Funny Poems About Double Dactyl or Double Dactyl Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Double Dactyl poems and/or funny poems about Double Dactyl. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Double Dactyl funny poems!

Written by Matthew Boyd-Howey
Categories: funny,


I can put things together
Sometimes I'm on what you wear
Sometimes on things
Sometimes I get stuck and you get mad at me
Its not often for me to break 
I'm made out of metal

I'm a zipper

Written by Deborah Burch
Categories: history, humorous, lost love,

Scarlett's Lament

Scarlett's Lament

Scarlett O'Hara, she
slew all the fellas--not
lifting a hand
'Cepting Rhett Butler proved
with, "Frankly, my dear, I
don't give a damn!"

©deborah burch

Written by David Siegel
Categories: humorous,


Incomprehensible! (A Brief Critique)

Monomaniacally, Thomas Sterns Elliot
wrote in The Waste Land a Lyrical Lay

Sadly for those of us hollow like other men
Incomprehensible! Take it away!

Written by Gary Bateman
Categories: allegory, fun, hilarious, humorous, hyperbole, symbolism, vanity,

Trickster Extraordinaire

Trickster Extraordinaire 
Eulen und Meerkatzen
Till Eulenspiegel
Medieval Clown
Fooled them all.

Mirrored people’s vanity
Judge of humanity
Wasn’t hard at all.

Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved,
June 8, 2016 (Double Dactyl)

Written by Niels Blomberg
Categories: funny


Higgledy Piggledy
William Wordseeker
pins on the wall
all the words he has found.

He likes to say that his
treasure are now
erinaceously bound.

For the background of this rhyme:

Written by David Siegel
Categories: humorous,

Fifth Time's the Charm

Semi-creatively, Ludwig von Bethovan 
sat in his music room, sucking his thumb.

Heavens to Murgatroyd! After four symphonies 
more could be asked of me? Da Da Da-Dum

Written by Jason Talbott
Categories: fear, funny,


Fuzzily Wuzzily
Benjamin Gib-a-ney
Grew him a beard which was 
Coming in fine.

Then he found out he had 
He can shave his, but he'd
Best not touch mine.

Written by Charles Mcdauel
Categories: funny, love, romance, satire,

Valentines Day

Hearts to you-hearts to you
What can be said about
Valentines day that's not
been said before?

Only to say that I 
love you so much that I
gave up my whore.

Written by William Masonis
Categories: funny, history, imagination,

My Wife Came Up With This

Piggable - Jiggable
Ivan the Terrible
Strangely proposed to 
Elizabeth One.
Russian society,
Made her refuse him
And spoil his fun.

Written by Michael Degenhardt
Categories: children, funny, on writing and words,

Rikki Tikki

Slippery Slappery
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Chased the snake
Down into the hole

Digging deeper
Much like a 
He happened upon a mole.

Written by Charles Mcdauel
Categories: funny, holiday,

Birthday Double Dactyl

Hap-i-ty Birth-a-day
many long years ago
then was a guy named Sid
born to his folks.

Now on this special day
everyone celebrates
one of lifes jokes.

Written by Corinne Curcio
Categories: funny

Hippety Hoppity

Hippety Hoppity
Willowby Wallaby
Bound for Austral-i-a
Land he called home

Hadn’t the money so 
Rode on the wing, but then
Wound up in Nome

Double Dactyl written for The Contest of New Terrains by Matt Caliri

Written by Charles Mcdauel
Categories: funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, lost love,


Woe is me-woe is me
Romeo Montague 
loved Julie Capulet
what e'er the cost,

but in the end it seems
lovers so torn between
fueds, can be lost.

Written by Ellissa Dewitt
Categories: funny, funny, funny,

Funny Lol

I am fuuny 
thats who am i 
I am funny
Make u laugh n cry
I am funny
Do funny things 
I am funny 
I like to play with strings
I am funny 
And i don't care 
I look funny in my underwear
It's funny that im funny
Thats what i like to be
So lets be funny together
Be funny like me

Written by Emile Pinet
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, america, columbus day, humorous, imagery,

Bibbity Bobbity

Bibbity Bobbity Christopher Columbus headed east, but instead went west they said. His nautical goal was circumnavigation, but North America stomped that dream dead. Hickory Dickory Marion Morrison crafted a cowboy name to fan his flame. His new handle, John Wayne instantaneously launched him as a star of western film fame. (Double Dactyl) 1/23/2021 Double Dactyl (Win For Paid Membership) Poetry Contest Sponsored by: William Kekaula

Written by Susan Finnis
Categories: fun, funny, political,

Politics and Pulchritude

Forty-fifth president
Some think him marvelous;
Others a jerk.

Chasm political
Breached by consensus, his
Routine needs work.

Written by Juliet Ligon
Categories: appreciation, art, child, childhood, funny, perspective, surreal,


Oodily doodily
Picasso's artistry
Subject analysis
Precisely wild

Suppressed child

Double Dactyl Contest
Sponsor: William Kekuala

Written by Reason A. Poteet
Categories: 11th grade, humor, jealousy,

Loyal Enemy

turkety,  lurkety
Saul, king of Israel
green-eyed with envy shouts,
“I’ll cut your throat.”

groundless, irrational
David, the next king squeals,
“I cut your coat.”

January 4, 2020

Contest:  'Double Dactyl (Win For Paid Membership)'
Sponsor:  William Kekaula

Written by Subimal Sinha-Roy
Categories: art, film, funny,

The Tramp

Jiggery pokery
maestro Charlie Chaplin
on screen comic icon
amusing stamp.

Unreal acts turned art
waggish movie journey
from ’Kid’ to ‘Tramp’.

January 15, 2021
Syllable count :6/6/6/4 (
Rhyme checked on
Contest : Double Dactyl (Win For Paid Membership)
Sponsor : William Kekaula

Written by James Inman
Categories: humor,

To Laugh Or--- Double Dactyl Contest

Fraggily Grizzily
Vivian Wigglely,
wit in his poems is the
mark of his game.

Some of his words yet weep
Crying his sorrow, but,
what's with the name!


Double Dactyl Contest
Hosted by: William Kekaula

Written by Jeff Kyser
Categories: history, humorous,

Emiline Richardson

Diggety Duggety Emiline Richardson Studied the Etruscans Classically Votive bronze objects, all Archaeological: What I dug up on her Posthumously

Written by Jeff Kyser
Categories: humorous,

Carolyn, Mortified

Recipice Precipice
Carolyn Child would be
Mortified watching me
Cooking with joy and glee
Random ingredients
Thrown in a pot!

Hardly comestible
Never repeatable
Principal requisite
Just make it hot!


Not a pure double dactyl, but in the spirit of one…

Julia Carolyn Child is the person, I pronounce Ju-li-a,
but the syllable counter pronounces Jul-ya,
so I went with her middle name.

Written by Reason A. Poteet
Categories: 11th grade, humor, words,

In Defense of Reason

Pickety, Snickety
Reason A. Goodwin is
using a lexicon
to check the word

Reason’s a champion
Not ev’ry intern can
find what is heard.

Reason A. Goodwin, the editor of World Book Encyclopedia Dictionary, 
was paid good money as a judge on the original Password Game Show.
The first time he used his dictionary to look up a word - the producers
commented that we could have paid any 'staffer' to do that.