Funny Poems About Future or Future Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Future poems and/or funny poems about Future. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Future funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Future Poems.

Poem Details | by A.O. Taner |
Categories: august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,


Don't rush to wash off the sea salt 
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.

Poem Details | by John Lawless |
Categories: environment, future, humor, planet,

Mars Bars

Mars Bars

I think they painted it all red
so that we’d think it really dead
get the thought out of our head
they would let us share a bed.

Perhaps they hacked Mars “google maps”
to screw up our best thinkers caps
installed the “red-dead” planet app
in brownish shade of crusty past 

to insure we’d change our mind
look elsewhere in our search to find
another place to colonize
after this one slowly dies.

They have watched our pestilence
defy the laws of common sense
will not succumb to our pretense
good neighbors do not need a fence.

John G. Lawless

submitted to – Subject Mars – Poetry Contest
sponsor – Joe Maverick

Poem Details | by Dave Moore |
Categories: analogy, animal, future, god, humorous, life, men,


Before there was a thing called "Man"

The Maker had a better plan.

He filled he sea with little fish

Of every kind that He might wish.

Then He made the dinosaur

To rule the land from shore to shore.

Next came the monks, orang-otan.

Gorillas, and an ape called "Man".

Man is half God, and beast one half.

He writes his own grim epitaph.

The Maker thinks, "Next time the plants?

Not yet, until I've tried the ants".

Poem Details | by Joe Dimino |
Categories: bird, change, environment, fish, future, humorous, wisdom,

The Windmills of Babel

Build them wider, taller
let us reach for the sky

when we run out of bird's 
we'll clip angels on the fly

90,000 lb. sperm whale
wandering, searching for 
his misplaced tail...

but elite global outlets will 
never fail....only us commoners
stuck in the dark, our vehicles
needing, only one gear~ Park!

Poem Details | by Jim Healey |
Categories: humor,

Past, Present, Future

In an obscure location,
where the forest was dense,
the past, present and future walked into a bar.
It was tense.

Poem Details | by A.O. Taner |
Categories: beautiful, cheer up, computer, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, encouraging, fantasy, feelings, funny, future, humorous, i love you, love, love hurts, math, meaningful, metaphor, miss you, mystery, passion, relationship, romance, romantic, sad love, school, science, science fiction, silly, social, sweet, teacher, together, true love, truth, uplifting, visionary, word play,


One is love, 
Zero is everything else.

Poem Details | by Gail Debole |
Categories: future, humor, sister, vanity,

Shared Ego - Year 2030

Written by Gail DeBole on September 12, 2013

There once were siamese-like twins
Who didn't share organs or limbs.
An ego was shared
Thoughts moving through air
Between sisters Donna and Kim.

With an ego bigger than most
The twins did nothing but boast
of trophies and wins
And spectacular whims.
The sisters were known coast-to-coast.

Poem Details | by John Trusty |
Categories: funny, future, imagination, planet,


As I drift along the cosmos
taking eons for my thoughts to osmos.
Here’s an idea that might sound ALIEN,
just show some MOON to keep from failin.
Originating from a place called Ur-anus,
not a PLANET but designed to contain us.
Try converting your STUN GUN
to ignite the methane for fun.
You’re destined to be a galactic STAR,
by keeping those cheeks ajar.
If you try this poetic dictum
don’t explode or you’ll become a victim.
You need to arrive sans detonation
uncharred by self-immolation.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: break up, future, hope, humorous, relationship,

Vacancy To Fill One Lonely Heart - For Contest

My Ex Husband:- Lied to me Was often drunk and violent Belittled me Spent all my money Ran off with my best friend ... HE’S FIRED! Position is now vacant the new applicant needs to be:- Honest Teetotal and gentle as a lamb Stand by me through thick and thin and not put me down Solvent enough to buy me the odd bunch of flowers or an orchid Loyal – (the only real friends I have left are male!) If you think you can fill this position ... YOU’RE HIRED! Contest: The Interview – Judy Konos 7th June 2015 Jan Allison

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: allegory, faith, food, funny, philosophy,

A Day In the Near Future

What dark force wears the devil’s mark (666) 
And bites those thrown off “Noah’s Ark”?
Dragging sweets through the mud
While chomping for blood...
A bully is like a white shark*

*Only white sharks have better table manners, and so in the tradition of Emily Post—the innocent eventually rise up and seek justice—and use knives (and forks and spoons)! 

This poem was inspired by Laura Breidenthal's recent poem entitled "666".

Poem Details | by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: body, funny, future, life, old, remember, yellow,

Pee In a Cup -

Get up 
Pee in a cup

Cough - Give blood 
Only when told
But don’t give too much 
When you are old -

Urine’s no better 
When you are told
Vary your stream,
Your colors 
But – Don’t be too bold-

Not too fast-
Get a strong hold-
Try to remember 
What’s  in front -
And behind you -
When you are old

Poem Details | by Shanity Rain |
Categories: art, career, change, future, humor, humorous, identity, image, international, me, mystery, poetess, rain, symbolism, words, writing,

Shanity Rain

So many amazing Artist ~
             one would never complain

            Just to be amongst all Soup 
             my name will never be plain

            I love all indiscriminately 
            My friends you'll  remain 

            Not to confuse or cause pain
            for the reason lies not in Vain

             From now on just call me 
                Shanity Rain ~

           However my Children remind me , I'm Insane ~
        '   Shanity Rain  my new Pen name  '

Poem Details | by Jaquay Atkins |
Categories: addiction, anniversary, anxiety, art, baby, beautiful, beauty, blessing, boyfriend, class, confidence, conflict, desire, destiny, devotion, education, environment, faith, fantasy, fate, feelings, for her, fun, funny love, future, giggle, girlfriend, happiness, heart, heaven, life, light, loneliness, lonely, lost, lust, magic, strength, stress, sweet love, symbolism,

I Love You

Often, I have uttered these words to myself
Your feminity has entranced my manhood
My vision is focused on your subject matter 
A quick study of a woman's psychology 
I feel you with my mind, and touch you with my eyes
Senses are heightened in your very presence 
Soon, I will utter the ultimate words of encouragement 
Constant admiration for your hidden strengths 
Instant chemistry between us has changed our biology 
Soon, I will hold you tight and recite the following;
Baby, I love you

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: devotion, funny, visionary

Future Prediction For Home Buyers

Forget about mortgage or rent.
These days with our paychecks fast spent,
In the future I see 
The hot question will be. . . 
How much for one BIG sturdy tent?

