Funny Poems About Film or Film Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Film poems and/or funny poems about Film. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Film funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Film Poems.

Poem Details | by Randy Johnson |
Categories: film, funny, humor,

Howard the Duck

I watched the worst movie ever made, it truly sucks.
The movie that I'm talking about is Howard the Duck.
It has scarred and cursed me for life.
Because of this movie, I lost my wife.
Seeing that movie also struck me blind.
This movie is an abomination to mankind.
Now I must take viagra because I've been cursed in another way as well.
Just because I watched Howard the Duck, my life has become a living hell.
Every copy of this movie must be destroyed.
Unless you want to be like me, this is a movie that you should avoid.

Poem Details | by Smail Poems |
Categories: age, angel, baseball, beauty, butterfly, caregiving, celebration, character, child, father daughter, feelings, film, fishing, flower, football, children, for her, friend, fun, funny, gender, girl, girlfriend, giving, graduation, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, growing up, growth, hair, happiness, happy, health, heart, hero,


Pretty princesses
Dancing all around
Frolicking through fields
Very beautiful
Just like you!

Poem Details | by Katherine Stella |
Categories: character, child, childhood, children, dog, fantasy, film, children, giggle, happiness, humorous, imagination, nature, nostalgia, remember, smile, storm, uplifting, visionary, weather,

There's No Place Like Home

Once was a gal who felt so alone
Tornato came up rooted farms home
Landed on wicked  witch
Munchkins came out of ditch
Gave dog lollypops instead of bone

Poem Details | by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: confusion, film, funny, humor, humorous, irony, violence,

Batman and Robin


Batman and Robin hit the Joker
But their blow was only a croaker
The Joker hit back
But instead hit Jack
Who said "I'm glad, the Joker's an smoker!

Dorian Petersen Potter
Aka ladydp2000


Poem Details | by Mark Toney |
Categories: film, fun, humor, london, travel, voyage, world,

Oscar-Ku 29 -Around the World In 80 Days

Phileas Fogg's trek
wild globe-trotting travelogue...
fun Passepartout

Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Published 2018 in "Hollywood Haiku" via

Poem Details | by Mark Toney |
Categories: conflict, film, humorous, music, poetry, technology, universe,

Six-Word Couplet Series -August 2018

Near Earth Objects
NASA watches sky
Asteroids whiz by

It's About Time
`Crazy Rich Asians'
Exceeding all expectations

Chasing Unicorns
Unicorn float stuck
Unicorn startups' luck

Truth Isn't Truth
"Truth isn't truth"
Message for youth?

Culinary Robotics
Creator robot burger
Fad or future?

Oui Oui No No
Public urinals conceived
Paris residents peeved

Take It To The Limit
Eagles Greatest Hits
Most platinum certificates

Poem Details | by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: film, fun, humor, parody,

Going Bowling

I’m going bowling tonight
Got my twinkle toe shoes,
and trusty hammer ball
I’m gonna watch the pins all fall
So you can mark it,
Going bowling tonight,
it’s league tournament time
Get some shiny trophies that’s up for grab
Yeah, Dude ... you can also win some cash
I’m gonna beat that guy
who likes to lick his ball with his tongue
Try not to picture that,
I’m gonna pound that guy like a drum
So make sure you tell Walter and Donnie
to be on time ... don’t be late
Those shapely pins are gonna be knocked down tonight,
as my perfect score awaits

Poem Details | by Mark Toney |
Categories: film, funny, romantic,

Oscar-Ku 7 -It Happened One Night

heiress on the lam
great romantic comedy. . .
won top five Oscars

Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved. 
First published 2018 in Hollywood Haiku via

Poem Details | by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: character, evil, film, funny, hilarious, humor, humorous,

The Joker 1

(Limerick) Batman and Robin sped to their car But the Joker outran them by far Joker got in it But he didn't fit Then yelled" Guess have to throw my guitar!" Dorian Petersen Potter Aka ladydp2000 Copyright@2014 09.16.2014

Poem Details | by Alex Klugman |
Categories: funny, sexy,

Next Year, In the Movie Titles, To Any Feature Film

Next year, in the movie titles, to any Feature Film, 
It will be mandatory to state such an important factor,
" No animals were eaten, maimed or killed,
And there was no sexual harassment of any actor!"

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: clothes, film, humorous,

Olivia Newton-John

Miss Olivia Newton-John She transforms into a sex bomb Sandy Olssen in Grease Who wears pants that don't crease That outfit sure gave her aplomb! For filming she's sewn in her clothes That's quite bothersome I suppose How she managed to dance In those skin-tight black pants And visit the toilet, who knows!

Poem Details | by David Fisher |
Categories: film, funny, space,

The Emperor's Office

The Death Star builder said it was flawless
But in hindsight he wasn’t too cautious
There was the exposed center
But what really helped end her
The emperor had no corner office

Poem Details | by Voahanitriniaina Rabary-Andriamanday |
Categories: creation, dream, film, humorous,

The Typewriter

Some winter day,
In Orson's realm...
Or was it just a film?

