Humorous and funny First Love poems and/or funny poems about First Love. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious First Love funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other First Love Poems.
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,
Don't rush to wash off the sea salt
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
beautiful, beauty, courage, cute love, dark, deep, depression, desire, destiny, devotion, dream, first love, funny love, grief, happiness, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, how i feel, i am, i love you, i miss you, innocence, irony, jealousy, lonely, longing, loss, lost, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, night, passion, psychological, romance, romantic, sad, sad love, silence, sky, sleep, solitude, sunset, true love,
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
lonely as ever
visible at night, useless by day?
in sync with its partner next door
for a quick kiss over a few flashes only
then arguing again and again
night in, night out.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
not signaling a warning to keep away
but sending a call for compassion?
using the dark pauses in between
to yell the same name
over and over and over
into the emptiness of each night.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
being your silent cry
only heard by your eternal love?
Poem Details | by
Xuefeng Pan |
desire, first love, for her, friendship, friendship love, funny love, meaningful,
I am vaporizing in your eyes slowly
Noiselessly, clearly, and helplessly
Am I willing to be absorbed as steam?
No! my feeling is no but wordlessly
I am vaporizing in your eyes helplessly
As immediate as I saw you saw me
You turned me into steam softly
What should I do immediately?
Seeping into your soul completely?
Or hiding into the cloud urgently?
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
beautiful, change, cheer up, confidence, cool, courage, cute love, deep, destiny, emotions, environment, fantasy, fear, feelings, first love, for her, funny love, happiness, happy, how i feel, humanity, hyperbole, i am, i love you, inspiration, journey, joy, life, lost love, love, love hurts, miss you, missing, missing you, ocean, paradise, philosophy, pride, romance, romantic, senses, smile, spring, sunshine, travel, uplifting, wind,
imagine the rainbow being
the dark tunnel
you've been stuck in for years
the lighthouse on the horizon,
the beam
that gets brighter as it nears
get soaked in the rain,
feel the sun in your heart,
let go of all your fears.
Poem Details | by
Gene Bourne |
allusion, confusion, dedication, emotions, feelings, first love, funny, funny love, humorous, relationship, social,
No, we weren't a couple one expected.
"What could she be thinking", one reflected.
Yet we held an undefined attraction;
Some subconscious neuron interaction.
After weeks we gathered our composure
Time to face my parents' first exposure.
True, your looks were just a bit off kelter(sic).
Poets often live at homeless shelters.
Mother stiffened, held her throat, and gasped.
Father never moved, in shock perhaps.
Then we vowed to do what we must do.
Freight trains leave at seven, ten and two.
Gene Bourne
Poem Details | by
Jimmi Canada |
baptism, beauty, city, eve, first love, funny, gender, god, history, independence day, mystery, mythology, night, obituary, raven, sea, silly, summer, sweet, teacher, world, yellow,
Lauren Hill slow songs thrill,
they pop like a fast moving pill,
I am flopped on top of a junk food bill,
and running with a skunk who tells me to take in my fill-
like leading um' on into my dream,
I create a festering lean,
I rank every thought in order of how I like it,
and prep for a long time that's gonna break all the cycles.
Striding with my shrine,
as I shock a spine,
revitalize and prime-
as I preen and primp and chimp-
as I act like a pimp,
I black out and gimp,
skimp out on my dying moment because death is no shrimp!
Poem Details | by
Denise Morgan |
april, devotion, february, first love, fun, funny love, kiss, love,
Tulips in springtime
Expressed, two lovers kissing
Air aromatic
Poem Details | by
Jerica Sanchez |
boyfriend, care, dedication, devotion, faith, first love, for her, for him, gender, girlfriend, happiness, happy, heart, heaven, home, house, how i feel, humor, husband, i love you, imagination, inspiration, inspirational, kiss, longing, love, marriage, miss you, missing, poems, poetry, romance, romantic, together, words,
When I hear your name
My heart beats faster than usual
It's not that I am ashame
But It's just your name is too special..
Can't control the feelings
When I am with you
Can't stop smiling
When you hold me like you do
When you hug me then
I feel like I'm in heaven
You are a blessing from above
And you are the reason why I loved
I'll promise to love you FOREVERMORE..
And I will cherish you until the end of my borrowed life
And I will keep our precious memories as long as
we see each other in our next life..
Poem Details | by
Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
anxiety, beauty, emotions, first love, funny love, girlfriend, imagery,
Eva’s daughter, listen
Remove the blanket
Of dark and angry clouds
That covers your sweet face
Let the sun shine on your face
And let Adam’s handsome son
Harvest your delicious smiles
From your sweet face
That kills, kills the souls
Of many
With sweetness
And wild imagination
Poem Details | by
Richard Breese |
cute love, first love, funny, funny love, humor, humorous, silly,
our friend candace tied the knot
met him in a parking lot
silhouette afar
loading up a car
then came fate a dropped shallot.
Poem Details | by
Md Alzhrani |
arabic, autumn, dance, first love, funny, romantic, song,
In the following rain
will make friendship with the sun.
I will open my feelings ..
Anything could happen !
The four seasons will dance with trees.
Anything will takes the warmth of poetry.
Maybe ..
I live with a new light.
A new rose.
A new star.
A new song.
The darkness leave me , forever.
Poem Details | by
Mazhar Butt |
cute love, first love, funny love, girlfriend, humor, i love you, love,
Where in the world will you find a girl
Whom you could say, 'I love you', my pal
And she says in return
Come on, let us have fun
sit beside me on the couch, curl and twirl.
