Humorous and funny Poetess poems and/or funny poems about Poetess. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Poetess funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Poetess Poems.
Poem Details | by
Panagiota Romios |
friend, humorous, poetess,
Sometimes I feel like a hunk of Limburger cheese!
Poets pass my poetry as if it had the great aroma
of unwashed toes and knees.
These poets are the ones who pretend to be my
PS friends?
But off in the distance, they live in Big Ego City,
just beyond the bend.
They avoid better poets than I,and tis no surprise!
Prancing about the soup with guile and smiling disguise!
So,it's a damaging, unkind game they play.
My knowing Karma is coming their way.
January 3, 2020
11:45 pm PST
Poem Details | by
Michelle Faulkner |
appreciation, humor, poetess,
Mayhem's mistress of sweeter meter ~
prime time's rhymes - Nina Parmenter!
'Tease a Friend' contest
Sponsor: Bobby May
Poem Details | by
Thomas Martin |
appreciation, encouraging, humorous, inspirational, poetess, poetry, tribute,
on small island
lives the lovely poet
inspired to her poetry
by good deeds and humor
and grace of expression
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
humorous, irony, poems, poetess, poetry, poets, voice,
Feelings on paper
A melody on parchment
easy poetry
your heartfelt humor
delighting unknown strangers
while you ignore him
pouring out your soul
into a painting or poem
husband catches up
Poem Details | by
Panagiota Romios |
feelings, humor, muse, poetess, writing,
Panagiota's Dream
With trepidation she picked up her pen.
Should I try this now.......or when?
Her Muse whispered in her ear!
"It's now or never, poetess, dear!"
Ah, that word "poetess" made her
divinely lightheaded.
And thus, my friends, she and her
pen are most happily wedded!
August 7, 2020
7:45pm PSt
Poem Details | by
Panagiota Romios |
humor, poetess,
I struggle with electronic forms,
To this simpleton, a bag of worms.
But fresh French coffee, and a smile.
May help me make this final mile.
The silvered stars behind we twinkle!
Do aid me, in removing ‘ mind wrinkles’!
Poem Details | by
Joe Dimino |
humorous, perspective, poetess, poetry, poets, wisdom, writing,
Don't corner the writer – put
him in a cage and poke; you
like Shakespeare...then read
Shakespeare! And let the writer
be his own rhyming or ill rhymed-bloke.
To me, mistakes, imperfections –
spontaneous glitches, as I prefer to
call them – send me into joyful stitches;
a fresh exhibition of relatable nature –
the transformation of perfection into
Human Interest. So, let the writer
be his or her own protagonist, or Free-willed
blessed Nemesis. Write and read whatever
tickles you pickles you...and let Mike be Mike,
and Jane
be a literal-pain
to her personable like.
Poem Details | by
Charlie Knowlton |
funny, poetess, tribute,
There is a quick poet named Jan
Who hails from the Isle of Man
Her limericks border
on Soup`s law and order
Here`s hoping that Jan is not banned.
Poem Details | by
Panagiota Romios |
A poetess thought she was such unique, hot stuff.
Disposed was she, to writing in the buff!
"What's so wrong with that" she huffed.
I told her unequivocally, in friendly puffs:
"Doing that, in your front window is arrestable,plain, dumb, stuff!"
Poem Details | by
Panagiota Romios |
giggle, poetess,
The Zero Au Jus Poetess Awakens
The poetess sat all day, waiting for a reply.
As if a great star would fall from the sky?
She learned her lesson all too well.
Not to wait for her iPad bell!
Remembering this is Poetry Soup, not Reply Soup.
Aha! I see she has her head out of a closed loop!
December 24, 2019
Poem Details | by
Shanity Rain |
art, career, change, future, humor, humorous, identity, image, international, me, mystery, poetess, rain, symbolism, words, writing,
So many amazing Artist ~
one would never complain
Just to be amongst all Soup
my name will never be plain
I love all indiscriminately
My friends you'll remain
Not to confuse or cause pain
for the reason lies not in Vain
From now on just call me
Shanity Rain ~
However my Children remind me , I'm Insane ~
' Shanity Rain my new Pen name '
Poem Details | by
Poesy Relish |
humor, poetess, valentines day,
SKAT A broke my poor delicate heart
with a topic i cant take part
On valentine i must craft
not by design did she draft
she a poet so dear and smart
© Nadiya (2 Feb '15)
Place 2nd in the contest 'a valentine limerick to the poet who broke my heart' by Skat A on 27 May 2015.
Poem Details | by
Sandra Haight |
humor, poetess, self,
I once knew a poet named Sandy*
who thought she wrote verses so dandy.
When she saw an NA
for a contest that day...
she questioned modus operandi.
Sandra M. Haight
~7th Place~
Contest: Sensitive Community *a pd contest*
Sponsor: Skat A
Judged: 03/14/2016
Poem Details | by
Volodymyr Knyr |
humor, humorous, poetess, poets,
A poet looking for a peer
invariably troubles Shakespeare.
