Funny Poems About Rainy or Rainy Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Rainy poems and/or funny poems about Rainy. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Rainy funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Rainy Poems.

Poem Details | by Anna Hopper |
Categories: humor,

Rainy Days and Mondays Contest

I contemplated a suitable description
To sum up my life.  A truthful depiction
I considered a title for a romantic comedy
But I gave up romance, in exchange for monogamy 
Humor is a product of my relentless misfortunes
I’m trapped in a recurrence of Monday mornings
In a permanent cloud.  I’ll never get out
Indefinitely waiting on flowers to sprout
I realized my title should be gloomy and grey
I went with the name, Rainy Mondays

Poem Details | by Rhona Mcferran |
Categories: assonance, childhood, humor, humorous, silly, youth,

Rainy Play Day

Slosh Sploshes
in my Galoshes
reveling in the rain

Muddle Muck
I am a Duck
and cannot be contained

Flap Slap
something Madcap
waddling soaking wet

My mother says
I am the Muddiest
thing she has ever met!

Poem Details | by Bob Jones |
Categories: funny, parody,

Shall I Compare Thee To a Rainy Day - Unsonnet 18

Shall I compare thee to a rainy day?
Thou art more dreary and more malignant.
Rough winds do shake the thrashing waves of bays,
And Neptune’s lease hath all too long a date. 

Always too damp the eye of heaven hides,
And often is thy grey complexion dimmed;
And every air to air sometime collides,
By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed. 

But thy eternal downpour will not fade
Nor lose possession of that air thou blow'st;
Now shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in aging lines to time thou grow'st,
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this takes life from thee.

Poem Details | by Sathya Babu |
Categories: humorous, morning,

Rainy Days and Mondays

Like a persistent pest
it is an uninvited guest 
it ousts me from cozy nest
only to snap my sweet rest

My Monday morning alarm
takes a slap on him with no harm
the day stares at my tantrum
after the alarm states its dictum

I pull myself out in gall
worst day with his wet pal
brings cold and chill rainfall
ever the two time it ill in call.

This double whammy that stirs
Rain and Monday take my slurs.

Rainy Days And Mondays - Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Silent One

Poem Details | by Sonia Walker |
Categories: humorous,

Jumping Puddles On Rainy Days

Jumping puddles on rainy days
is my sidewalk exercise challenge,
leaping over the wet intrusion,
keeping my shoes dry is a delusion.

Jumping puddles on rainy days,
I pretend to be a high jumper of sorts,
competing in the Olympics is quite a feat
as I land on my two feet and not my seat.

Jumping puddles on rainy days
provides an elevation of self esteem,
an ego lifter which gives me a big head,
except for a pond-sized one which I dread.

Jumping puddles on rainy days
breaks up the monotony of my life
as I venture to the great outdoors,
adding each jump to my rainy day scores.

Poem Details | by John Lawless |
Categories: humor,

Rainy Day Smiles

If you let a smile be your umbrella
                                           ......your face will get all wet.

John G. Lawless