Funny Poems About Joy or Joy Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Joy poems and/or funny poems about Joy. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Joy funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Joy Poems.

Poem Details | by A.O. Taner |
Categories: august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,


Don't rush to wash off the sea salt 
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.

Poem Details | by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: animal, cute, fun, giggle, joy, uplifting, youth,


Bunny very cute
Under a big bush sleeping
Now she is awake
No one knows you are my pet
You and I friends forever

Poem Details | by Sharon De Fazio |
Categories: cute love, funny love, i miss you, joy, love, simile, teen,

I Miss You

I miss you, 
like the sky misses the stars.
like the streets when there are no cars.
like a government that has no laws,
like music, when it is on pause.

I miss you,
like the desert misses the rain
like an addict without cocaine, 
like a kiss that misses lips
like actors without their scripts.

Poem Details | by ... Gigno |
Categories: emotions, happiness, humor, joy, longing, senses,


What makes you laugh until you cry
Laughter that makes you feel alive
The way it touches you cannot deny
A joy you crave to feel to survive

The softness of my lips is brave
in every way. They can't deny
the smile I imprint on their minds today
A sweet addiction you can't take away

A collaboration with Poet Destroyer A:

Poem Details | by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: humor, humorous, people,

The Joy of Anatomy

High as a child
On second-hand helium,
All for the sake of
Her cervical epithelium.

* All in fun, folks! *

Poem Details | by Line Gauthier |
Categories: child, fantasy, fun, humor, joy, spoken word, youth,

Joy Joy Joy

what ever is going on
in that joyful
little brain of yours

only six years old
and you’re brimming
with imagination
a vivacious fantasy world
in those big bright eyes
and words spewing out
like an overzealous fountain

a bottomless sense
of giddy humor
a full-blown half-pint comedian

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Submitted on November 11, 2018 for STANDARD CONTEST NO.135 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND

Originally posted on November 7, 2018

Poem Details | by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: animal, dog, happy, humor, joy, love, pets,


My name is Spenser
No dog is denser
I'm not well smarted
But I'm big hearted
If you was hurted
I'd be alerted
And I'll come racing
To lick your facing.

Poem Details | by Khalil Franklin |
Categories: black african american, child, childhood, children, food, children, funny, metaphor, middle school, social,

Oodles of Joy

"Oodles of Joy"
In the morning of everyday i 
I make a food that's really 
Crunch'em, rip'em, and pour'em out 
As saliva pools form in my 
Put it in the mic for just about 
Impatiently  watching those 
beautiful noodles waiting for 
When the time Is up
I Pop it open and take them out 
And start shoving "Oodle's of 
Noodles" into my mouth. 
Khalil Wali

Poem Details | by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, change, cheer up, confidence, cool, courage, cute love, deep, destiny, emotions, environment, fantasy, fear, feelings, first love, for her, funny love, happiness, happy, how i feel, humanity, hyperbole, i am, i love you, inspiration, journey, joy, life, lost love, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, ocean, paradise, philosophy, pride, romance, romantic, senses, smile, spring, sunshine, travel, uplifting, wind,


imagine the rainbow being
the dark tunnel 
you've been stuck in for years

the lighthouse on the horizon,
the beam 
that gets brighter as it nears

get soaked in the rain,
feel the sun in your heart,
let go of all your fears.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: beach, gender, humorous, sad love,

I Found No Joy - She's a Ladyboy

In Asia I met a cute gal named Mai Tai She sure stole the heart of this old guy On the soft sand we kissed and caressed Mai’s absolutely stunning, I feel so blessed I sense there’ll be fireworks under the moon Our passion is rising when we start to spoon Her perfect pert body I begin to kiss and caress One thing leads to another, we start to undress Alas, when Mai Tai removes her lacy thong I’m stunned when she reveals a pink dong I back away disgust, for ‘she’s’ a ladyboy With this he/she I sure won’t find any joy! So when looking for love, I’d advise you all to beware The truth of one's gender’s hidden in their underwear! 6/24/18

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humor, travel,

The Joy of Flight

Kids scream in my ears - I just want to cuss.

   A drunk next to me causes quite a fuss.

      Left my brief case at the gate.

         Doggone flight is runnin' late.

            Next time I travel I'm ridin' the bus!

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) 2014 All Rights Reserved

Entry for Carolyn Devonshire's "Vacation Humor" Contest

Poem Details | by David Fisher |
Categories: food, funny,

The Joy of Spam

One day, a convict got away, and went out on the lam.
And on the sly, he did buy, his very own kitchen cam.
Wanting to glow, in a reality show, though not a ham.
This jailbird, much preferred, to star in the Joy of Spam.

For Rhyme Battle contest

Poem Details | by Deborah Finneran |
Categories: beautiful, change, character, chocolate, food, fun, growing up, happy, heaven, humorous, i love you, imagination, inspiration, inspirational, introspection, joy, life, light, love, metaphor, philosophy, self, simple, strength, success, thank you, thanks, thanksgiving, time, today, truth, uplifting, visionary, wisdom, words,

Cookies-Food For Thought

Cookies -
Why can’t I have the chocolate one
I want more
She took my cookie
Hers is bigger than mine
I want to trade
That’s not fair

Cookies +
Thank you for the cookie
I love you
Thanks for all you do for me
I am satisfied
This is good
I am loved
Written By  Deborah Finneran :)  2013

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: age, humor, , cute,

Oh the Joy of Old Age

When the young start calling you "deary"
You know that things are going south
And ask  if you want the senior discount
All with that smarmy smirk of the mouth

Shopping becomes a sad affair at best
Cute clothes don't fit a drooping frame
Your wardrobe consists of cover-ups
And the bulges showing really are a shame.

