Humorous and funny High School poems and/or funny poems about High School. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious High School funny poems!
Written by
J.W. Earnings
anger, childhood, class, confusion, crazy, dedication, children, kids, funny, growing up, growth, high school, how i feel, innocence, inspiration, life, middle school, people, rights, school, social, stress, student, teacher, teen, teenage, time, today, truth, words, writing, youth,
Bladder Problems In Class
Numbers on
White board…names written hori-
Students ask
To go pee…right when class starts –
THAT’S just wrong…
Bathroom line
Of students who have bladder
Problems – WOW!
People are
Not using lunchtime to do
Their business
No one knows
When to do their duties – SER-
Written by
Carolyn Devonshire
funny, high school, sports,
A Threat To the Hockey Team
Each child has talents and Dee always loved to skate
One night at the lake she was called up to the plate
The high school hockey team was “slip-sliding away”*
So call her a chauvinist; Dee wanted to play
But when the coach recruited her for the team
One boy offered a bottle of shaving cream
They couldn’t skate backward; Dee sure showed them how
Stealing their puck, she curtsied, and took a bow
Take it from Dee, men don’t like to be upstaged
By her free-flowing glide the boys were outraged
When it came time for the school’s holiday dance
To find a date, this skater hadn’t a chance
Written by
Richard Breese
abuse, bullying, funny, giggle, high school, humor, humorous,
replacement teacher
there was a teacher from crete
whose foot size was quite petite
well students did plot
and to school they brought
some shoes for oversized feet.
Written by
Barbara Dickenson
9th grade, funny, girl, growing up, high school, youth,
Ode To a Gym Teacher
Ode To A Gym Teacher
Amid brassiere and derrière
She strives to put her clothes on.
Her panties there, stockings here
The rest of it, she throws on.
At the mirror, shining bright
She struggles with her powder.
She holds her place with main and might
As others try to crowd her.
How can she dress so nimbly
In but five minutes of an hour?
The question’s answered simply:
She did not take a shower.
Barbara Dickenson
August 1966
Written by
Flora Mae Gudez
creation, high school, hilarious, humorous, my children, sexy, woman,
Behind the Selfies
I have a very brief confession
that I have to make.
It's about the selfies
and it'll make you break.
I only wear glamorous tops
during my homemade shots,
Since bottoms aren't seen
And only the face is on screen.
I give all my efforts
In putting some makeups
Just to look pretty on my selfie
And wrote on it -- hashtag no makeup.
I put on my lipsticks
And do the sexy duck face,
Then captioned the output with bible quotes
Though it doesn't relate.
Mom wondered
Why I locked myself in my room.
Oh please, I was just doing a selfie
and surprisingly came out well groomed.
Written by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson
baseball, basketball, games, high school, humor, teacher, teen,
Our School Cheer
On the floor.
Written by
K.M. Braxton
funny, high school, hilarious, love,
Pole Catching
Sitting there so beautifully-
the one who had stolen my heart from me.
I walked right by to catch his eye,
but caught a pole instead.
Written by
Carlos Kipkoech
crazy, earth day, funny love, high school, silly, student, sweet,
Why I Fail In English
Ten minutes past time she enters,
She's too beautiful to be a teacher,
Her favorite short skirt exposes her thick thighs,
Lips red and pouting, she's a killer,
Right away my concentration flees,
Her and me far away at planet Jupiter,
With a bungalow and two exuberant kids,
I just wedded my teacher at Jupiter,
And it's Only within fifteen minutes,
Don't worry,Maybe we'll fix and visit earth later,
Bell rings,and she ends,
Only to notice,I didn't even open my locker,
Am back to Earth,not with her,but with several boys.
Written by
Dan Cwiak
crush, fun, gender, high school, humor, youth,
Flash and Go
Their eyes give away their youth
Smiles that shoot the room as girls appear.
What can they do to impress?
