Humorous and funny Lyric poems and/or funny poems about Lyric. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Lyric funny poems!
Written by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson
body, dance, fun, humorous, silly, song, woman,
Witch's Titties
Oh, my name is Witch's Titties
I'm the leader of the band
Tho' only two in numbers
they sag down where life is grand
They swing like gaucho's bolos
to excite your fancy balls
Can toss 'em o'er my shoulders
to go dancing up the walls
Written by
Kim Rodrigues
humor, weather,
Winter Keeps Springing Up
Daffodils blooming,
Robins tweeting in trees,
Pollen is looming,
Sky falling like seas.
Atlanta’s warming -
Bless it’s peachy heart.
Isn’t it charming,
The chill will not part.
Can’t put my clothes away.
Winter keeps springing up.
My woollen socks sashay.
Taunt of sweaters: “Wuz up?”
Kids hop, skip and jump,
The joy of April,
Let go of the slump -
Could be they’re grateful…
Tender leaves unfold,
Sun is inviting,
But on the threshold,
The cold’s still biting.
Can’t put my clothes away
Winter keeps springing up
My woollen socks sashay
Taunt of sweaters: “Wuz up?”
Written by
Blake Holland
adventure, allusion, anger, art, color, confusion, cool, crazy, fantasy, fun, funny, music, new year, paradise, rap, riddle, rude, song,
Northern Suburbia
Your love is real
the love you feel.
Your love is great
the love you make.
Your records are on fire
its your desire.
Take me out tonight
and go wild and crazy,
or be fat and lazy.
So I played some Doors
and saw some whores.
So I said goodbye
and they all must die, fool.
So dig my guts
and eat my brain
and then go insane.
I don't
Care I love it
so forget it, Punk!
Written by
Arthur Vaso
christmas, hilarious,
Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Oh no I’m singing to a Christmas tree
Rum eggnog in me
Rum eggnog in me
Oh no I’m singing to the Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Much pleasure thou can give me
Oh mistletoe
Oh mistletoe
I’hve a Christmas tree I want to show
Oh Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Oh, I just kissed a Christmas tree
Oh Christine tee hee
Oh Christine tee hee
I thought you was a Christmas tree
No more rum for me
No more rum for me
Or my wife will toss me out
With the Christmas tree
Notes: I have no wife, and I have no tree, I may have some rum, but shhhhhh
Written by
Jerry T Curtis
humor, humorous,
My Bucket 'The Short List'
The day I turned the big 5 0
My friends all said to me
You got to make a Bucket List
Of things to do and see
So, I sat there on my cozy couch
With pen and pad in hand
And wrote a hundred things I'm sure
No one would understand
The first thing on the list I wrote
Was simply getting High
I'd score some Marijuana
and give that weed a try
Now It's been ten years later
You would think I had some fun
And probably went through half my list
But, I'm stuck on number One
So it's clear---this is a work of fiction---lol
Written by
Jennifer Young
age, funny,
My Favorite Things As a Middle Aged Chick
Night sweats and crazy
Hot flashes and lazy
Mood swings and a body (?)
That looks pretty shoddy
Eating and bleeding and wanting to scream
These are a few of my Favorite Things
When your doctor
Says a shocker
that your
Uterus is a lobster
I simply remember to pretend I'm filled with glee
and then
I forget that my uterus is in atrophy
Written by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson
animal, bird, farm, funny, music, silly, song,
Chicken Singing Turkey In the Straw
Buck buck buh-buck-buck
Buck buck buh-buck
Buck buck, buck buck, buck buck buck
Bucka buck bucka bucka buck
A'buck buck buck.
Buh-KAW k'buck buck
Buh-KAW k'buck
Buh-KAW k'buck buck
Buh-KAW k'buck
Buck buck buck buck
Buck buck buck
Bucka buck bucka bucka buck
A'buck buck buck.
Written by
Honestly J.T.
how i feel, humor, irony, poems, poetry, truth, writing,
I feel that I've not done,
Everything that I should do.
I've not found the sun,
Nor what rain,
May have to prove.
Every word is dry,
With a fighting attitude,
Trying to deny,
What I'd truly say to you.
I've tried to be the kind,
To write,
And please your very eyes.
Yet there comes a time,
When my muse,
Runs and hides.
Nay! This game of pain,
Is not what I ordain.
Peace will be sustained,
On the day,
I write again.
Written by
Ph.D Volo Von Wolfenstein
funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, lovelove,
I'm polynonsensicalamorous;
For me,
Romance is calamitous,
I woo and charm,
And raise some alarm,
When I try to arouse,
... By flexing my arm!