The memory goes, I cant find my keys
Did I take my pills or feed the darn cat?
I'm supposed to buy eggs or was it cheese
Doesn't matter, I'm just a crazy old bat

Getting old is not "golden years" as they say
It's more about hanging on as best you can
And trying to find some small joy in each day
But now really, who thought up this ridiculous plan....

Poem Details | by Anthony Biaanco |
Categories: eve, fun, funny, funny love, good night, joy, kiss, leadership,

Cinnamon, Lavender and Stormy

Cindy Cinnamon was a working gal
Lavender Lucy her very best pal
one night they tag teamed Mr. Ed
smoked a pound of panama red
Stormy Daniels did shots from a pail 


Poem Details | by Deb Wilson |
Categories: humor, joy,

Tanka For Chris

Humor gives life joy
Laughter is a balm that soothes
Tell me a good joke...
Make me chuckle make me roar
Take me to hilarious

for Chris's tanka contest

Poem Details | by Monique John |
Categories: appreciation, child, children, fun, joy, little sister, youth,

All the Funny Kids

All The Funny Kids
                                           By: Monique John 

Full of joy
Unbelievably excited
Never-ending happiness
Nature’s lovers

Kind hearts
Ideal company
Dare devils
Snuggle Monsters

Poem Details | by Nicholas Rush |
Categories: food, funny, giggle, happiness, hilarious, joy, society,

The Bakers Brekky

The bakers brekky, was quite the tasty meal.
Eggs, crumpets, and tea plus butter was ideal.
Porridge when it’s brisky,
Cider quaffed so frisky,
Likes his crumpet crispy; brekky glut with zeal.
(And his gut he surely feeled.)

Poem Details | by Drjim Martin |
Categories: funny,

Christmas Joy

Christmas Joy
Dr. James E. Martin
©December, 2012

	Was asked if Christmas was good,
	Particularly in my neighborhood.
	Responded that it was fine,
	A pocket full of bills is now mine,
	Maybe soon I’ll be singing as I should.

Poem Details | by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: family, friend, humorous, inspiration, joy,

All the While You'Re So Pretty

All the while you're so pretty
Making everyone smile all in line
With you we stay all day plenty
Our hearts you strum like a guitar

We never asked any piece of you
All the while you're so pretty
Showing simple things that delight us
Blowing bubbles of laughter that relieve us

Each morning you come out like a clown
You always make us whole, not frown
All the while you're so pretty
Pretty in many ways, keeping us so jolly

Each night your brilliance never fades
In and out your goodbye never bades
Coming back and seeing us, making us all pretty
All the while you're so pretty

Poem Details | by Derrick Foster |
Categories: change, funny, joy, nonsense, repetition,


It’s just the aside that resides
Therein lies the (funny)
In between the (funny) lines
Find the humor in the parenthesis (funny)!
An understated (funny) thought
Is it a true statement?
Or wisely  cracked (funny)
Sometimes sarcasm (funny) is planted in the middle
No matter when it’s received or how
Even right in the (funny) center
It’s (funny).

Poem Details | by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: for her, friendship, funny, joy, life, self, technology,

Dear Old Boys -


I wanted to make smart boy toys
but instead made several smart joy toys
and tried them out 
in different colors and sizes

for me and my friends
electrified them
and gave them a brain
they can also be warmed up in a warm box
or cooled in an ice cold box 

kept one for myself
and gave some to my girlfriends 

And now
we don’t need old boys 
no more 
to find joy or jobs
or the meaning of life
since we now have and self control

called mine iTOYBOY for year-round iJOY and iJOBS
still COMES in different colors and sizes
Lovvvvvve Joy

Poem Details | by Deborah Turner |
Categories: christian, funny, giggle, inspiration, inspirational, jesus, joy,

What Is Real

Look, to your left a pot of gold, this is not real.

Well, look to your right a pot of silver, this is not real also.

Then, look down money all around, this is not real.

 On the other hand, Look! Look! Up at the  sky Christ lives, now this is what is really real.

God Bless

Poem Details | by Milan Georges Burovac |
Categories: america, funny love, garden, joy, poetry, woman, world,

Emily Me

a star and always her
constantly the moon in the garden
this wide paradise to me
where I declaim Emily Dickinson
syllable by syllable
to the happiness of the destinies
an eternal love

Poem Details | by Robin Davis |
Categories: fun, funny, humor, silly, boy,

Her Dream Boy Was Full of Joy

This is my FIRST attempt at a limerick.  Its for a contest, so please
let me know what you think.  Suggestions are appreciated.

She's longing for love and affection
So she tried to grab his attention
She let her "girls" go free
They were bigger than peas
He suddenly got an ********
