under an oath,
So it’s our duty to protect them both.
Girls chat fake with boys,
Having a notion that the boys are toys,
They often make varied noise,
Thinking to keep a trap on handsome guys.
Boys are also human being,
So it’s not possible being clean,
Things varies in the way they are seen,
So positive thinking will make you keen.
Boys’ minds are pure,
As it is pure bio,
So don’t try to pour vino,
Which will take decades to get cure.
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
beautiful, cheer up, computer, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, encouraging, fantasy, feelings, funny, future, humorous, i love you, love, love hurts, math, meaningful, metaphor, miss you, mystery, passion, relationship, romance, romantic, sad love, school, science, science fiction, silly, social, sweet, teacher, together, true love, truth, uplifting, visionary, word play,
One is love,
Zero is everything else.
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
beautiful, change, cheer up, confidence, cool, courage, cute love, deep, destiny, emotions, environment, fantasy, fear, feelings, first love, for her, funny love, happiness, happy, how i feel, humanity, hyperbole, i am, i love you, inspiration, journey, joy, life, lost love, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, ocean, paradise, philosophy, pride, romance, romantic, senses, smile, spring, sunshine, travel, uplifting, wind,
imagine the rainbow being
the dark tunnel
you've been stuck in for years
the lighthouse on the horizon,
the beam
that gets brighter as it nears
get soaked in the rain,
feel the sun in your heart,
let go of all your fears.
Poem Details | by
Ndaba Sibanda |
deep, friendship, humor, hyperbole, imagination, romantic, words,
Here goes...
she said
it loudly and
l`m a miss
and l miss
you inside out
I miss you like
bees really miss
their honey
water for my thirst
food for my hunger
scratch for my itch
want to take
to you like
duck to water
you draw me
to you like
moth to light
you are my cake
my cup of goodies
my hot ice-cream
at night my moon
daytime my sun
your love my light
take a seat
I sold that heater
for your heat
you bathe in milk
l bask in your presence
a sublime quench
what she did not
say is that we`re close
strangers on the net!
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
beautiful, cute love, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, encouraging, funny love, girlfriend, grief, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, how i feel, i love you, i miss you, innocence, kiss, love, love hurts, math, meaningful, miss you, missing, missing you, nice, passion, recovery from, romance, romantic, sad love, senses, sensual, symbolism, together, true love, voyage, wisdom, woman, word play,
Love is a four letter word
she whispered into his ear,
So is four, as is word
he whispered back into her fear,
Such is "you and I"
cried his heart - she could hear,
Their cheeks hugged, eyes kissed
each shedding a single tear.
Poem Details | by
Anthony Scandrick Ii |
angel, beautiful, beauty, caregiving, childhood, confusion, courage, dark, daughter, death, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, faith, fear, forgiveness, freedom, friendship, girlfriend, grief, happiness, hate, heaven, hope, humorous, imagination, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, love, miracle, passion, peace, relationship, romance, romantic, sorrow, sorry, stress, sympathy, uplifting, heart, hate, hate, heart,
When you're hurt inside,
And there's no where to hide,
And there's no one on your side,
And it's killing your pride,
Never take hate outside,
When your heart is chocking,
The heavy words never spoken,
The things that hurt you inside,
When love has died,
Never take hate outside,
When your heart is gone,
From being alone,
And it beats a solemn tone,
When you're cold inside,
It's only a short ride,
Never take hate outside
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
betrayal, boat, change, computer, confusion, cool, crazy, cute love, emotions, fantasy, funny, funny love, heart, heartbroken, hello, irony, light, loneliness, lonely, lost love, love, love hurts, parody, relationship, river, romantic, sad love, satire, soulmate, voyage, wisdom,
I had my heart put on auto-pilot,
set to navigate towards you;
the low-battery signal just came on,
I don't know what to do.
Poem Details | by
Kelly Deschler |
fantasy, horror, humor, romantic,
I have a favor to ask of you, Dr. Frankenstein
because this monster needs her mate
please give him strong arms to hold me with
gentle eyes that are electrifying to look into
tender lips with a kiss to die for
give him soft hair that I could run my fingers through
hands like Percy Shelley, so he could write poetry for me
feet like Fred Astaire, so he could sweep me off of mine
give him a sweet voice that could sing me to sleep
and of course, the most important part, a true and loving heart.
I know that no man is perfect, but this is as close as it gets.
Is this too much to ask?
Poem Details | by
Sam Ruby |
angst, art, beautiful, beauty, boyfriend, butterfly, caregiving, childhood, computer-internet, confusion, courage, cowboy-western, dance, dark, daughter, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, funny, girl, girlfriend, goodbye, growing up, happiness, humorous, inspirational, lost, lost love, nostalgia, peace, romance, romantic, sad, song, teen, time, uplifting, women, me, love, me,
Your love pricks me like a rose each thorn grows but no one knows Your so full of
it as it shows so carry on now go on, go. I'm fed up with the phony and i'm
through with the tears, you couldn't pay me all your money to make up for those
years. Someone help me I feel faint how could I think he was such a saint and
worst of all I let me fall into a spiral down below. A magic called love carried
by the dove of someone I use to know.
