Humorous and funny Elephant poems and/or funny poems about Elephant. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Elephant funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Elephant Poems.
Poem Details | by
Gary Smith |
humorous, silly,
On my walk I chanced to see
An elephant with a bumble bee.
It was such a peculiar pairing,
And they had ice cream, which they were sharing.
The elephant was holding the ice cream cone
For the bee was on his mobile phone,
I thought wow, this is really *****...
I never get a signal here !
Poem Details | by
Arthur Vaso |
animal, color, crazy, funny, hilarious, humorous, uplifting,
The Pink Elephant
As I drove to work one day
In amazement a pink elephant crossed my way
I was shocked to see her in the middle of town
With bright purple spots and wandering around
Oh she was not a usual sight
The police though didn’t believe I was right
Thought I was crazy, nuts or drunk
Out comes the breathalyzer, hope I am not sunk
Now as I convince them of my crazy sanity
There she comes, my lady in her pink dress of vanity
And wow she’s got purple spots and bedroom eyes!
For under her dress, so full and curvaceous
She has all the pages of my poetry salacious!
Note: Inspired by a Just for Laughs video, filmed here in Montreal!
Poem Details | by
Doug Vinson |
I wake up in the morning, eat my bran and germ,
You know I'm pretty hungry, since I'm a pachyderm.
I have to write a poem, will hold the pencil with my trunk,
Better read up on style, courtesy of White and Strunk.
The poem, it must be just right, not too long nor brusque,
Yes that's right - you got it - then something about a tusk.
I may be big as writers go, but I'm smaller than a whale,
Away, pesky illiterate fly, I'll swish you with my tale.
Such a perfect morning, with tea so hot and sweet,
My poem will be playful, my prose light on its feet.
I've just one sheet of paper, but no worries, mate, no fears,
I'll pick up my trusty ink pen, and write upon my ears.
Poem Details | by
John Wilmore |
1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, child, children, funny, giggle, hilarious, humor, humorous, imagination, nonsense, silly,
Hairy Nora reads the Torah from daybreak until dusk.
She’s got four different colored legs, but not a single tusk.
There’s a birdie sitting on her back that moves and sways like Elvis,
Her ears are crinkly when they’re pressed and there’s a mirror on her pelvis.
Now I’ve been almost everywhere on my old rusty bike,
But an elephant like Nora, I have never seen the like.
Poem Details | by
John Fenn |
animals, funny, imagination, nature, pets
Never let an elephant in your house
Get a rabbit or a lemur or a mouse
If you’re going to buy a pet
And you haven’t got one yet
Never, let an elephant in your house
Never let an Elephant in your lounge
He will beg and he will pester, he will scrounge
With his oversized proboscis
He's more trouble than rhinoceros
Never, let an Elephant in your lounge
Never let an elephant in your bed
Make him sleep out, maybe in the garden shed
If you let him in your pit
He will fidget, quite a bit
Never, let an Elephant in your bed
© John W Fenn 03-01-2009
Poem Details | by
Nick Bagnall |
animals, children, funny
That's not my elephant
His bottom is too fat
It'd take a class of 2nd graders
To try and shift all that
That's not my elephant
Its trunk is far too thin
Like a strand of boiled spaghetti
Waving in the wind
That's not my elephant
As Ella Baker'd say
"Colour shouldn't matter"
But MY elephant is grey
That's not my elephant
There's just one simple reason
He'd never read the bill of rights
Without his glasses on
At last I've found my elephant
He's been on holiday
I never should have let him go
Or stray so far away
Poem Details | by
Mike Hauser |
animal, humor,
If I were an elephant
I know just what I'd do
I'd pack my trunk with all my junk
And move far from the zoo
I'd bring with me my monkey
Best friend and sidekick Preston
If memory correctly serves me
He's a whiz at giving directions
Cause I'd like to move to Timbuktu
Either that or Kathmandu
One thing is clear as long as it's not here
Any old place will do
I'd then open up a doughnut shop
Run by Preston the monkey and me
Where we would toss sprinkles on top
With banana creme in-between
We'd be known far and wide for our doughnut delights
Oh and fancy schmancy eclairs too
Yes if I were an elephant
That's exactly what I would do
Wouldn't you?
Poem Details | by
Jimmy Anderson |
animals, funny
That's not my elephant that you see.
My elephant is skinny and likes to watch TV
He also has a thin spaghetti trunk.
And likes to kneel and pray like a Monk.
My elephant likes to snort the bill of rights.
While riding 2nd graders day and night.
When my elephant talks on the phone,
He gets Ella Fitzgerald to sing him a song.
Yes my elephant is very intelligent with me.
That's why I say, "That's not my elephant that you see!"
Written for Matt Caliri's "Thant's not my elephant!" contest
Poem Details | by
Cheryl Hoffman |
animal, humor, work,
Elly the elephant thought her life was tough,
making ends meet was getting rough,
she was nervous,
left the circus,
a days pay of peanuts packed in her trunk.
Poem Details | by
Reza Dilmaghanian |
That's not my elephant!
with a second graders intelligence,
cooking food like spaghetti witch makes me pale and sick,
I'm telling this,
like the bill of rights,
witch are still in sight "ella"
a really bright fella,
would like to tella ya,
how de doo,
mc doo?
do you know whos glue,
sticks too? day?
