Humorous and funny Forgiveness poems and/or funny poems about Forgiveness. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Forgiveness funny poems!
Written by
Arthur Vaso
america, anti bullying, art, discrimination, forgiveness, humanity, humorous,
Number 2
Vice presidential
Walking on lily pads
Sinking within illusions
Snow drops bloom
Wisdom is waking
Darkness fades
Light pervades
We all seek to be one
Destiny sometimes makes us number two
Quite the topic to contemplate
As I wander off to the loo
As they say a pence for your thoughts
Amazing how see end up right where they belong!
Written by
Payne Poet
adventure, anniversary, caregiving, daughter, family, fantasy, forgiveness, funny, happiness, health, holiday, hope, imagination, life, passion, peace, travel,
Dancing Angels
Angels in heaven
Dancing on a small puddle
Always stay afloat
Written by
Rudolph Rinaldi
forgiveness, fun, funny, hilarious, life, religious,
Seeking Forgiveness
I pass gas
stand silently still
and look up straight
and away
to heaven
seeking forgiveness
and salvation
Written by
Brittney Lopez
absence, age, angel, april, baptism, beautiful, beauty, bible, birth, blue, boat, body, books, boyfriend, bridal shower, flower, for her, forgiveness, freedom, funny, games, garden, girlfriend, goodbye, graduation, poetry, voice, wisdom, women, words, writing, youth,
You send bolts through my skin
something I was never to
accomplish with you, when I
saw you it's like my heart sank
to my stomach and I was in
shock my body still my body
heavy felt like when I moved I
was about to fall to my knees
you make me want to get
inside my brain pick you up and
take you out pick you one by
one like a flower because I do
love you and love you not.
Written by
Anthony Scandrick Ii
angel, beautiful, beauty, caregiving, childhood, confusion, courage, dark, daughter, death, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, faith, fear, forgiveness, freedom, friendship, girlfriend, grief, happiness, hate, heaven, hope, humorous, imagination, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, love, miracle, passion, peace, relationship, romance, romantic, sorrow, sorry, stress, sympathy, uplifting, heart, hate, hate, heart,
Never Take Hate Outside
When you're hurt inside,
And there's no where to hide,
And there's no one on your side,
And it's killing your pride,
Never take hate outside,
When your heart is chocking,
The heavy words never spoken,
The things that hurt you inside,
When love has died,
Never take hate outside,
When your heart is gone,
From being alone,
And it beats a solemn tone,
When you're cold inside,
It's only a short ride,
Never take hate outside
Written by
Chipepo Lwele
forgiveness, funny,
Oh Lord,forgive the arresting officer
who first caught me when I committed crime__
for destroying my future.
Again,I pray to blindfold the inspector of police__
that He may order police officers to delete my
picture and name from the 'wanted persons list'__
Also, make lazy police officers assigned to arrest
me from my hiding place__
Jail changed my life!
chipepo lwele
*Dedicated to hardcore Jailbirds
Written by
J.W. Earnings
confusion, dedication, fear, food, children, kids, forgiveness, friendship, funny, happiness, happy, hope, inspirational, life, lonely, pain, passion, people, spring, teen, time, uplifting, visionary,
Soy Sauce Spills
Soy sauce drains
Into the white, clustered rice
Stepped on…
spills . . .
Soy sauce taints
The whiteness of the grain
It slips out of my hands
No point in crying out in rage
Though I was starving,
I'll just eat another thing and start on a new page
I'm hungry like a swine
I wish I can earn back my snack!
I'm as angry as a bull
I'm about ready to attack! Attack!
Soy sauce packages
Fall unto the dirty school ground
Stepped on
By bratty, conceited teens
They really need to eat their greens
Instead of junkfood and pizza
They should drink some water
Instead of drinking sugary drinks or
Sucking on popsicles obnoxiously
Why did the soy sauce spill? Seriously....
Written by
Dan Keir
angst, confusion, courage, dedication, forgiveness, freedom, funny, humorous, on writing and words, parody, success,
Note To Self
Stop writing haikus
They don’t even make sense now
Something something cake
Written by
J.W. Earnings
beauty, childhood, courage, dedication, children, kids, forgiveness, freedom, friendship, funny, happiness, happy, history, hope, inspirational, life, love, memory, passion, people, relationship, school, sister, success, teen, time, uplifting,
Ridiculous Me
Watch this scene with both eyes and try not to blink C: -->
I stood there... silently
Like a predator near prey
I sneak behind YOU
You weren't even aware of it!! Ha-ha!
