Humorous and funny Farting poems and/or funny poems about Farting. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Farting funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Farting Poems.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
for her, humorous, nature,
When a Norwegian cow passes gas
They want to tax the gas from its ‘***’
A cow passes 4 tonnes of methane each year
Just imagine the stink from its rear!!!!
Thanks for the inspiration Anne Lise ***
Jan Allison
31st March 2016
Poem Details | by
Ken Duddle |
food, funny,
There was a man named Fred
Who liked eating baked beans in bed
One day when he farted
He and his wife parted
'Well it's quicker than divorce' Said Fred.
Poem Details | by
Jean Murray |
dog, girlfriend, humorous,
There once was a farmer called Seamus,
who had an incompetant anus.
When out on a date with girlfriend Kate,
he blamed his dog when he farted,
to prevent her being startled.
Poem Details | by
Barbara Gorelick |
funny, life,
All little boys like to master the fart
Among their peers its considered an art
It must be loud
To make them proud
If stinky, a winner right from the start
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
body, humorous, wind,
I’ve perfected the art
Of withholding a fart
I tighten my buttocks and clench
But when no one is the vicinity
I let rip with a dreadful stench
28th March 2016
Jan Allison
Poem Details | by
Jun-Jun Villanueva |
sultry aestival zephyr's puffing
as elated lilt's playing - I'm huffing
abdominal heftiness
yeah! it exploded! SUCCESS!
OOOPS!!! earphones plugged in ears . . . they're laughing.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
humorous, wind,
I’m dining with my uncle Bart
And release an SBD fart
My fart stinks like hell
But Bartie can’t tell
Because we’re two meters apart!
(sbd = silent but deadly)
Poem Details | by
Sara Kendrick |
There once was a story quietly told
A memoir was embrassingly bold
A lady took antacid
For she was very lucid
As antigas formula own tale rolled
Lucid means here easily understood
Sponsor: Destroyer~Poet
Contest:pooping contest
Poem Details | by
Deborah Burch |
funny, satire,
No Farting Allowed
rushed lunch of cabbage
at work no farting allowed
small dog approaches
*blushing* deborah burch©
Poem Details | by
Prince Ekpemandu |
Hold it! i am warning you
The rest room is near
I am not ready to die,so
stop that art
The last time you fart
You murdered my nose
The last world war was a
pretty good scare
Please don't start
another one here
Oh! that oozing smell
who can bear.....
Poem Details | by
Debra Falgout |
No farting allowed
Let me see
Will I come out in tries one, two or three
She sits on the bowl, straining, oh lord
I won't come out, its so hard
Constipation, its a mess
Come out, come out, I won't settle for less
Finally feeling the poop, I'm almost out
Ha Ha tricked you, a fart, she shouts
Ok, ok, i will settle your stress
Ploop in the bowl, time to swim I guess
Contest by *DP*
Written by: Debra M. Falgout
Poem Details | by
Abdullah Alhemaidy |
allegory, analogy, humor, nonsense,
Farting is a cool poised own vis
Has safe six-fold gains of wellness
It may seems cannot -at all- be a vista
Yet, sure it does good to your viscera
It is fine to say to it "be a vis"!
It is all natural healthful process
No need for any sort of prowess
Laughing because of a sudden fart,
Rudely that is seems its only fine art
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
body, humorous, silly, wind,
It was a windy day on the Isle of Man
(I guess I shouldn’t eat fried beans for tea)
My hubby said ‘Just stop farting Jan’
Please fit a cork where no one can see!
So a cork got inserted where the sun don’t shine
And we went for a long walk by the sea
When a cork whizzed past - but it wasn’t mine
Alas, it got wedged high up in a tree
The owner of the cork used his walking stick
instantly the cork dropped down like a rocket
He picked it up; oh gee he was so quick
Then he placed the cork in his pocket
I gave the poor chap a sympathetic smile
Then whispered ‘forget the cork… just fart free style’
Poem Details | by
Sashi Prabhu |
funny, nature,
why fart and waste
when you have the option of burp and taste.....
and then again......
why fart and smell..............
when you can burp taste and tell..........
and after all the farting if you need to poop
when the session is on if you look down ,all you see is something like soup............
I go and sit on my throne,
it has a plastic top but is made of marble stone......
I go there to excrete and stink..........
but on my throne for hours, i sit and think...........
Doing nothing but scratch my balls,
as i admire the soap stains on the walls................
Poem Details | by
Trevor Mcleod |
analogy, funny, how i feel, howl, humanity, humorous, old,
I watched her lift her leg and fart
and said that must be age and heart
But wondered why she needed help
when all that gas was power felt
And thought her sick for just the cause
and yelled at her for what it was
And said I saw her let it go
and wondered if you're nuts or so
And she would blush and say a thing
like so you saw me what's the ding
And I would say I've never seen
a woman fart and carry swing
For what I knew as just a kid
was fart real loud and not with lid
So helping hands would never lift
what *** to all was border'd gift
Poem Details | by
Barbara Washington |
Feeling somewhat icky trying to keep my peace
Annoying, stinky farts never do you cease
Rude and vulgar every time I’m near
Talking and farting in my ear
I know it’s all on purpose just to eerk my nerve
Never farting in pubic or around the kids, you serve
Gross farts to start a fight, cut it out!
Poem Details | by
Karen Croft |
Walking farts don't count
it's the silent deadly ones
that leave people in disbelief