Funny Poems About Philosophy or Philosophy Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Philosophy poems and/or funny poems about Philosophy. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Philosophy funny poems!

Written by Dale Gregory Cozart
Categories: humor, light, poetry,

The Poet's Philosophy

i write metric verse therefore iamb.

Written by Duke Beaufort
Categories: business, funny, holiday, philosophy, time,

December 21, 2012

The world as we know it will end!
This warning the Mayans did send
But yes there's still time
After reading this rhyme
To honor Black Friday and spend

Written by Arthur Vaso
Categories: art, hilarious, humor, humorous, perspective, philosophy,

I Am a Very Bad Poet

So I have been told
by a drunk
does he own a pair of shoes?
has he ever walked in another's?
mean and grouchy
unkind to falling leaves
what dreams were stolen
was he the thief or victim robbed?
or does whiskey make him dumb?
and numb
narrow is the hateful mind
who sold his dignity
a silver coin for naught
Scrooge counting compliments like gold ingots
stealing orphans smiles, scotch with spite
the elevator though goes only down
fury and fires and poetic justices
he will burn in hell
listening  forever to the angels voices
reciting for eternity
very bad poetry

Written by Daniel Turner
Categories: humorous, philosophy,

Out On a Limb

Hitch-hiking on the road of yellow bricks
I took a chance upon a passing whim
It ferried me where thins grow out from thickes
Turns out, I found myself out on a limb

Imagine, on a limb and at my age
How could I get my feet back on the ground
My first instinct was fly into a rage
A brainstorm came, then all my anger drowned

Yet this was not my first time on a limb
Fact is, I've shinnied down more than a few
These days, instead of taking it so grim
I've learned to sit and just enjoy the view 

If you're caught on a limb by some mistake
The bright side is, the damned thing didn't break

     by Daniel Turner

Written by Vernette Hutcherson
Categories: funny, imagination, philosophy,

Your Umbrella

If you let a smile
Be your only umbrella
Expect a wet butt

Written by Arthur Vaso
Categories: dedication, humorous, philosophy, poets,

David Meade

David Meade

It’s been over a month
And not a verse, or line 
No limerick or witty fair
No Haiku or Hitachi or Kyoto flair
Left with no choice
No new material to feed
We must come up with those albums
Of compilations indeed

The top 20 hits of David Meade

David Meade’s best Love poems

Top Hits 2014 of David Meade

David Meade says Haiku to you

Top 10 Dancing poems by David Meade

Haiku Haiku its poems of Meade we do

Written by Sarah Jones
Categories: angst, funny, imagination, mystery, philosophy,

The Toilet Dream Speaks the Truth

I had a dream
Where all my clothes
Were in my toilet bowl
Clogging it.

Apparently this means that
I am drenched in emotions
Which need to be released
And expressed,

So I wrote
This poem.

Written by Jslambert Mister Roboto
Categories: angst, confusion, depression, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, introspection, life, love, passion, people, philosophy, romance, social, sorry

Shameful Morning

not sure how she got here 
only know she needs to leave

underneath the stranger 
my arm numb; asleep, 
mouth a desert.
a hundred dead cigarettes dance my tongue dry 

princess of night 
exposed by light. 
get me out of this;
another dreaded morning mess. 

bed broken
along with my will. 
I swore never again; 
the lie is half the thrill.


Written by Moonbee Canady
Categories: friendship, funny, introspection, life, people, philosophy, satire, social

' Friend To Friend ... '

A Friend:
One, Who Helps You Get Out Of A Jam

               A Partner:
… Is Usually In The  Jam With You

                   A Pal:
Is The One, Who Usually Gets You In The Jam

           An Acquaintance:
Someone, Who Heard About The Jam

                 A Buddy:
Says … Its Your Own Jam Fault …

Written by Tom Bell
Categories: funny, happiness, health, life, philosophy, satire,

Sweatin' the Small Stuff

Don't sweat the small stuff, they say...
I see it, a different way....
Small problems easily become big,
Make you pull your hair out,
So you gotta' wear a wig!

Written by Belind Celayir
Categories: funny, life, philosophy,

Soda Pop Emotions

Can’t help going insane crazy here,

Won’t hear my name is biggest fear.

If I don’t, might could explode,

Be just small part, if I unload.

Like a bottle, all shook up,

Won’t make it to, a glass or cup.

Will only pop out, a huge mess,

Then what to do, start over, I guess?

Written by Geoffrey Brewer
Categories: humor, philosophy,



In submitting my last résumé
Jessica Rabbit inspires me to say
Though some call me a cad 
I’m not really that bad
It’s just that I was drawn this way

There’s a catch in assigning creation
Of our being in all its summation
To another as source
Who gave them the force?
Cue: an infinite reiteration

Still if I were the artist divine
And it were in my power to assign
All the features impose
Including the nose
I’d draw one much better than mine

Inspired by the film:
- Who framed Roger Rabbit

Written by Ann Foster
Categories: celebration, destiny, humor, inspiration, kiss, philosophy, rainforest,



The bird in the cage sits,
and sometimes sings. 
On Sunday he gets let out. 
That is the best day. 
The cat is at church.

