Funny Poems About Heartbroken or Heartbroken Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Heartbroken poems and/or funny poems about Heartbroken. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Heartbroken funny poems!

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: beautiful, beauty, courage, cute love, dark, deep, depression, desire, destiny, devotion, dream, first love, funny love, grief, happiness, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, how i feel, i am, i love you, i miss you, innocence, irony, jealousy, lonely, longing, loss, lost, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, night, passion, psychological, romance, romantic, sad, sad love, silence, sky, sleep, solitude, sunset, true love,

Red Light

have you ever felt like 
the flashing red light on the roof,
lonely as ever
visible at night, useless by day?

in sync with its partner next door
for a quick kiss over a few flashes only 
then arguing again and again 
night in, night out.

have you ever felt like 
the flashing red light on the roof,
not signaling a warning to keep away
but sending a call for compassion?

using the dark pauses in between 
to yell the same name 
over and over and over
into the emptiness of each night.

have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
being your silent cry
only heard by your eternal love?

Written by Whit Deschner
Categories: 12th grade, absence, funny, heartbroken, humorous, lost love, love,


Caught in emotion
She went down to the ocean
To where the cliffs are extremely steep
And there she wept
Then finally lept
At a place called 'Lover's Leap'

But while doing here pouting
The tide took to outing
And now the tour guides to show
Where lost love and gravity
Made a large cavity
Far far on the beach below

Written by Jan Allison
Categories: heartbroken, humorous, poetry,

You Broke My Heart

I wrote the perfect poem, and I double-checked each line The imagery was stunning, the picture painted was divine My face broke into a smile with the glowing comments I received But when I saw the ‘winner’s list’ I found my eyes were deceived There was a massive void where my name should have been How could the premiere contest sponsor be so bloody mean! Contest You Broke my Heart Sponsored by Nicola Byrne 02~11~17

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: beautiful, cute love, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, encouraging, funny love, girlfriend, grief, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, how i feel, i love you, i miss you, innocence, kiss, love, love hurts, math, meaningful, miss you, missing, missing you, nice, passion, recovery from, romance, romantic, sad love, senses, sensual, symbolism, together, true love, voyage, wisdom, woman, word play,

4 Love

Love is a four letter word
she whispered into his ear,

So is four, as is word
he whispered back into her fear,

Such is "you and I"
cried his heart - she could hear,

Their cheeks hugged, eyes kissed
each shedding a single tear.

Written by A.O. Taner
Categories: betrayal, boat, change, computer, confusion, cool, crazy, cute love, emotions, fantasy, funny, funny love, heart, heartbroken, hello, irony, light, loneliness, lonely, lost love, love, love hurts, parody, relationship, river, romantic, sad love, satire, soulmate, voyage, wisdom,


I had my heart put on auto-pilot,
set to navigate towards you; 

the low-battery signal just came on,
I don't know what to do.

Written by Roses Roses
Categories: cute love, funny love, heartbroken, lost love, poetry,


She was the fiery love

She was the lonely love

She was the unforgettable love

She was the protected love

She was the jealous love

There are different ways to love but there is only one true love

Were you running away from love or running away from yourself

Afraid that you’re not ready, afraid to be wrong

Every time I think we're moving forward you pull away like the tide 

Only getting close enough to see a glimpse of love but too scared to stay and see the whole thing

Returning to your deep depths where you don't have to worry about your true feelings

p.s. you can always run but never fully hide…

Written by Robert L. Hinshaw
Categories: heartbroken, humorous,

A Kiss Under the Mistletoe

He stood for hours 'neath the inviting mistletoe,
But nary a gal took notice of his miserable woe!
He smiled and made goo-goo eyes as they passed by,
But they just tittered leaving him high and dry!

He slyly pointed to the mistletoe with a silly grin,
But this didn't impress a soul, much to his chagrin!
He shifted from one foot to the other still hopin'
When to his horror he discovered that his fly was open!

Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) 2013 All Rights Reserved

Written by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu
Categories: analogy, emotions, funny love, heartbroken, imagination, metaphor, romance,

Nuclear Attack

The nuclear attack
by her beauty
has bombed
my insecure heart
Setting it ablaze;
Scattering my feelings
Of wild imaginations,
To the winds!

Written by Mike Martin
Categories: heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, horse, humor, i love you, i miss you,

Who's That At My Fire

McMar of the South Rode out into the meadow To hide his shadow It was taller there Than McMar had ever been It was darker there McMar rode faster Trying hard to outrun it Riding until dark I think it's gone now I hope it doesn't come back Who's that at my fire? Who's eating my beans? Who's helping me stoke my coals? Who's lying beside me?
Copyright © Mike Martin 2015

Written by Kethushan Aravinth
Categories: change, feelings, first love, funny love, heartbroken, i miss you, memorial day,

Hardest Days

Hardest days that I came over
Are no more here to break me silver 
I was blind for some useless reason  
And It couldn't yet found for what the motion
I took you beyond,Over the vision 
And now I'm here,without the notion 
Burning sun found some water 
Water just gone, regreting slaughter

Poeple said "It happens for a reason" 
But now I swear, It happend for caution 
No one is perfect, even my girl 
She just threw me down like a hazelnut whirl

Written by Al Juman
Categories: beautiful, care, dog, funny, garden, heartbroken, humorous,

Said Hyacinth

Said Hyacinth
Shadow is in my garden again.
That Ugly chubby plumb British bulldog.
Why can't the Hamilton's keep her over there.
This a place for birds, bees 
and gently dragon fly.
Yet  comes this slob rubbing up on my roses.
You rascal!
Just look at you, 
sprawled legs scattered up in the air
soaking in the sunshine.
Never mind,
 just take your fat overfed self and run along. 
Yes I am talking to You!
© Al. Juman  The "said" Poet  6/24/2016

Written by Juliet Levin
Categories: conflict, confusion, cry, depression, heartbroken, lost, love,

It's Funny

It's funny
How we would take
A bullet
For the person 
Behind the trigger

And it's funny
How we would love
Someone who is incapable of loving

And it's funny 
How we would give it all up
For something that will give you nothing

And it's funny 
How we would cry and hurt
For someone who brings you only happiness

And it's funny
How we would lose ourselves
For someone who is forever lost

Written by Fritz Purdum
Categories: break up, heartbroken, humorous, love hurts,

Hello Heartache My Old Friend

Hello heartache my old friend
Pour me another and I'll begin
Sit a spell and lift your feet
My woes of love I 'll repeat

She was the one for sure
All my love I gave to her
Bought her presents and a ring
But to her it meant nothing

Heartache how have you been
It's been awhile my old friend
You hang around even though
When in love I make you go

Just another love gone astray
So with me you like to stay
You pour me another and smile
Satisfied your with me for awhile

Goodbye heartache you must go
That sweet girl I see I got to know
Her smiles a promise I must keep
You assure me you'll return in a week

Hello heartache my old friend...

Written by Keisha Moyer
Categories: conflict, first love, heartbroken,

Love Is a Funny Thing

You say that you love me
but only when others can not hear 
but this is my plea 
can you please listen dear 

For I do love you
I say it when others can hear
Can you please listen dear
For love is a funny thing

Written by Charron Resolution
Categories: emo, girlfriend, heartbroken, humor, insect, irony, love hurts,

Too Single

I've been single too long Obviously That a mosquito is the only female that wants to take a bite of me

Written by Julicia Thompson
Categories: boyfriend, daughter, funny love, heartbroken, i love you, mother, mystery,

How Will I Meet Him

I’m in Love with the most amazing person ever 
But I have no idea when I can meet him
We talk a lot and have a lot in common 
But I have no idea when I can meet him

What can I do 
My mom won’t even let me have a boyfriend 
Yet I do 
When will I ever meet him 

I know my mom won’t like it 
But I do 
What is it that I can do 
To have a happy ending with him 
It still stays a mystery