Some days its almost ridiculous,
Whatever I do,
It's frivolous!
So I dress to impress,
But I'm always despairing,
When I walk through the door,
I hear: "What are you wearing?"
They told me love was fabulous,
If you want the truth:
It's strenuous!
When I try to hit,
I always miss,
That hug I got,
...Should've been a kiss!
But if all is fair in love and war,
I should keep trying until I score,
And maybe one day I will cease to fuss,
If only I wasn't...
Written by
Christina Fell
funny, imagination, on writing and words, words, me, me,
These Words
All these words and all these lines
Just keep running through my mind
By the dozens, they drown out sound
And force me to quickly write them down
Lines and lyrics in poetic rhyme
Written within record time
Words so simple and plain to me
Can bring a smile or a tear you see
Though these are more
Than mere words to me
It is a part of my soul,
From way down deep
So please excuse me
While I let it all out
Or these words will drive me crazy
Without any doubt!
Written by
Belind Celayir
funny, life, philosophy,
Soda Pop Emotions
Can’t help going insane crazy here,
Won’t hear my name is biggest fear.
If I don’t, might could explode,
Be just small part, if I unload.
Like a bottle, all shook up,
Won’t make it to, a glass or cup.
Will only pop out, a huge mess,
Then what to do, start over, I guess?
Written by
Crystol Woods
funny, humor, parody,
You Are Always On My Mind: A Note From Your Stalker
You Are Always on my Mind: A Note From Your Stalker
Today I saw you leaving
I watched you pull away
Then I jumped into my car
And followed you all day
You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind
I love the way you dance
Like no one is watching you
And how you make funny faces
Like your curtains aren't see through
You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind
Tell me…that you'll never cut down your back yard tree
Give me…give me one more chance in your bathroom to peek
And I'll take a little peek.
You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind.
Written by
David Crandall
dad, funny, memory,
Dadella DeVil
(To be sung to the tune of "Cruella DeVil from Disney's 101 Dalmations)
Dadella DeVil, Dadella DeVil
If he don't make you laugh, no funny thing will
I think of him, and now I'm laughing still
Dadella, Dadella
You'll wait for him to come home from work until
You see your Dadella DeVil
At first you think Dadella's kind of nutty
He might pick you and to twirl you aroun'
But just when you think, for him you are quite ready
He'll change it up and turn you upside down
This crazy man, this lighthearted guy
I'll never forget him to the day I die
When Dad came home, it sure gave me a thrill
Dadella, Dadella DeVil
Written by
Doris Culverhouse
Iron Mom
I am Iron Mom, clean everything with a wave of my hand.
I am iron mom, cook macaroni with cheese sauce.
da da da da da da da da
Sung to the tune of Iron man. Inspired by Royal T.
Written by
Kim Rodrigues
dance, funny,
We’ll Ride a Horse Down Rocky Path
We’ll ride a horse down rocky path
Fall in love in the aftermath
Well do-si-do and do it right
Me and honey can dance all night
Roll away to a half sashay
‘neath the moon’s where we’re apt to stay
We promenade around fig leaves
with rolled up jeans and shorter sleeves
Hanging out in the doghouse tree
I circle left and she don’t leave me
Promenade with a giddyup
Be home in time for kiss-make-up.
Allemande left as we make things right.
all things beautiful, all things bright.
Weave the ring, a forever link
All ‘lone till life turns blue and pink
Written by
Trinity Chasara
addiction, cute love, dedication, devotion, funny love, love,
I Love the Sound of Your Voice
I love the sound of your voice
My heart sings when you speak
Turns into symphonies and orchestras
Of sweet melodious bliss
That when my ear tastes
My inner joy swells and abounds
Like a river in spate
Unfettered, deep, and resounding
Fresh as the medleys of life
That feed from infinite vastness
I love the sound of your voice
It is soft as doves, captivating and beautiful
Granted to hear now and ever after
Through morning, noon and night
Summer, winter and spring
Then I would gather each sentiment
Like lilies and toss
Each scent that is hope and peace
Upon the bed of my soul
Where the voice that I love to hear
Would come to me with angel kisses
And be my lullaby.
Written by
Juan Blanco
funny love,
A knife trusted upon the chest -hope for a clean wound.
Written by
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
childhood, children, funny, song-lyric
Gummy Worms
Gummy Worms
Everybody likes me.
Nobody hates me.
Because I share my worms –
Yummy, yummy gummy worms
Sour and sweet yummy worms
Sitting in my kitchen, sharing worms!
