Funny Poems About Pink or Pink Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Pink poems and/or funny poems about Pink. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Pink funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Pink Poems.

Poem Details | by Terry O'Leary |
Categories: funny, romance,

He Tickled Her Pink

There once was a raven haired Shrink
who had orange Juice Tequilas to drink

     while her scarlet souled Beau
     sucked her tinted red Toe

and she paled when he tickled her Pink.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

An Ode To Pink Poop

Imagine if our poop was a pretty pink Or smelled like a dozen red roses Beautiful music was heard when we tooted There'd be no need for holding noses We'd relish the thought of soiling our whites To show off a new shade of pink And proud to fart Ludwig's Fifth Symphony While sitting on the throne by the sink It can possibly be construed as a bit unusual To be writing a poem about poop But pink poop deserves special recognition So let's all just let out a big whoop! Imagine if our poop was a pretty pink And smelled to high heaven of roses We'd be so proud of our load of pink magic There'd be no need for holding noses © Jack Ellison 2013

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

A Pink Thong

There once was a fellow named Chad With a reputation for being quite bad Drank all night long Wearing just a pink thong Too overweight to be skimpily clad (eeeewwww!!!) © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: animal, color, crazy, funny, hilarious, humorous, uplifting,

The Pink Elephant

The Pink Elephant

As I drove to work one day
In amazement a pink elephant crossed my way
I was shocked to see her in the middle of town
With bright purple spots and wandering around

Oh she was not a usual sight
The police though didn’t believe I was right
Thought I was crazy, nuts or drunk
Out comes the breathalyzer, hope I am not sunk

Now as I convince them of my crazy sanity
There she comes, my lady in her pink dress of vanity
And wow she’s got purple spots and bedroom eyes!
For under her dress, so full and curvaceous

She has all the pages of my poetry salacious!

Note: Inspired by a Just for Laughs video, filmed here in Montreal!

Poem Details | by The Grahamburglar |
Categories: childhood, children, funny, kid, moon, my child, parents,

Pink Sky At Night

I really want the moon, who smiles oh so bright,
to be a little different, if only for tonight.
Last night it was a circle, same as the night before,
its always been a circle, and that is such a bore.
So little star up in the sky, I wish I may and might,
make the moon a triangle, and make it pink, not white.


*Last night my 2 year old daughter saw the moon and said, "I really want the moon to be a triangle, but it keeps being a circle!"

Poem Details | by Paloma P |
Categories: allegory, drink, humor, imagery, imagination,

Drunken Pink Elephants Allegory

Intoxicated pinkish elephants electrified in splendiferous drunkenness surmised surrealistic playgrounds of surround sound echoing laughter & expansivly lit hot air balloons merrily drifting to embrace star-dusted skies' kaleidoscopic enchantment ever wonder, do intoxicated pink elephants hallucinate the same as our own alcoholic delirium

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: funny, house, house,

A Pink Oops

Inebriated Bob painted his house bright pink His poor neighbors raised a hell-of-a stink Then in October Finally got sober Took one look at the house and asked for a drink
For the Tickle Me Pink contest

Poem Details | by Emily Westfaul |
Categories: animals, food, funny,

Pink Pork Chop Bill

There once was a pink, pig named Bill,
who climbed up a big, big hill.
He climbed to the top
not to be pork chop,
but his big owner found him still.

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: funny, imagination,

The Pale Pink Rose At Dawn

As I desire outside just at daybreak
Watch the sleepy sun rise in the mist
So I'll go out, get tools, leaves rake
An excuse to watch that sun rise; my risk

Then I see that one Pale Pink Running Rose
The one deserving its picture taken
I'll get the camera; rose will pose
Leaving chore; leaf raking forsaken

Maybe I'll cachinnate, hide from work
I'll beek in sun think of shenanigan
Go to creek, try to see fish through murk
Couchant posture dip fingers, dawn began

The anacoluthia of these lines
Requires couchant posture very fine

Poem Details | by Liz Walsh |
Categories: funny

Pink Joy

My lines are kind of groovy
And my hair is pink
My stick is rainbow coloured
And my boots are green
Punk rock my favourite listening
There is magic in the air
All these silly things don't matter
That beset my brain
I want sparkles in my fizzy drinks
And beauty to entrance me
As I push my little pea-green boat 
Out to an excited sea.

Poem Details | by Eve Roper |
Categories: allusion, funny, sick, song,

Dressed In Pink Singing a Song of Harmony

singing a song of harmony
cheerfully sung eternally
covered in pink so perfectly
my silly   desire of tenacity

cheerfully sung eternally
from just drinking herbal tea
my silly   desire of tenacity
pink is all I wore for certainty
from just drinking herbal tea
rushed to the  emergency
pink is all I wore for certainty
embarrassed I’ll be for  eternity

rushed to the  emergency
covered in pink so perfectly
embarrassed  I’ll be for  eternity 
singing a song of harmony

A Monorhyme and Pantoum form with no perfect meter

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humor,

A Pink Chemise

Wonder if everyone looks as goofy as me When I open my yap and about to sneeze Till a bug does invade In my throat it does stay Noticed it was wearing a pink chemise © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Brenda Mcgrath |
Categories: fun, humorous,

My Hot Pink Toes

My hot pink toes look sexy on my feet,
They smile at me from my sandals in the heat.
It makes me happy when I have pink painted toes,
I paint them even in winter, although nobody knows.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: change, humorous, political,

