Humorous and funny Poems poems and/or funny poems about Poems. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Poems funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Poems Poems.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
body, humorous,
My turds float like choc’late marshamallows
Just lurking about in the shallows
I guess that my butt
Is truly kaput
So doctor suggests bitter aloes
I questioned such treatment regime
Doc said it may keep my butt clean
Aloe on my finger
Won’t cause me to linger
And floaters will look like whipped cream
Doc chuckled and said “Listen here
Your floaters are nothing to fear”
Poop floats cos you’ve gas
Which is passed through your ***
No treatment’s required my dear.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
OOPS - I must have used invisible ink
Happy April Fools Day to you all
Hugs Jan ***
1st April 2015
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
humorous, me, poetry,
A poet, that's me I'm called Jan
Was NEVER a poetry fan
Now two books bear my name
Not for fortune or fame
I'll pen poop whenever I can!
If ever I am stuck for words
I resort to write about turds
Brown things that you poo
When you're sat on the loo
Poop poetry's not just for nerds!
Poem Details | by
Lycia Harding |
food, fun, humorous, poets, tribute, words, writing,
A Lyrical Chef we'll call 'Dre',
whips up Writes for her Poem buffet.
She bakes Words into Rhyme
and roasts Prose in the time
it takes most just to cook a Cliché!
This limerick was written for
my Soup buddy Andrea Dietrich.
Thank you for your positive
input and excellent support -
you are appreciated!. xoxo
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
Sponsor Jerry T Curtis
This Poem really S****s
Thanks for my first ever negative comment
That is terrible.... J/K ....hugs Tim
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
fantasy, for her, fun, humorous, poetry, , cute,
Oh PD Linda’s a wily sly fox
She wants us to think outside the box
But I should be in bed
Rest my poor aching head
I have joined the school of hard knocks
I can’t think of a pesky line to write
For Linda’s entertainment and delight
But my muse has now flown
My poor brain's turned to stone
Will someone help me with my plight?
Oh what on earth am I going to do -
I wish that we had a new local zoo
I’d see a cute unicorn
That was recently born
Linda - I’ll think of a poem for you!
Any poem #38 sponsored by PD
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
funny, humorous, nonsense,
My thumbs ran off today.
I knew they were in love
And I suspected they might be compelled to be alone, together.
It makes opening cans rather tough.
Turning the key in the ignition is nigh onto impossible.
I had trouble picking up my fork for my eggs.
But do they care?
Heavens no.
They are selfishly in love, those two.
Gone away on a clandestine holiday.
Thank goodness I have an I-phone instead of a rotary one.
I do not even have to use my thumbs to hold it down while I dial.
They are in the next room, moaning and stuff.
Like newlyweds do. I hate to disturb them,
So here I sit, twiddling nothing.
Poem Details | by
George Yiorgos Stathakis |
I love the word 'stupid'.
I really do!
By using this word
I can denote
that are illogical
lack common sense
appear absurd
or …. are just plain 'stupid'.
I do not use the word 'moron'.
(The word 'moron' is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "a foolish or stupid person")
I also don't use 'idiot'.
(The Oxford Dictionary defines 'idiot' as "a stupid person")
just 'stupid'
just the action or actions
nothing else
nothing more.
(I hope this poem is not stupid)
Poem Details | by
Victoria Anderson-Throop |
Tale of Two Citizens
The pair of bi-sexual two-timing women left the duplex, too drunk to board the Twin Cities 2:22 .
Double crossed on the two way street, the duo fled New York, clutching the Tale of Two Cities.
Poem Details | by
Michael Wise |
happy, humor, light,
I'm making this brief
to spare you the grief
of having to scroll even once
You see by the title
that this here recital
ain't one of my long-winded stunts
It's not a long poem
there's no need to roam
all over the place for your fix
If rhythm's your need
you'll be happy indeed
that I tossed this one into the mix
Now I'm almost done
and I hope you had fun
with this humorous roadside attraction
So please hurry back
for a quick rhyming snack
and eat to your sweet satisfaction
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
desire, humor, poetry, word play,
My aspirations mock me
my 'poetry's' prose
When I 'sink' "I've 'got it now"
ze toilet overflows
My metaphor's hum-drum, similes stale
my allusions as delicate as Moby the Whale
My plots are just schemes, so are my themes
at night they turn dreams into screams...
Oh, how I wish just for once I could say ~
I've really truly penned 'Poem of the Day'
Poem Details | by
Michael J. Falotico |
Let the paper blow in the breeze..
Maybe the words will move for a tease..
The end is the beginning for a new start..
And now the middle is the end not so smart..
