Funny Poems About Chocolate or Chocolate Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Chocolate poems and/or funny poems about Chocolate. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Chocolate funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Chocolate Poems.

Poem Details | by Jared Pickett |
Categories: funny

Good Ol' Scoobs

My Pit-Bull puppy, five months old, Sir Scoobs
looks at me crazy, arches and poops.
His tail tucks he runs,
he new what time it was,
after a juke, I could not subdue...

Jared Pickett

Poem Details | by William Krichbaum |
Categories: humor,

Ol Brother Cadence

Wish in one hand and crap in the otherrrrr,
       pick which one you would give to your brotherrrrr.

Poem Details | by Natasha L Scragg |
Categories: funny love,

Me Ol' Ambition

Hey there! Howdy, me ol' mate, my pal!
I'm out, lookin' to get me a gal.
With my giant lasso
I'll impress her, whoo hoo!
An' boy I sure do hope she's called Val!

Written 30th April 2022
For the High Noon Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Joseph May

Poem Details | by Christopher Bunton |
Categories: funny, humor, love, sweet,

Ol' Suzy

Ol’ Suzy

Remember ol’ Suzy Jackson?
That girl was a boat load of fun.
Kissing behind the shed,
till our faces were red,
and we knew we had found the one.

I thought I’d lost her when she moved;
leaving my love for her unproved.
But, I found her again;
and I asked for her hand.
Now my lonely heart has been soothed.

for the Whisper Sweet Nothings contest.  11/17/2017

Poem Details | by Brandlynn Young |
Categories: animals, children, funny,

Ol' Wes, Ol' Craig and Rocky

While cleaning my house one night,
I heard a noise outside real clear.
I looked out the door and to my surprise
Ol’ Wes, ol’ Craig, and Rocky was there

These little varmints, are varmints indeed,
Three pesky little coons.
They live to investigate what’s on my porch
Those silly, silly goons.

I shooed them away by stomping my foot
But they sat there and looked at me.
Those crazy coons went and made me mad
That was Wes and Craig and Rocky

One of these days, I’ll have revenge
Revenge on these coons, you see.
I’ll get so I can outsmart them
And they won’t outsmart me!

Poem Details | by Pawlu Pascarawlu |
Categories: funny

Same Ol' Same Ol'

It's four in the evening, I'm lying in bed,
yesterdays drinking has rendered me dead

Crawl out my coffin, better slap on some gel
demonic follicles risen from hell.

Use the toilet, hold on tight,
really regretting that curry last night.

Clipping the claws that protrude from my feet,
they contain calcium and not bad to eat.

Put on my briefs, but something feels wrong,
I don't recall ever owning a thong.

Theres a knock at the door, I'm going out with the men,
and tomorrow I'll do it all over again.

Poem Details | by Robert Gorelick |
Categories: humor,

Good Ol' Tom's Maramite

As a child I would tremble and shudder with fright
Praying Please Lord not Aunt Beas's Marmalade tonight
Always slick, slimy and hard
Made of lime peels and used lard
I was still glad it wasn't Ol' Tom's Maramite


Poem Details | by Line Gauthier |
Categories: fish, funny, nonsense, silly, uplifting,

Good Ol' Fred

eye see you so the blind man said
as in each hand he held a fishy head
their steely eyes were icy cold and dead
his wit it seems barely hanging by a thread

in a flash he ran home, lightning-fast he fled
soon overtaken by the smell of gingerbread
he ate a hundred cookies till he was fully fed
and off he rolled and finally found his bed

AP: 2nd place 2022

Posted on June 18,2022

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: humorous,

Ol' Doc Jim

A old doctor hailed from backwoods Kentucky We all went to Doc Jim when we felt yucky He gave us some pills, That cured up our ills Weren't we country folk exceedingly lucky?
November 8, 2021

Poem Details | by Lu Loo |
Categories: humorous,

Ol Ms Tupp Was No Longer a Pup

Ol’  Ms. Tupp was no longer a pup,
                        she couldn’t even drink from a darn cup.
                                      She’s older than many,
                                      tripped, fell on her fanny,
                             “HELP, I’VE FALLEN AND I CAN’T GET UP!”

syllable count 9-9-6-6-9
April 23, 2018

Poem Details | by Susan Duplechin |
Categories: adventure, animals, food, children, funny, imagination, life,

Please Ol Master

The ol master was fast asleep
                 In his bedroom,a little mouse creeped
                 He stood on the floor by the masters bed
                        And made his request
                        Please ol master
                 Leave out a chunk of cheese
                 And i won't gnaw on your sleeve
                 One day i'll grow into a big rat
                          Please ol master
                          Lock up your cat

Poem Details | by Susan Duplechin |
Categories: animals, childhood, devotion, food, children, funny, imagination,

Please Ol Master

Ol  master,i'm your cat
                That's what i'm here for,i'll take care of that
                       I'll watch closely
                 He won't gnaw on your sleeve
                 And forget about leaving out a chunk of cheese
                         I promise ol master
                 He won't grow into a rat
                 Because i'm right here,i'll see to that
                 So forget about locking up your cat
                           I'ii catch that rat

Poem Details | by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: funny

'ol Ben Boe

only echoes long dead can be heard tonight, not candy, nor music can still the fright! your friends you hold close and never let go or you might be next to join 'Ol Ben Boe! across the seas above the stars answers we seek from far away Mars! so, if by chance you live 'till tomorrow your life long-lived and true thank 'Ol Ben Boe I waved to him standing next to you!

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: humor,

Ol' John Brown

Ol’ John Brown sang a pitiful tune He went to his reward all too soon Fought for a good cause Without undue pause And they strung him up at half-past noon.
written January 16, 2022