Humorous and funny Friday poems and/or funny poems about Friday. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Friday funny poems!
Written by
Janice Canerdy
crazy, desire, humor,
Black Friday
I won’t shop Black Friday
because I’m not ready
to fend for my life
in a scene rough and heady.
So call me a coward!
You won’t see me fight ‘em,
and risk getting maimed
for a much-desired item.
Date: November 28, 2019
Contest Title: McWhirtle Me
Sponsor: Charles Messina
Written by
Jan Allison
christmas, humorous,
Black Friday
Bargains galore!
Lots of people out shopping
All looking for that special gift
Carrier bags bulging
Keep an eye on the spending
Frazzled tempers
Riots break out
I got the LAST one
Don’t ever want to go shopping again
All I want is to go home
Yipee ... only 365 days till we do it all over again!!!
Jan Allison
27th November 2014
Written by
Cheryl Hoffman
Freaky Friday
Went to the doctor for my sinus infection,
gave me a steroid shot with good intentions,
woke up today with a mustache and beard,
my voice an octave lower which I feared,
Am going to work soon with my new look,
wonder if they'll think I'm an incognito kook,
hopefully they'll accept my new hirsutism and voice,
because frankly I don't think they have much of a choice!!
Written by
Just James
funny love,
Feeling Friday
a moment such as this
her beauty I must kiss
Written by
Tirzah Conway
friendship, funny, happiness, life, parody,
Friday Night
It’s Friday night; party time,
And I’m ready to get jacked up;
Mix some mega cocktails,
In my hot pink solo cup;
I’m down to play some quarters,
But beer pong is my sport;
And trust me, when this nights over,
I won’t be walking without support;
This week has been exhausting,
I’m ready to drink it all away;
Wash away my sorrows,
‘til I slur every word I say;
I’m ready to shut this work week down,
By partying with my friends;
And hopefully the sun will be rising,
By the time that this night ends!
Written by
Elton Camp
Black Friday Is Here Again
Black Friday Is Here Again
By Elton Camp
It is the day that the stores all love
That income to expenses moves above
Though it makes workers fight
Many open around midnight
So off we go to push and shove
Written by
Phil Capitano
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th.
Hope all is well where you live.
Not superstitious.
Written by
Jason Talbott
funny, on work and working, work
Friday Sonnet
It's the end of the week
Almost time to go home
Today ends the streak
Of 'productivity syndrome'.
I worked hard all day
Trying to get some things done
And I'm happy to say
That I'm still number one
At stalling and waiting
And doing it later
I simply am stating
I'm a shirker of labor
To all the work I have left...
I say, "T-G-I-F!"
Written by
CayCay Jennings
age, change, funny,
That Fickle Friday Feeling
The forty-hour work week
kept same its firm streak,
but aging held a revealing
of different Friday feelings.
Beginning work at eighteen,
Monday became a wait thing,
a crawl to Friday night’s scene
when I was up for any
of mostly everything
with little sleep in between.
Even when newlywed, Friday
eve fun was weekend spread.
Then came baby, mortgage
a freedom shortage,
endless yardage, garbage,
cleaning and laundry bondage –
all with no rules or stoppage.
Friday lost all past flare
as my present life tone
shone it as a day for prayer:
that once I got home
I would be left alone
to merge in silence rare
with my reclining chair.
... CayCay Jennings
March 4, 2018
Written by
Randy Johnson
funny, humor, humorous, november,
Black Friday At the Hospital
I have a sad story that requires music that's played by a fiddle.
I've been wounded and I'm spending Black Friday at the hospital.
Gamestop announced that they were knocking 80 percent off of Playstation 4s.
Less than one hour later, paramedics wheeled me through the hospital doors.
I tried to grab a PS4 from a woman, I thought because she was a woman, she wouldn't put up a fight.
But she stabbed, clawed, poked and she even decided to bite.
I really wanted that Playstation 4 because of how little it cost.
But when that woman was through, a lot of my blood was lost.
I'm at the hospital on Black Friday and it's a real shame.
Why did I want that PS4, I don't even like video games.
Written by
Randy Johnson
funny, humor, humorous, violence,
Black Friday
It's Black Friday and I grabbed the last iPad.
When I grabbed it, it sure made people mad.
One man kicked me in the crotch and another got his foot stuck in my ***.
Black Friday turns people into beasts, they sure don't have any class.
A man said if I didn't hand over the iPad, he would kidnap my wife's mother.