The Pink House

The first lady has caused quite a stink She wants the White House painted bright pink Now will the first lady dare Turn the oval office square Maybe these plans will get a rethink! FICTION WRITE ... I HOPE! 01~22~17

Poem Details | by Evelyn Rose |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, color, heart, humorous, nonsense, rose,


today feels like pinkness. 
pink is girly and pretty,
two things i am not.
grapefruit is reddish/pink
and so is a pig.
piglets are cute,
but they are just as stinky 
as pigs.
pink balloons can float up to space,
where astronauts will pop them
and listen to them cry out
the little pink secrets
we blew into them 
when they were just young.
lips are full of pink.
they make pink pouts
and pink kisses.
teenagers curse in their lips,
and adults curse their teenagers.
pink is a heart, 
but not a real heart.
those are red and blue
and don't break as easy.

Poem Details | by Liz Walsh |
Categories: funny

Pink Joy

My lines are kind of groovy
And my hair is pink
My stick is rainbow coloured
And my boots are green
Punk rock my favourite listening
There is magic in the air
All these silly things don't matter
That beset my brain
I want sparkles in my fizzy drinks
And beauty to entrance me
As I push my little pea-green boat 
Out to an excited sea.

Poem Details | by Robert Pettit |
Categories: funny,

Tickle Me Pink

Why don’t you go and tickle me pink? When I’ve had enough, I’ll give a wink. If you overdo, I just might turn blue. I might throw up my guts in the sink.

Poem Details | by John Loving Iii |
Categories: art, family, funny, people, school, time, wedding, love,

Pink Is O.K.

don't you just love 
the skin your in?
dimples on your cheeks 
when you smile and grin
light and darkness make beauty begin
blending  elegance and cuteness
from forehead to chin
your eyes
for the very first time i've seen
"The windows of the soul"
your hair 
I would prefer black or grey
but for now, i guess pink is O.K.
don't you just love the skin your in?
i do

Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: beauty, dog, fun, happy, humor, kid, uplifting,

Pink Puppy

pretty pink puppy
painting paisley pajamas
prancing playfully
Date Written:2/26/2023
"2 Place"

Poem Details | by Gerald Dillenbeck |
Categories: beauty, color, earth, humor, nature, science,

Pretty Is As Pink Does

So many ways to slice nature's cultured pie,
yet all of them under 
octave colorational sky.

even human nature
can arrive dressed in pink kindness
rare as nonviolent ultraviolet

Yet when grace of white snow 
reincarnates dark bark winter trees
as sun spreads His last
lusty pink gasp
across EarthMother's horizoned landscape

For a moment,
perhaps enough to gaze one second enraptured time,
all snow-covered life forms

Curiously waiting
quietly seducing 
just outside my kitchen window,
invoke blushing pink
to wink goodbye
to this frozen day

Now remembered,
where nature flirts refaced
wearing lacey 
pink light kindness.

Poem Details | by Gargi Saha |
Categories: funny,

The Pink Puzzle

Once was drinking Gelusil
A liquid that aids digestion, effervescent in acidity
Suddenly some amount spilt on the floor unnoticed
A colony of black ants scurried up to lap the pink river
All of them drank it full fledged to their hearts content
And submerged into a pool of relief and pacification
From Burping, Nausea and Gastro Esophagus Reflex Disease
No more complaints and visits to the family doctor now
So from then, intentionally spread Gelusil after meals
To give a piece of serenity to my infinitesimal black pals.

                  TICKLE ME PINK

Poem Details | by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: color, humor,

Why Is Pink For Girls

With color names I get the gist; Pink colors are for girls like, “Mist”. But what about the men? Every now and then Pink could be “Sebaceous Cyst”.

Poem Details | by Mike Gentile |
Categories: cute, destiny, humor, humorous, image, loss, scary, silly,

A Pink Dilemma

Her bottle of Pepto was missing 
    Her husband could hear all the hissing
Her cheeks sighed a sigh
                     Explosion was nigh
The pooper her cheeks are now kissing!

Poem Details | by Randy Johnson |
Categories: funny, humor, humorous,

Pink Rabbit

I'm the human version of the Energizer Bunny.
People laugh at me but I don't think it's funny.
I put on this rabbit costume and the zipper broke.
I'm stuck in this rabbit costume and that is no joke.
I'm trapped in this costume that is pink.
I've been trapped for three years and I sure do stink.
When I ask people for food, they give me carrots.
I hate being a vegetarian, I can no longer bear it. 
I must get out of this costume and I have a damn good reason.
Hunters have rifles and tomorrow is the start of rabbit season.
I'm sick and tired of being a laughing stock to humanity.
Please get me out this costume before I lose my sanity.

Poem Details | by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, art, creation, extended metaphor, funny, humorous, poetry,

Pink Shoes

We who are pink shoes
we always have real fun,
always walking, walking prose ...
parading, parading ... with humor

Constantly we walk so quiet
for walking so much tiredness!
but we gladly adorn fairy feet
we don't complain of boredness ..

We put on our feet and show
elegant body set in glow
  we are who carry it
to the prom and sample fair.

We flirt with black shoes
cute but unfaithful companions
 oh for tragedy they live all day
silent and stuck to claims ..

They are not smart..what failure
poor guys nor for flirting
bureaucrats they risible faces
 all outmoded, tied to shoelaces ...!