Funny Poems About Grandparents or Grandparents Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Grandparents poems and/or funny poems about Grandparents. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Grandparents funny poems!

Written by Line Gauthier
Categories: funny, grandparents, longing, lust, night, nostalgia, silly,

Impure Thoughts

On her nightdress candlelight flickers
While underneath she wears blue knickers
Grandpa recalls Kentucky
The last time he got lucky
Grandma just rolls her eyes and snickers

May 19, 2019
for Tania Kitchin's Bawdy Limericks Contest

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: baby, grandchild, grandmother, grandparents, humor, humorous, relationship,

She Was Born With Cat Ears

She was born with cat ears.
So cute! Everyone lied.
Some of us felt them.
They were striped, and furry.
Odd for a human head.
Gray, pink in the middle.
“Adorable!” some of us said.
“Can they be removed?” the new grandmother asked.
Making her daughter-in-law her enemy for life.

Written by Smail Poems
Categories: age, angel, baseball, beauty, butterfly, caregiving, celebration, character, child, father daughter, feelings, film, fishing, flower, football, children, for her, friend, fun, funny, gender, girl, girlfriend, giving, graduation, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, growing up, growth, hair, happiness, happy, health, heart, hero,


Pretty princesses
Dancing all around
Frolicking through fields
Very beautiful
Just like you!

Written by Janice Canerdy
Categories: age, grandparents, humor,

Grandma and Grandpa Did What

There was an old geezer from Pippin
who wanted to go skinny dippin'.
He gave his wife whisky;
they got bare and and frisky.
Then into the pond both went slippin'.

April 9, 2018, entered in Viv Wigley's Traditional Limerick Contest

Written by Michael Campbell
Categories: children, dad, grandparents, growing up, humorous, love, simple,


Running, leaping, wild,
Like a blur, my spinning, crashing, child.

Written by Patricia Lawton
Categories: grandparents, growing up, humor, nostalgia,



Many, many years ago
when grannies were little girls.
They had very long hair with polka-dot ribbons
entwined around their curls.
And granddads played with catapults and different
wooden toys.
They were full of mischief and curious little boys.
They learn to climb the tallest trees
and tease the little girls.
And pull their polka-dot ribbons out
and mess up all their curls.
Then they grew up and fell in-love
that's when their lives began to change.
They'd act daft with lovey stuff
which some girls found very strange.
Lives tapestry exchanges their struggles
to survive.
The best memories are those of my grandparents 
and the changes in their lives.

Written by Pat Adams
Categories: grandparents, humorous, sexy,

A Threesome

After sex she asked,"Should we try a threesome"
He answered, "It's not that the idea is bad,"
"But, I weigh two eighty, you one ninety"
"So I think a threesome is what we just had!"

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: funny, grandchild, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, love hurts,

Lost the Remote In the Living Room

I lost the remote in the living room.
On Saturday.
My husband and I ran around looking and looking.
At first it was just the couch pillows, we were looking through.
An hour into it we had made what looks like a bon fire,
Tipping over couches, recliners, and such.
We broke a couple of tables.
Hey, wait, my husband reminded me.
Merlin was here today.
I called Merlin’s mommy, our daughter.
She said, "Oh, darn. We just found it. We thought it
was the one we lost a couple of weeks ago."

Merlin is our two year old grandson
Whom we apparently did not watch
As well as we should have the 
5 hours he was here.
He is going to have to
Leave his hoodie and
His diapers at home.

Written by John Lawless
Categories: age, grandparents, humorous, life,

They'Re Out There

They’re out there in their walkers timeless stalkers shuffling along uncharted seas, smiling at the commonplace, frowning at the wind. Grey clouds of drifting age content to meet old shadows holding court on park bench seat, practicing the principles of peace. gazing at a future now in reach. Do a little shuffle dance, kick a stone, blow a kiss to memory and walk alone, know the joy of aging’s antics because it’s either this or ceramics. John G. Lawless 11/17/2015

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: feelings, grandchild, granddaughter, grandmother, grandparents, humorous, kid,

My Grandchildren Know Me Too

One time after an especially fun Grandma Cousin Camp Week
Where Grandpa was in hiding for 7 days, and 8 grandchildren and I did whatever
we please,
There was a bit of pouting
That it had to come to an end.
My oldest granddaughter, whom I will refer to as EM,
the wisest of the wise, because she is 4 years older
and terribly smart said,
"You know how you guys like to have a friend over?"
There was lots of nodding and yesing because we all love Em.
"Well, Grandma is having a friend over," she explained.
"It's GRANDMA!" 
They all got in the car
and waved good-bye,
Fully understanding

Written by Gerald Dillenbeck
Categories: age, birthday, grandparents, health, humor, senses, sexy,

Sappy Birthday 69

I remember, do you,
age appropriate for two
grandparents like you,
when sixty-nine
was a thing that you do
when you're hot twenty-and-a-few
too many.

