Funny Poems About Goodbye or Goodbye Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Goodbye poems and/or funny poems about Goodbye. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Goodbye funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Goodbye Poems.

Poem Details | by Pat Adams |
Categories: humorous, nostalgia, word play,

The Good Old Days

One thing is for sure when tales are told 
The "good old days" are sure to unfold
Now understand
What made them grand
Was that we weren't good and we weren't old!

Poem Details | by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: funny

Good Night

“It is pointless me using this,” he said
As he held it laying in bed
He tried it again 
Which made him feel great pain
So he slept with his night cap off of his head

Poem Details | by Ralph Taylor |
Categories: funny

Good Samaritan

A guy was drunk in a bar
I offered to drive him home
He fell 5 times in the parking lot
So I couldn't leave him alone.

I got him home and he fell 4 more times
before we got to his stair
I said to his wife "Here's your husband"
She said "Yeah, but where is his wheelchair?"

Poem Details | by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: holiday, humor,

Good Luck, Sam


Shamrocks with green eggs and ham.
Resistance from Sam I Am.
If you offer him gold,
he won’t see the mold.
Leprechauns roar at the sham.

Kim Merryman’s Luck of the Irish Limerick Contest

Poem Details | by Darlene De Beaulieu |
Categories: humor,

Lets Have a Good Laugh

Lets have a good laugh, ha-ha- hah ha-ha
Now that we laughed,I feel better, Do you?

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: humor, retirement,

all good and some bad things come to an end

Retirement offers things new
I'm shouting a hip-hip yahoo
If what you’re feeling
Comes from a glass ceiling
Stop squealing and just say I'm through!

Retirement offers a lift
With no bad-*** boss who gets miffed
Since freedom will ring
The songs that I’ll sing
Sound more like those by Taylor Swift

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: city, humor, relationship,

Everything is for the Good

   ‘Tis a pity I live in the city
     and you in a faraway wood

   And yet, everything is for the good 
     ~ You’ve never found me witty

Poem Details | by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: drink, fantasy, funny, good night, happiness,

A Wee Irish Whiskey

I found myself
a good wee bottle 
of 10 year old Irish whiskey 
under my wee Irish down pillow
that must have been placed there 
by the wee good leprechaun 
tooth fairy

I could not bring myself 
to hurt her wee feelings 
so I opened it up 
and drunk my wee Italian self 
down to sleep
counting 40 pink plaid
wee Irish sheep

Poem Details | by Bartholomew Williams |
Categories: books, education, funny, humorous, life, relationship, school,

Learning - a Good Investment

A lazy student known as Burt, 
To parents and teachers was curt.
        With little knowledge,
        Flunked out of college;
Played stock market and lost his shirt!


Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: kids, funny, good night,

Mikey the Mango Muncher

Mikey is a mango muncher,
He just loves that yellow fruit,
It is orange on the outside
With fragrant aroma that's so beaut.

Once he takes that skin off
His taste buds do a loop-de-loop,
Munching all that yellow flesh,
It really is his favourite fruit.

Now the juice is running everywhere,
What a mess he's in,
It's dripping down both his cheeks 
Just near Mikey's yellow grin.

Poem Details | by Jimmy Anderson |
Categories: funny, girlfriend-boyfriend

Emmmmm Good

The spring in my pants was so dandy.
She wanted to suck it like candy.
When she closed her eyes.
I gave my surprise.
Never saw a girl quite that handy!

For Francine Roberts "Wow me in 5 lines" contest

Poem Details | by Brenda Mcgrath |
Categories: heaven, humorous, inspirational, money,

The Good Luck Penny

When I see a penny twinkle at me in the street,
It says, "Pick me up," down at my feet.
I slip it in my pocket and off I go,
With the good luck penny I could not forego.

It makes no difference if they are shiny, dirty, or black,
If I find a penny, I can’t turn my back.
They go home with me to my glass change jar,
And I save them to spend on a vacation afar.

Recently I went for a walk and found pennies galore.
There was a trail of pennies for 50 feet or more!
It was pennies, pennies, pennies- surely this was a sign…
That they had dropped from heaven, and I was on cloud nine!

