Funny Poems About Rictameter or Rictameter Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Rictameter poems and/or funny poems about Rictameter. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Rictameter funny poems!

Written by Kash Poet
Categories: funny,

What Makes Me Angry

Silence from some sponsors, long pending old contests, perhaps they have forgotten those, we are waiting so long for the results, also those whispering poems eager to know their fates, sponsors,please be active. =========================== Placement:4th;(October 2011) Contest:Show me the Anger Sponsor:Susan Burch

Written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: funny, nature, pets,


meow at still's darkness caterwaul thud whine snarl cats hiss differences at midnight thud growl caterwaul rapid light footsteps on top of the house wail screech shriek sibilant with comrades on shingled roof meow
Sponsor: Nette Onclaud Contest: Sound of Emotion Written by: Sara Kendrick Date: May 28, 2012

Written by I Am Anaya
Categories: boyfriend, celebrity, crush, cute love, funny love, imagination, romantic,

Dream Date

Azul Mi corazon Aches within a torch lit No match better against the ropes Longing familiar acrobat events A dream team fantasy—I am Luchadora of love Sueño de ti Azul

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: funny, nostalgia,

A Coat For Me

No Way
Too expensive
Buy coats for the children
I will wear mine another year
Yes, a movie star, when I tried it on
My husband talked me into it
Beauty personified
If you insist
I do

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: 10th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, funny, humorous,

Movie Star Wanna-Be

Broken woman
She hangs around the set
She’s a movie star wanna-be
Be friendly, but do not encourage her
A fine well-known producer thinks
She is perfect for a part?
She’ll be ready.
Hey, Mom!

Written by Karam Misra
Categories: conflict, humor, introspection, language, philosophy, satire, words,


Lovely The way we string Words together to form Ideas that were not unmeant Yet meaning so much more, or maybe less To each our own devious end Tower of Babble raised Is it not just Lovely?

Written by Edward Ibeh
Categories: abuse, addiction, drink, encouraging, funny,


                        is all he does 
           when drunk, which is often;
    nothing he says ever makes sense.
 don't be surprised if he falls like timber...
      you won't get a word in edgewise.
              please, quit the bottle, sir!
                          an expert in 