Sentences that blur together for a rhyme..
Must put this to rest before I run out of time..
Let the message be told to those who hear..
Don't write when your tired or just had a beer..
Poem Details | by
David Crandall |
humor, memory, poetry,
Another week, another poem to write and tweak,
Another truth to try to speak,
Another thought I hope to tame -
Or maybe, I should focus on...remembering my name.
Poem Details | by
David De La Croes |
family, giggle, granddaughter, grandfather,
I wish I could look at a flower through your eyes
and discover why you are so fascinated by it.
I wonder why your eyes glisten
when you look at the stars,
and why you smile at the moon.
I wish I could find out what triggers you
to jump and skip, or giggle with glee
and I strain my ears to hear the silent melody
which causes you to break out in song.
I wish I could embrace someone so firmly
as you do when you jump up to greet me.
I wish I were like you when I was a child.
Poem Details | by
David Dowling |
art, food, funny,
Fruit for thought!
Poem Details | by
Doris Culverhouse |
Cody-sun feet of parmesan.
Poem Details | by
James Study |
celebration, funny, work,
This is the day you hang it all up
We drink to you from a paper cup
From the boss not a tear
Let the door hit your rear
For his office you did corrupt
Hunting and fishing ahead for you
Play cards drink beer if you want to
Excuse if I enquire
What's new when you retire
How will we know the day you do
The future I see one change real soon
The company I see a major boon
Toilet paper and stock
Towels and soap not lock
Big jump in supplies for the wash room
I don't want to seem a bit lofty
For real I'm just a big softy
Something you should know
We will all miss you so
Cause you made the best pot of coffee
Poem Details | by
David Dowling |
art, food, funny, philosophy, visionary,
I see an apple.
There it is.
Poem Details | by
Peter Dome |
hair, humor, humorous, imagination, school,
The Nit nurse would come around once a month
To my primary school usually after lunch
We'd all queue up in a line
All the kids and friends of mine.
One by one the nurse would examine our hair
Once in a while the scruffier one's in the class
Were given a brown paper bag and letter for their mum
And told to run home fast.
You could say I was a bit slow
But it took me years before I got to know what was in that
Brown paper bag.
I never got one myself
My hair must have been in perfect health
But I don't know why but I'm suddenly beginning to itch
I swear and it's not just my hair
Do you feel itchy now too?
Peter Dome.Copyright.2015.May.
Poem Details | by
Rizo Ale |
animal, cat, children, funny, silly,
Here kitty kitty,
let's play hide and seek.
Hey, kitty?
Oh, you are asleep.
Come kitty,
give me a hug.
Where are you, kitty?
Oh, you are taking a nap.
Good night my kitty.
Now, you are up?
Listen my kitty,
Don't be such a cat.
Poem Details | by
Rita A. Simmonds |
beach, child,
I saw you playing on the beach,
the sky so blue but out-of-reach.
You started throwing sand so high
it hit the sun right in the eye!
He pulled the clouds around his head
like fluffy pillows from a bed.
Then rain poured down from darkened sky;
You didn’t mean to make him cry.
Poem Details | by
Anthony Beck |
education, humorous, irony, soccer,
Woe is us, we wretched Dyslexicons,
We visionary thinking paragons,
We the summer-school-room-dwelling patsies,
We the ostracized by Spelling Nazis.
(sorry, lied about the soccer)
Poem Details | by
Liz Labadie-Reilly |
children, funny,
The fuzzy, wuzzy bumble bee
a fussy, hussy bee was he
because he lost his buzz you see
in a muggy, buggy mushroom tree
On mushrooms bitter, boggy black,
he planned an aerial attack,
but bouncing, pouncing skills he lacked
and failed to get his bee buzz back.
Now this fumbling, stumbling bumble bee
searched helter, skelter frantically
for a bigger bee to help him free
his bee buzz from the mushroom tree.
But no bee ever came around,
searched high and low, tree and ground,
but his buzz was never found,
a buzzless bee without his sound.
Liz Labadie-Reilly
October 18/2015
Poem Details | by
Andrew Rymill |
art, funny, imagination, inspirational, introspection, mystery,
Please strike
the piñata
i have made for you
out of the stripes of paper
and the glue,
In the midnight hour
i have labored long
on this plump pig
of collaged letters.
with corrugated metaphors
Sightless Find the weakest point.
let that guide
your hand
the transparent rose
wrapped candy
shall flow
in libation of sound
pour down
like a quirky rainstorm
like silver
on the sidewalk
of your mind.
Poem Details | by
Samuel Durant |
humorous, poetry,
This is the poem with no title.