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Funny Poems About Mother Daughter
Humorous and funny Mother Daughter poems and/or funny poems about Mother Daughter. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Mother Daughter funny poems!
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
12th grade, family, father daughter, humor, humorous, mother daughter, relationship,
My Princess
When I grow up, will I still be princess?
Of course, says glowing daddy.
A roll of the queen’s eyes.
Written by
Cindi Rockwell
crazy, daughter, funny, mother, mother daughter,
Momma Knows Best -- For Contest
Momma always told me,
"Children should be seen but not heard."
'Til I streaked through her Garden Party
And muttered not a word.
Momma always told me,
"The best birth control is an aspirin held tight between your knees."
But my boyfriends ALL had headaches!
Glad I put their heads at ease!
Momma always told me,
"They won't buy the cow if they get the milk for free,"
So I never served my best beaus milk,
Just liquor, wine and me!
Poor momma had another saying,
"You'll be the death of me!"
Momma, you were always right!
There was arsenic in that tea.
Written by
Jan Allison
clothes, humorous, mother daughter,
Green Sleeves - Bawdy Limerick Edited
Val’s daughter was picking her nose
Then wiping snot on Val’s new clothes
When Val finds sticky mess
Of green slime on her dress
The distress in her quickly rose
Green bogeys all over her sleeve
So slimy they make poor Val heave
To resolve this issue
Hands daughter a tissue
But bogeys on dress will not leave!
Val’s outfit that once was pristine
Is covered with snot of bright green
To compound Val’s distress
She cannot wash this dress
Dry cleaning should get her dress clean!
each stanza 8,8,6,6,8 checked with how many syllables
Written by
Jan Allison
anger, humorous, mother daughter, teenage,
Spoilt Brat Footles
in mess
Flicks hair -
Bad mood
Is rude
She whines
At times
She pouts
And shouts
Mummy …
Stamps feet
Can clout –
Watch out!
Spoilt brat –
Hate that!
5th June 2015
Written by
Ayesha Karim
black african american, care, caregiving, child, childhood, giggle, girl, mother daughter,
I was only five years old,
getting my hair pressed for the first time.
I heard my mother’s voice.
She was reading to me as she was pressing my hair.
Mama always called me “my-Esha”.
She was so kind a woman.
She still is.
All the people I knew as friends called me Esha.
My family did too.
Mama would wash my hair and then press it.
The pressing comb would get very hot.
The sides would singe with steam and heat from the pressing comb.
The back of my hair was my least favorite part to get pressed.
She knew it and we joked about it when she was threw fixing my hair.
Written by
Chicano Eddie
funny love, grief, kid, marriage, mental illness, mother daughter, mother son,
Endless Fight
if they had went through
every minute of what
conceived my wisdom,
they’d all be running
back to mommy.
if she knew there was a
reason why I kept my
mouth shut, she’d know
what she went through was
normal for the life she
was placed in and chose
to remain confused in.
confusion can !@#$ up
everything… she knows.
wisdom can change it all…
I show.
does the bee in the car
fight for it’s freedom
move about hysterically
enticing you to roll the
window down in hopes
you’ll cool off?
the days pass,
I stand my ground.
they did this to me,
I hold my ground.
…did this to me.
By: Chicano Eddie
Written by
V. Deepa
crazy, fun, humor, memory, mother daughter,
Pen Disguised As a Hair Clip
Sat to jot down limerick in log book
Inept to find my pen carried miffed look
Probed my mum who lay on bed
She guffawed and slapped my head
The clutched one tumbled from hair as I shook
Aug 29, 2020
Note:Limerick fun poetry Contest.
Syllables checked: Howmanysyllables.com
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin.
Written by
Bh Hallenburg
cute love, humorous, mother daughter, valentines day,
Frog Valentine and Toad Response
Valentine from my Mother in 1973:
If you see a frog sittin' in a tree,
Pull his tail and think of me.
My response:
Oh Toad!