Yummy, yummy gummy worms!
Collaboration by Dane Smith-Johnsen and her 6 year old grandson
Inspired by the Childhood song, “Sittin’ in the Garden eatin’ Worms”
June 13, 2010
Written by
Robert Candler
angel, beauty, blue, body, cute love, desire, feelings, giggle, girl, hello, hope, humorous, lust, relationship, romance, sexy, song, sweet, together, uplifting, woman,
Please Help Me, Re-Lyric
Please help me, I've fallen
In Lust with You.
You're just so damn sexy,
That's why I'm hittin' on you.
You don't have to love me,
Some good sex will do.
Please help me, I've fallen
In Lust with You.
Yes, you turned me on
When I saw you walk in...
The face of an Angel,
A body just made for Sin.
Now, I may be real horny,
But one thing is true:
What would satisfy me, Girl
Would be to satisfy You.
So please help me, I've fallen
In Lust with You;
And I hope that you're fallin'
In Lust with me too;
But if not, then please fake it,
Please don't leave me "blue"...
Please help me, I've fallen
In Lust with You.
Written by
Rainbow Promise
art, culture, education, hip hop, humorous, image, senses,
Rap Has No Ethnicity
Rapping has no Ethnicity be ye
Greek, Jew, Afro, White, Hispanic,
Chinese, Japanese, Other.
Yo man, go rap out the Soul.
Tell your story, cuss the enemy
In ways they can't understand.
These are the times when you
Get on the Move to Groove into
Real-time electronic technology!
Don't just go boom, boom, boom;
What the Hell is that?
Teach the Young dignity, respect
for others too.
Yacoo, Yacoo, a da da da, uh huh,
My child can't learn nothing from
That, so teach, preach, inform!
I like the beat, rhythm, mix turns
And twists;
But for heaven's sake let me learn
From your choice of words, how to
Live in this World of ours!
Written by
Sharon Smith
business, funny, parody, song-
Logistics - a Parody of a Certain Delivery Company's Television Advert, To the Tune That's Amore
Yes we don’t give a toss,
If your package is lost,
That’s logistics,
If it’s broken or bent,
Or has multiple dents,
That’s logistics,
If it’s fragile and breaks,
It was not our mistake,
That’s logistics,
Well you were not at home,
So we sent it to Rome,
That’s logistics!
So incredibly late,
That it’s gone out of date,
That’s logistics,
We don’t know where it went,
Are you sure it was sent?
That’s logistics,
Your parcels we’ll stash,
But we’ll still take your cash,
That’s logistics,
What an item on time?!
Oh no wait, it’s not mine,
That’s logistics!
Written by
John Beam
cheer up, fun, humorous, inspiration, nonsense, slam, spoken word,
Scat Skene
Raised above the cello ding ding ding Reaching out to say hello song song song Stepping in the ring gong gong gong Well that’s just all wrong ping ping ping Pauper’s know not his king pong pong pong The cloth was not cut swing swing swing
Written by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson
baseball, humor, murder, parody, satire, song, sports,
Ode To My Barbed Wire-Wrapped Baseball Bat
Take me out to the kill people game
Turn me loose on the crowd
Give me some kidneys and backs to crack
I don't care who it is I attack
Let me bash, bash, bash as they scream loud
If they don't die it's a shame
Cuz it's one, two, three strikes you're dead
In the old kill people game.
Written by
Mark J. Halliday
devotion, giggle, love, lust, sexy, song, trust,
Unnamed Song's Sexy Chorus
Snuggling and cuddling,
Caressing and fondling,
And all those other tender things
That happen in the night.
Teasing and tickling,
Sighing and giggling,
And so much profound feeling
When we hold each other tight.
Written by
Reynard Blake Jr
america, humor, irony, music, people, political, satire, woman,
Governor Brewer From Arizona
Governor Brewer From Arizona
(song parody based on “Girl From Impanema”)
Short, tanned, governor of A-Z
Wagged finger at the commander-and-chief
That was so tasteless
And very racist
So odd!
Brewer dissed Barack Obama
And said Obama was threatening
Guards should have grabbed her
And teach her manners
By far!
Oh – is he really so thin-skinned?
Oh – don’t she know he’s a gangster?
He – killed Bin Laden with SEAL teams
Then he rescued folks from Somalis
He likes guns and diplomacy
Short, tanned, governor of A-Z
Racial profiling is so ungodly
Tell me what happens
In time
To economies
And brown folks don’t leech
And brown folks don’t leech