Written by Gershon Wolf
Categories: confusion, giggle, identity, philosophy,

Who Is Who

If I am I
                       and you are you
                      then I am really I
                      You are really you
                       And we agree on
                          Who is who  

                               But if
                         I am not really I
                   And you are not really you
            I am not really I you are not really you 
                    And it's anyone's guess
                        As to who is who

Written by Joe Dimino
Categories: allegory, analogy, humor, philosophy, society, wisdom, word play,

Intelligent Life

Before leaving earth
we should seek to find 
intelligent life…if

we are to identify it elsewhere;

for the universe is
an obvious abundance

while man has yet
to expose his own….

Written by Joe Dimino
Categories: evil, freedom, humorous, philosophy, political, truth, wisdom,

Some Thoughts

God believes in term limits – 
no surprise, Congress does not;

The soul responds immediately
to truth – while policy requires
endless debating...

Good needs no rehearsing – 
unlike evil, always heavily
scripted and eternally 

Written by Katherine Stella
Categories: caregiving, education, food, funny, health, imagination, inspirational, life, nature, philosophy, seasons, uplifting, visionary, work

I'M Thristy

Clouds burst
   Crops thirst

Written by Arthur Vaso
Categories: anti bullying, fairy, humanity, humorous, murder, philosophy, integrity,

Little Men

Little Men

They speak
Before thinking
They speak 
After drinking
They speak
When silence would make them wiser
They speak
The words of little men

Sadly they know not the land of the meek
Inheritance shall never be theirs to keep

They obtained a few drops of knowledge
Yet they possess no well of wisdom
They care more the vocal of their own voice
Than the heart to whom they think they speak
They lack honor, integrity, bravery and nobility
It’s simply not in their stock
They ridicule and then they mock

On deathbeds I do wonder
If they shall ever take stock
Or shall they hold greedy
Their stupidity
Taking it with them to the grave

Written by Victoria Anderson-Throop
Categories: funny, life, love, passion, philosophy,

Naughty Sex Talk

Naughty Sex talk

Women will whisper
Pretend they don’t care
Chat about perfume
Or talk about hair
Why is it secret
Hush, hush don’t say
When every ten seconds
In every man’s brain
Frank daydreams of sex
Women insane

Written by Katherine Stella
Categories: childhood, daughter, dedication, devotion, education, family, children, funny, happiness, health, imagination, inspirational, life, love, people, philosophy, thank you, uplifting, visionary

Quit Running

mom say's
quit running !!!!

Written by Dan Keir
Categories: adventure, angel, beautiful, business, childhood, death, education, fantasy, farewell, freedom, friendship, funeral, funny, growing up, happiness, happy, health, holiday, home, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, nostalgia, on writing and words, parody, passion, patriotic, peace, people, philosophy, slam, social, song, sorrow, sorry, spiritual, time, woman,

Ding Dong the Wicked Witch Is Dead

Globally, miners jubilantly jump for joy
Smiles on the faces of every girl and boy
The grins of a newly opened Xmas toy
Thatcher’s dead.

Trade unionists bounce along the street
Music blaring and the tapping of feet
From nurses to Bobbies still on the beat
Thatcher’s dead.

Street parties announced in the nation
Satan who brought economic inflation
Is deceased, now’s the time for elation
Thatcher’s dead.

Its times like this I’m sad I’m an atheist
And can only shout and wave my fist
And then go to the pub and get pissed
Thatcher’s dead.

Written by Katherine Stella
Categories: adventure, dedication, fantasy, funny, happiness, imagination, inspirational, parody, people, philosophy, thank you, uplifting, visionary

I Am Woman Hear Me Roar

I am strong as that of a mighty eagle
Won't back down to predators

I am strong that of atlas
Can carry the world on my shoulders

I am strong that of a loco motive
Reaching final destinations 

I am strong that of God
Only within His calling

                              For the hand who touches
                                 Is the man saved

I have the willpower
To see it through

I have structure
To make it happen

I have knowledge 
To share unto others

                              For I am woman
                                Hear me Roar

Entry For Rambling Poet's
I Am Strong Contest

Written by Dan Keir
Categories: allah, angel, angst, confusion, dream, education, faith, freedom, god, happiness, health, heaven, history, holocaust, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, miracle, nature, on writing and words, pain, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religious, sad, spiritual, stress, success, sympathy, teacher, time, write,

Haikus About God: Iii

Beauty of nature
Why condense it down to God?
Isn’t life enough?

Written by David Dowling
Categories: art, food, funny, philosophy, visionary,

A Poem About An Apple That Is Sure To Disappoint the Reader

I see an apple.
There it is.

Written by Brandee Augustus
Categories: funny, introspection, life, on work and working, philosophy


There once was a proud Aries like me,
whose impatience kept from being free.
But all my pride inside
never had the chance to hide
the goal of winning confidently!