Poem Details | by
A.O. Taner |
anxiety, beautiful, betrayal, change, cheer up, cool, creation, deep, destiny, drink, emotions, fate, feelings, first love, friend, friendship, funny love, grief, hope, how i feel, humanity, humor, humorous, i love you, i miss you, imagination, innocence, inspiration, lonely, lost love, love, miss you, missing, missing you, motivation, passion, poetry, relationship, romance, romantic, sad love,
love walks into a bar
sees hope drinkin' it away;
what's wrong, love asks
nothing's wrong, hope replies,
nothing is wrong...
love turns to fate the bartender
and orders two shots of everything.
Poem Details | by
John Beam |
allusion, christian, first love, funny, satire, valentines day,
The day for the love if this was every day not love for the day
Poem Details | by
Jerry T Curtis |
allusion, fantasy, first love, humor, imagination, tribute,
My Favorite Me
I know I can be humble
If anybody can
'Cause I can take critiquing
And even a good slam
So roast me like a famous Star
I guess that's what I am
For I'm the best-est poet
You'll find in this here land
I really must admire
My meter and my rhyme
I only read MY poems
That's when I have the time
Everyone around me
Is looking up to see
Me riding on a fluffy cloud
As brilliant as could be
I bet I don't get comments
On this MY Masterpiece
You'd think they'd stop
their jealousy, by now
To say the least
There's no need to applaud me
Or rush to shake My hand
'Cause strip away My Glory
I'm just a humble man
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
break up, first love, funny, humor, love, philosophy, sports,
"Truth be Told," James Bond opined
Over a pint of Guinness
"Love is just a consequence
of bouncing balls in tennis!"
Poem Details | by
Aunika Alch |
crazy, first love, friend, friendship, giggle, happy, silly,
There once was a girl named Lilly
she was very silly.
One day Lilly
met a boy named Willy
willy was very silly
Willy and Lilly played with glue
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
baby, first love, humorous, nursery rhyme,
Young Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack put his arms around her waist
And they did something they shouldn’t ought’a
Soon she was spreading around her girth
Nine months later she gave birth …
Doing something they shouldn’t ought’a
Gave them a baby daughter!
4th December 2015
Poem Details | by
Jan Oskar Hansen |
first love, humorous,
The Love Affair
The road that leads to a smallish agricultural flatland has
two walls. One wall was built by a slob, just throwing
one stone on top of another.
The other wall was built by a craftsman where stones
fitted and he had used decorative and white painted
cement between them.
Every Sunday the meticulous man walks to his wall
and find great satisfaction to see his work again and
wishes the slob would rebuild his wall.
Every Sunday the layabout goes for a walk to,
first to the bar for a few beers with his mates; he walks
to the good man’s house and have sex with his wife.
Poem Details | by
Rudolph Rinaldi |
fantasy, first love, funny, funny love, longing, love, true love,
I love my goose
Some people love their wife
Some people their dog
I hug my pillow
Maybe two
Poem Details | by
Samuel O. E. D'Phoenix |
best friend, crush, desire, feelings, first love, funny love, trust,
Even if it took a thousand years,
Reaching you would still be near.
Indeed you must be a pearl,
Knowing this calms my fear;
And my gentle heart stares.
Oh! How odd are these words
Misleading as a wrong note on the cord
Ordering this joy to be bored
Rest assured this love is undying
Even though it comes from one in white clothing
Given to you for safe keeping
Endanger not, this treasured offering.
Poem Details | by
Kethushan Aravinth |
change, feelings, first love, funny love, heartbroken, i miss you, memorial day,
Hardest days that I came over
Are no more here to break me silver
I was blind for some useless reason
And It couldn't yet found for what the motion
I took you beyond,Over the vision
And now I'm here,without the notion
Burning sun found some water
Water just gone, regreting slaughter
Poeple said "It happens for a reason"
But now I swear, It happend for caution
No one is perfect, even my girl
She just threw me down like a hazelnut whirl
Poem Details | by
Md Shahadat Hossain |
caregiving, cute love, emotions, fantasy, first love, funny love,
I stay far away from my lady,
Is there anything that can make my day?
Suddenly something came into my mind,
Might be the best way I can use it's wind;
Actually I am desperate to meet her,
But how come? It's not easier,
I have to find out a way,
Might be a butterfly can't do betray.
Finally, I have sent a butterfly as my agent,
I request him, Don't be arrogant,
Stay calm and quiet there,
Keep watching my lady, don't show aspire.
Now it's become her permanent room member
From a distance it's kept watching her.
Wish it will not be disappeared,
If it's so then I will be disappointed.
Poem Details | by
Jan Oskar Hansen |
february, first love, friendship, funny love, gothic,
Marvellous Life
Back then it is back then- so bloody long ago-
my heart sang when going home after seeing you
I crossed a bridge, and the water hummed a love
song and there was no troll under it being
sarcastic telling me love will not last how wrong
the troll was, love is the earth I walk upon it is
the olive tree, the sun and rain that fall it is a part
of what is beautiful in your heart and that you could
not take away the day you left. You made me free to
love the magnificence of reality and charity knowing
my life is wat it is supposed to be today.
Poem Details | by
Keisha Moyer |
conflict, first love, heartbroken,
You say that you love me
but only when others can not hear
but this is my plea
can you please listen dear
For I do love you
I say it when others can hear
Can you please listen dear
For love is a funny thing