I made YOU jump hIgH
Like a startled hare
I chuckle and smile
You know that mischievous smile of mine?
Your reaction was
PRICELESS - you were so upset
But YOU forgave me
Well...I'm flattered. . .
We laugh'd together (just like the good times)
In a chorus - our volume
Picked up extreme sound
Believe me - I could hear our laughter from a mile away!
But I'm glad I did
My best to make you giggle
Ridiculous me...
Wouldn't you agree?
Written by
Jslambert Mister Roboto
confusion, death, depression, fear, forgiveness, friendship, funny, happiness, health, hope, imagination, loss, lost love, sad, uplifting,
Poetic Prescription:
NO REFILLS---Dr. P. Soupenstein
Rx *7563287 BEC 11/11/11
Seems to me,
what you need
for healing this condition...
is something real
you can feel
to ease this mean affliction
Patient please
accept from me
this poetry prescription:
( <_____PUSH & TURN_____> )
Take ONE positive poem
Read ORALLY 2 times BY MOUTH -----
Every 4-6 HOURS AS NEEDED for the pain
Blues and belly aches will dissipate
resulting in healthy energy gains
-Alcohol may intensify the effect of being drowsy
attempting to read while operating machines...
will cause you to drive lousy.
Written by
Annie Lander
devotion, forgiveness, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, lost love,
Follow the Winner
Some folks always follow the winner
I didn't even have the courage
To tell you how you made me feel
Your laughter
Your body language
Way back then,
A wall flower.
you thought that I weren't good enough
Undeveloped beauty
Now, Virtuousness,
I am blooming;
People always follow the winner
Written by
Layla Elkoulily
allegory, angst, beautiful, beauty, childhood, dark, daughter, dedication, dog, dream, flower, forgiveness, funny, growing up, hope, inspirational, metaphor, stress, tribute, visionary, women,
The Broken Girl-Not Me
Is my life not tortured enough for you to see?
I am broken as can be.
My heart is torn.
My tears stain these perfect floors.
Why are singing with glee?
Why do you not care about my every plea?
I am trapped in your arms.
I am the hopeless moth.
How did you pick me?
What is it that you see?
A girl untouched by life?
A flower blooming in the desert?
I have said goodbye to my loving integrity.
You took that from me through R-A-P-E.
Written by
Katherine Stella
adventure, caregiving, childhood, depression, education, family, fantasy, forgiveness, funny, health, imagination, life, people, recovery from..., visionary
Lock Up
< once there was a girl locked in closet
dear old dad said well thats what you get
little did he come know
let out by little bro
but recaptured by moms fishing net
Entry For Leighann Anderson's
Sea Of Words Contest
G.L. All
Written by
Margarita Vera
adventure, animals, childhood, daughter, death, fear, food, children, forgiveness, friendship, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, hope, life, loss, love, mother, music, peace, romance, love,
Tainted love
or tired love?
Smug attitudes
and weak games
Look at you!
Your such a lame!
Me cry?! Ha! Not no more!
Five point five years
What a joke?!
All you do is lie
Keep smoking your life away!
Wake up before its too late!
Before this love turns into hate!
Your too old to act this way!
Your too comfortable
You cant stay!
In my life!
In my way!
Goodbye to you!!!
Written by
A.O. Taner
analogy, beautiful, beauty, break up, change, cheer up, confidence, dedication, deep, desire, destiny, feelings, for her, forgiveness, happiness, heart, hope, how i feel, humanity, humor, humorous, i love you, i miss you, imagination, inspiration, life, loneliness, longing, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, passion, peace, relationship, romance, romantic, sad, sad love, sensual, silence, soulmate, sunset, uplifting, woman, women,
Bright Night
the shadows of hope grow taller
on the fields of yearning souls
gently surrendering to destiny
as a bright night softly falls
Written by
Julie Dunkley
animal, cat, forgiveness, funny, hilarious, pets, riddle,
Mrs Biddle and the Cat Called Tiddle
Mrs Biddle had a cat called Tiddle,
Tiddle had a wiggle in a basket, by the side of Mrs Biddle,
Mrs Biddle wasn't pleased,
she had to get down on her knees,
to clean the wiggle that the cat called Tiddle
had made by the side of Mrs Biddle.