Poem Details | by
Anna-Marie Docherty |
anniversary, caregiving, christmas, devotion, family, freedom, girlfriend, growing up, holiday, home, hope, humorous, imagination, journey, life, love, marriage, people, relationship, romantic, satire, song, song-thanksgiving, uplifting,
On the 12th day of kiss-mass my true love sent to me
12 dirty undies
11 socks a stinking
10 shoes a humming
9 shirts for pressing
8 trousers
7 days of take-out boxes
6 flagons of beer
5 D V D's
4 mischievous children
3 dozen wine bottles
2 ex partners
and an engagement ring under the tree
Poem Details | by
Black Eyed Susan |
I can tell you love my
sweet nothings,
from the bottom of my
Poem Details | by
Keith O.J. Hunt |
humor, metaphor, romantic,
Her name was Chamomile.....
she filled my heart ablaze,
one lazy-October day,
batting those eyes ---
such guile!
A poor, romantic little thing,
hopeless to begging love,
sick with gorgeous news ---
her hero (would he flew)
'ere her aching heart,
explode a thousand pleas
for her sensuous sylph-self
The men were dogs for her,
back in the day;
her hair smelled of Chamomile....
her eyes teased with Chamomile....
her lips, red and wanting,
her crimson-spiced kiss....
But she be only mine,
as she oozed down my throat....
Poem Details | by
Brenda Mcgrath |
best friend, humorous, romantic,
You reach for me at night and bring me near,
I am the one in life you hold most dear.
You never tire of me each day,
Nothing can keep your hands away!
Loyal to the end, I'll be by your side,
We're in this together on this joyride.
So who am I that formed a bond like you have never known?
I'm your best friend, your confidant...your cell phone!
Poem Details | by
Jerica Sanchez |
boyfriend, care, dedication, devotion, faith, first love, for her, for him, gender, girlfriend, happiness, happy, heart, heaven, home, house, how i feel, humor, husband, i love you, imagination, inspiration, inspirational, kiss, longing, love, marriage, miss you, missing, poems, poetry, romance, romantic, together, words,
When I hear your name
My heart beats faster than usual
It's not that I am ashame
But It's just your name is too special..
Can't control the feelings
When I am with you
Can't stop smiling
When you hold me like you do
When you hug me then
I feel like I'm in heaven
You are a blessing from above
And you are the reason why I loved
I'll promise to love you FOREVERMORE..
And I will cherish you until the end of my borrowed life
And I will keep our precious memories as long as
we see each other in our next life..
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
analogy, beautiful, beauty, break up, change, cheer up, confidence, dedication, deep, desire, destiny, feelings, for her, forgiveness, happiness, heart, hope, how i feel, humanity, humor, humorous, i love you, i miss you, imagination, inspiration, life, loneliness, longing, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, passion, peace, relationship, romance, romantic, sad, sad love, sensual, silence, soulmate, sunset, uplifting, woman, women,
the shadows of hope grow taller
on the fields of yearning souls
gently surrendering to destiny
as a bright night softly falls
Poem Details | by
Bill Lindsay |
feelings, funny love, passion, romantic,
Alone, she sat quite still,
her gaze full fixed ahead.
Enrapt by visions fed,
scarce breathing e’er she will
disturb perceptions’ fill; quiescent as tho’ dead.
Into the room he crept,
his probing arm around
her body, no more bound,
so quickly was she swept.
As fingers so adept, respiring without sound.
Too soon was reached his goal;
TV remote control.
Poem Details | by
Mark Toney |
film, funny, romantic,
heiress on the lam
great romantic comedy. . .
won top five Oscars
Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
First published 2018 in Hollywood Haiku via
Poem Details | by
Md Alzhrani |
arabic, autumn, dance, first love, funny, romantic, song,
In the following rain
will make friendship with the sun.
I will open my feelings ..
Anything could happen !
The four seasons will dance with trees.
Anything will takes the warmth of poetry.
Maybe ..
I live with a new light.
A new rose.
A new star.
A new song.
The darkness leave me , forever.
Poem Details | by
Robert Gorelick |
allusion, angst, desire, funny, funny love, humor, love, romantic love,
A love potion meant for her high school beau
She mistakenly spilled in my Latte to-go
With my passions on fire
When I expressed my desire
She replied "You're a bit too old, Romeo"
by Robert Gorelick
Tell her when you see her your not too old
That the fire in your soul never goes cold
And you don’t need potion
For showing emotion
As your passion is remotely controlled
by Belle Bellevue
Poem Details | by
Jerry T Curtis |
cute love, funny love, humorous, love, romance, romantic, word play,
Just A Couplet od Lovers by JTCurtis Oct 8, 2014
As I hop upon my Metaphor
I hope I still have Rhyme
I need to make the last Quatrain
Which leaves at ten 'til nine
My Haiku's waiting for me
I Lyric her so much
That I, bought a mixed bouquet for her
Of Triolets and such
A gift wrapped Box of Canzone
I know she'll like to eat
Those Blitz', Choka, Clerihew's
Are Villanelle sweet
One day I hope to buy her
A huge Diamante ring
And List forever, in a world
That's Free Verse-ever-ing