Poem Details | by
Tirzah Conway |
adventure, funny
Elephant Butte Lake,
You see Rattlesnake Island,
Can you swim that far?
You swim as far as you can,
Out to the island and back!
~For Brian's High Fives Contest~
Poem Details | by
Dawn Drickman |
animals, children, funny, nature,
The elephant has a very long trunk
He doesn’t see this as a flaw
He can drink from anywhere
Because he has a straw
Poem Details | by
Fritz Purdum |
children, funny
Flat is a pancake crushed to irrelevant
Someone sat on my elephant
It's hard to imagine that they did not see
The big gray beast in my easy chair
He would have risen up to be
Clear from beneath the offending rear
Someone sat on my elephant
Please be aware and more diligent
Poem Details | by
Andrew Totten |
That's not my elephant I am sure
My elephant's much more grey
I know cause Ella told me
the words I had to say
She laughed at my spaghetti
and chuckled at my loss
I'm sure I'll find my elephant
consulting with my boss
A second grader told me
to go and see the sights
I never once imagined
I'd read the bill of rights
but back to the beginning
I'm not sure I was right
it could be that I got it wrong
with elephants first sight
In fact I'm sure that it is mine
It looks like the right grey
so I think that I will leave
and take my elephant away
Poem Details | by
David Brown |
Retaining every
word and deed,
she uses their power
to crush her opponent
being a mouse
remembers nothing
Poem Details | by
Eileen Clark |
animal, flower, humorous, poetry,
I try to walk very gently through a field filled with wildflowers
Not crushing them under my feet takes a short walk many hours
On hot days I flap my ears over them to give out a slight breeze
If not for me they would dry up for this field doesn’t have trees
Lots of bees and butterflies continually dance around my head
Getting stung or one flying up my trunk is a thing I daily dread
I am blessed with having such freedom and plenty of space to roam
Concrete floors and iron bars is sadly what some elephants call home
Author Eileen Clark
Poem Details | by
Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
animal, history, humor, parody, satire, silly, song,
You can get anywhere you want
On Hannibal's elephant
You can get anywhere you want
On Hannibal's elephant
Climb right up, ride on her back
Take you 'bout a mile down the railroad track
You can get anywhere you want
On Hannibal's elephant.
Poem Details | by
Anisha Dutta |
animal, fun, humorous,
“Have you ever seen any Elephant
to hide behind any Banana plant?”
“No Sir! Have you noticed so already?”
“Never! Too expert to hide huge body.”
Animal Nonsense contest by Kevin Shaw
Poem Details | by
Fritz Purdum |
animals, funny
i like elephants you see
because they like me
their memories are long term
for our friends the pachyderm
mighty just and free
symbol of the GOP
strong with skin so thick
hard body built like brick
pink or white in shades of grey
with love of family they stay
uplifted trunks good fortunes for all
two types of ears big or small
tails so short and thin
large from Africa smaller are Indian
with tusk of ivory so diligent
big is big our friend elephant
Poem Details | by
Christopher Flaherty |
funny, humor,
I have the memory of an Elephant
Was at the Zoo earlier
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
funny, silly,
Elephant dumplings in my soup.
They are tasty and delicious.
Warm and fleshy to boot!
Come on, don’t crowd.
Elephant dumplings get them here and now!
They are frankly a big fat wow!
Not easy to beat.
Believe me, it’s a rare treat!
Elephant dumplings forever great.
Come for supper but don’t be late
For elephant dumplings you must taste.
There will be very little to throw or waste.
Poem Details | by
John Wilmore |
blue, children, funny, humor, humorous, silly,
Eddie is an elephant, and he will not forget it.
He painted himself blue one day and never will regret it.
So why did Eddie paint himself a color quite so loud?
Because he would be recognized and stand out from the crowd.
“Hey Eddie, why the color blue?” the folks all shout at him.
“Why not?” says Eddie, “gray is out of fashion, blue is in!”
When Eddie struts the catwalk in the jungle fashion show,
He outshines all the others with his blue skin all aglow.
Young Eddie is a hero, raise your hands and clap them loud,
He’s blue with the longest swinging trunk, and that makes Oli proud.
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
anger, animal, conflict, humor, meaningful,
Silly little toothpick
the elephant scolded
You cannot marry me
For our ears do not match
Can’t you see…
No, I can’t, snapped the toothpick
I’m as blind as a twig
But we could be platonic lovers
Don’t you agree…
No I don’t, roared the elephant
his tusks twirling round
And with that, the toothpick hurled him
tusks and all to the ground
You might think to yourself
This story has no moral
But the point's indubitably immortal:
With a blind toothpick never quarrel
Poem Details | by
Alkas Poetry |
allegory, allusion, animal, creation, funny, humorous, metaphor,
i am an elephant
my name is singular
thus it's not weird
that I play guitar
and i say i'm a giraffe
I reach the height of the sky
maybe in a short time
can grow up sky high
I elephant eat leaves
as if it were caviar
and so i'm living
with my style, particular
I feed on leaves and fruits
that I find high in the trees
and people applaud delighted
I feel euphoric I can't disagree