Funny Poems About Relationship or Relationship Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Relationship poems and/or funny poems about Relationship. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Relationship funny poems!

Written by Duke Beaufort
Categories: computer-internet, humorous, relationship,

I Can Only Hand It To You

Tapped messages go out direct
With phones it's an easy connect
Thoughts from a finger
In cyberspace linger
But touching's too much to expect

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: 12th grade, family, father daughter, humor, humorous, mother daughter, relationship,

My Princess

When I grow up, will I still be princess?

Of course, says glowing daddy. 
A roll of the queen’s eyes.

Written by Gershon Wolf
Categories: humorous, marriage, relationship, romance,

Sweet Nothings In His Ear

She whispered sweet nothings in his ear
  He seemed so pleased, she’d nothing to fear  

So odd, thought she, he never liked this before
  And now with his smile, he clearly wants more… 

If you can keep a secret, dear reader, I’ll tell you, says he
  I’ve gone deaf as a doorpost; nothing irritates me

I just keep this silly smile glued to my face  
  Nod my head sometimes too, just in case…

Written by Paula Goldsmith
Categories: hate, humor, love, relationship, today, together, uplifting,


I love you.
I hate you.
This week,
I love you,
This week,
I hate you.
Can this go on,
it has for years.
This love hate relationship,
is now over.
I am kicking you to the curb,
to the trash can you must go.
Did you figure me out,
I am your bathroom scale.
Hooray~you are gone.

Written by Tasha Taylor
Categories: boyfriend, funny love, girlfriend, psychological, relationship,


How is he?"

"Quite terrible, Miss.
He will not survive the night,
Probably not even the hour."

"What does he have?
Terminal cancer?
Cardiac Arrest?"

It is worse then all of those.
Even combined."

"Oh no! 
Can I see him?

"I imagine you can, Miss.
But that's the problem.
I'm afraid I can't treat him
Since I can't--"

"Doctor! Please tell me.
I love him. 
He's my boyfriend.
We have no secrets."

"Then you may wanna sit down.
Miss, I am sorry to inform you,
Your boyfriend is ailed with
A severe case of nonexistence."

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: humorous, marriage, relationship, technology,

He Didn'T Get the Message - Collaboration

There once was a fellow named Ted Who recently in church got wed His wife was in the mood Laying there in the nude… He was texting his friends instead! He was sending text after text His new wife was feeling quite vexed 'I'm after your bone - now get off your phone .... Or I'll leave if I'm under sexed! A collaboration with Jospeh May Both Poems inspired by 'And Nothing Else Matters' By Andrea Dietrich 1st May 2016

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: conflict, humorous, relationship,

A Little Bird Told Me

Sue decided to send Jim a tweet She used words that were quite indiscreet Calling him a fat turd - (Using another word) Their romance has taken a back seat! 12~23~16

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: funny love, humorous, relationship, , cute,

Cutie Patootie Bawdy Limerick

Pat swung from a chandelier Fell off and hurt her cute rear She gave it a rub And soaked in the tub Next time she’ll stay off the beer! Pat copied the birds and the bees And had carpet burns on her knees She saw her GP He said ‘Oh dear me’ - Next time settle for a quick squeeze But Pat said I’m always so randy And so is my boyfriend called Sandy If he can’t have a lay At least three times a day He’ll leave me for that old moo Mandy 'for Pat' with my love xx 05~03~17

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: change, humorous, relationship,

All Change

When Mandy met Randy Oh boy her legs went bandy She began to walk like John Wayne … Looked like she was in a lot of pain But Mandy had a huge smile on her face And her nights with Randy kept that smile in place They have the most incredible sex life - Randy has stopped sleeping with his wife Randy’s wife her name is Brandy Met Mandy’s hubby his name is Sandy So Mandy and Randy and Brandy and Sandy Have done a partner swap, oh isn’t that handy! 11~26~16

Written by Teddy Kimathi
Categories: funny, funny love, green, humor, humorous, imagery, relationship,

Theory of Greenness

"What do we have for breakfast?"
"Lettuce and cabbage juice!" she
replies excitedly.
She had forced him to change
his blue pajamas to green
pajamas, then he returns
to bed -
the bed had to have green sheets,
green bed cover, and a green
"Why do you do this to me?!" he asks.
"I was born in St. Patrick's Day!!!"
she replies.
He can't wait for a green light
to escape a world where
everything he hates is green.
He's afraid he's lost her love in the greenness....

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: body, humorous, leaving, relationship,

Leaves Talking

He called me a fat stupid old sow Said my **** was the size of a cow! So now we’re not talking In fact, I am walking From his life … I’ll go pack my bags now! N/A in Leaves talking Contest Submitted to any poem that got an N/A in September Sponsored by Janice Canerdy 09~16~16

Written by John Hamilton
Categories: humorous, imagery, men, relationship, women,

Chivalry Is Not Dead

Chivalry is not dead...

Chivalry is not dead...just in a coma, on life support,
waiting for a woman to come along with the defibrillator!

