Humorous and funny Nonsensical poems and/or funny poems about Nonsensical. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Nonsensical funny poems!
Written by
Oed Loves Me Not
depression, humanity, humor, humorous, sad,
Hating One Another --- An Almost Nonsensical But Pessimistic Poem
We hate one another.
We can't get together.
We know it's better to be friends,
But we just don't even bother.
Our turmoil is so intense.
It's at the end of our tether.
All the King's Horses
And all the King's Men
Couldn't get us together.
Oh, no, it's over. Why bother?
Written by
Oed Loves Me Not
humor, humorous,
Look Up Into the Milky Way --- a Nonsensical Poem
Look up into the Milky Way
Streaming down the sky to the bay
Connected by sea to Skara Brae.
Do those ruins contain some clay?
On that faraway land, are there any dogs stray?
If I go there, will a beautiful girl be coming,
Serving me coffee with a splendid tray
On a sunny, refreshing day?
Will the girl be pretty enough to give me an impression
That strikes me as if with a fresh water spray?
Then, will I be filled with such deep emotion
That makes me shout, "Yay"?
Will I be stunned, having nothing to say?
Or will I start dancing as in ballet?
Written by
Sara Kendrick
Nonsensical For Fun
When I ate the orange
On the plate did arrange
This was one more challenge
He grabbed a slice, I cringe
At his rudeness, though derange
Somehow I will avenge
Oh! But I can change
I'll just ride the range
Eating my orange
On the very fringe
Written by
Kerry Macklin
Back and Forth Nonsensical
Dennis sinned
My gym
Did I? I did.
Do geese see God?
God saw I was dog
Don't nod don’t nod
Ah, Satan sees Natasha
Art, name no tub time. Emit but one mantra.
Rats live on no evil star
Too bad I hid a boot
Madam, in Eden I'm Adam
Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo
Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas!
No, it never propagates if I set a gap or prevention
Anne, I vote more cars race Rome to Vienna
Are we not drawn onward to new era?