I remember, do you,
grandmother's party at the zoo,
Happy SixtyNine on her cake
smelled and spelled like "Mistake",
Happy BodyDay to you two,
each doing who,
sweet memories

Written by Terry Flood
Categories: car, funny, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, humorous,

Smash N Gran - For Succinct Contest

Strange things happened that last time my Grandpa drove to town
He scrapped a nine eleven and mowed a phone booth down
Folkies in the future will very likely sing
The man trashed a McDonald’s but spared a Burger King

It barely made the papers, just local news in some
Someone should have told them that there was worse to come
Spielberg’s gonna make a movie, if the rumour’s sound
Of the total devastation when Grandma drove to town

19 December 2018
For Succinct contest
Sponsor Michelle Faulkner

Written by Howard Kerr
Categories: crazy, family, fun, funny, giving, grandparents, smart,

Oh That Will - Tb

Our big happy 
family, since 
granny left will!

NB Wills can be divisive in a wry humorous way.

Date created and submitted : 30 November 2020

Written by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: drink, funny, grandparents, humorous, silly,


We recently lost my Grandpa
It took a toll on my Grandma
	she took to the bottle
	an unstable waddle
tripped on him hiding – such chutzpah!

Written by Judy Valko
Categories: grandparents, humor, kid,

Grandpa's Nose

Grandpa’s Nose

Grandpa’s nose is rather big
it’s shaped just like a horn
It doesn’t bother Grandpa,
he says that’s how he was born

I’m glad it’s not a ‘pick’ a lo
or a snooty flute 
but when people hear him ‘toot’ his nose
they stand up and salute

Written by Pat Adams
Categories: funny, grandparents,

The Golden Years

Old men in the home got Viagra
An experiment is what was said
They stated it was about safety
To keep them from rolling out of bed!

Since it takes a while to wear off
Breakfast can get a little loud
Turning around and knocking off plates
But at least they all look really proud!

It also cheers up the old ladies
They smile when they look up and down
Wanting to try an start a spark
Is easier with wood all around!

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: fun, funny, grandchild, grandmother, grandparents, humor, humorous,

Advice Today Different Than Maybe Yesterday

So I had to tell her to BLEEP off, Grandma.
She is fourteen, as of forty-six hours ago.
I am shocked.  
I wisely decide to give her some Grandmotherly advice.
Me:  Were there witnesses?
Molly: No.
Me:  Did anyone have their I-phone out?
Molly:  One, but I chased her down and smacked it out of her hand and hit delete.
I reported this conversation to my husband who rolled his eyes
And asked, “How is your Mini-Me?"

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: fun, grandchild, grandmother, grandparents, hilarious, humor, humorous,

I Will Tell Grandpa On You

My four-year-old grandson 
ran to the house to tell grandpa 
to make me stop building a fire.
His older siblings laughed.
Toasted marshmallows.

“I am calling 911 
and the Fire Department!” he
yelled from the porch.
“Come back and we can toast smores,” I said.
He stuck out his tongue.

“He came running in demanding my phone,”
my husband told me later, “so he could call 
911 and the fire department.”

“And he wanted you to tell me to stop, right?”
I asked him.
We both laughed.
Four does not understand yet who 
the boss is.

Written by Julie Grenness
Categories: appreciation, giggle, grandparents, growth,


Seenager is our new stage,
The years of our golden age,
Grey is our new blonde,
Sixty is now young, rock on!

Written by Paula Goldsmith
Categories: fun, giggle, grandparents, son, sweet, uplifting, wedding,

Wedding Day

My parents special wedding day with beautiful flowers in May I should not have been there making grandparents swear why did they want to name me Jay

Written by Ellen Gwaltney Bales
Categories: age, grandmother, grandparents, hair, humor, nursery rhyme, parody,

Rockabye Grandma

Rockabye grandma
In the condo
When the wind blows
Her wig starts to go
When the hair flies
Grandma does too
Our gal was last spotted
Hovering over the zoo

Written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, humor,

Not this Time

they swarm into our home like bees
seeking daisies, lilies, roses, and such
we throw sugary treats at them
allow them to commandeer the TVs
and the computers
Their parents roll their eyes
For we were never this way with “them”
We did not have to be
We were not their grandparents

The grandchildren want to live with us
They want to move in
They think we are better than their parents
Because we can spoil them completely for a few hours
Some want to spend the night
We have to say “not this time”
Because when they leave
we are exhausted and have to take a long nap
because our energy is completely gone
which is why God gives babies to young people