One Paris night,
Along The Seine streams...
Or was it in my dreams?

I saw them, spies,
I heard all the cries...
Or had I been dreaming?

A machine gun
Would not stop to run...
Or was it still this film?

I woke up, then,
To grab a new pen...
Could THAT all make MY film?

The typewriter
let her fingers run...

(Written on 04/27/2013)

Poem Details | by Marty King |
Categories: beautiful, feelings, film, funny love,

Two People Alone In a Movie Theater Senryu

movie night kisses
lips are greasy from popcorn

Poem Details | by Mark Toney |
Categories: england, film, humor, poetry, romance,

Oscar-Ku 36 -Tom Jones

amorous playboy
eighteenth century England
British wry humour

Poem Details | by Roy Pett |
Categories: best friend, crazy, film, friendship, giggle, hilarious, innocence,

I Am Dumb Perhaps Dumber

Lloyd and Harry, two dim witted men
they made me laugh, laugh, then laugh again
with their innocent acts
slapstick, gags and wisecracks 
I love this movie, well now and then.

Nowt funnier than dumb and dumber 
this great film makes me laugh and blubber
so fills my mind with glee
because they are like me
I'm stupid, but a lot chubbier.

contest, favorite comedy movie,
Sponsored by: Alexis Y.

Poem Details | by Mark Toney |
Categories: film, french, friendship, girl, humor, music, romantic,

Oscar-Ku 31 -Gigi

bon vivant Gaston
precocious carefree Gigi. . .
courtesan or wife

Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Published 2018 in "Hollywood Haiku" via

Poem Details | by Mark Toney |
Categories: film, humorous, inspirational, new york, religious, youth,

Oscar-Ku 17 -Going My Way

young progressive priest
financially failing Church. . .
swinging on a star

Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved. 
First published 2018 in Hollywood Haiku via

Poem Details | by Kevin Shaw |
Categories: character, film, funny, silly,

A Scene From Laurel and Hardy

A Scene from Laurel and Hardy

Like a scene from Laurel and Hardy,
Slapstick and comical beyond belief.
Legs dangle from bedroom window,
His head stuck, shouting for pain relief.
You’d swear it was Buster Keaton,
Or Charlie Chaplin in farcical capers.
Poor chap trying to rescue my keys,
Cruel observer sent a pic to the papers.
Harold Lloyd could play lead part,
My hero was no Fatty Arbuckle.
In distress I couldn’t help laughing,
Ss and full belly chuckle.
This affair was no silent movie,
Or indeed was it just black and white.
The day I locked myself out,
I’m in now and everything is alright.

Poem Details | by Joseph Szalinski |
Categories: film, giggle, giving, humor, memory, money, summer,

Eric Says Relax

Killing time before a movie,
an ex and I 
rifles thru what the nearby shoppes had to offer,
hoping to be aroused by some 
remarkable deal.
I was making a Facebook post in
the first row of used clothes
when Eric sent me a text:
“Got some extra muscle relaxers 
laying around.
Would you be interested?
I know you and your buddies like to
get into all kinds of shenanigans.
Told him that I’d 
“keep him posted”
while I used the movie 
to consider his offer. 
Anecdotes of friends were recalled,
and even though
it would’ve been fun to
mix with something else,
I decided the money would be 
better spent on something 
that could get me
ed up instead.

Poem Details | by Robert Pettit |
Categories: film, funny,

Pre-Historic Stooges

Inside a cave lived the Stooges Three. This was long before recorded history. To make butter this morning, it was Shemp's turn. Larry tickled him as Shemp shook cream in the churn. For dinner, Moe attempted to hunt a duck. He tried his best, but had the lousiest luck. Aggie was the cavegirl Moe would adore. Maggie and Baggy were the other girls next door. Are you curious about how the situation will go? All you have to do is watch the video. Based on the 1948 Columbia Pictures short subject "I'm a Monkey's Uncle" starring the Three Stooges.

Poem Details | by Allan Terry |
Categories: animal, autumn, character, encouraging, film, french, hilarious,

Sum Thang


Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: film, fun, funny, games,

The Invisible Mister Bean

There's a You-Tube comic named Mr. Bean
Who plays peek-a-boo, so he can't be seen --
  He is clever and charming
  And ever-so-disarming --
Bean blushes as if his act were obscene

Poem Details | by George Stanworth |
Categories: film, funny, satire, silly,

That 'Moonlight' Moment

I sent a Haiku
to a Rondeau contest. I
won it! Or Did I?

Poem Details | by Paul Curtis |
Categories: funny

Film Choice

How too choose, how to select
A film to fill that two hour slot
The bumph will big it up 
Over egg the pudding like as not
So I look for key word like
“Thought provoking” or “moody”
“Poignant, “Critically acclaimed”
Or “Stunning cinematography”
And when I’ve identified them
I know they are the ones to miss 
And I get the one with the cover picture
Of a girl in a state of undress