Humorous and funny Jokes poems and/or funny poems about Jokes. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Jokes funny poems!
Written by
Lynn Dolly
angst, humorous,
Jokes That Poke
Tell me I'm not funny?
Neither are you honey
I was telling a joke
Wasn't trying to poke
It's nothing personal
If I did that's a sign
Maybe you've been blind.
Issues issues issues
Yeah you have them
Go beat a bag or something
See a shrink or whatever
You've got 20 years on me
You've got way more to bleed
When I smile you're way
Try to bring the sun out that day
Even if it's fake. I don't care
If you stomp on my fun beware
Written by
Bl Devnath
Jokes of Two Friends
A philosopher friend asks a mathematician friend
If you see one bird with one eye
How many birds will be seen with two eyes?
Mathematician fails in mathematics says one in answer
Now, mathematician friend asks philosopher friend
if one bullet kills a bird sitting on a branch of a tree
then how many birds will be killed with two bullets?
Philosopher friend says all will fly away
Written by
Jimmy Anderson
Jokes On Me
The stairs creak loudly!
Frightened unable to speak.
Just a bouncy ball!
Written by
James Edward Lee Sr.
adventure, books, funny,
Book of Jokes Makes Me Chuckle Yuk Yuk
so I love my book
its read is so silly funny
with special humor
also had strange attitude
reads of a tale makes me smile
written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2020 ©
Written by
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
character, engagement, funny, perspective,
Jokes And Franks
Jokes and franks has
Line in between
Friends and transients.
Written by
David Fisher
age, body, humorous,
Treasure The Jokes From Your Joker
More can’t piddle with their piddler
Nor can fiddle with their fiddler
Age removes more than a little
Rage just leads to the hospital
Life gives us many fits and starts
Strife’s left once we lose bits and parts
If there’s less poke in your poker
Riff out some jokes from your joker
For the 8x8x8x8 contest