Funny Poems About Poop or Poop Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Poop poems and/or funny poems about Poop. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Poop funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Poop Poems.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, humorous,

Chocks Away - Poop Poem Warning

My turds float like choc’late marshamallows Just lurking about in the shallows I guess that my butt Is truly kaput So doctor suggests bitter aloes I questioned such treatment regime Doc said it may keep my butt clean Aloe on my finger Won’t cause me to linger And floaters will look like whipped cream Doc chuckled and said “Listen here Your floaters are nothing to fear” Poop floats cos you’ve gas Which is passed through your *** No treatment’s required my dear.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: friendship, humorous, me, poetry, thanks, tribute,

The Queen of Poop On Poetry Soup

I post my poems on poetry soup About farting and guys with brewer’s droop I’ve been given a crown And I won’t let Flo down Be assured I’ll keep on posting my poop! Posted in conjunction with my blog about my amazing gifts from F J Thomas 25th January 2017

Poem Details | by John Beharry |
Categories: bird, color, humor, red, sky, water,

Bird Poop In My Eye

Looking up into the sky
a bird pooped in my eye
as it was flying overhead
causing me to see red

It was warm and soggy
making me feel queasy
I scurried into the house
like an upset little mouse

I headed for the kitchen sink
and got there in a blink
Using the faucet spout
I tried to flush it out

When it was expelled
it had a funny smell
and the sink water
had a dirty colour

So when a bird is flying overhead
keep your head down instead
Do not look up into the sky
or you may get poop in your eye

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: dog, fun, humor,

- Haiku X 72 - Dog, Poop and Snow -

Behavior perfect
Deep cold snow how can she poop
My small dog Kissy

If my dog could talk
I try to understand her
She drown in the snow

A-L Andresen :)

Poem Details | by Kim Radcliff |
Categories: funny,

Smelly Poop

Poop is a smelly thing
poop is far from clean
when I poop, I poop on the pot
when I poop, I poop a lot
It's big and brown and looks like gravy
gosh it feels like I just had a baby
It's runny and smooshy , and really gross
In my family, mine smells the most.
I think I'm finished
I think I'm done
oh my goodness 
it's beginning to run
oh no, this won't be fun.
Wipe and flush, I'm on the run
to play outside in the sun.
But in the yard, hiding low
I think my dog had to go
dog poo on the ground
dog poo all around
dog poo is smelly too
dog poo is on my shoe.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

An Ode To Pink Poop

Imagine if our poop was a pretty pink Or smelled like a dozen red roses Beautiful music was heard when we tooted There'd be no need for holding noses We'd relish the thought of soiling our whites To show off a new shade of pink And proud to fart Ludwig's Fifth Symphony While sitting on the throne by the sink It can possibly be construed as a bit unusual To be writing a poem about poop But pink poop deserves special recognition So let's all just let out a big whoop! Imagine if our poop was a pretty pink And smelled to high heaven of roses We'd be so proud of our load of pink magic There'd be no need for holding noses © Jack Ellison 2013

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, me, poetry,

Soup Poop

I once knew a poet named Jan She writes when sitting on the can Some people here at soup Think her poems are poop Not everyone is a Jan fan! Contest: Sensitive Community Sponsor Skat (but a PD contest) 02~24~16

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: humor,

Soup Poop

A poet posted a verse on Soup
Receiving praise from those in the loop
But Vegemite spread
To Cunningham's dread
So Jan reported the latest poop

Poem Details | by Jessica Wheeler |
Categories: creation, daughter, fun, funny, humor, mother, sorry,

Poop- There It Is

No pushing or breaking of water
It was a c-section that brought her
But this is about
What wouldn’t come out
A poop just as big as my daughter!

Perhaps it was pain medication
To clog up and cause constipation
Nurse said I must show
They won’t let me go
Till poop- there it is- defecation!

Determined, I pulled an all-nighter.
That turd was a hell of a fighter.
And then with my tush,
Turns out I did push!
And poof! I was seven pounds lighter!

