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Funny Poems About Kindergarten
Humorous and funny Kindergarten poems and/or funny poems about Kindergarten. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Kindergarten funny poems!
Written by
Debra L Brown
1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, bird, children, giggle, kindergarten,
The Owl and Raccoon
There once was a silly raccoon
He slept in a tree until noon
He came down to play
He decided to stay
He danced a jig to a tune
Val the Cross-eyed Owl
She saw his jig and said-"WOW"!
The Owl and Raccoon
Then danced to the tune
She stepped on his tail then he "HOWLED"
The raccoons name is Harry
Miss Val lets you and I get married
The Owl and Raccoon
Were married in June
They lived in a tree near the prairie
Written by
Ana Espinola Collins
children, kids, fun, funny, humorous, kid, kindergarten, world,
Our Not-So Perfect World
In a perfect world...
Things won't break,
Our clothes don't shrink,
Bugs won't bite,
And skunks don't stink.
People never snore,
They don't even sneeze;
Ice cream never melts,
And puddles don't freeze.
There are no creepy crawlers,
No slimy pets,
No spooky sounds,
No noisy jets.
We never get dirty,
We never get told,
It's never too hot,
It's never too cold.
No one is shorter,
No one is taller,
Nothing is bigger,
Nothing is smaller.
In a perfect world...
There's no fun at all.
But in our not-so-perfect world,
We always have a ball!
by Ana Espinola Collins
Written by
Brandy Wassam
childhood, food, children, funny, horror, kindergarten, nonsense,
The Bear
there once was a bear
who lived in belair
he owned a red hen
who made eggs for his kin
then one time like most bears do
the bear got hungery
and ate the red hen
and her last eggs of ten
with a gulp and a swallow
down went the hen
but wait..
now there was no hen to lay eggs for his kin.
Written by
May Fenn
anniversary, children, humorous, kindergarten, mystery, preschool,
Mystery Solved
I saw a little button,
It was lying on the floor,
I wondered who had lost it
And looked around for more.
It hadn’t come from Donna
Or from Stuart’s nice new shirt,
And it wasn’t Kelly’s button
That was lying in the dirt.
I couldn’t find who lost it
I had a worried frown.
But now I know the answer,
My trousers just fell down.
Written by
Amber Melhuish
animal, funny, kid, kindergarten, parents,
Kids Like Funny Presents
Hey Mummy, hey daddy
Guess what I got today.
A headful of headaches
Are coming your way
My best friend at kindy
She gave me a gift
Lots of them, actually
They move and they shift
They are really athletic
They jump really high
They come and they stay
No need to say bye
They make me dance
My best friend is so nice
I couldn't wait to tell you
That she gave me lice!
Written by
Rizwana Bhurani
children, funny, insect, kindergarten,
Bum Burns
Bum Burns
In the nearby park Uncle Johnny
With a big full round tummy
Touched group of red ants
They ran up in his pants
Badly bit poor Johnny's bummy.
Contest:Limerick II
Sponsor:Jan Allison
21.02 15
Written by
Plant A Tree Poetry
child, childhood, funny, imagination, kid, kindergarten,
Ketchup Up
Driving over a bridge
Is a scary affair
Suspended we drive
Way up in the air!
If water is liquid
How does it hold us up?
My soup can't even hold
Just a little ketchup up!
The physics of it all
Baffles me
But then again
I'm only three!
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
funny, how i feel, humorous, satire, smart, teacher, teachers day,
Goody Kindergarten Field Trip
Mary, did you get the memo about the meeting?
What meeting?
When is it?
No, I didn’t get it.
Come on.
I don’t think so.
I hate meetings.
Okay. But while I am here, I have to ask.
Do you want to go on a field trip with the kindergarteners?
Teacher looks surprised.
Kindergarten is hard. I’d rather jump off a cliff into a vat of wild boars
Who have not been fed in a week than go on any field trip with Kindergarteners.
Kindergarten teacher laughs,
Thinking Mary is kidding.
Mary is not.
Written by
Ahmed Sheik Koya
child, childhood, children, computer, humor, kindergarten,
Current Nursery Rhyme
A Current Nursery Rhyme
Hey google google
The cat and the poodle
The cow jumped over the moon
To be seen on Google sky soon
Written by
L Milton Hankins
child, humor, kindergarten, school,
Don'T Tell My Dad
There once was a young tot named Fazool
Who attends a posh nursery school
Got himself in a pickle
For charging a mere nickel
Each time he let a girl see his tool.
Fazool was an enterprising lad
He didn't think it was awfully bad
To expose his small private
He would surely survive it
As long as nobody told his dad!
Written February 26, 2021
For Limericks Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin
Syllable count 99779 checked with PS
Syllable count 99779 checked with How Many Syllable
The two checkers do not agree, so required a minor change.
Written by
Charlie Knowlton
child, food, fruit, funny, humor, kindergarten,
Childrens Book Writers Block
Foods that begin with the letter "P"
make me poop!…Peaches,…pears,…plums,
………….pineapples …………………….Pananas?
Written by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson
anger, animal, cat, funny, humorous, kindergarten,
There was a cat
who liked to pout
I said "Come out!"
it only spat.
Written by
Brigitte Pace
books, child, funny, giggle, hilarious, humor, kindergarten,
Words So Funny - Better Than Honey
If you have never read funny Stories, you are in for a treat
Read one at home or on a Giraffe in the Street
Reading funny stories are good for your Head and your Heart
You'll Laugh and Cry
Feel all your problems leave your body, Fly!
Your brain is a sponge, It soaks up words that you read
Like oxygen that makes you breathe
Really funny words in stories jump into your head
You'll remember them when you're in or out of bed
You'll giggle cause funny words stick in your mind
Fantastic for your teeth not to grind
Words so funny
Better than Honey!
Written by
Joe Dimino
cute, cute love, forgiveness, humorous, kindergarten, wisdom, words,
I guess, next to actual
transfiguration, writing
is closest I will ever come
to sainthood. Not that
everything about me
needs correcting, the
old nun would scold me
with a suspicious smile –
for more than once I saw
her sneak a candy from her
top desk-draw, just before
lunch, and the Sacrament
of Grace...
I forgave her
with a smile....
Written by
Kim Stone
brother, child, funny, kindergarten, little sister, silly, success,
Stretched out,
On a daycare cot.
Told to take a nap,
Didn't want to!
A lot!
I might miss something,
So didn't make a peep.
Closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.
Waited until they were gone,
Snuck out across the lawn.
Knew where my brother had gone.
Up the stairs,
Into his room,
The teacher was talking about the moon.
Slid underneath his desk,
His legs hid me from the rest!
Stayed there until I had to pee,
Thats what gave me away.
But I didn't take a nap today!