Turn on the charm as best they can
Girls will test their limits.
Silliness is not yet beyond their scope.
Speaking in tongues that only youth can understand
Girls acknowledge their existence.
Perhaps they have a chance...
Quickly they move from subject to subject
Girls will giggle their secret approval.
All the while...protesting.
Life is difficult in the Flash and Go.
Girls to be attended
Youth, the true Aphrodisiac.
Written by
Charles Sides
funny, high school,
February Funny Bone
I once met a guy by the name of Mort
By his record he must be very smart
At five, High School complete
College at six; a feat
A leaper; birthdays are four years apart
Submitted by Charles Sides
Written by
E Murphy
11th grade, 12th grade, funny, high school, school, teacher, teen,
An Ode To Ap Literature
I do not see further meaning
behind the choice of word
To analyze this is demeaning
I think it is absurd
Whoever decided to write this
must of been high as a kite
If you want this class to be treacherous
stab me to make it a fair fight
The only thing less moving than poetry
is the clock up on the wall
Time is is no hurry
to set me free into the hall
My teacher tries to no avail
perhaps I’m unable to learn
Or maybe all poets are evil
and just want the world to burn
Written by
Abdurraheem Naeemahmad
friend, fun, funny, high school,
Khamisa Class
Khamisa Class
A class made up of combination of different students
Ranging from serious students to crazy students
Including both sleeping students and playful students
But Interestingly,they are all my fellow students!
I don't know if at all they should be called students
Cos learning is the characteristic of any student
Of which I see not in these Khamisa Students
But that doesn't mean they are poor students
Look, they pass their exams like no other students!
Just that jamia has made them this kind of students
I'm privileged to have them as my fellow students
Cos they mean more to me, than being fellow students!
Written by
Ashley Smith
education, funny, life, people, philosophy, teen, graduation, high school,
High School
He said, She said
That's all you seem to hear
When you walk down the hall
It's the same thing every year
Unecessary drama
That's all high school's about
You can try to avoid being trapped in it
But you'll never find a way out
Life was so simple
Before our high school days
Before we became caught up
In the 'how to be popular' craze
High school's so overrated
Ive waited 13 years to say
Im a senior so leave me out of it
I'm just here til Graduation Day
Written by
Anna Hopper
funny, graduate, high school, hilarious,
Comedy Movie Contest Super Bad
One skinny geek, one with stuffing
The third wheel went by “Mclovin”
A wasted girl
Began to hurl
Then the fat boy took off running
Written by
Elton Camp
funny, high school,
The Nerd's Revenge
The Nerd’s Revenge
By Elton Camp
In a high school class there once sat a nerd
Pocket protector, glasses all you’ve heard
Every answer that he gave was just right
Which filled a dumb blonde with spite
She was glamorous and sexy looking too
That she was a ****, all of them knew
“You nerds so disgust me,” she said
In embarrassment, boy’s face was red
At first, the kind teacher was at a loss
Then said, “He might become your boss”
The nerd said, “That quite unlikely to be.
I don’t plan to become a pimp you see.”
The bimbo thus got her just desserts
Now she’ll think lest a nerd she hurts
Written by
Lynn Dolly
funny, work, high school,
De Javu -High School
First week on a new job
De Javu, It's High School again
Employees talking about their twenties years celebrations
Getting wasted and drinking
It's a dud of a conversation
When I tell them I don't drink
Then I begin listening
I'm sitting in a booth filling out a form
You guys are at the bar
Talking about another co-workers relationship storm
Oh man Oh man,
I'm keeping work and personal separate
I really don't care how much they think I'm desperate
I'm sure they'll say I'm stuck up,
Or tease over a few drinks I'll spill when tripping over a bump
But these guys at the end of the day
To my face, they'll have nothing to say
Written by
Anais Vionet
11th grade, boyfriend, environment, funny love, high school, humor, teen,
Shopping Lists
*(a poem in Senryus)*
You don’t have to count,
when you lose a boyfriend, you
know. There was just one.
