Humorous and funny Hilarious poems and/or funny poems about Hilarious. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Hilarious funny poems!
Written by
Arthur Vaso
christmas, hilarious,
Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Oh no I’m singing to a Christmas tree
Rum eggnog in me
Rum eggnog in me
Oh no I’m singing to the Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Much pleasure thou can give me
Oh mistletoe
Oh mistletoe
I’hve a Christmas tree I want to show
Oh Christmas tree
Oh Christmas tree
Oh, I just kissed a Christmas tree
Oh Christine tee hee
Oh Christine tee hee
I thought you was a Christmas tree
No more rum for me
No more rum for me
Or my wife will toss me out
With the Christmas tree
Notes: I have no wife, and I have no tree, I may have some rum, but shhhhhh
Written by
Arthur Vaso
art, hilarious, humor, humorous, perspective, philosophy,
I Am a Very Bad Poet
So I have been told
by a drunk
does he own a pair of shoes?
has he ever walked in another's?
mean and grouchy
unkind to falling leaves
what dreams were stolen
was he the thief or victim robbed?
or does whiskey make him dumb?
and numb
narrow is the hateful mind
who sold his dignity
a silver coin for naught
Scrooge counting compliments like gold ingots
stealing orphans smiles, scotch with spite
the elevator though goes only down
fury and fires and poetic justices
he will burn in hell
listening forever to the angels voices
reciting for eternity
very bad poetry
Written by
Arthur Vaso
bird, children, hilarious,
Poetry Crimes
Little men making laws
Little men seeking flaws
Little men laughing at the meek
Little men weaker than wounded sheep
Oh little men, come ye here
I shall score and brand you till you tear
You will whimper and cry out for the savoir
All due to your immature and cruel behavior
Written by
Teddy Kimathi
crazy, fantasy, funny, hilarious, humorous, imagery, urban,
Waiter and Waiting
How long will I wait Mr. Waiter?
You only brought me water,
yet I requested for ox-tail soup,
and a bowl of carrots and a tulip.
Mr. Waiter, you are not serving a rat;
I'm by all facial definitions a brown cat.
Sometimes I'm a disciplined vegetarian,
like my rabbit friend, whose Hungarian.
I'm so hungry that I can eat a whole horse;
ask my master who never leaves his house.
For a long time, you've looked at me like a ghost;
you've never seen a talking cat as your guest?
I can see your eyes so surprised with wonder;
wait until you hear the order of one Mr. Panda!
Written by
Pj Gongora
conflict, confusion, evil, hilarious, society, trust, truth,
Why People Lie
Some people lie for no reason at all
While many lie with a great reasoning
Most lie to safeguard and be saved from fall
Others let themselves be blamed for speaking.
Few lie for a good acceptable cause
And many just construct a cause to lie
Its not always the flip side of truth's pause
Sometimes a lie stands on its own clean tie.
For lying is a complex social act
More than a habit but a human trait
To be a well functional artefact
Protecting expectations truth can't wait.
Lies cover up another truth to suit
Or made to create a new set of truth.
Written by
Teddy Kimathi
crazy, funny, hilarious, humor, humorous, imagery,
The Forgetful Man
O, what a forgetful man!
He forgot the wallet
in the car.
He forgot the car keys
in the restaurant.
He forgot to pay for a meal
in the restaurant.
He forgot the name
of the restaurant he went to.
He forgot where he parked
his car.
He forgot his driving license
at his house.
He forgot his cell phone
in the restaurant’s washroom.
He forgot that today is his third
marriage anniversary.
O, what a forgetful man he is!
Contest: Humor Contest
Date of Entry: 6/8/2016
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
If I Were An Oscar Meyer Donut
If I were an Oscar Meyer donut
Living in a Pacific Island hut
I’d be sweet and sincere
And drink all your light beer
Scruffy beach bum sugar hair like a mutt.