Contest 206 Any Form, Any Topic, Max 12 Lines
Sponsor: Brian Strand
Awarded 9th Place

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: humorous,

A Good Wife Is Hard To Find

When worked up and yelling a sight to behold She was an expert on the art of the scold But she was good in bed And kept him well fed And he was quite deaf if the truth be told

Poem Details | by John Beam |
Categories: adventure, funny, home, humorous, seasons, spoken word, winter,

A Good Winter's Cleaning

What are Cabinites                                                                                                          all things you find when cleaning                                                                                      cabinet dwellers

Poem Details | by Leanne Tuftytift |
Categories: animal, cheer up, giggle, good night, natural disasters, romance, true love,

Lean On Me

Leanne loves milking her cows 
Everyday she dreams of those cows when she is away
A noise she hears
Nay says the horse, Nay says the cows
Nay says Linda, Nay says James
Everyday she hears voices

LEANne on me.....

Please bare a moment to pray and have thought for the dairy farmers in the world :-(

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: allegory, angel, business, funny, humorous, peace, war,

Hark--An Angel--The Harbinger of All Things Good

What flies though the air up above
Disguised as a peace seeking dove
For those who've not heard
Drones can send you the bird
From the land of brotherly love

Author's note: Is this really how to win friends and influence people (for the long term)?

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: humorous,

Really Good Rap Song Horn Haiku

Really Good Rap Song Horn Haiku

There are scores and scores
Of stores that have gone away
Too much have to pay.

When small star twinkles
Will we see all the wrinkles
As each one mingles.

Can you mingle late
Because you did have to wait
And anticipate.

Might mingle later
And prefer percolator
Coffee creator.

When things will percale
We should stand in a circle
Pray for miracle.

This won't want to miss
Really good rap song it is
Can be hers or his.

James Hilarious Thesarious Horn
Bolivia, NC

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: food, funny, new year, new years day,

Sounded Good At the Time

In the New Year I resolved to lose weight 
I thought I'd start by using a small plate
But with a big sigh
I piled it up high
Dang, once more the idea not so great...

For the New Years Resolution contest.

Poem Details | by Kim Merryman |
Categories: funny, holiday, day,

A Not So Good Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a day to be grateful,
Not a day to be grumpy or hateful.
But a burnt pumpkin pie,
And a turkey that's dry,
Might make it hard to be elateful.*

*(I realize elateful is not a word, but I claim poetic

Poem Details | by Anthony Biaanco |
Categories: eve, fun, funny, funny love, good night, joy, kiss, leadership,

Cinnamon, Lavender and Stormy

Cindy Cinnamon was a working gal
Lavender Lucy her very best pal
one night they tag teamed Mr. Ed
smoked a pound of panama red
Stormy Daniels did shots from a pail 


Poem Details | by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: care, funny, funny love, good morning, good night, goodbye,

The Oversized Plastic Coffee Cup Says

The oversized

Plastic coffee cup 

with the plastic lid



I am hot and wet

Handle me with care

Do not microwave

Poem Details | by Ralph Taylor |
Categories: humor,

Good News - Bad News

His Doc stated "You got a problem my friend",

when his examination was through!

"But, there again, the news isn't all bad!

We're naming this disease, after you"!

Poem Details | by Scott Harris |
Categories: appreciation, funny, imagery, together, uplifting,

Take Good Care of Your Egg

Aww, a blanket of men
With 18 hands
And happy feet
Around me stands 

By smokey fires 
Like a hippy
And keep me warm 
When it gets nippy

Deep inside the penguin pile
Absorbing love, burrow and smile
18 arms and 18 legs
8 men and one happy egg :-)

Poem Details | by Poet. Undertaker |
Categories: humor,

Good Thief

There once was a man called Good Thief,
Soul robbery his expertise, tried no knife,
his disciples even worse,
rob souls of animals, ease!
Believe me, sacred the philosophy of this thief!

Written on 17-08-2013.
For the contest “any New limerick”  by “Black Eyed Susan”

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

Sneezing Feels So Good

When we sneeze it feels oh so good When someone next to you sneezes And you didn't have an advanced warning It's like your head almost blows off your shoulders! It a natural bodily function just like some others Which I won't mention at the moment For fear of being banished from the site But youse guys know what I mean Like burping and farting... oops! That's surely going to get edited out! Why is it that something so natural And feels so good can be so annoying Sometimes life just isn't fair! © Jack Ellison 2014