Humorous and funny Imagination poems and/or funny poems about Imagination. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Imagination funny poems!
Written by
Judith Angell Meyer
funny, imagination, song-
His Funeral
That he planned his funeral is factual
And being a prankster quite actual
He prerecorded his voice
So when we kneeled on the joist
He said, "Hi there! Don't I look natural."
Written by
Jslambert Mister Roboto
allegory, fantasy, father, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, health, hope, husband, imagination, life, love, passion, people, places, romance, social, wife,
Viagra Falls
There once was a man from Niagara
whose wiener's so long it would stab ya'
but when it got little
his pills became skittles
until he O.D.'d on Viagra
© ~JSLambert 2011*****A classic "stiff" competitor, standing "firm" amongst other "members" in the "thick" of the competition:) hope everyone gets "a rise" out of it!
Written by
Izzy Gumbo
adventure, fantasy, friendship, funny, history, mystery
I have a wandering mind
my lines as I draw them
over the grid as I steer them
through intersections
I veer them
perspectives I see
when I peer them...
detecting truth
in the dots as I hear them
A gentle Awe
the sound of pause
soft sings from my pen
when the lines are drawn
and my mind goes wandering...
About U
My artful perception.
56 signed.The Declaration...
Written by
Sara Kendrick
family, funny, imagination
Two Riding On a Single
Two riding on a single
Man! How fast that bike will go
Down the hill around the curve
Blow wind blow
At the very bottom piled up
In a culvert drain
In great agony and pain
Totally distained
Crumpled metal, torn clothes
Bleeding and blood stains
Harsh words from parents
Tears as soap and water cleaned
All the cuts and bruises
And clothes that had to be changed
What an ending to Christmas
The joy of Santa's gift
Lying dented and scuffed bent
Beside the porch needing to be fixed
Written by
David Fisher
dog, humor, imagination,
Ding Go In Style
We buried our dog, Ding
With her favorite things,
Like our couch, plus our bed
And pillows for our head.
Our carpet she muddled
With dirt and pee puddles,
The window she stared through
To bark at who knows who.
The hedge she sniffed and chewed,
All of our leather shoes,
My truck’s passenger seat,
But not the children’s feet.
Two of our best chickens
She chased like the dickens,
Seven of my wife’s hats,
But not much more than that.
We paid a contractor
Who with a large tractor,
Dug a humongous hole
For our dear doggy’s soul.
And it did our heart good
Though we now sleep on wood;
Without a comforter,
Since we did comfort her.
Written by
Dan Keir
adventure, dedication, freedom, home, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, metaphor, mystery, nature, nostalgia, people, political, sad, satire, social, sorrow, spiritual, success, time, travel, uplifting, urban, visionary, war, write,
The Internet: Rtrn
A void of Facebook
Creativity dies here...
Written by
Joseph Spence Sr
adventure, funny, imagination, life, nature, science, visionary,
Don'T Disturb the Hive
Run, jump, scream, duck, dodge and leap
Try to stay on your running feet
Honey in the hive
The bees are alive
Run, jump, scream, don't fall and leap!
Written by
Sara Kendrick
funny, imagination, introspection, life, nature
Just Desserts For Unfaithful
Any pretty woman turned his head
He liked them all so it is said
Then one day to his surprise
They no longer caught his eye
His sexual desire totally died
Written by
Lynn Marie
food, children, funny, happiness, imagination, uplifting,
It wiggles and jiggles
and feels fun to the touch,
a cinch to make;
something everyone loves.
There are a million flavours,
many are fat free,
jello has been around
for many centuries.
The colours are as vibrant
as a peacock's quills
just pick your favourite;
add water, and let chill.
For something so simple
to bring such pleasure,
it is one of life's mysteries,
that everyone treasures.
So lets pause for a moment
and give thanks to jello;
for who doesn't smile,
at the options of jello.
Written by
Katrina Salem
adventure, art, confusion, daughter, dedication, devotion, fantasy, funny, growing up, happiness, hope, imagination, inspirational, life, love, mystery, nature, on work and working, on writing and words, passion, peace, romance, social, sympathy, teen, thank you, time, travel, tribute, uplifting, visionary, words,
Enigma's Calling
Extraordinary, I am
Craving for unusual thoughts
Endless exploration without boundary
Understanding the gift I shouldn't fought
Invisible drawings in my mind
Playing with the words in my head
My passion
The food of my soul
I feel so lucky
The random thoughts
A lifetime companion
A self esteem builder
A goal planner
Be my forever life saver
I write more
I talk less
I want to please
I chose to bore
What tickles me the most
Is to know what I'm for
Thinking is my love
When my mind goes empty
That's when I hate
My day dreaming lust
Organizing things in my mind
Playing roles of simulation
Where images of art is my vision
And words of attitude is my heart
Written by
Hgarvey Daniel Esquire
funny, imagination, people, people,
English Language - 1 - Repost
I failed English in High School
Could not understand the writing rule
If I say, when it reigns it pores, people agree
Yet when I write the same phrase people say what’s wrong with me
I before E (accept) after C less it sounds like an a as in neighbor or weigh
Where do the words foreign and sovereign (steigh)
Do they stay with a goose among geese or with a moose among (meese)
Do they live in a house with a scavenger mouse or something much bigger
Is there several (hice) with several scavenger mice
Written by
Michelle Mac Donald
funny, imagination,
Master Buffoon
To wed Mistress May Lune
Raced to the church in July
On the day set for June.
Mr Snide's
Contempt and pride
Prompts him to pinch
Then run to hide.
Missy Strutter's
Angry mutters
Could fill and flood
The empty gutters.