He was gone before
I knew it - he wasn’t, you know,
tied up or anything.
For a moment I
toy with saying, “Alexa, add
rope to my shopping list."
In High School boyfriends
come and go - it's like shopping
- where you return things.
Written by
Richard Breese
adventure, anxiety, business, cheer up, giggle, high school, humor,
traveling salesman
once a slick salesman from nice
soaked his suits in tubs of grease
so he slid through town
with nary a frown
till someone called the police.
Written by
Troy Gamble
lifefunny, funny, high school, drug,
I Am a Funny Guy Who Follows the Rules
I wonder what life is for
I hear the Foo Fighters live
I see flying cars in the future
I want to be a director
I am a funny guy who follows the rules
I pretend I am Taylor Lautner
I feel very happy with my life
I touch my driver’s license when I’m 16
I worry that I will die of early age
I cry when people screw up their lives with drugs
I am a funny guy who follows the rules
I understand the meaning of life
I say that you should believe in heaven
I dream that I will marry the love of my life
I try to do my best at school
I hope that I will make it through high school steadily
I am a funny guy who follows the rules
Written by
Bill Baker
funny, games, high school, humor, imagery, race, sunshine,
Cross-Country Running
When short and running a cross country race
The short guys know when to pick up the pace
Just as we start up the hills
For we know they’ll be some spills
Odds say the tall men may fall on their face
Written by
Brittany Amsden
funny, high school,
Things In My Head When Im Bored
Why is that banana flying?
Is that little dust bunny dying?
I hope not, bunnies are cool!
What was that
woops... sorry mom
im gonna do a cartwheel...
oh junk i just died
nevermind im in the bathroom
the light is bright in there
jk i heart you mucho
where are my long black socks
wheres my phone?
where are my band shoes
where is my flute
at the high school in the rain...
omg MOM
~Brittany Amsden~
Written by
Jan Allison
age, body, friend, high school, humorous,
Lucky 8
You were a paragon of sheer pulchritude
your charisma showed, you always looked fab
I adore your dress as you step out of the cab
but you’re in discomfort and in an awful mood!
It’s a revelation but you really need to diet
(You’d always been petite, a tiny size eight)
Now your tush is huge, you’ve put on weight
I don’t want a blazing row, so I’ll just be quiet!
Rhyme time 8 Contest
Sponsored by Laura Loo
Written by
Nicole Sharon Brown
caregiving, childhood, education, funny, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, on work and working, people, philosophy, workstudent, high school,
Teaching Is Not
Teaching is not brain surgery,
But it is brain enhancing.
Teaching is not rocket science,
Unless you’re assigned to teach it.
Teaching is not a bad profession,
But you do to prepare meaningful lessons.
Teaching is not what just what formal educators do.
Teaching is part of every career that you choose.
Teaching is not terrible.
It could be fun,
Especially if your students are learning,
And the teacher and the good grades are dancing,
Believe me it is rewarding and unbearable.
wrote Fall 2004
while student teaching @ Neville High School in Monroe, LA,
while a student @ ULM
Written by
Gershon Wolf
dance, high school, humorous, memory,
Fond Prom Memories
Ah, Prom! I remember it well
how my excitement did swell
Would I be asked by a girl or a boy
or maybe an ‘undecided,’ oh joy!
Written by
Anais Vionet
11th grade, endurance, feelings, freedom, high school, humor, teen,
I used to be excited on Fridays.
I used to have interesting plans.
My weekends were non-stop hectic,
my time was in high demand.
Now I live in repeated patterns,
I’m a servant to boring routines.
A fleshy teenage automaton,
waiting for science to intervene.
Oh, I'm readier than a girl-scout,
I’m more prepared than a marine,
I’ll be out the door like a cartoon coyote,
the second I’m shot with vaccine.