Funny Poems About Nonsense or Nonsense Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Nonsense poems and/or funny poems about Nonsense. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Nonsense funny poems!

Written by Jerry T Curtis
Categories: food, funny, humorous, nonsense, romance, sexy, silly,

A Fine Flavor Between Lines

Is it Love
a simple bowl of ice cream
sweating from the heat
cherries on the top
huddled 'round and looking sweet
two little wooden paddles
pretend that they are spoons
as we sit beneath the stars
in the savor of the moon
your lips are all I see
as they caress them with a passion 
the cherries on your tongue
in a delightful playful fashion 
with our eyes intent and focused
in a stare of solemn trust
Is this ice cream truly love
or is it merely cherry lust

Written by Trevor Mcleod
Categories: analogy, appreciation, character, destiny, children, funny, nonsense,

Me Myself and I

Me myself and I
were talking to myselve's
when we asked us a question
and they were not themselves.

They themselves and them
now questioning themselves
said we were not like them
and had to be yourselves.

You yourselve's and you
now separate from myselve's
meant you could not be me
and we could be ourselves.

Written by Eric Cohen
Categories: humor, nonsense,

Tree Troll Twister

A three-toed tree troll
tried to trap a leaping leprechaun
with a black claw bear paw trap.
But he stubbed toe three in the trap in the tree,
Snip snap toe three was gone.

The two-toed tree troll
tried to trap a laughing leprechaun
with a black claw bear paw trap.
But soon he'd forget where the trap had been set,
Snip snap toe two was gone.

The one-toed tree troll
tried to trap a sleepy leprechaun
with a black claw bear paw trap.
“Go to bed,” he said, “while you still have your head,”
Snip snap now all are gone.

Submitted January 2020 for the "Twist My Tongue" contest sponsored by Nina Parmenter -- First Place

Written by Nandita Das
Categories: funny, math, nonsense,

Just Doesn'T Add Up

Pythagoras once fell off a ladder
And landed on a venomous adder
This adder couldn't add
Calculus made it sad
Algebra and theorems made it madder.

Written by Timothy Hicks
Categories: america, education, england, fun, funny, homework, nonsense,

Concerning Math and How To Say It

The British call it maths,
but the Americans ditch the s
causing much international scorn.
But for our sake, p'raps it'd be best
to keep subjects
only halfway grasped
in the singular form.

Written by Tomas Vazquez
Categories: adventure, easter, fear, funny, nonsense, religion,

Twas the Night Before Easter

He knows if you are sleeping,
He knows when you're awake,
He knows if you've been bad or good.
Zombie Jesus must be staked!

So eat your crackers and wine,
And think that you'll be saved,
But that's not why he's here because
Your brains are what he craves!

He'll never stop his rampage.
Not until he's fully fed,
But nothing satisfies his hunger
Like what rattles in your head.

He's coming down the chimney.
He's underneath your bed.
You think you can outrun him,
But soon you will be dead.

So you better not whisper,
You better not cry
Cuz even a shot between his eyes
Won't stop Zombie Jesus, tonight..

Written by Timothy Hicks
Categories: addiction, funny, nonsense, simple, word play, words, writing,

I Have a Love Affair With Parenthesis

(don't tell anyone)

Written by Jerry T Curtis
Categories: funny, nonsense,

Lake Breaking News

Lake Breaking News

Early this morning, there was a robbery
A turtle mugged a snail down by the pond
The shell the turtle jacked, was off the poor snail's back
and when he turned around, the thief was gone

He went down to the station, after much deliberation
And told the cops his story at last.
With such a keen depiction, they asked for a description
But, the snail said it happened much to fast

Written by Timothy Hicks
Categories: fun, funny, humor, humorous, nonsense, writing,

In Sain Plight

Alliteration is awesome;
thanks to thee
it effortlessly erases evidence
of spoonerisms.