Written by
Arthur Vaso
anxiety, funny, hilarious, humor, leadership, perspective,
Facebook Conversation
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Written by
Ravi Kiran
cheer up, death, hilarious, humor, humorous, journey, muse,
Ridicule With Death
Is it that time?
my time to go.
do you have a warrant?
wait a while,
till the rain dials down.
Not want to ruin the suit,
need to look my best.
When I meet the under lord,
need to appear my best.
Not want to spend
my afterlife drenched.
if not
can I dry myself
at the furnace of the hell.
what if?
I go to heaven,
can I pack
a change of clothes?
Nothing fancy,
long robe and a halo,
may be a scarf too.
let me pack some sausages,
for the long journey ahead.
you seem clueless,
let me talk to your superior,
what is the country code?
Is it alpha and omega?
no! they put me on hold
to a hold tone,
"Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings."
Written by
CayCay Jennings
betrayal, caregiving, funny, giggle, hilarious, humor, perspective,
The Pot I Got
A plant in a pot so fantastic
I watered for months like a spastic
'till the day that I found
to its pot it was bound -
that plant had been molded from plastic!
... CayCay
September 3, 2019
Written by
Khadidja Megaache
cheer up, funny, giggle, hilarious, pets, satire, silly,
Little Bunny
Hopping little bunny loved the store,
Hidden by the trees near the shore,
She loved candies and playing outdoors.
‘Stranger danger” her mommy said,
Little bunny didn’t listen she ended up dead.
Skinned alive her fur was painted red,
So listen to your mama stupid thickhead.
Hmm I wonder why I can’t write poems for kids.
Wait.. Why are those parents chasing me with sticks?
Written by
Mark Koplin
anti bullying, hilarious, humor,
The Bulldog Is Back: Lol
I've been released and free to roam.
You are so wrong, I'm not alone.
I'm glad you read, all that I write.
You mock my work, that's not real bright.
Not very original, your words they lack.
Once again, you're on my back.
Hypocrisy here at it's best.
Your game is weak, you surely jest.
I'm glad I inspire, you finally write.
Once a month, I'm sure gets tight.
Deliver the heckles and send the troll.
You leave a stench as you play your role.
You huff and you puff, trying to blow the house down.
The jokes on you, you're on hallowed ground.
I've been laughing and giggling the live long day.
Stroll back home, that's where you should stay.
Written by
Regina Mcintosh
appreciation, fun, funny, giggle, happy, hilarious, humor,
Laughter Is the Best Medicine
I know a creative soul named Jan
She births laughter - it’s surely her plan
Giggles must shadow her
Her wit creates a stir
She’s funnier than most any man
Paean On Poets Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Margarita Lillico
March 26, 2022
Written by
Beverly Stock
giggle, hilarious, irony, poetry, satire, word play, words,
Inside Words
Here is just a little clue,
Look inside the words I write,
Other words hide in there, too,
When packed in tight, they unite.
Scapegoat is the first one,
I don’t think a goat’s aware,
Escaping from this poem,
That his pelt might need repair.
Afterthought is complex too,
A thought that comes thereafter,
After all the work is through,
Thought-too-late distractor.
Airbag? Are you serious?
Air, of course, you cannot see,
Plastic bags are hazardous.
That just makes no sense to me.
Doughnuts are my favorite treat,
It’s true nutlets grow on trees,
Bakery goods are oh so sweet,
But I’m out of dough, you see.
Written by
Arthur Vaso
appreciation, art, dedication, hilarious, humor,
Never Be Blue If You Can Be Cyan
I have to ask of my good friend Jan
who lives far away on the isle of man
why on earth you went for a silly brain scan?
I would like to know what's up, what's the plan?
Is it to prove once and for all
that women are superior and smarter than man?
surely if true, all the blondes will fast become fans
however if correct, you can no longer call me Sam
you'll have to call me Sandra now, or I wont give a dam
come to think of it, I am so smart I might become tran
if you think I am funny, I am, I am Borat from Kazakhstan
I am, I am, I am Sandra not Sam
Written by
Alkas Poetry
hilarious, humorous, sympathy,
Chewing Gum
Why americans
are known having large jaws ?