Poem Details | by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: humor,

The Rhyming Queen of Poop

Dear Jan, I hope you enjoy :)


Jan sits on her throne singing
Ting-a-ling tinkling
Wrapping TP ‘round and ‘round
Hoping solids come unbound

Queen of Poop’s puckered up
But happily she rhymes whilst a back-up
Yet relief emanates with a ka-boom
And an ah-ha whisked away with TP broom.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, humorous, political,

Scooping the Poop

Constipated senator Ron Thump Got frustrated whilst taking a dump Eww what a sad minger He used his forefinger … and extracted it all in a lump! 9TH June 2016

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: bird, humorous,

Bird Poop

Gliding seagull in the summer sky Drops its load - it lands in my eye! I remove the mess – I’m so unhappy…. Will someone please invent a seagull nappy! Entered in Laura Loo's couplet contest 28th July 2015

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous,

Lets Write About Poop - Not For Contest

I once wrote a poem about poop Not a 'suitable subject' for soup It’s something we all do So I’ll write about pooh Now a contest – Roy I’m **** a hoop! NOT FOR CONTEST 26th July 2015

Poem Details | by Nick Trim |
Categories: funny,

Poop Underrated

You'll think poop is underrated 
when you're sat there constipated

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, poetry,

Poetry Poop

toilet humour it’s a splash in the can I dream of roses modern Senryu 4,6,5 syllables Contest Short form Poetry Sponsored by Andrea Dietrich 05~08~16

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humor,

When You Need a Poop

The speed of sound is directly related to Your visit to the washroom when you need a poop If visitors are near Don't want them to hear So you cough out loud when a blast is due

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, cancer, humorous, poetry,

Scatology - Another Poop Poem

So my poems may not be perfect And some of them don’t even rhyme I write about poop and farting But scatology is not a crime I don’t know a person who has never done a pooh So I’ll continue to write poems about going to the loo On a serious note bowel cancer has killed three of my dad’s family So I’ll always have a vested interest on the topic of scatology 03~02~17

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous,

Another Poop Poem

In Japan, friends may send you good luck Via an image of what I’d term muck A picture of brown poo Like you’d flush down the loo Such emoji’s have left me dumbstruck The Japanese word for poo, “unko” contains “un“, which sounds exactly like the word for good luck, 10/25/21

Poem Details | by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: humor,

There's Poop In the Soup

I recently received this Soup mail
Reply To
Subject:	hi
My name is miss jenny, i saw your profile and it drew my attention to write to you. I would like you to communicate me through my e-mail address 

Thank you Miss Jenny for your offer, but I must decline, as a consolation I have decided to write a little something for you!

I got Soup mail from a girl named Miss Jenny
I'm sure she wanted more that a penny
But those picture weren't true
She's a guy sixty two
So I told her she ain't getting any

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: bird, humorous, sky,

Shooting the Poop

A seagull’s just messed on my car poop splattered the windscreen so far it obscured my view wet white slimy pooh that seagull needs the abattoir! To remove that horrible slurry I leapt out my car in a hurry and wiped the poop off with an old washcloth - clean windscreen, but seagulls should worry To prevent seagulls having fun I’m fitting a huge machine gun if one poops on my car then I’ll shoot from afar and seagulls will be on the run! Contest Any animal or creature Limerick Sponsor by Charles Messina NO SEAGULLS WERE INJURED IN THE WRITING IN THIS FICTIONAL POEM 8/31/18

Poem Details | by Trevor Mcleod |
Categories: angst, funny, leaving, philosophy,


It's only a poem.
Don't use that word.
I'm trying real hard,
despite what you've heard.

It's gonna get better.
I won't be deterred.
I've only just started.
and won't be deferred

It has a great ending
and won't be absurd.
Not one that I wanted,
but one I preferred.

It's not very long
and won't leave you spurred.
Unless you read slower
than what I've inferred.

I've added a climax
that won't go unheard.
Unless you're much older
than what I've concurred.

I'm nearing the end;
in which I've conferred,
to leaving you something
I hope has recurred.

And now for the ending
to which I referred.
In leaving you nothing
Accept for the

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

Poop In Our Dungarees

Nature programs are all the rage on TV The only thing interesting between you and me Just one specie of millions Livings in this pavilion Imagine all the poop in our dungarees © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: house, humorous, work,

Plumber - Be Warned Its a Poop Poem

My toilet was blocked, what a bummer I texted Curtis, he’s a plumber He got out his long rod Gave my blockage a prod If lucky t’will be fixed by summer! The plumber has read a food thesis Why faeces aren’t falling to pieces If you go the whole hog You will poop a bog log Our diets needs more oils and greases! Occupation chosen Plumber Limerick's poetry Contest by Joseph May syllable count both poems checked with how many syllables 1/4/19

Poem Details | by Craig Cornish |
Categories: funny,

The Scoop On the Poop

The reporter was thrown for a loop,
Her intentions were "Just get the scoop"!
But the scoop was delayed,
Constipation betrayed-
Sadly, stuck in the shoot was the poop!

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: funny,

A Poop Museum

In Japan, believe it or not, there's a Poop Museum! Kids slide down into a gigantic toilet, oh what freedom Since I was a kid A dream which I hid To jump with two sisters in our toilet as a threesome