Humorous and funny Mouse poems and/or funny poems about Mouse. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Mouse funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Mouse Poems.
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
animal, family, giggle, home, sweet, uplifting, youth,
Growing up,
I was the runt of the litter.
My siblings called me Cute,
because I was the youngest one.
It was very hard growing up as a little mouse,
gray with tiny white spots.
I saw myself as big as a mountain,
then felt that mountain move inside of me.
Growing and learning is what I did,
then one day I was all grown up.
I wondered,
where would the world take me?
I found myself living on top,
yes on top of a mountain.
I am no longer the runt,
I am no longer called Cute.
Living on top of this mountain,
is my home.
The mouse and the mountain,
now has become one.
Poem Details | by
David Smith |
addiction, evil, humorous, imagery, obituary, slam, smart,
We have a mouse in the house.
Not an average mouse
But rather a mouse with some nous
That trips traps as it goes traipsing through the house.
A mouse whose downfall I am planning
Even while I am jotting.
A foolproof trap I will find,
Before I go out of my mind.
It will be one of a kind,
That will attest to my state of mind.
And show beyond doubt that I have more nous
Than a mouse.
It will send a message to all mouse kind
That it is time to leave this city behind
In case I lose my nous
And sacrifice the house to get rid of a mouse.
Poem Details | by
John Williams |
children, funny,
A roller-skating mouse
Rudely came rolling in my house,
He stuck his tongue out
As he went racing by,
He was taking all my cheese
As easy as you please,
It just made me want to cry.
So I went to a pet store
And paid just a little more
To buy a roller-skating cat,
When I took him to my house
He caught that rolling mouse,
Now I can eat my cheesy snack.
Poem Details | by
Jacob Cra |
Legendary star Mickey Mouse
Lives with his pals in a clubhouse!
Say he lost his journal filled with
All he has to do is scream “Oh
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
funny, nostalgia
This is written with tons of tongue in cheek
But I loved watching Mickey Mouse each week
He was my favorite star
Outshone Donny Duck by far
A talking mouse ne'er to utter a squeak
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved
Poem Details | by
Anne-Lise Andresen |
food, funny,
Fill my empty stomach
Replace the cheese with vegetables, fruits, berries or nuts
I eat healthy all year round
Old dry cheese ~ NO THANKS
You will find greater delicate cuisine in a dumpster
o o o
Luxus Mouse
/\ /\ /\ /\ *
(=• •=) * * (=• •=) * *
> (*) < * > (*) < *
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
Poem Details | by
Janet Eaton |
cat, funny,
My cats have decided on this blustery cold morn,
To hide under the covers and stay oh so warm.
The wind keeps howling, making them shake,
While under the covers cozy it does make.
Moving may not be an option for me
For as I stretch the closer they be.
I tried to sneak out real quiet you see,
Buy they caught on quick and reprimanded me.
We all know who rules this house
And today we're not moving even for a mouse.
Poem Details | by
Mary Rotman |
animal, cat, funny, humor, word play,
There’s a mouse in my house,
a greedy little souse
He’s clever for I never
eyewitness his endeavors,
But the cat sentinel sat,
and I know the little rat
is there.
There are holes in my rolls
and mouse turds in my bowls.
Though a lover, out of cover,
of all fauna I discover
This critter makes me twitter
at his presence as a sitter
in my kitchen,
So I’m bitchin’; but the mouse,
tail a-twitchin’,
scurries on.
Poem Details | by
Barry Stebbings |
cat, humorous,
Said The Cat To The Mouse
Said the cat to the mouse,
“We could share this house,
We need not share the food.
You could eat cheese,
Or whatever you please,
And I could eat, err …. mouse!”
Barry Stebbings
Poem Details | by
Saanvi Dua |
funny, happiness,
Once there lived a mouse in its own little house...
its name was Jerry
and lived with merry...
It ate yummy berries and cherries
and was very hairy...
Living in a hole ,
with his brother, the mole...
It used to find cheese with ease
and lived in peace.
It was scared of cats...
because cats eat rats...
It lived a happy long life
with its seven children and a wife...
Poem Details | by
Sabrina Robillard |
animals, children, funny,
I am a mouse
You are a cat
You think you are…
But you aren’t all that
I am too fast
For you to kill
The blood of no one
You will spill
Your claws are dull
Just like your head
You’re about as smart
As a slice of bread
You think you’re fast
But you're really not
So I have no worries
I’ll never be caught
A door does slam
We turn to see
A man walk in
With a new fishy
That fish looks tasty
Go give him a try
But he is a piranha
I hope you don’t die
Poem Details | by
Suresh Iyer |
animals, confusion, funny, petsnight, dog, dog, night,
Late night I come
Dog greets and barks
He chases, I run
Next night I come
Ready with sticks
I chase, he runs
Days go Nights come
Dog plays cat and mouse
I chase or run
Then came the Night I dread
The Dog descends the stairs
Unaware I climb the stairs
We greet face to face
Scared to death
I run down
The Dog darts above
Poem Details | by
Sara Kendrick |
animals, education, fantasy, funny, imagination, introspection, mystery, nature
Cat types words all day
Mouse cleverly wipes away
It's a cat/mouse game
Poem Details | by
Andy Craig |
animal, funny,
Little mice are out of sight, they scratch
and nibble your house is riddled.