- chewing gum effect !
Written by
Sunita U.D Palawon
confusion, happiness, hilarious, love,
Crazy Love
Crazy lovers; after each fight...a kid!
Written by
Evelyn Judy Buehler
dark, fantasy, fear, fun, funny, hilarious, nonsense,
The rimpledeeduggs klacklety splatt britly floaming,
Ere flamping drakkurz snazzle at elvitty gloaming;
Yon jamweezy wudderslimps gamwracks smotly crawling,
Hoytaling pagartrimps flotlessly wrothful in bawling!
Beete stell ere yethle flagorns craithen yere eise,
Ort smoothle yourn mithredoons bakk toon codry skize;
Bodryluntz quidups moost stupuddle cudgely pierdax,
And zakkertic flibboots wraithling in yert tardly tracks!
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
8th grade, funny, hilarious, humorous, judgement, write, writing,
Throwing Stones
Our distant cousin murders the English language every single time she trills.
WOYt is white, and Blah is black, and her long A’s can barely maneuver these hills.
AmbyEance means ambulance, and her R’s are a pure musician’s nemesis.
Uh-oh, here she comes, hiding behind a language couple, and she’s fully dressed.
Has she seen us? This cousin who has no idea that she’s a murderess through and through?
Oh, hi darling. We’d invite you to stay, but there’s only room in this restaurant for me and him, and these other two.
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
emotions, fun, funny, girlfriend, hilarious, humor, humorous,
Apricot Skin Apricot Dress
Apricot skin
Apricot face
Apricot hands
Apricot knees
Apricot apricots
Apricot cat
Apricot paint
Apricot baby's bottom
In my world I always think
Of a pricey apricot dress
My husband's pal paid way too much for it
Wanting to impress a girl who modeled it at a table for us.
Wanting to show off that he had three hundred dollars,
He gave them three hundred dollars for that dress
To surprise his girlfriend, Kathy.
Kathy was surprised.
She would have never chosen this dress.
It was so expensive, he pouted until she wore it to
Every dinner, supper, lunch, and finally to play racquetball in.
Apricot always reminds me of poor Kathy and her irritation.
Written by
Robert James Liguori
I've sat down to write my poem,
But my pen ran out of ink.
So I used my pencil instead,
But I broke the lead.
So I write with crayons,
To try and rhyme...
But I'm really,
Running out of time.
So I lean on in to focus,
And I hear cracking from my chair...
With crayon and notepad,
I go flying in the air.
So I'm on the floor as I write,
But it's too dark, I need more light!
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, hilarious,
Hearing Mice Giggle
The mice cavort and squeak and laugh.
I offer them my autograph.
They dance and hide under the couch.
Their waltzing prowess I can vouch.
I hear giggles every day.
They are my friends in every way.
Written by
Regina Mcintosh
celebrity, fun, funny, funny love, hilarious, humor, humorous,
Having A Ball
The illustrious Lucille Ball
For Ricky, she would fall
Left the world a little better
For everyone who met her!
I Love Lucy, the hit tv show,
With Ricky as Lucy’s Romeo,
Survived through many years,
Despite the creator’s fears,
Lucy would stir hearts in her shadow.
Lucy became a favorite performer.
She certainly wasn’t a benchwarmer.
Her heart worn on her sleeve,
Caused viewers to truly believe!
Written by
Dorian Petersen Potter
crazy, death, funny, hilarious, horror, humor, humorous,
Lizzie Borden
When Lizzie (Borden) saw what she's done
Thought to herself that was so much fun
So she whack them again
And again and again
Then laughed aloud at what she's done!
Dorian Petersen Potter
Aka ladydp2000
Written by
Jerry T Curtis
adventure, animal, crazy, hilarious, nonsense, silly, success,
Girl From Nantucket
I once knew a girl from Nantucket
Who chased down a goose, just to pluck it
As she ran, took a spill
So he gave her a quill
And I guess we all know, where he stuck it
Just not clean enough for contests---lol