Funny Poems About Middle School or Middle School Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Middle School poems and/or funny poems about Middle School. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Middle School funny poems!

Written by Zamreen Zarook
Categories: age, angel, beautiful, beauty, body, boyfriend, celebration, celebrity, change, character, creation, desire, emotions, children, friendship, girl, girlfriend, hero, humorous, i love you, image, life, memorial day, memory, middle school, relationship, romantic, school, society, student, teen, teenage, truth, wisdom, woman, women, words, world, youth,

Fake Words

Fake Words – Zamreen Zarook

God have given us mouth,
Not to speak to north and south,
Tongue is given under an oath,
So it’s our duty to protect them both.

Girls chat fake with boys,
Having a notion that the boys are toys,
They often make varied noise,
Thinking to keep a trap on handsome guys.

Boys are also human being,
So it’s not possible being clean,
Things varies in the way they are seen,
So positive thinking will make you keen.

Boys’ minds are pure,
As it is pure bio,
So don’t try to pour vino,
Which will take decades to get cure.

Written by J.W. Earnings
Categories: anger, childhood, class, confusion, crazy, dedication, children, kids, funny, growing up, growth, high school, how i feel, innocence, inspiration, life, middle school, people, rights, school, social, stress, student, teacher, teen, teenage, time, today, truth, words, writing, youth,

Bladder Problems In Class

Numbers on 
White board…names written hori-

Students ask
To go pee…right when class starts – 
THAT’S just wrong…

Bathroom line
Of students who have bladder
Problems – WOW!

People are
Not using lunchtime to do 
Their business 

No one knows
When to do their duties – SER-

Written by Khalil Franklin
Categories: black african american, child, childhood, children, food, children, funny, metaphor, middle school, social,

Oodles of Joy

"Oodles of Joy"
In the morning of everyday i 
I make a food that's really 
Crunch'em, rip'em, and pour'em out 
As saliva pools form in my 
Put it in the mic for just about 
Impatiently  watching those 
beautiful noodles waiting for 
When the time Is up
I Pop it open and take them out 
And start shoving "Oodle's of 
Noodles" into my mouth. 
Khalil Wali

Written by Lindsay Ward
Categories: best friend, character, friend, friendship, funny, middle school, teenage,

Cheesecake Lover

Who is she?
She is a seventh grader
Plays softball
Wears glasses
She lives and loves cheesecake
Chaddar cheese
Mac n' cheese
Who is she?

Written by Khadidja Megaache
Categories: animal, funny, humor, humorous, joy, middle school, silly,

Meow, Meow: Bang, Bang Parody

I was old when he was a baby
my feline loved me ardently, but he drove me crazy.

He loved to play at midnight when everyone slept,
Chewed on toys and on my covers he often crept.

Meow Meow, baby scratched me 
Meow Meow, i tried to flee
Meow Meow, he was on a killing spree
Meow Meow, he got distracted by a bee

O'sweet little cat I'm about to throw you out the window,
or smother your sweet face in my pillow.

your tiny claws marked my skin,
painted by blood from deep within. 

Meow Meow, A baby scratched me 
Meow Meow, i tried to flee
Meow Meow, he was on a killing spree
Meow Meow, he got distracted by a bee

Written by Tanzeel Aslam Khan
Categories: children, funny, middle school, poems, poetry,

Mr Toast

Mr. Toast

There was a person whose name was Mr. Toast,
A man put him in a toaster for him to roast,
But he got burnt,
And became a Ghost!

Mr. Toast,
Who was now a ghost,
Couldn’t be seen by anyone
Which made him proud for another boast!

Now as a ghost,
He went through walls,
And everyone was now afraid,
As they knew of Mr. Toast as a ghost!

One day he broke into a laboratory,
And started drinking the chemicals
From which he became once more Mr. Toast,
And he was now also afraid of Ghosts!

                                          -Tanzeel Aslam Khan

Written by Marissa Faries
Categories: 7th grade, character, confidence, crazy, humorous, identity, middle school,

Hyper Eccentricity

Cleanliness I absolutatingly fear...
For I only luv the mess I see,
It makes me believe I am not alone
In this sight of a messed-up and lonely room.
It'sh scaring me seeing purified spirit
With all th-this cleaned up vision.
Mirrors reflect my cleaned room...
In the darkness, within the shadows,
Are haunting red, yellow, and green:
Lights which are known as eyes
According to my mind...
Not as ordinary as others may seem...
For I am rather filled with secret eccentricity,
I loves seeing people electrified when in
Sight of my real personality:
Hyper eccentricity!

Written by Anthony Beck
Categories: discrimination, humorous, middle school, school, writing,

Dislekzic Chainjes

The system is slowly coming 'round,
To a concept perfectly profound:
Dyslexicans are most insightful;
They're absolutely quite delightful.
'Tis wrong to dump them in Lost & Found.

Written by L Milton Hankins
Categories: boy, growing up, humorous, middle school,

Being a Boy Is a Trip

Being a country boy has advantages
His mischief can be especially charming
But, when a city boy barely damages
His folks may find it all quite alarming.

When a country boy is perturbed
And gets involved in a mild kerfuffle
His folks will likely become disturbed
And, they will give him cause to shuffle.

A country boy can sometimes be coy
When facing an unfamiliar situation
While nothing astonishes a city boy
And he’s likely to cause consternation.

All in all, city or country, boys are a trip
They are slowly completing their mission,
While occasionally relinquishing their lip,
While they struggle to find their position.

Written July 13, 2021

Written by Jim Healey
Categories: humor, middle school, student,

When Nature Calls

A young student in high school named Don
badly needed to go to the john;
but in his great haste
he expended his waste
in the janitor's closet, the moron!

Written by Leila Knutson
Categories: high school, hilarious, middle school, repetition,


"Be not careless in deeds, nor confused in words, nor rambling in thoughts." (Marcus Aurelius)

In certain moments, less is more.
It's regarded as a cliche, 
but when you think hard about it,
it is true in many cases.

I'm not thinking in terms of wealth-
in certain moments, less is more.
Imagine a boring topic,
now someone rambles on about-

tax refunds, software management-
a bacterial infection.
In certain moments, less is more.
It will benefit everyone.

Think back to middle and high school-
your math teacher talking about
their lunch, then algebra, then pens. 
In certain moments, less is more.

Written by Marinus Jansen
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, funny, humorous, middle school, writing,

When Shakespeare was in school learning his grammar

When Shakespeare was in school learning his grammar, 
under his breath, you could sometimes hear him stammer,
"Who are these fools
who teach you to write by these rules?
They might as well teach you how to screw in a screw with a hammer!"