Mr Ponders
Sits and wonders
Why the grass
Is greener yonder?
Written by
Timothy Hicks
analogy, deep, humanity, humor, imagination, introspection, wisdom,
Space Cadet
You'll find it is a good idea,
now and then,
to look at the bigger picture:
see with a broader view
the workings of your fellow men.
A word of advice, if I may,
please, don't stay too long,
be sure to always come back soon!
One learns next to nothing
about mankind
by looking at the earth
while standing on the moon.
NOTE: Another oldie.
Written by
Vernette Hutcherson
funny, imagination, philosophy,
Your Umbrella
If you let a smile
Be your only umbrella
Expect a wet butt
Written by
Andrew Rymill
adventure, fantasy, funny, imagination, inspirational, introspection, science fiction, space, time,
Bending Spoons
...A poem
is a spoon
that you can bend
with your mind.
It depends on psi
if you
are mutant
X or Y
a paranormal opportunity
or a wild talent
of psionic penmanship .
Stare at the pattern
on the handle
as you imagine
the handle
either roses or unicorns
are emblazon here.
So much the better
as your mind
bends the words
and the metal obeys...
Spoon begins to tremble
there is no knife
to run away with.
Then comes
the period
like an empty plate.
to contain
a bent spoon
with squeezed letters...
Written by
Teddy Kimathi
dream, fantasy, fun, humor, imagery, imagination,
A Lovely Little Daydream
A summer smile stuck on my face,
as I watched a soda truck racing
across the yellow maize farm.
"What is a soda truck doing
in the countryside, far away from
shops and clubs?" my workmate asked.
He looked as though he had witnessed
the Roswell event personally.
"Something isn't right," he added.
I smiled and gazed at the truck,
as it became bigger and bigger.
Monotonous tastelessness of rain water,
would soon be replaced by a fizzy, sweet
sensation to my tastebuds.
This would be the dozenth time I tasted
soda without actually drinking it.
Written by
Sarah Jones
angst, funny, imagination, mystery, philosophy,
The Toilet Dream Speaks the Truth
I had a dream
Where all my clothes
Were in my toilet bowl
Clogging it.
Apparently this means that
I am drenched in emotions
Which need to be released
And expressed,
So I wrote
This poem.
Written by
Michael Degenhardt
funny, happiness, imagination, people, crazy,
Crazy, Yes
Crazy is defined by the crazy things you do
Really crazy things are just too crazy, too
A crazy person laughs when no one is around
Zealous crazy people are too busy to be found
Yes, crazy is as crazy does, who really can define?
Your definition of crazy is well kept in your mind.
Even when you’re normal, crazy still remains
Some keep crazy in their hearts, to look like they’re still sane.
Written by
Tamiviolet Manchas
funny, happiness, imagination, passion, uplifting,
Oh, Yes.
I have a new lover, the best that I have had in a while; he satisfies my insatiable
anytime ~
He is Italian, and he brings his very own pesto sauce for me to spread...
all over his large body;
Oh ~ his tasty, and his buns ~ oh, so warm...
If you are lonely some evening, and you need to be satisfied, one call and he is
soon there...ready...
Of course, there is plenty if you are a sharing soul. Our initial meeting occurred
today when my daughter brought him home...
"Mom, I would like you to meet Quizno, the Ultimate Italian sub."
Written by
Paula Goldsmith
humor, imagination, jobs, life, night, school, summer,
School Story
Alphabet learned
Before school
Counting too
Doing homework
Jump rope
Kicked and
Night dreams
On to
Queen crowned
Rest some
Summer is here
Visit jobs
Working now
X-raying bones
Ya-hoo I made it
Zoom through life.
Date Written:5/20/022
Written by
Rhonda Hero Aka Hero-Wilson
animals, dedication, funny, happiness, imagination, life, peace, uplifting, visionary
* On the Horizon
Out on the horizon dances the animals,
free from their bondage that held them once.
They are hidden well you must look hard to see
them through the brush, grass, and the trees.
Enemies, prey for others to eat they were once but,
but now they all are dancing free out on the horizon.
Dedicated to: Dane Ann Smith-Johnson
with Love from: The Keeper (as I said this is what
Heaven must be like.)
Written by
Michelo Mweetwa
dream, drink, funny, health, imagination, introspection,
If Drinking Was
I sip and think
I slip and sink
If drinking was building, I would have owned a pyramid
I sip and pee
I sleep at three
If drinking was studying, I would have owned a Phd
Written by
Joseph Spence Sr
adventure, friendship, funny, imagination, life, love, people, visionary,
The Mighty Hulk
He is turning green…
Someone just made him real mad—
Keep the man happy!
Written by
Christina Fell
funny, imagination, on writing and words, words, me, me,
These Words
All these words and all these lines
Just keep running through my mind
By the dozens, they drown out sound
And force me to quickly write them down
Lines and lyrics in poetic rhyme
Written within record time
Words so simple and plain to me
Can bring a smile or a tear you see
Though these are more
Than mere words to me
It is a part of my soul,
From way down deep
So please excuse me
While I let it all out
Or these words will drive me crazy
Without any doubt!
Written by
Hgarvey Daniel Esquire
funny, imagination
Hodgepodge Poetry
Off the rocky Mountain cliff , I Dove
I’m flying toward the lake like a Dove
Underwater I saw the largemouth Bass
Singing in soprano, alto, tenor, and Bass
To Maid Marion Queen of Sherwood , I Bow
I will bring home dinner, with my arrows and Bow
The Adventures of Robin Hood which I just READ
There are so many great classic novels I want to Read