The mouse he knows the best places to go,
can fit through and hide in the most tiniest
of holes.
The mouse family numbers are soon to reach
a hundred. Little feet and teeth, little mouse
babies extremely hungry.
Poem Details | by
Sara Kendrick |
The city mouse hitched a bumpy ride
In a demolition dumpster
To the spacious country side
When he landed on the
Ground, he ran so fast
Without a sound~
Quiet mouse
Loved the
Poem Details | by
Josette Key |
There's a mouse in my house
It just ran under the couch
I really hate to say it
But I don't think I can take it.
There's a mouse in my house
I'm really quite annoyed
There's some bread on the floor
It must have really enjoyed.
There's a mouse in my house
I just hit it with my shoe
It really seems quite dead now
Think I'll flush it down the loo.
Josette Key 2009
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
funny, philosophy,
Oh my goodness! Did you see that???
A mousie riding on the back of a cat
Guess these guys have kissed and made up
Heard mousey yell “Hey! Giddy-up!”
Great to see them getting on so well
Mousey's relieved, as you can tell
Wearing a big grin from ear to ear
Felix is enjoying it too, it appears
Remember this lesson from one time rivals
Don't need no conflicts for survival
It's a whole lot better to laugh and have fun
Than face extinction at the point of a gun
So what did you learn from this sweet wee tale?
Enjoy yourself and drink lots of ale
You'll see little mousies and cats at play
Instead of killings on TV each day!
© Jack Ellison 2012
Poem Details | by
Yvonne De Carlosa |
fun, giggle, humorous,
Hickory Dickory Mouse on Clock
Hickory, dickory dock
mouse ran away with my sock
now they don't match
can you do catch?
now there's two more mice on clock.
Written: Nov. 1, 2015
Poem Details | by
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
funny, pets
Two Cats and a Mouse
There were two cats in one house
One of them liked to roam.
The other preferred to stay home…
There, the catnip mouse she pounced.
© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
January 20, 2010
Poetic form: Chastushka
Poem Details | by
Romeo Naces |
animals, children, funny,
Kids, you can call me a looney or a spoilsport
whose views you'll find silly and will never support:
winnie pooh will kill,
teddy also will
as real grownup bears, this to you I shall report.
and that deceitful story about mickey mouse
who is nothing but a creepy pest in the house;
lovable to you,
nothing really new;
he spreads disease with the gnat, the tick and the louse!
Poem Details | by
Josette Key |
animals, funny, life,
There's a mouse in my house
It just ran under the couch.
I really hate to say it
But I just can't seem to take it.
Oh,there's a mouse in my house
I'm really quite annoyed
There's some bread on the floor
It must have really enjoyed.
There's a mouse in my house
I just hit it with my shoe
It really seems quite dead now
Think I'll flush it down the loo.
josette key 2008
Poem Details | by
Sara Kendrick |
death, funny,
My mouse died
On him I totally relied
How I cried and cried
Replaced his battery
Then he came back alive
Now we can really jive
Poem Details | by
Kitty Lou |
Little mouse in my house
You think you're so smart
No fear or fright and late at night
Across my floor you dart
I don’t see or hear you
But did you seriously think
I wouldn’t notice the droppings
Left under my sink?
My mousy friend I too am swift
And just for you I got a gift
No its not cheese upon a trap
That when you nibbled failed to snap
And no more chocolate left for you
On top a matt all smeared with glue
Oh no dear mouse its none of that
Today my friend I bought a cat!
Poem Details | by
John Lawless |
humor, judgement,
A mouse you say
As if to denigrate my worth
make of me something small.
Knowing nothing of my heart,
my will, my daring, my courage.
You see me as weak.
Have you ever risked all
To bring food to your family?
Outrun a snarling barn cat?
Stealthily snatched the cheese
from the springing death of a mouse trap?”
You know not the trepidations
I wrestle with, feel not the fears
I overcome, hear not the song
within my soul. And yet
you judge me
not knowing that I
am one helluva mouse.
Personification Poem 150 Poetry contest
Poem Details | by
Deborah Burch |
I hear a mouse under the sink.
I'd poison him, but then he'd stink.
A cold snap's here, so he must think
That I won't mind him there.
I hear him knawing now and then.
He's quite determined to get in.
I need a way of stopping him
For he may be a pair!
I hear the quickest way's a trap
--a guillotine--one mighty: SNAP!
Then, throw him out. That is That!
Too gross...I need some air.
What kind of lure is good for bait?
Let's see there's Choc'late, Cheese--NO! WAIT!
I took too long...God sent a Snake!!
Looks like I'm outta here!
deborah burch©