Funny Poems About I Do Not Know? or I Do Not Know? Funny Poems

Humorous and funny I Do Not Know? poems and/or funny poems about I Do Not Know?. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious I Do Not Know? funny poems!

Written by Izzy Gumbo
Categories: adventure, fantasy, friendship, funny, history, mystery


I have a wandering mind
my lines as I draw them
over the grid as I steer them
through intersections
I veer them
perspectives I see
when I peer them...
detecting truth
in the dots as I hear them

A gentle Awe
the sound of pause
soft sings from my pen
when the lines are drawn
and my mind goes wandering...

About U
My artful perception.

56 signed.The Declaration...

Written by John Henry Galas
Categories: beauty, body, cute love, for her, funny, i love you, princess,

You Are Beautiful

I don't care if you are inaccurate.
I don't care if you're a tomboy.
I don't care if you're an oval or a circle.
I don't care where you come from or what you were.
I don't even care if you have a coconut cream pie-in-the-face.
You are good.
You are perfect.
You are a princess.
And I will always love you.
Like you should love yourself.

Written by Kajika Fowling
Categories: fish, funny,

A Fish's Life

Float some more
Smile.....I farted

Written by Richard Lamoureux
Categories: cute love, funny, longing, sexy,

Mama Warned Her

She expected very little from the guy
  A lesson she had learned long ago
     Guys are after just one thing
             It always started
               With just one
               Then look out
          For wandering hands
      He would unbutton her top
  Then next he would remove her brasier
She was so excited...she could hardly wait !

Non Rhyming version of Andrea's new form.

Written by Doreen Ambrose
Categories: funny, me, me,

Crows Only Pick At the Best Fruit

(A Co-worker)

Stop hatin' on me you ole crow,
Why don't you give me what you owe-
Me and that is respect you old coot,
Don't you know that I know that crows
Only pick at the best fruit,
It's as if you can see my future better than I can,
That is why you are acting like a twisted fan,
All out of control and down right vindictive,
Usually that kind of behavior is indicative,
Of someone who is jealous hearted and bitter,
Misery loves company and baby sitters,
I wish you would quit slandering my name,
You have had your fifteen minutes of fame,
Stop hatin' on me you ole coot,
Don't you know that I know that crows 
Only pick at the best fruit.

Written by Craig Schaber
Categories: funny


Coconut coconut I like the coconut. Coconut coconut do you like the coconut. Coconut 
coconut I like the smell of the coconut. Coconut coconut do you like the smell coconut. 
Coconut coconut I like the taste of the coconut. Coconut coconut do you like the taste 
of coconut. Coconut cocnut it really is a sweet nut coconut coconut I really love it 
coconut coconut.

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: humorous,

Call Me

I'm writing a phone book ... can I have your number? 04~30~15

Written by Andrew Gallagher
Categories: funny, work

A Complete Catalog of the Events of a Daily Commute





Written by Paul Curtis
Categories: funny

Opposites Attract # 1

You have elegance
Poise and grace
A certain sophistication
And what was once called “it”
You have beauty
And sex appeal
You know what you’ve got
And how to use it 
You have style
And fashion sense
You know what goes
And what does not
So answer me this
Why do you choose?
As your date
A tattooed Neanderthal

Written by Phillip Arnold
Categories: animal, bird, flying, humanity, humorous, i am, spoken word,


Birdpeople, they fly. birdpeople they glide. you wont see them. they live in the trees, watching you breath and breed. Those nasty human beings. doesn't this world belong to everything?

dictated by Jason Scogin.

Written by Mary Rotman
Categories: betrayal, conflict, funny, heartbreak, hurt, lost love, metaphor,

Nuclear-Free Zone

You should know that I've
reinforced the bunker
I built around my heart
until it can withstand a
     direct hit
     ground zero
     head-on collision
from a YOU-bomb.

I've shielded it to withstand
the worst Emotional Mutilation Potential
you can generate
and to protect me from
the flash burns of passion, 
Not to mention that I've lined it with lead
to save me from the fallout
of your so-called love.

hit me with your worst.
My bunker--and I-- are ready.

Written by Poesy Relish
Categories: humor,

At the Restaurant

In a warm restaurant interior Lazing away, coffee in hand A hot form sitting across, a platter of fruits My heart skipped a beat, as she lifted her fork, A berry making its way, unto her luscious mouth Gentle a bite and the juice spill, I wish to devour My chest searing hot, a sweet feel that caused Approach her close, offered a wipe She laughs in answer at my sight In awe I find the reason for her mirth a murky brown spot on white My face blushed I retire, empty cup in hand For the result of the scald on my chest was the cause. © Nadiya (5 Feb 15)

Written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: funny, lovebody,

The Heart Carved On the Tree

There was a lady that I once knew
She met her love she felt was true
He carved their initials into a tree
As she leaned closely on his knee

