Humorous and funny Questionku poems and/or funny poems about Questionku. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Questionku funny poems!
Written by
Jan Allison
car, humorous,
I'M In a Jam
I’m stuck in traffic
Crawling like a slimy slug
Why call it rush hour?
4th April 2015
Written by
Pat Adams
humorous, poetry,
Three Questionku Poems
Find furniture
In a pitch dark room
Do you use your shin bone?
A diamond gift
Female Viagra
Could they be the same thing?
Look now and see
Really ugly sheep
Where virgin wool comes from?
Written by
Robert Heemstra
gender, humor,
Question of Gender
Popeye has said
I am what I am
why weren't you happy Bruce?
Written by
Robert L. Hinshaw
confusion, humorous,
Petrified Forest
I ponder the
Petrified Forest!
What frightened all those trees?
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
Entry for Richard Lamoureux's "Questionku Two" Contest
Written by
Robert Heemstra
humorous, life,
Laughing At Life
Life’s comical
Never logical
Can you pass me that beer?
Written by
Ralph Sergi
I wish you well
In your brand hew house
Are the trains very loud?
Questionku Contest Richard Lamoureaux
October 17, 2015
Written by
Robert L. Hinshaw
horse, humorous,
Emergency - Calling All Pooper Scoopers
Horses parade
Marching band follows
What was that they stepped in?
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) All Rights Reserved
Written by
CayCay Jennings
dream, humorous, sleep,
Do Not Like Up
Alarm rings loud
I am still sleepy
Why must I now get up
My dream is sweet
It must continue
Will Johnny Depp kiss me
I must stay down
With my eyes both closed
Does the world now need me
Do not like up
So rude and abrupt
Is there still some coffee
... CayCay
October 17, 2015
Written by
Voahanitriniaina Rabary-Andriamanday
creation, dream, film, humorous,
The Typewriter
Some winter day,
In Orson's realm...
Or was it just a film?
One Paris night,
Along The Seine streams...
Or was it in my dreams?
I saw them, spies,
I heard all the cries...
Or had I been dreaming?
A machine gun
Would not stop to run...
Or was it still this film?
I woke up, then,
To grab a new pen...
Could THAT all make MY film?
The typewriter
let her fingers run...
(Written on 04/27/2013)
Written by
Robert Heemstra
What's Your Emergency
disturbing my sleep
the telephone rings
are you sick, ill, or dead?
Written by
Robert Heemstra
humor, humorous,
Monster Clash
Clinton and Trump
King Kong Godzilla
which is more exciting?
Written by
Robert Heemstra
The truck he drives
His sexual tool
What makes a man a man?
Written by
Robert Heemstra
Truck and Jeans
is it his truck
or the jeans he wears
what makes a man a man?
Written by
Robert L. Hinshaw
addiction, drink, humor,
The Old Boozer
Looked in mirror
Too much booze last night
Who is that bum I see?
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) All Rights Reserved
Written by
Dominique Webb
faith, funny, future, gender, god, history, time,
Christians Say Jesus Is God
Jesus came along when the god meme had become dietary
The next step was to make god into a man, not a woman,
Where is Jessica?
Written by
Richard Lamoureux
Questionku 14
Humming a tune
Stuck inside my head
What's the name of the song?
My Questionku contest is almost half full. Now is the time to enter.
Well done to all the entrants so far! You are making the judging process
very difficult. It is so nice to see the Questionku is catching on.
Written by
Robert Heemstra
death, humor,
Alway's a Line
at Heaven's gate
and there's a long line
how did I score so low?
Written by
Robert Heemstra
humor, relationship,
Famous Last Words
those old maid clothes
makes you look so old
What you mean its over?
Written by
Robert Heemstra
Alphabet Soup
Alphabet soup
is a learning aid
how many words you spell?
Written by
Dom- X-
abuse, funny love,
Can you know
the pain of love without
having to say I love you?
Written by
Robert Heemstra
humor, poetry,
a monoku
a one line haiku
what would they think of next?
Written by
Rhoda Tripp
food, humor, riddle, satire, sweet, write, writing,
Buttered Up
Unfiltered honey
Drizzling listlessly on bun.
Is she buttered up?
Written by
Ironic Zink
confusion, creation, earth, green, humor, imagination, metaphor,
Quaint Qualm Quagmire
Space cadets moon
Howling in the night
Why is this apple green?
June 16, 2017
Form Q contest
Sponsored by Broken Wings
Written by
John Lawless
fun, humor,
The Platypus
The platypus
creation committee
Who’d God put in time out?
John G. Lawless
Written by
Pat Adams
funny, word play,
I Done a What
He approached me
I. dunup's my name
I asked I. dunup who?