Funny Poems About Poo or Poo Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Poo poems and/or funny poems about Poo. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Poo funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Poo Poems.

Poem Details | by Ink Empress |
Categories: funny,

Rat Poo Trap

Throned green eyed rat in
golden trap of cheesy poo
he rules like a king 

Poem Details | by Mark Koplin |
Categories: humor,

Bad Stew - Warning: Explicit Poo Content

I have the outhouse in view
I had grandma’s squirrel stew
Dessert was a tart
I will not dare fart
I will sit in my own pew

*in honor of Jan's Birthday tomorrow*

Poem Details | by Miriam Bell |
Categories: funny,

Poo Upon

I feed the seagulls in the morning sitting on a bench
When my sister looked at me and said in quite content
Miriam don’t feed those seagulls there’ll poo on your head
I ignored her and instead…. 

They pooed on her head
She wasn’t amused at all
She didn’t even snarl

Now every time we see her we say in good tent
 Have you been pooed upon lately
Not even on your head

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: anger, dog, humorous, irony,

The Dog Poo Fairy

Here’s a fact SOME dog owners have missed - The dog poo fairy DOESN’T exist So get out your scoop And clear up that poop Or you’ll get a big slap on the wrist! Inspired by a large poster I saw on a van 07~16~15

Poem Details | by Lawrence Ingle |
Categories: funny, natural disasters, pets

Monkey Poo

Monkey see....monkey do...
Monkey took a poo poo...
Monkey pooed on my arm..
on my shirt...icky warm...
Monkey poo rings my alarm!
Monkey monkey...look at you!
Get this's from your wah-zoo!!
Eep! eep! eep! said the monkey!
Then he squeezed his nose...
'cause it smelled funky!

Poem Details | by Ijm Seven |
Categories: funny,


As you see we have no Febreze
Butt cover your smell if you please
Just spritz three or four times
Then release by design 
and the next person won't say "Jeeze!"

Poem Details | by Russell Sivey |
Categories: cat, dog, funny, hilarious, humorous, silly,

Cat Poo

I don’t know much about cat poo
Except they are not good to chew
Don’t eat a bite
You might excite
The dog who would enjoy a few

Russell Sivey

Poem Details | by Mike A. |
Categories: cheer up, funny, hilarious, men, moving on, parody, silly,

Poo Haiku

Something smells in here,
John forgot to flush again,
I think I'll move out!

Poem Details | by Jacob Timme |
Categories: funny, father, father,

The Babies Poo

There was a baby, brand new,
But the father was scared of his poo,
So the father departed,
The mother then started
To clean up the brown baby goo!

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: humorous, poetry,

The Art of Writing Poo-Etry For John Lawless

The art of writing pooetry for John lawless I never know when I’ll write poo-etry So I keep a pen and paper with me If inspired when I sit on the loo Toilet roll can prove so handy too! My writing it looks like a spider who’s drunk on strong apple cider I may strain when I use a long word Oh yippee I see word rhymes with turd! I can class myself as a poop poet my poems are ‘dire ere' and I know it! But I try to bring some fun your way and sometimes get Poo et of the day! 12/8/18

Poem Details | by John Lawless |
Categories: dog, humor,

Poo Poo Platter

Poo Poo Platter

Five dogs in a yard is a tight fit
when you’re bending over to scoop it
the gag reflex triggered
much sooner than figured
thus adding a lunch to the poo pit

John G. Lawless

Poem Details | by Nicole Robertson |
Categories: dog, funny, humor,


My second dog Molly 
Is a beautiful border collie

She’s submissive 
Quick to give
Ahhh so many kisses!
You’ll never believe.

I know it’s innocent 
But does she have to
Lick my face 
As well as chook poo?

I wish she knew that 
It’s disgusting 
Even the crap of the cat
Just give me warning!

She’s nearly ten
She will never learn 
Guess I’ll have to 
Put up with it then :(

Poem Details | by Edward Schmitz |
Categories: childhood, children, funny, giggle, humorous, innocence, silly,

Poo Poem

Poo Poem Something baffling I have found Is that kids will laugh when they hear the sound Sometimes even the word will do But nothing is funny about turds or poo The smell the feel the color the sound Like putrid mines that litter the ground So nasty when it sticks to your shoe But ten times worse if it gets on you The sound of a fart can clear a room The smell is as noxious as toxic fumes Those unlucky enough to have a feel Will surely release a horrid squeal Is there some joke that I don't see What makes them laugh could it be funny Smiles and laughs and giggling too What is so funny about turds and poo

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: humorous,

Smell of Poo

Standing in queue smell of poo, yuck!* no loo in sight. Hold place in line will be fine, soon not mine, for sure. Embarrassment ~~ pungent scent, too need mint to mask. Return to queue no more poo smell, the do do done.
Written May 6, 2022 *This Than-Bauk is dedicated to Jan Allison, Queen of the Poop poem!