Written February 29th, 2016
For the Spoonerisms Contest hosted by Roy Jerden

Written by Tom Quigley
Categories: humor, nonsense, poetry,

Poetry Biscuit

I am the enchanted poetry biscuit
No gravy, no butter, I look so bland
Staring at the fridge, will you risk it?
Sweep me away in your hot hands!

I’m so much more than last night’s pizza pie
Come on now, I dare you, take a bite
A radiant magic awaits inside
To quench the burn; set your soul aright

Whether you nuke me, boil me, or bake me,
I’ll satisfy your cravings the same
And like life, I’m as good as you make me
Let the flour and baking soda set you aflame!

“Poetry Biscuit” was an irresistibly compelling suggestion…

© Thomas W. Quigley
For contest: Poetry ______
Sponsor: PDA

Written by Michelle Faulkner
Categories: food, funny, nonsense, science fiction,

Green Cuisine

Lurking in fuzzy leftovers is seen
A quivering, crawling hairball of green
A florescent prune
Or cheese from the moon
Gurgles gastric, plastic alien spleen

The miser squire requires gluts of caffeine
To dissect this science project's gangrene
Harpoon on a spoon
Zoom to the saloon
Lunch ladies' supreme mystery cuisine.


For Green Humor contest
Sponsor: Carolyn Devonshire

Written by Sandra Hudson
Categories: children, funny, life,

Utter Nonsense

One cold day, I was burning up
The rain outside was dry
The sunshine, mooned each falling star
Out there, inside was I

Reading, when I'm fast asleep
I saw no movement stand
I reached without and outstretched arm
to flick the fly that land

Bouncing, being very still
I thought it lively, dying
When up it sprang, just flatly
All it's energy, spent trying

Salt I sprinkled, as it poured
Atop, the underneath, it's belly
Finally flopping, to and fro
Then landing in my jelly

Written by B.J. Fitz
Categories: funny, nonsense,

The Edibles

"They call us the edibles," said a cookie to me,
Whose eyes were chocolates and chips,
"Your mom shaped us into people, as you see,
And now sound comes from our liquorice lips!"

"Yeah, and it seems my lips are liquor-ish as well,"
I said to myself and not to the dessert,
Whom I tossed up and when he into my mouth fell,
Began screaming, "Is this what I deserve?!"

I quickly pulled him out of my mouth and when,
Asked why and how he had just spake,
He responded to that right there and then,
"Because like you, we had just got baked."

Written by Michelle Faulkner
Categories: funny, humor, nonsense, silly,

Polite Fight

Today, I got into a Polite Fight
Over the last Wonder Woman night-light
"Oh, its yours," I insisted,
She demurred, I resisted,
Until I gave in and let her be right!


Written by Elizabeth Mccann
Categories: funny, humorous, nonsense,

To a Fly Drinking

Fly in orbit, fly in creep, 
Margin on the edge of sleep,
Feast your portion from the best.;
I would bargain blood for rest! 
Leave your frantic fantasies bare, 
Sculpted onto empty air. 

Fly, you have not heard my plea.
You zoom in on my ear, my knee. 
Rousing from my noonday haze, 
My lassitude becoming rage,
I tell you, fly, cease now this play!
But here you come again my way!

Oh, brother of this feeble flesh,
Darting, dodge this trapping mesh! 
'Til once the blow! Swift undoes
The circle into circle, buzz.
Alike with life our end begun, 
Histories in speck and thumb.

(with a  respectful nod to William Blake)

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: funny, humorous, nonsense,

A Racy Poem So Watch Out

My thumbs ran off today.
I knew they were in love
And I suspected they might be compelled to be alone, together.

It makes opening cans rather tough.
Turning the key in the ignition is nigh onto impossible.
I had trouble picking up my fork for my eggs.
But do they care?

Heavens no.
They are selfishly in love, those two.
Gone away on a clandestine holiday.
Thank goodness I have an I-phone instead of a rotary one.

