Funny Poems About March or March Funny Poems

Humorous and funny March poems and/or funny poems about March. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious March funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other March Poems.

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: humor,

Mar-A-Lago Poker

The wife took a job that pays pretty fair
Combing out daylight from Trump's orange hair
Displaying his lust
Trump stares at her bust
Confirming an Ace can not beat a pair!

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: humor,


A chocolate split with banana
Amuses the girls in Havana
A little ice cream
Does soothe self-esteem
When missionaries shout, "Hose Anna!"

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: cat, humor, word play,

Mar a Logo

A young girl who lost her knickers
Grew tired of hearing the snickers
"Well, urine luck!"
Cried Donald, "Duck!
I have  Hello Kitty stickers!"

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: humor,

Sabbath Lie Mar-A-Lago Chapel

When the wife bent over downtown
It caused all of the nuns to frown
For - to their dismay -
Right there on display
Was alms for the poor upside-down!