John Derek Hamilton
July 20,2016

Written by Bill Baker
Categories: friend, funny, heart, love, relationship, romance, romantic love,

Looking For Love

looking for love, in all the wrong places
don’t just look at all the pretty faces
look at their heart, make sure they’re real
sometimes a friend is the best deal
quit trying so hard to round the bases

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: humorous, relationship, wedding,

Ted's Male Order Bride Footles

Gets book Takes look Vast choice Likes ‘Joyce’ Her smiles Beguiles Brown Eyes Trim thighs Red lips Slim hips Pert '***' She’ll pass! HUGE chest … Impressed! Ted’s rash Pays cash Wants bride By side His home In Rome Joyce flies In skies On plane From Spain His ‘bride’ Is WIDE Huge bum And Tum Not young Ted’s stung You Lied He cried Fat cow… Leave NOW! Any poem written in March NOT for a contest Sponsored by Laura Loo 03~21~17

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: humorous, husband, relationship, wife, word play,

A Greek Tragedy

I knew an old woman from Greece Whose whinging words would seldom cease She’d constantly whine When drunk on red wine Her husband’s in dire need of peace! How much cash does a Grecian earn - such questions I tried hard to spurn Her husband went mad and did something bad - she’s interred in a Grecian urn! 8/20/19

Written by Pat Adams
Categories: boy, grandmother, humorous, relationship,

The Last Laugh

One day my half brother Eric 
From Oklahoma, visited us
He brought with him some fake vomit
Just to see who he could disgust!

When he was close to my grandma
He heaved and dropped it on the floor
We laughed at the look on her face
First a giggle, then up to a roar!

Then we saw her sweeping it up
At the trash can she threw it in
Even though we said, "It's not real!"
She shuffled off, and I saw her grin!

Written by Sunlite Wanter
Categories: humor, relationship,

Mother's Voice

Hush, my dear mother, say no more
(Shut up your criticizing, out the door)
I know you love me, want my best,
(You’re putting my temper to an acid test)
I’m trying Jenny Craig, I know I’ll win
(Your suggestions are tantamount to starvation sin!)

Hush, my dear mother, say no more.

Written by Viv Wigley
Categories: humor, relationship,

Happy Couple

Why do we have pairs of scissors?
Since that's how they've always been known,
why do we care why we call them a pair
when one is no good on its own?
The same thing applies to our trousers,
just wearing the one would be daft,
just showing one knee, ugly veins you could see
and I don't think I'd cope with the draught.
The same thing applies to my spectacles,
another I couldn't let pass,
since one on its own as a monocle it's known
so why not just call it a glass?
I asked my good Lady's opinion,
she said 'oh, that's quite plain to see,
as a pair we get on, and the jobs all get done
but you'd be useless without me'.

Written by Duke Beaufort
Categories: anger, care, celebration, drug, humor, relationship,

I love and kiss the CVS people

I’ll get to the pills with a twist
The scripts filled by my pharmacist
If there’s a hiccup
Delaying the pick-up
Watch out as I might just get pissed

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: baby, grandchild, grandmother, grandparents, humor, humorous, relationship,

She Was Born With Cat Ears

She was born with cat ears.
So cute! Everyone lied.
Some of us felt them.
They were striped, and furry.
Odd for a human head.
Gray, pink in the middle.
“Adorable!” some of us said.
“Can they be removed?” the new grandmother asked.
Making her daughter-in-law her enemy for life.

Written by Gershon Wolf
Categories: giggle, goodbye, relationship, smile, word play,

A 'Cheery - O'

Rescue relationships that are only so-so

  ~ Take your leave with a 'Pip, pip, Cheerio!'

Written by Gershon Wolf
Categories: giggle, relationship,

Terms of Endearment

I miss you most when you're not here
    So stay away, my lovely dear

Written by Gershon Wolf
Categories: city, humor, relationship,

Everything is for the Good

   ‘Tis a pity I live in the city
     and you in a faraway wood

   And yet, everything is for the good 
     ~ You’ve never found me witty

Written by Zamreen Zarook
Categories: age, angel, beautiful, beauty, body, boyfriend, celebration, celebrity, change, character, creation, desire, emotions, children, friendship, girl, girlfriend, hero, humorous, i love you, image, life, memorial day, memory, middle school, relationship, romantic, school, society, student, teen, teenage, truth, wisdom, woman, women, words, world, youth,

Fake Words

Fake Words – Zamreen Zarook

God have given us mouth,
Not to speak to north and south,
Tongue is given under an oath,
So it’s our duty to protect them both.

Girls chat fake with boys,
Having a notion that the boys are toys,
They often make varied noise,
Thinking to keep a trap on handsome guys.

Boys are also human being,
So it’s not possible being clean,
Things varies in the way they are seen,
So positive thinking will make you keen.

Boys’ minds are pure,
As it is pure bio,
So don’t try to pour vino,
Which will take decades to get cure.

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: beautiful, cheer up, computer, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, encouraging, fantasy, feelings, funny, future, humorous, i love you, love, love hurts, math, meaningful, metaphor, miss you, mystery, passion, relationship, romance, romantic, sad love, school, science, science fiction, silly, social, sweet, teacher, together, true love, truth, uplifting, visionary, word play,


One is love, 
Zero is everything else.