Written by Jerry T Curtis
Categories: heartbroken, humor,


I once knew a girl named Sammy
I caught her one night in her Jammies
But it turned out that She was really a He
Never thought I could be "Double Whammied"

remember this fiction

Written by Richard Gumede
Categories: fantasy, funny, heartbreak, heartbroken, nonsense, sad love,

The Hiding Dome In Rome

His appearance seemed just so tough
Yet he was just all cool not rough
The great man was well in good mood
Parading that his life was good

From him everyone received enough
Like Santa Claus pleasing the hood

Then some whores saw him as a mug
Because to all he gave a hug
Started they to inflict him pain
Their love he was not going to gain

They consoled him with just a rug
As the evening started the rain

Then he became just reticent
Like he was all that innocent
He started to think about Rome
Thinking, there he would feel at home

He knew the old city is decent
To hide for a time in any dome

Written by Alex Nelson
Categories: allusion, conflict, funny love, heartbroken, missing you, moving on, perspective,

No No

No pen for a pocket  
No purpose with a pull
No left with a reason
No right with a rule
No lessons on Tuesday  
No Wednesday at home
No makes for the model  
No data on the phone  
No recess like play tag
No fair with a wheel
No loving in a leaving  
No steady for a deal  
No next with rear view
No backseat like here
No address at Taylor rd.
No love seat like dear
No easy with an answer  
No always with a true
No echoes at here that
No misses there but you

Written by Ann Peck
Categories: absence, children, emotions, first love, giggle, growth, heartbroken,


Ghosts of moments from our past
     linger just beyond reach.
Those we once held most dearly,
     now we silently beseech.

Silver secrets of first love--
     now but sighs upon the wind,
near a  place where, long ago,
     broken hearts would soon begin.

Ghosts of a love, once captured 
      but escaped in the quiet.
Childrens' whispers, their giggles
      fade to echoes in the night.

Ghosts hold the secret stories
      of our lives now almost spent-- 
ghosts of memories that remain
     where, once, only dreams were sent.

Originally submitted October, 2021
Reworked and submitted January 23,2022
for A Brian Strand (1058) Poetry Contest

Written by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
Categories: cry, funny, hate, heartbroken, humor, judgement, sad,

Nobody Likes My Poems, a Song

Nobody likes my poems
I do not know why
Think I'll grab a knife to stab
Myself in the eye.

Nobody likes my poems
I only sniff and pout
Think I'll soon pick up a spoon
And gouge my eyeballs out.

Written by Gum Mapuol Mabior
Categories: anger, anxiety, cry, feelings, funny love, gender, heartbroken,

Love Alone, a Solo Love

You achieved fulfilment thoughtlessly.
Deeply saddened,

Broken soul and bond.

You dishonestly left a once-thriving union, leaving wounds.
Your attention, tough.

Disappointment, hurting, and ignoring replaced liking and respect.
Depression is unforgivable.

Beware, for the soul you leave behind is valuable and caring.
Your anger will not move them since their commitment was beyond gentleness.

Written by David Brown
Categories: emotions, fear, feelings, heartbroken, humor, love,

Bubble Wrapped Hearts

We wrap ourselves tight in a layer of fear
seeking a buffer from those who'd come near 
our heart's not protected, we may yet be rejected
and we'll know it by all the loud popping we hear

Written by Benyeakeh Miapeh
Categories: death, death of a friend, deep, heartbroken, hilarious, horror, sad,

Weeping Messenger

Face crack
Hands keep stave
And image turn horror
 Now separated from earth
Weeping around
Far away you are carried
By the ungrateful
And deceitful death
No breath, no voice nor feeling
In the lake of tears I watch the scene
Hope your soul be in the right hand
And your memory book keeps my name 
Though you left me in this ungrateful and painful world,
It is no longer the earth he created
And tell Jesus we await his return
Because earth is turning into hell.

I call my weeping messenger.

Written by James Edward Lee Sr.
Categories: adventure, analogy, funny, heartbroken,

Cyclist Mike Who Falls Off His Bike--


There was a man named Mike
who used to ride a bike
he keeps falling, for petes sake 
He made a mistake
guess he should have bought a trike

Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019©