Humorous and funny Laugh poems and/or funny poems about Laugh. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Laugh funny poems!
Written by
Daniel Turner
funny, humor, poetry, words,
Let's Laugh
"Oh, woe is me," so long, my words have slept
Where once they freely frolicked in the light
Dark shadows past and present danced in step
Now darkness shrouds them from this poet's sight
I see the countless colors of twilight
I sat in silence as the seasons changed
I've felt an inner peace in soft moonlight
Somewhere in there, the words became estranged
Yet, I know some will say I am deranged
That words just simply do not go to sleep
I hope when they awake, they've rearranged
In verses rhythmic, colorful, and deep
Some days when urges come, the words do not
I wonder, "Do you think it is the pot?"
by Daniel Turner
Written by
Charles Messina
The Last Laugh
My girlfriend dumped me, after I stole her wheelchair
She came crawling back
Funniest Couplet Ever PC
Sponsor: L Milton Hankins
Written by
Pat Adams
boy, grandmother, humorous, relationship,
The Last Laugh
One day my half brother Eric
From Oklahoma, visited us
He brought with him some fake vomit
Just to see who he could disgust!
When he was close to my grandma
He heaved and dropped it on the floor
We laughed at the look on her face
First a giggle, then up to a roar!
Then we saw her sweeping it up
At the trash can she threw it in
Even though we said, "It's not real!"
She shuffled off, and I saw her grin!
Written by
Darlene De Beaulieu
Lets Have a Good Laugh
Lets have a good laugh, ha-ha- hah ha-ha
Now that we laughed,I feel better, Do you?
Written by
Richard Palmer
funny, happiness, history,
Always find things to laugh about,
Laughing makes us stress free,
Nice things are not always, the first that we see,
So lots of time,we tap into great memories,
Remember when you fell from your bike or a tree,
Got bit by a bee or bullied by Tommy,
Running to the house,screaming daddy or mommy,
Sorry my child,a comforting hug,
Soothing the pain,with parents love,
They ruffled your hair a pat on the back,
Got it dressed and then a snack,
Now smile or laugh at the thought,
How sad things of the past,now makes us laugh.....
Written by
Laura Leiser
bird, funny,
A Time To Laugh
ostrich swallows clock
stuck in throat, alarm goes off
bird brained ding-a-ling
Written on 5/8/2015
Written by
Venessa Lisa Asvat
beautiful, body, humorous, image, me,
Laugh Out Loud
I look in the mirror and what do I see
Cellulite and stretch marks
Body perfect, that is me
I turn to the left and then to the right
My butt is way too big
But my tummy gave me a fright
I laughed out loud and nearly choked
I looked like a naked camel
Who needed to be stroked
I see my beauty and yes my flaws
If there has to be gravity
There has to be certain laws
Laugh at yourself
Hug yourself tight
Love every inch of you
Laugh aloud-despite...
Written by
Verlena S. Walker
character, christian, culture, depression, emotions, feelings, funny,
Laugh Out Loud Brawy Limerick
sip your coffee and smoke cigar
you the *** holy and mob boss
catholic faith noth
protestants’ hybrid
St. John the Baptist spurious
Written by
Paul Schneiter
Laugh Loser
There was a stand-up joke maker
Whose act was a crowd shaker.
She was highly hilarious
But found to be nefarious.
Now her fans in hordes forsaker.
Written by
Ellen Fahey
funny, uplifting
To Laugh Or Not To Laugh
Laugh at me or laugh with me,
It's really up to you.
I prefer the latter,
It's the 'funner' thing to do!
Is it funny or is it not?
Depends on how you see.
But, a little bit of laughter
Can fill a room with glee!
Text someone an 'lol',
Or simply say 'haha!'
Either way, you'll make 'em smile
Instead of 'wah, wah, wah!'
So try a little laughter,
And do it right away!
It's sure to change your outlook,
And brighten up your day!
Entered in Desiree Birdseye's contest
"Reconsidering Laughter"
Written by
Joyce Johnson
Nothing Left But the Laugh
There was a young fellow named Sonny
Who went on a date with his Honey.
When he looked at the check,
He said “Oh, golly heck,
The taxman took all of my money”.
There was a young fellow named Max
Who neglected to pay income tax.
The taxman said, “Okay.
I will garnish your pay.
Now give me your shirt and your slacks”.
Miss Muffet was taking her pay
In nothing but sweet curds and whey.
