Funny Poems About Loneliness or Loneliness Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Loneliness poems and/or funny poems about Loneliness. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Loneliness funny poems!

Written by Brian Morton
Categories: desire, humor, innocence, loneliness, love, science, youth,

Bottled Love Haiku

If love is a drug
my chemist doesn't have it.
Where can I find some?

Written by Lochan Chugh
Categories: death, emotions, fear, humor, life, loneliness, sun,

Let's Die

It was a height of 250 metres,
But I wasn’t afraid;
I looked down
And there wasn’t even my shade.

The sun was already jumping
But with a low speed,
“ I can perform better,
 I am not going to give the lead.”

Took a deep breath
And I was in air,
Time stopped,
And silence reached there.

The sun began moving upward,
Or I began moving downward,
I was flying,
But like a dead bird.

When from the ground,
I wasn’t really high;
Mind said,“ change in plan,
Let the sun first die”.

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: addiction, april, best friend, computer, confusion, courage, culture, cute love, earth, emotions, encouraging, environment, fantasy, farm, feelings, funny love, garden, happiness, happy, i love you, i miss you, inspirational, internet, irony, july, june, kiss, loneliness, love, magic, me, metaphor, nature, parody, repetition, satire, science, social, technology, tree, women, world, youth,


follow on facebook,
adore on pinterest,
fall in love on instagram,
kiss on a hunch,
all under a tree.

Written by Timothy Hicks
Categories: anxiety, bereavement, courage, fear, humor, loneliness, nature,

Is Humanity That Bad

"Is humanity that bad?" pondered the lighthouse keeper, frightened with the sea

Written March 27th, 2016
For the See or Feel Contest Hosted by Poet Destroyer

Placed 2nd

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: betrayal, boat, change, computer, confusion, cool, crazy, cute love, emotions, fantasy, funny, funny love, heart, heartbroken, hello, irony, light, loneliness, lonely, lost love, love, love hurts, parody, relationship, river, romantic, sad love, satire, soulmate, voyage, wisdom,


I had my heart put on auto-pilot,
set to navigate towards you; 

the low-battery signal just came on,
I don't know what to do.

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: absence, break up, confidence, death, feelings, funny, i am, i love you, inspirational, leaving, loneliness, lost love, love, moving on, psychological, recovery from, relationship, suicide, true love, wife,


Only then you're done,
when you end the ending;
leave the closure to others,
that way it's much more fun.

Written by Russell Grushco
Categories: body, humor, life, loneliness, sin,

Lill Cookie, Lol

On one lonely night my "other brother" wrote:

My nature made of body and a soul.
They're quite different two brothers.
Soul whispers me - don't even think, don't sin.
The body, however, wants a lill cookie ;)

Written by Blake Holland
Categories: addiction, allusion, angel, anger, art, celebration, confusion, crazy, depression, desire, earth, emotions, fantasy, fear, feelings, freedom, god, grief, health, humanity, humorous, image, imagination, life, loneliness, love, magic, music, nonsense, peace, planet, political, poverty, power, pride, psychological, sound, space, spiritual, stars, stress, suicide, sympathy, teen, usa, wisdom, world,

An Aquarian Exposition

Take the pill
on the hill
and don't be shrill
when you see the rainbow
when you are low.
Just go with the flow
and eat the purple snow.
Chase the rabbits 
through the green field
but use my shield 
to end all of your habits.

Written by Jaquay Atkins
Categories: addiction, anniversary, anxiety, art, baby, beautiful, beauty, blessing, boyfriend, class, confidence, conflict, desire, destiny, devotion, education, environment, faith, fantasy, fate, feelings, for her, fun, funny love, future, giggle, girlfriend, happiness, heart, heaven, life, light, loneliness, lonely, lost, lust, magic, strength, stress, sweet love, symbolism,

I Love You

Often, I have uttered these words to myself
Your feminity has entranced my manhood
My vision is focused on your subject matter 
A quick study of a woman's psychology 
I feel you with my mind, and touch you with my eyes
Senses are heightened in your very presence 
Soon, I will utter the ultimate words of encouragement 
Constant admiration for your hidden strengths 
Instant chemistry between us has changed our biology 
Soon, I will hold you tight and recite the following;
Baby, I love you

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: analogy, beautiful, beauty, break up, change, cheer up, confidence, dedication, deep, desire, destiny, feelings, for her, forgiveness, happiness, heart, hope, how i feel, humanity, humor, humorous, i love you, i miss you, imagination, inspiration, life, loneliness, longing, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, passion, peace, relationship, romance, romantic, sad, sad love, sensual, silence, soulmate, sunset, uplifting, woman, women,

Bright Night

the shadows of hope grow taller
on the fields of yearning souls
gently surrendering to destiny
as a bright night softly falls

Written by John Williams
Categories: funny, loneliness,

A Winning Phone Call

A lonely young girl from Rome
Talked all day on the phone,
She wanted a friend
To put her boredom to end,
That night she wasn't alone.

