Funny Poems About Potty or Potty Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Potty poems and/or funny poems about Potty. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Potty funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Potty Poems.

Poem Details | by Elizabeth Wyler |
Categories: anger, gender, humor, light,

Potty Parity

Potty Parity

I sadly think when I have to go badly
that perhaps it’s petty, but were I a man
then I would already be in the can!
When Freud enjoyed his heavy levy
that women have toyed with “***** envy”,
maybe he meant these frequent lines we resent!
If annoyed women employed their un-“suppressed” quest
against the rarity of “potty parity”,
we could befuddle Freud in his zest to muddle
through women’s very best “protest puddle”!

-	E. V. Wyler    -

Poem Details | by Randy Johnson |
Categories: funny, humor,

My Teenage Son Isn'T Potty Trained

I'm going to tell you something and I'll be quite plain.
I have a fifteen year old son who couldn't be potty trained.
I tried to potty train him but I wasn't able to succeed.
He still wears diapers because they're what he needs.
The kids make fun of him when he takes showers at school.
They laugh when they see his diapers, my son truly is a fool.
He's not even smart enough to change his diapers, his gym teacher and I have to do it.
Using protection on the night when he was conceived would've been wise but I blew it.
The situation is so embarrassing, what am I going to do?
I really hope and pray that other people aren't in my shoes.

Poem Details | by Kathy Parenteau |
Categories: funny,

Pet Pot a Potty

Pet Port A Potty

I took a walk in the city today
to try to pass the time away.
Saw lots of people walking too
stepped right in a pile of doggy doo.
I thought for a moment just what could be done
to clean up the streets of doggie dung.
Maybe I'll invent something really super
even finer than a pooper scooper.
A port a potty for our four legged friends
on every street corner where every road bends.
Then I'll become famous for this awesome invention
at the monthly town meetings my name will be mentioned.
They'll throw a big party and dance in the streets
because never again will there be poop on our feet!

Written by Kathy J Parenteau

Poem Details | by Kevin Shaw |
Categories: books, funny, silly,

Hippy Potty Moose

Hippy was a potty moose
Read three books by Dr Seuss
One about a Cat
One about a Hat
One about Horton on the loose

Poem Details | by Catherine Labeau |
Categories: senses,

Who Ever Made My Potty Had a Sense of Humor

feeling holy every time i sit on the ring of the toilet 
labeled church for every one to see
my soul is less than clean as I lower the lid
to read the brand of the unit
porker I flush.
and if in a hurry Tito will do the job 
as american standard  is occupied.

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: america, humor,

Potty Time

A standard toilet paper roll
Has shrunk two inches from its goal
Since all we need
Is just pure greed
And one old-fashioned finger bowl

Poem Details | by Charlie Smith |
Categories: humor, metaphor,

Potty Logic

Sometimes it just feels better to be a ****,
               instead of the toilet paper...

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, poetry, silly, word play,

Potty Poetry

I’m frequently whisking my turds Oh sorry, it’s twisting my words My finger has got a break I may make a miss steak My speeling is that of dim nerds 5/22/18

Poem Details | by Mark Koplin |
Categories: appreciation, humor,

Potty Time

Here I sit all broken hearted.
The loo it braced, but I only farted.
My paper shivered, the walls did shake.
Those darn burritos the wife did bake.

Morning poo time come and gone.
My charmins lost but I still have brawn.
Sitting patiently there on the shelf.
Right next to Santa's little elf.

The good stuff now has sadly departed.
The hemorrhoids flare, the pain has started.
Gently and careful, I must take care.
Potty time now comes with a prayer.

Poem Details | by Pat Adams |
Categories: dog, humor, life,

Pixie Potty

I took my poodle Pixie outside
I said, "Go on and potty now" 
She walked and looked and sniffed a bit
I said, "Go potty, you know how" 

Her duty done we went back in
I put her leash up on a shelf
It didn't take long to realize
I needed to go potty myself

She followed me into the bathroom
She was bobbing her head in little jerks
Was she telling me to go potty?
I guess she thought that's how it works!