I do not even have to use my thumbs to hold it down while I dial.
They are in the next room, moaning and stuff. 
Like newlyweds do. I hate to disturb them,
So here I sit, twiddling nothing.

Written by Nick Trim
Categories: animal, art, humorous, nonsense, silly, smart, word play,

Pen Gwen

Her name was Gwen
and she was a poet
but Gwen was a penguin 
so Gwen couldn’t show it

Gwen couldn’t pen things 
no hands on her wings 

She was no pen Gwen
the poet penguin

*Pen Gwen
Bring a character to life 
Richard Lamoureux
9/11/2019 12:00:00 AM
Yes 9/7/2019 2:36:00 PM

Written by Paula Goldsmith
Categories: humor, inspiration, love, magic, nonsense, religion, romance,


Today I write just for you
My soul wants you to feel great not blue
The ink in my veins write so true
Date Written: 7/6/2021
4 Place
Bite Size Poem no 11 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier

Written by Michael Wise
Categories: humorous, nonsense,

Buried Treasure

It was the young man's pleasure
to dig for buried treasure
with shovel in hand
he suddenly planned
to dynamite, just for good measure

Written by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: dark, fantasy, fear, fun, funny, hilarious, nonsense,


The rimpledeeduggs klacklety splatt britly floaming,
Ere flamping drakkurz snazzle at elvitty gloaming;
Yon jamweezy wudderslimps gamwracks smotly crawling,
Hoytaling pagartrimps flotlessly wrothful in bawling!

Beete stell ere yethle flagorns craithen yere eise,
Ort smoothle yourn mithredoons bakk toon codry skize;
Bodryluntz quidups moost stupuddle cudgely pierdax,
And zakkertic flibboots wraithling in yert tardly tracks!

Written by Michael Wise
Categories: funny, humorous, nonsense, word play,

Way Down In East Jabib

Way down in East Jabib
where I told many a fib
I spoke so many lies
it should be no surprise
that I used to lie in my crib

Written by Joe Dimino
Categories: humorous, imagery, metaphor, nonsense, prayer, voyage, word play,

The Writer's Prayer

I like to think 
that poetry
has intrinsic value
above and beyond 
the actual craft…

That the origins
of poetry’s meter
and rhyme precede
each preliminary

That something, perhaps
even spiritual, transcends
the fore-and-aft…

And when the writer
thinks to scuttle
a work, as often
inherently we do, 

may there be angels
floating him
a Literary-raft….

Written by Mike Gentile
Categories: food, fun, humor, humorous, nonsense, silly,

I Found A Hair In My Eggroll

I found a hair in my egg roll  
                    Lipstick was left on my glass 
Discounted prices, no wonder
                      Bean curd is giving me gas

Cracks in the dishes are nothing
             Cracks in the seats are too much
My bottom’s nearly deflated  
              Next thing, the floor it will touch

Speaking of floors, they’re so sticky
               My foot stepped out of my shoe
An hour you’ve been in the bathroom  
                 Search party’s looking for you

Get me the check, where’s my cookie
                 Ugh, there’s no fortune inside
Chow Mein is starting to rumble
              Yuk! I think something has died

Written by Joe Dimino
Categories: gothic, grave, halloween, humor, irony, nonsense, silly,

Old Friends

The Ghost denied
he was a Ghost,

though clearly
I saw through -- 

Someone I knew
in life, back then
quite pink, substantial
with lots 
and lots to do – 

tried and tried
convincing him
all to no avail,
myself even now
more pale

till recognized he

dear friend, himself

who had

read my eulogy….

Written by Bryan Norton
Categories: humor, nonsense,

Cats and Dogs

Dogs eat cats, cats eat rats 
Rats eat things that drop from bats
Bats eat bugs, bugs eat figs
Figs that fall on hats and wigs
Wigs on pigs and hats on hogs
Should’ve quit with cats and dogs.

Bite Size Poem No. 9 Poetry Contest