Written by Rudolph Rinaldi
Categories: funny, funny love, girl, life, loneliness, pets,

Would It Be Me

sitting across from my fishbowl
watching my little goldfish 
wandering -

had she an iPhone
who would she first call
would it be me
or some guy named Paul

Written by Volodymyr Knyr
Categories: humorous, loneliness, love, men, relationship, self, women,

An Egocentrist

An egocentrist
prefers to self-tryst.

Volodymyr Knyr

Written by Harshath Vidheya
Categories: funny, humor, humorous, life, loneliness, lonely, poets,

Your Secret

Your Secret
is Safe with Me, I have
No One to Tell.

Written by Volodymyr Knyr
Categories: humor, humorous, loneliness, lonely, people,

A Fan of Garlic

Even the exactest clone 
lets a fan of garlic 'lone.

Written by Ryan Graham
Categories: courage, funny, how i feel, humor, irony, loneliness, lust,



I see her there next to the jukebox.
     I see him alone at the bar.
Damn, she looks good in that outfit.
     Look at the size of his arms.

     How can I get his attention?
Perhaps I should buy her a beer.
     Why am I feeling so nervous?
Why am I filled with this fear?

I bet she’s already been taken.
     He must have found someone to love. 
I bet that she thinks I’m a loser.
     I must not be attractive enough.

     Screw it—there’s no point in trying.
Forget it— I’m just going home.
     I guess I can see what’s on Netflix.
I guess I’ll watch Netflix alone.

Written by Brad Nicolas
Categories: beautiful, best friend, celebrity, friendship, funny love, loneliness, lonely,

Muhammad Ali

I take your look most seriously.
I take that look furiously.
In my journey I be.
Waiting at the finish line I imagine time after time.
Inside wine after wine bottle 
With each key stroke
I wonder 
What you will think.
With each love
In each moment
Its simple to you
But not here
Its easy for you to love me.
But I only know I love writing
And that I’m alone.
I have yet to really meet your beautiful soul.
So if you must smile and walk
Walk smiling up to my front door.
And if you don’t like it cheesy,
Take it easy
You’re the greatest, 
but that’s not poetic
But some things you have to make clear
 so you don’t regret it.

Written by AbCD ABCD
Categories: beautiful, blessing, blue, books, character, courage, emotions, funny, good morning, goodbye, heart, hurt, loneliness,



Written by Pat Adams
Categories: humor, life, loneliness, lust, wife,

The Love Poem Generator

He was known as the love poem generator
His poems it was said could not be greater

He cranked out at least a dozen at a time
They quickly swooned at his love words of rhyme

Soon he started missing subtle clues from his wife
Like, I've never been so horny in all of my life

He'd shout out, I'll be there in a minute dear
Just got a couple of more lines to write here

One day she yelled back, don't worry, that's okay,
The Plumber and I need time to finish anyway!

Written by Charlotte Watkins
Categories: betrayal, friendship, humanity, humorous, loneliness,


Why is it so, that so easily, my mind rebukes, the wisdom of its days, and follies with jokes of ill witted humour, which serendipidously challenge friendships hand, casts love and joy aside in an instant, derails the path ahead, and makes for a future, alone.

Written by Gail Foster
Categories: character, humor, identity, loneliness, psychological, sad, scary,

Hello Kitty Man - a Surreptitious Sonnet For Surreptitious Sonnet Day

Once upon a time there was a man
Who had a life so boring no-one knew
That he was there, and nothing fun to do
But work a bit and drive a little van
And buy a Subway and a cheeky can
Of Redbull, or in summer sometimes two
Around and round the motorway he flew
Another almost was, and also ran

Or so it seemed. At sunset he would change
Into his costume and go up the street
And hide behind a lamppost. Oh how sweet
It felt, how surreptitious and how strange
They called him Hello Kitty Man. Hey, Hi!
They'd say, and oh so quickly walk on by

© Gail Foster 3rd August 2022

Written by Adeviso Adeviso
Categories: anxiety, desire, funny love, loneliness, love hurts, relationship,

I Want To Gamble

I want to gamble,
So let the highest bidder take my heart,
I won’t grumble,
As long as you treat me with a heart,
We might as well get ready to rumble,
If you take my recommendations to heart,
I’m sure we won’t tumble,
If that’s not the case we won’t hurt,
I really then want to gamble

Written by CayCay Jennings
Categories: emotions, fear, humor, loneliness,

Lickety Split

Can cause
To turn into traumatized 

So some

... CayCay Jennings 
April 13, 2018

Written by Volodymyr Knyr
Categories: character, humorous, loneliness, lonely, men, people, philosophy,

Not An Option

A mention in a list, so doubly in a dual list 
is not an option for a true individualist.

Volodymyr Knyr

Written by Jenny Lu
Categories: funny, lonely,

A Doubt of Loneliness

Wonders of lonely
Wonders of me
The lonely is killing,
It is sure killing me!
Since when have i become this lonely?
Since when have i did?
No, that's right!
I have never been lonely indeed!
What was i thinking about?
It is not the loneliness, it's boredom,
That is killing me!