Taxman the spider
Sat down beside her
And took all her curds pay away.
won 4th place
Written by
Gamaliel Ogunlaja
love, me, me,
U Make Me Giggle, U Make Me Laugh
You make me giggle, you make me laugh
you bring to me all that's mine to have
you inject in me joy and drown my pain
you give me shelter from life's pouring rain
You make me laugh, you make me giggle
you bring to my eyes joyous twinkles
You are all that i desire
And in you i find all that i could aspire
You make me, yes you make me ride on the wings of the wind
You put before me songs i always long to sing
You are my night school teacher
my nightmare reliever
Written by
David Fisher
anger, humor,
Laugh At First Sight
There was a guy who itched for a fight
Wanting to beat the first man in sight
But let his guard down
As he faced a clown
And then laughed for the rest of the night
The human race has but one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.
For Write With the Wit of Twain Contest
Written by
Molly Cooper
funny, love
Live, Laugh, Love ( and Then Laugh Some More)
L ove eventually came
I t came to me
V ibrant and warm
E legant and on one knee
L aughter with love
A nd thats all I need
U nder the gun
G osh this went fast
H ave and to hold
L ove may it last
O’ Lord we pray
V iagra here we come!!
E verlasting love forever and a day
Written by
Alesia Leach
boyfriend, humor, leaving, silly,
Last Laugh
I should have looked before I leaped
now I have been left in a lurch
by my lily-livered boyfriend,
but I'll have the last laugh
when he see his laundry
in a lovely shade of pink.
ALesiach © 9/30/2015
Written by
Timothy Hicks
Obnoxious Laugh
It's funny when people complain
about you having an obnoxious laugh
(and yet they're as cold as ice).
There's no need to explain yourself to this person.
Not when a good drawn out fit of laughter
would suffice!
Written by
Jack Ellison
Tis To Laugh
Tis to laugh I heard someone say
Methinks they were referring to me
Started out laughing many years ago
And I'm still overcome with glee!
It all began when I was six
Watching Bugs and Elmer Fudd
The Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote
The adventures of Maggie Muggs!
I still watch Saturday morning cartoons
But now I must stay in my room
For some silly reason unknown to me
The docs think I'm looney-toons!
They've got me strapped in a jacket
It's restrictive and overly tight
What's more, I prefer one with some colour
This one's just plain old white!
© Jack Ellison 2013
Written by
Mark Martin
fun, funny, humor, humorous,
Teach the World To Laugh
Two banana skins
Nature's organic footwear
Slick pair of slippers
... but seriously ...
Slapstick never fails
Banana peel accidents
Laughter unites us
Entry to "but seriously" contest
Written 30th January 2017
Written by
Catherine Labeau
The Last Laugh
a lone star in the sky is what you see
blinded by the lure of the city
window shining the spree of shopping
neons begging to make the scene
buildings trying to reach the mighty
nonsense say the star surrounded with twinkles
as in the dark it shines in a multitude of cosmic laughs
looking at you dragging your laundry to be washed.
Written by
Seren Roberts
food, funny,
The Know It All Poet - Make Me Laugh Contest
Harry Horsman he is a poet
Ask him anything, will know it
Asked what is a Doditsu
Said a Japanese bean stew
Eat with care bowels will blow it
Written by
Jack Ellison
What do you call a laughing motorcycle?
The answer is gonna send you into fits of laugh-o-cycles
Are you ready to guffaw?
It's a Yamahahahahaha
Calm down now, remember your signs vital
Written by
Johnny Sumler
Do Not Laugh
She puts her bottom on my back
Brushing my hair, rubbing my neck
I kick her male friend in the crack
With ill force
And no remorse
In tears she leaves me running fast
I chase her to the ground; she laughs
I kiss her, my mouth full of grass
But of course...
I'm just a horse
Any Funny Poem
Written by
Gershon Wolf
animal, funny,
When Giraffes Laugh
When a giraffe has to laugh
He lowers his neck to half-mast
Written by
Yort Watson
beautiful, beauty, funny love, i love you, lust, woman,
A Laugh From a Beautiful Woman
Sapphire eyes sparkle.
Cheeks glow a deeper shade of perfect.
Pink lipstick glistens
..on lips pulled to a smile over sugar-white teeth.
You think I’m funny.
I think you are impossibly more beautiful now.
Your smile grows lusty a laugh, unplanned, playful, and luscious.
I fall silent with a desperate need
to make you laugh again.
My magic is gone.
Written by
Randy Johnson
funny, hilarious, humor,
Don'T Laugh At My Coonskin Cap
People laugh and make fun of me because I wear a coonskin cap.
But they'll stop laughing because I'm through taking their crap.
People say that my cap makes me look silly.
They say that it makes me look like a hillbilly.
This morning a city slicker called me a hick and he called my hound dog a mutt.
He was laughing very hard but he stopped when I put some buckshot in his butt.
He started running after I shot both of his cheeks.
He won't be able to sit down for about twelve weeks.
If you see me face to face, you may point, laugh and make fun.
But unless you want to visit a proctologist, you'd better remember that I own this shotgun.
(This is a fictional poem.)