Poem Details | by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: analogy, funny, nature,

Funny Poo-Part 2

Funny poo dung muck droppings ordure; Little toddler gotta boo-boo; biege rustic cow chips; Oops! Watch it later; Oh, nan just stepped in it; Scuffed up my patent leather; Funny poo Smell muddle grounds fly's maggots migrate; Part taking in stinky homage; Funny poo Organic ya matter diarrhea rash; Billy did you forget to flush; Rushing to the water closet; Funny poo Gotta go, oh! No no ooh; Funny boo-boo; Refuse ordure toilet us; Ooh! Gotta go, go, low Someone locked the bathroom door; I'm too proud to wear Depends Oops ooh that's just so nasty, ooh! Funny poo?
2/2/21 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2021

Poem Details | by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: 5th grade, adventure, analogy, bullying, funny,

Funny Poo- Part 1

~ aunt Jan baby sited young niece diaper full brother fed her Exlax™

1st Place Placement in Contest
For Tease a Friend Poetry Monoku Contest
Sponsored by  Bobby May

A Fun joyous  wit dedicated to Jan Allison

Poem Details | by Mark Koplin |
Categories: humor,

More Poo

Here I sit left broken hearted
All alone because I farted
I am not an a$$
I just had some gas
One last push and then I sharted

Poem Details | by Fathima Dawood |
Categories: funny,

Ugh . . . Poo

I once had a butler so dapper
He had but a slight stutter
On the grounds we once walked
To find treasure of sorts
Wh.. wh.. he stuttered
I know I countered
Then why'd you step on it
He questioned

Poem Details | by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: car, cat, dog, hate, humor, parody, silly,

Corn Kerneled Poo

I hate corn kerneled poo
Dogs in a zoo
Horse resourced glue
I do.
And I hate you.

I hate piss from a jar
Crashing my car
A stinky cigar
It's true.
And I hate you.

I hate heartworms in cats
Cow pats for hats
Popsicle rats
They're ewww. 
And I hate you.

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: animal, food, giggle,

Winnie the Poo Without Honey

There is a famous bear by name of Poo
Without daily honey what would he do ~
  He might become lazy
  Or even go crazy ~
Losing a few pounds is an option too

Poem Details | by Ralph Sergi |
Categories: humor,

The Perils of Poo Poo

The Perils Of  POO POO

I shouldn’t have taken the bus on that day
A digestive issue was starting to rise
The destination I feared was a long trip away
I hurt deep inside it was not a surprise
My poor enzyme levels were ready to flop
The pancreas nutrients were going to drop
And finally the bus had come to a stop
I ran to the mens room and prepared to plop
My zipper got stuck and I feared for the worst
A gas evoked smoke ashamed and accursed
It finally opened a privy ejection
then I sat still and had a reflection
If I encounter this same situation 
Meds will be with me to prevent this causation

© Ralph Sergi August 10,2017

Poem Details | by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: humor,

Hi-Poo Senryu

a chocolate throne it will deceive your bottom this toilet’s tasteless

Poem Details | by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: 9th grade, analogy, funny, hilarious,

Ohh Man I Juz Stepped N Sum Poo-

Walking across the yard I fell I fall And on my pants I saw fresh manure But at the park I sat on the bench And when I got up On the bottom of my foot Sculpted I saw and looked a mound of manure Oh! Man I just stepped in Someone's doggy- doo Ahh! Man I just gotten these new Air Jordan ™shoes
1/24/22 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2022

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: hilarious,

When You Need a Poo

The speed of sound is directly related to Your visit to the washroom when you need a poo If visitors are near Don't want them to hear So you cough out loud when a blast is due

Poem Details | by John Lawless |
Categories: dad, humor,

Pew Poo

It was an awful thing to do
Drop an SBD in the pew
Then cast a glance
As if by chance
That said “oh, God, was that you?”

John G. Lawless