Though butt of Jest and Ridicule since days of yore reviled;
Though favored on a Frenchman's plate and victim of a child;
Though hunted by Brazilian bats, devoured in the night,
Or dried and sprinkled in the brew to conjure up a blight;
And even blamed for warts and such (although the wise know better)
when little boys decide it's fun to slip one down a sweater!
Despite all this, Poor Toady knows worst yet to come he sees...
is lovers climbing through the boughs tugging toadtails in the trees!!!
Written by
Barbara Barry-Nishanian
fashion, humor, mother daughter,
Ugly Piercing
Ugly Piercing
Directing my attention
to the boogers up your nose
is about as beautiful
as the dirt between you toes.
Barbara Barry Nishanian
July 18, 2018 copyright
All rights reserved
Written by
Jan Allison
candy, conflict, grandmother, humorous, mother daughter, parents,
Five Letter Words
Meets Nanny
Named Annie
Given treat –
Candy sweet
Mummy cross …
Candy dross!
Happy child
Mummy riled!
Lolly falls
Tommy bawls!
Tacky pants
Mummy rants
Tommy cries
Daddy sighs
Fresh lolly
Tommy jolly
Happy smile
Short while
Chews lolly
Great folly
Awful truth
hurts tooth
Blood pours
Tommy roars
Tears spill
Mouth swill
Tommy yelps
Annie helps
Hides candy
Nanny handy!
Annie sorry
Gives lorry
Tommy plays
Happy phase!
"Fem Bogstaver" Contest
Sponsored by Rhoda Tripp
Written by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson
child, humor, mother daughter, nursery rhyme, poetry, riddle, school,
Smart Rosie
The teacher asked Rosie
"What rhymes with Blue?"
Rosie replied,
Mommy asked Rosie,
"What rhymes with Sam?"
Rosie replied,
Granny asked Rosie,
"What rhymes with Snow?"
Rosie replied,
"Kokomo Joe!"
Written by
CayCay Jennings
body, clothes, funny, giggle, humor, image, mother daughter,
Her Prize Gave Rise
Much smaller than her Mom's full size
she once took her bra as a prize.
When placed on her tips
it fell to her hips
then dipped to capsize on her thighs.
... CayCay
July 2, 2019
Written by
Ryan Gayagay
2nd grade, children, funny, mother daughter, nursery rhyme,
Jumping Jill
Jumping Jill she just loved to jump
From when she woke until bedtime.
She was afraid that she’d get plump
If she did not jump through daytime.
Once Jumping Jill did jumping jacks,
She hit and broke Ma’s precious chime.
Ma screamed and scared Jill with the axe,
Now Jill thinks jumping is a crime.
Among 3rd Place
Jill Nursery Rhyme Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Charles Messina
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
bird, humor, mother daughter,
Bird Gives Me the Bird
it was rather obvious
that he was disgusted with me
I could tell by his beak
his nose was in the air
and he gave me the eye
you know the one
that mother gives you
when you have disappointed the family
and she wants you to feel guilty for sixteen years?
I looked at his face and smiled
he was the epitome of “the bird”
as he gave me this look
It was amazing
that he had appeared
on the first anniversary of my mother’s death
“Hi, Mom,” I said.
Feeling an affinity,
loving the familiarity of this face.
Written by
Crystol Woods
funny, humor, mother daughter,
When Will I Grow Up
When will I finally fill your shoes,
Reach maturity like you did?
You seemed to have all the answers
When I was just a kid.
I've been waiting a long time now
So maybe I missed my turn,
I'm well past the age you were,
By now I should have learned!
How did you do the adulting, so effortless,
Not overwhelmed or lost?
You juggled a job,a family, and never
Dropped any ball we tossed.
You seemed so fearless, standing tall,
A million arms to answer each call.
All I can think when life comes at me
Is I don't even have half your balls.
Written by
Gershon Wolf
health, humor, mother daughter, motivation,
Dr Max MM Payne - Specializing in MILs
pliers… scalpel… knife…
drat… I feel the pulse of life…
if not for my wife…
MILs = Mothers-in-Law
Written by
Gershon Wolf
cute, father son, humor, mother daughter,
Confession Session
My son confessed
His room’s a mess
My daughter, amused
Her ~ mom disabused