Trouble in paradise soon they learned
When her initials he wanted to burn
Her middle name he did not know
Until on the tree he wanted to show

Her initials spelled a body part you see 
For her name was Linda Elaine Greene
When he burned it into the tree
He was concerned exactly what would be

When also carved his name into the tree
His name spelled a body also you see
For his name was Armond Raymond Moran
Now what was seen Leg Loves Arm so he ran

Written by William Robinson
Categories: children, funny, loss, time,

Hearing Things

Long ago, when I was young,
Before my hearing began to fail,
Why, I could hear a boll weevil
Tiptoe across a cotton bale.
But many years have come and gone;
The ghetto blaster took its toll.
Now I couldn't hear an elephant
Dance in clogs with wooden soles.

Written by Michael Tor
Categories: humorous, school,

Prestigious School Not Accredited Yet

"School of hard knocks"

Michael Tor 9/12/2015

Written by Daniel Cheeseman
Categories: funny

A Piece of Cake

500 grms Stardust
2 Tablespoons of Rose dew
2 Tablespoons of Lavender
Zest of suggestion
25 Kisses
50 Smiles
10 Pieces of candle light
25 Heartbeats
 2 Holding hands
12 Passion flowers
Sprinklea few more kisses
Slowly blend with half litre
of joyful tears
Stir with Cupids arrow until
of a beautiful consistancy
Pinch of baking powder
just to get he rise
Cook in the perfect ambience

Tis non fattening, but eat in
moderation, beware of the

Written by Shaina Billy
Categories: food, funny, happiness, inspirational, love, passion, teen,


Just a few more sips
And I'm loving the taste of you on my lips

I like the way you move in my mouth
And when you start to head down south

You are the one I love in deed 
Because Coca-Cola you're all I need.

Written by Tom Bell
Categories: adventure, angst, confusion, funny, social,

Kristin Listen!

Hello my friend,
Hope all is well
This is your bud,
'Ol tom bell
You might wish
To read this poem
"Bad Day at the Eyedoctors"
A true tom tale
And shows what a fool I be
So check it out,
And you'll see!

Written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: funny

He Was Smoking Hot

Well he was smoking
The stream that came
From his mouth
Looked like the exhaust
From a fast moving 
Trailways diesel bus

Written by William Robinson
Categories: funny, health, parody,

True Proverb

Early to drink,   
And early to smoke
Will leave a man shaking,
Coughing, and broke.

Written by Rhonda Hero Aka Hero-Wilson
Categories: animals, dedication, funny, happiness, imagination, life, peace, uplifting, visionary

* On the Horizon

Out on the horizon dances the animals,
free from their bondage that held them once.
They are hidden well you must look hard to see
them through the brush, grass, and the trees.
Enemies, prey for others to eat they were once but,
but now they all are dancing free out on the horizon.

Dedicated to: Dane Ann Smith-Johnson
with Love from: The Keeper (as I said this is what
Heaven must be like.)

Written by Viv Wigley
Categories: humorous,

Mobile Phone Predictive Texting Blues

I've bought a brand new mabel fern,
	expansive, I can tell you,
	when I've learned just how it words
	I'll have a go and bell you.
	It's got  five ponds of crudity
	which should last me a moth
	but just for now I'm sending taxis
	and this is the firk one off.

	I've learned to use the camilla, 
	and music files called empty trees
	which quite impressed my goon ladle
	who wished she had one of these.
	The only treble that I'm having
	is the massages I type out
	keep changing anatomically, don't know what that's about.
	I may just take it back  and give the ship assassin what for,
	and get my monkey refunded and find another store.
	Hope you and the wolf are in good hearth.

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: humorous,

Fifty Shades of Grey

Mmmmmmmmmm When it looks THIS good Who cares! 4TH April 2015

Written by Paul Curtis
Categories: funny, health

Doctor In Motion

“Doctor I have chronic diarrhoea
And I think it’s hereditary”
“Nonsense man I can assure you
Diarrhoea is not hereditary,
And no matter how chronic it is
It’s not as bad as it seems”
“But doctor I know it’s hereditary
Because it’s in my jeans”

Written by Sharon Fallis
Categories: food, funny, happiness,

Home Baked Wared

Boxes and boxes of lovely soft creams,
ready to be loaded on our ship of dreams.
Chocolate cream pies, and chocolate E'clairs,
lemon filled donuts, and Jelly cream bars.

Oodles and oodles of illicit delights,
watching my hips grow out of sight.
i shan't resist, some coconut cream pies,
bulging above my double sized thighs.

With my mouth watering I sit and stare,
at all these wonderful home baked wares.
Give me fortitude, squeezed out with a tear,
need some treats? Help yourself my dear.

When over fed, I am finding to my ilk,
groaning, I need more cookies and milk.
A situation I should not have begun,
encourages a visit to the dietitian.