For Carolyn Devonshire's Contest: Economic Woes Limerick

Poem Details | by Shanity Rain |
Categories: beauty, birth, celebration, creation, culture, fish, future, god, history, humor, image, imagination, immigration, inspirational, life, magic, miracle, mystery, mythology, natural disasters, nature, night, nostalgia, ocean, old, science, sea, technology, voyage,

New Aquatic Species

Science in all fascination has discovered a species aquatic 

  Theorizing this new yet old species remained hidden as Merman  

  only to live in secret at the oceans floor the mermaid a tribe indigenous 

  once said to be myth yet all proof and technology film does not lie 

  Tsunamis has given the ocean a true glance of the man with webbed hands

  The species communes with dolphins will be under a microscope to analyze  ?

    " The World is not ready to see what I have "  Jacques Cousteau ~

         to be entered in The Science contest ~

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: america, future, humorous,

God Save America

In 2020 Kayne West says he plans to run for President Oh heaven help you all Kim Kardashian for first lady I wonder…. Will her first request be To pain the White House… PINK God Bless America 31st August 2015

Poem Details | by Marilyn Williams |
Categories: depression, faith, for him, funny, future, memory, time,

Do I Remember

I write it, but remember not. I say it, but forget me not. I feel it how it has to come, did I not feel like a perfect bum. So what it is I am trying to remember, my place and where I was December.

Poem Details | by David Fisher |
Categories: age, christmas, funny love, future,

A Kiss Under the Mistletoe

When I look into a crystal ball
These are some things that I see	
Hearing loss will be my down fall
And my wife won’t listen to me

Look up dear, its mistletoe
Please to give this gal a kiss?
What’d you say, you miss my toe
And you’d like to reminisce?

Oh my goodness, see their tree
And the lovely treats to eat?
Now why on earth did you ask me
If I want to greet your feet?

I just heard the whistle blow
So I’ll think I’ll have some tea
Why didn’t you say there’s mistletoe
I’ve been saving a kiss for thee.


Poem Details | by James Fraser |
Categories: funny, life, future,

Jurassic James

My name is Jurassic James
An ageing Dinosaur it seems
Middle aged I have hit
Quite frankly it's ****
Take me back to twenty to dream

Wonderful, I'm now back to that time
Playing pool and every things fine
I'm out with the boys
Getting pissed and enjoying
Meeting girls and being so entwined

Then there was the night one met
The right one my future was set
Now married with kids
My pool days now rid
Decisions made, now no regrets

Now back to the future we go
A dark horse now starts to show
What's fixed is now broken
Jurassic James has now spoken
I'm now free and single you know

Poem Details | by Chriss Todd |
Categories: beauty, betrayal, death of a friend, devotion, forgiveness, future, god, goodbye, horror, humorous, image, inspiration,


i have crafted and shafted and then re positioned
divulged and indulged to precise disposition 
yet frankly my points are most blunt at the end and my walls tend to fall at the slightest of bends
be it not such a bridge but a try at amends, with a friend who is quite hard of hearing
come step in my cauldron both women and children, these are the crimes i admit to both willinging and wildered
For i am the poet of pilgrims ,
what was left has been pillaged and raped, and only i who had managed escape
have been left to rebuild from the timbers

Poem Details | by Zoria Gregory |
Categories: funny, future, happiness, joy, time,

Window To the Future

There was a time
I can attest
A window to the future

Joy was there 
As many others
Happiness came as her tutor

As we jumped 
In and out
Our hearts all a flutter 

What did we find
But the trappings of time
We had landed betwixt each other

Poem Details | by Rudolph Rinaldi |
Categories: age, body, funny, future, health, life,

Snap, Crackle and Pop


Poem Details | by Funom Makama |
Categories: absence, betrayal, break up, funny love, future, grief, lost love,

I Was the Better Man

His suits and empires made it so swift
from afar all you saw was his mid-rift
with me you were glowing
our future was moving
from his dark pit, you now expect a lift.

Poem Details | by Thaomi Pham |
Categories: fun, future, giggle, soulmate,

Country Boy Come This Way

I'm a city girl, 
looking for a cow boy.

He'd teach me how to twirl
to the folk dance near the bay.
I'll listen to him yodel
and watch him feed cute horses hay.

There won't be a note he can't handle
cause he sings and plays the guitar everyday.
He'd take me around the world
with his big old truck while he screams, "Make way!"

I'll want my life to be simple:
raise children, make sure the crops are okay, etc.
On the porch swing, we'll cuddle.
Moon lights and shooting stars flash away.'s a bucket for you to hurl,
but I'll marry a country boy one day!

Poem Details | by Jimmi Canada |
Categories: anniversary, art, funny, future, november, riddle, space, voyage, wife, wisdom, work, writing,


Orange reef,

a riddler on relief;

an ancient beat-

a walking priest,

a breed!

An ancient thief-

floating on now,

foraging in the great wild, was like a drum,

oh it was so fun,

yadda da da da.