Mr Biddle came walking in,
phew, whats that smell shrieked Mr Biddle,
as someone in the house had a wiggle.
the cat called Tiddle had a wiggle, right in a basket by my side
there, there, the cat feels better, now he's had a wiggle
sighed Mr Biddle.
Mrs Biddle glared at Mr Biddle and frowned at the cat called Tiddle
for doing a wiggle in a basket at the side of Mrs Biddle
that was the story of Mrs Biddle and the cat called Tiddle.
Written by
Arthur Vaso
art, courage, forgiveness, hilarious, humorous, meaningful, philosophy,
Lost Poets
Lungs that burst
life that escaped
when poor souls rant and ranted more
instead of reciting poetic verse
I pray one day
they find a way
to re-discover kindness I say
sadly, this dream, will never be
Hens and co?cks, birds of a feather
singing on the rudeness tree
Written by
Chriss Todd
beauty, betrayal, death of a friend, devotion, forgiveness, future, god, goodbye, horror, humorous, image, inspiration,
i have crafted and shafted and then re positioned
divulged and indulged to precise disposition
yet frankly my points are most blunt at the end and my walls tend to fall at the slightest of bends
be it not such a bridge but a try at amends, with a friend who is quite hard of hearing
come step in my cauldron both women and children, these are the crimes i admit to both willinging and wildered
For i am the poet of pilgrims ,
what was left has been pillaged and raped, and only i who had managed escape
have been left to rebuild from the timbers
Written by
Annie Lander
beautiful, confusion, courage, dark, dedication, forgiveness, humorous, introspection, love,
Where the Grass Is Turning Brown In Spots I Buried My Memories
List of things to do before
I fall in love again
I allow my mind to take me
Into the
A wild opened fields
where the grass is turning brown in spots
There’s one
Wild flower
Dozens of
Scattered pebbles,
Under my feet
Taunted memories,
Bare trees with bend trunks
A cool breeze washes my face
No more umbrella tree
To relief me from
Ray of the sun
I squint from the sun in my eyes
Think of the ghost in my past
Or to deal with the
Ray of the sun
Lists of things to do before
I fall I love again
Buried the pain
Low the drawbridge
Keep the enemy out
I want to be happier
Than I‘ve ever been
Fall in love again
I buried
Painful memories
Under the bare umbrella trees
Written by
Annie Lander
courage, dark, dedication, farewell, forgiveness, funny, hope, cancer,
Ball of Fire
Today is Doomsday.
Some believe today is Doomsday
Some say maybe the end of the year
However, do we really care?
How would the earth end?
In a ball of fire or
would it swallow us up into puff of dust
in a matter of an hour..
I rather am buried under pile of snow.
Eternal Preservation "what a nice way to go
However do we have option in a world?
Where lunatics have taken over asylums
where deranged souls spreading like a social cancer
Is doomsday the answer..?
Written by
J.W. Earnings
change, forgiveness, funny,
Dave - you're rad.
Written by
Roughneck Tsepo Malaza
africa, forgiveness, friend, funny love, wisdom, write, writing,
Lonely Soul
Where is the one i suppose to be with
No,i don't find anyone next yo me
Why,i feel so lonely
Because you are not here that name still exist
I don't think so,but so some they it's still exist,
I was looking for it
Since i was young,i've got plenty of people
In my life but still my soul,
My soul tells me that it's lonely,
Can i buy love? What am i suppose to do?
Nothing ,i rather be lonely,
What can plenty people have to with my
Life,my lonely soul stay focus
Written by
Katherine Stella
adventure, education, fantasy, forgiveness, funny, history, imagination, life, on work and working, peace, political, social, visionary, work
Quit Wasting My Time { Edit }
< One by one they'll shall roll on and come
Like soldiers marching to beaten drums
Echoes are acknowledge
Cast across thy arched bridge
Haste makes waste even for everyone
Inspired By
Carolyn Devonshire's Contest
Follower Or Leader
GL All
Written by
Jan Allison
forgiveness, humorous, life,
A Lesson For Life
You should admit your mistakes and eat humble pie -
a much better option than sour grapes' juice in your eye!
Life or Death Epigram Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Kevin Shaw
Written by
George Zamalea
forgiveness, funny, space,
Lazy Moon
No mind to wait
From the pained wind
Down's moon
For the last siren.
I got that feeling
Everywhere I go she will
Be watching me from above.