I told him to take the old crow, they deserve each other.
Black Friday brings out the worst in people and that's sad.
I'll break my foot off in your *** if you try to grab my iPad.
(This is a fictional poem.)
Written by
Rico Leffanta
Freudian Friday
I saw a girl down on all fours
Who looked just like Diana Dors
A Marmite girl
Whose toes would curl
Whenever Tom finished his chores!
Written by
John Lawless
Black and Blue Friday
First – the carbo-loading
monster meal to sustain
the beast that drives
the cornerstone of greed
in mindless hunt for “bargains”.
Next – jockeying for position
awaiting the starter’s pistol
explosion of coupon bearers
storming the gates of ….greed
pursuing an empty, endless, need.
Feint right, fake left, bob and weave
position, position, timing
shuffle-step, reverse pivot
head fake and twist, break right
aisle 6, electronics, end zone – score!!!
Crazy dance, fire works,
no flags thrown, no penalties.
Game over. Ice and ibuprofen,
rest and recuperation.
AH, the joy of
John G. Lawless
Written by
Paula Goldsmith
best friend, celebration, day, humor, race, uplifting, work,
Working Towards Friday
Working day to day
Towards the end of the week
Friday's my best friend.
Written by
Anais Vionet
fun, humor, school, student,
Finally Friday
It’s finally Friday night
there’s not a professor in sight.
If you think I’m happy - you’re right!
My homework assignment is light,
I just have an essay to write.
We and our sister suite will unite,
dragging a couch over, so the seating is right.
We’ll binge on Ozark most of the night,
‘cause we’re all Justin Bateman acolytes.
Pizza and ice cream will be a highlight,
in an evening of lazy delights.
I wish you could join us on-site,
but a quarantine prevents the invite.
Written by
Line Gauthier
age, life, longing, perspective, retirement, solitude, time,
Funny How Friday Lost Its Cachet
fridays were exciting
workweek from weekend
now retired
don't miss adventure
mostly crave quietude
posted on May 29, 2020
Written by
James Edward Lee Sr.
anxiety, funny, innocence,
On Thursday Craig Jones was seen on camera caught
Stealing cardboard boxes he is distraught
Job terminates him
Now it's to be seen
Just “how yo get fired on your day off”
Sponsored by: Alexis Y.
Written by
Anne-Lise Andresen
- It's Friday Again -
bubbling happiness
ordinary friday night -
not changing habits
Written by
Sotto Poet
analogy, humor,
Black Friday
our bright side will come to an end
the Ancients did issue this protend
but there is still time
upon reading this rhyme
to give thanks to Black Friday and spend
Written: November 16, 2022
Checked by HMS.COM: 8-9-5-6-9
A Fun Holiday Limerick Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin
Written by
Franklin Price
Friday the Thirteenth
Friday the Thirteenth
By Franklin Price
One and thirty days this month,
Twelve have gone by.
The thirteenth is upon us,
Not good, I'll tell you why
Friday, is the reason;
Bad luck for you and me
Have gotten up the courage
Looked through the blinds to see.
A black cat's sitting on my porch.
A ladder's o'er the sash.
I'll make a path around them
When I decide to make my dash
I'll take my rabbit's foot with me.
Incantations I will shout.
Superstitions, I will overcome.
The house I need's not in but out.
Written by
John Lawless
humor, word play,
Friday took up crew so .......
Written by
Caren Krutsinger
humorous, parents,
Friday Night Scrimmage
a scream
a shriek
a slap
a smack
a giggle
a screech
another scream
their teenage children roll their eyes and turn up their music.
Parent’s Friday Night scrimmage commences, heading toward amorous.
Written by
John Lawless
fun, humor, morning,
9 AM Friday
Windows open
A slight breeze teases
The hair on my legs
Goose bumps jockey
For position
A neighbor’s cat
Plots its escape
A racoon is taken away
In “paw” cuffs
A squirrel shakes the bird feeder
Sparrows wait below
A passing dog
Leaves another “blonde spot”
On my alleged “lawn”
An old Dodge Charger revs angrily
At the silence of the Tesla
Two crows make a mockery
Of the debate
I pause for an imaginary commercial
Alas there is no mute button for nature
Some guy in Minnesota
Wants to buy my house
My “check engine” lite came on
I checked
It’s still there
Well, gotta go change
The fish tank water
It hasn’t been the same
Since they went to school