Volodymyr Knyr
Poem Details | by
Ilene Bauer |
funny, poetess,
A poetess well past her prime
Had some trouble when writing a rhyme.
Her limericks lagged
And her readership sagged
You could say it was really a …tragedy!
June 30, 2013
for Heather's Make Me Laugh Contest
Poem Details | by
Volodymyr Knyr |
humor, humorous, poems, poetess, poetry, poets, writing,
A poetaster seems sadistic
if he writes longer than a distich.
Volodymyr Knyr
Poem Details | by
Memphis Stacks |
adventure, allusion, art, betrayal, confidence, conflict, cool, corruption, crazy, culture, deep, extended metaphor, fantasy, fear, feelings, goodbye, humanity, humor, humorous, identity, life, literature, meaningful, metaphor, people, perspective, philosophy, poems, poetess, poetry, poets, psychological, relationship, symbolism, trust, voyage, wisdom, words, write, writing,
A Con-man's way out
Only in cases of emergency
Like the fire axe behind the glass
Only this is more deadly
Way more sketchy
Die with the lie
A mark gets wise
Gets hip to the jive
Catches on
Smells the cheese getting stinky
Eyes shift as reality comes to light
Can't let them find out it's all a lie
Make a decision!
It's about to get hinky!
Confidence is gone and it's time to fly
Make like some titties and bounce
Only one way out!
The Toledo Panic Button!
Poem Details | by
Rainbow Promise |
feelings, funny, humor, poetess,
Rebellion against Things that God detests, can be seen as Mutiny.
The gathering of things from Greed, is noted to be a bounty.
Accumulating anything from all around is Greed.
This accumulation does not make the greedy Freed!
Everything that the eye catches in another's Space,
Cause greedy ones to pick up the Pace.
Saying in mind: "I want that, I must have that, I'll just have those,"
May lead to nowhere but satan's pit!
Thus you see, Rebellion against God's detestations,
Can be the agonizing ACT of wrong manifestations!
Poem Details | by
Robert Gorelick |
appreciation, best friend, character, cute, friend, friendship, humor, humorous, poetess, tribute,
Tribute To A Tributer
I Am Anaya likes good food and fine rhyme
Dining with Poetry Soup all the time
She posts tributes so terse
but they could be verse
With a love of poetry so true and sublime
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
crazy, feelings, good morning, hilarious, perspective, poetess, write,
Wake Up Excited
Wonderful Lesson in Mind
It’s Gone By Coffee
Poem Details | by
Panagiota Romios |
humorous, poetess,
A frustrated poet had a paralyzed pen.
She wailed, “When you will move,when!”
The pen with sad eyes,looked up in dismay
“Mistress,my brain cartridge is empty this day.”
She knew there were phone calls to be made.
Plus,had to hang up a lovely,new blue shade.
Clothes to be washed,her hungry cat to be fed.
So~she with joy, jumped out of her poetic dread.
Poem Details | by
Anna Nomaly |
adventure, humor, night, poems, poetess, poetry, poets,
It's to early to prite woetry
shakespeare hasn't even rolled over yet!
my mind's not had it's morning warming
and i'll make a handsome bet-
i bet my brains not ready
to make any sort of scheme
its full of grog and foggy
i mean vice versa! (see what i mean?)
Too early for darkness but evening is nigh!
of course i only write when the moon is high..
Poem Details | by
Poet Tellaferro |
allegory, allusion, analogy, art, beautiful, beauty, boy, cat, change, cheer up, crazy, culture, cute, cute love, deep, devotion, dream, emotions, family, farewell, friendship, fun, funny, funny love, giggle, heartbreak, hope, humanity, image, imagery, imagination, irony, joy, love, love hurts, metaphor, my child, perspective, poems, poetess, poetry, poets, psychological, smile, social, society, surreal, sympathy, tiger,
…is a cat not the totem of love
your physical contact generates feelings
were the neurons release
the feeling for good vibes
peace, harmony
by stroking soft gentle fur
strong n deep is the purr
serenity brings your heart
to idle
cools your feelings
you relax
you love your cat
the best as you can
but like beautiful rose thorns
can cut like razors
so can the claws of a cat...
love can turn, hurt, bite, flee...
cutting deep!
And just like that your cat is gone
to somewhere
or someplace
to someone else…
And only the echoes of little pads are left!
Poem Details | by
Panagiota Romios |
how i feel, humor, poetess,
Oh, it's a fright, alright!!
For me, I can't throw words.
on a page to please-~
For me that's just a felony…
If my entire soul is not in it!
The poem won't be born!
It's no homage to me or to thee, without me….
in it.
Sure, of course, there are simple, fast
forms I can use….
But to write something of no depth and no
meaning, I cannot do.
And no, there are absolutely…no muses or
unicorns in my house.
So for today, I am just a poet mouse.
Poem Details | by
Charles Messina |
humor, poetess, poets,
Poets and poetesses, please join me for a toast
To the one who I admire and idolize the most
I announce my favorite poet in good taste, I assure
You are ALL on my favorite poets list, but...
'Tis I, whom I most adore
Who Is Your Best PS Poet or Poetess Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Sotto Poet