Funny Poems About Diminished Hexaverse or Diminished Hexaverse Funny Poems

Humorous and funny Diminished Hexaverse poems and/or funny poems about Diminished Hexaverse. Read, share, and enjoy these hilarious Diminished Hexaverse funny poems! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Diminished Hexaverse Poems.

Poem Details | by Judy Riley |
Categories: funny

Passed Out

Toot, toot goes the train.
Jump, jump goes the brain.
Moved to a new house.
Old one had a mouse.
Sometimes change is good.

It's all the same!
Play the sleep game!

I can't sleep!
I can't sleep!

Passed out!
Passed out! 


This is a Dimished Hexaverse, thank you Dr. Ram Mehta for correcting me. This is a fun type of poetry.

Poem Details | by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: animal, bird, funny, nature,

No Necking Emu

“Hi Sexy”, I said to The giant beaked black emu; The next thing I recall, Big yellow beak heading At me, full speed ahead And I quickly stepped back. Stalled claws gripped the ground; Halting bird staring; Obsidian eyes Screamed in confusion; Rejected big bird emu; Approached slowly. I held out seeds, His feelings hurt; Still, he ate them. We remained Friendly and A few more Seeds he Partook; Dined.

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: fun, humorous, smile,


Laughter soothes the soul Giggling makes my day, Chortles will improve My mood, so they say, Smiles are so groovy! Silliness beams Grin big, my friends Chuckling at memes Snickering trends Guffawing Gleefully Mimicking Joking Funny MIRTH
THIRD PLACE WINNER written June 7, 2022 submitted to "Diminished Hexaverse - Your Choice" Poetry Contest sponsored by Caren Krutsinger

Poem Details | by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: animal, cat, funny, nature, pets, poems, poetry,

Tp Trails

My toilet paper regularly trots out of the bathroom, throughout the whole house, no, it is not trained. If it were trained I am certain it would proudly stay nice and neat. My cat walks it every single day; Toilet Paper trails.

Poem Details | by William Masonis |
Categories: funny, life, people, social,

My Mechanic's Receptionist

The divine swell of
Her heaving breasts
Soothes the pain
Of large

Poem Details | by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: beautiful, child, dad, holocaust, humor, life, war,

Guido's Humorous Laughter

How could a father tell his son
that seeing people boarding 
trains and sleeping in bunker 
beds was only a silly game? 
I'm sure, he never meant to lie!

And that innocent child
went along having fun;
his dad told him to behave,
promising him a large tank.

Guido's humorous laughter
was the mask he wore
to shield him from terror.

Not thinking his dad would be shot,  
he smiled when soldiers took him away.

The war ended, he got a ride in a tank!

Favorite movie: Life Is Beautiful

Poem Details | by Joy Wellington |
Categories: family, funny,

Penny Pincher

I am a poor girl
I do not earn much
I am tight spending
Nothing comes easy
So I waste nothing

Pennies I pick
From off the street
Cares not who sees
It does add up

My family
They call me
Penny pinch

That’s fine
They dine


For Rhonda & Cyndi's Penny Pantoums

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: how i feel, humorous, valentines day,

Valentine's Day Sucks

Inflated prices For twenty four hours I don’t need a card Or blood red roses On Valentine's Day Save your money Say you love me It costs nothing But means the world I cannot Put a price On your love I love You for Free Valentine Contest Sponsored by Broken Wings Checked with how many syllables 01~10~17

Poem Details | by John Lawless |
Categories: humor, poetry, word play,

Diminishing Hex-On-Verse


A hex on this verse
how could it be worse
tongue in cheek or terse
potion to reverse
a poetic curse

quivered arrows
wingless sparrows
Sphinx and Pharaohs
distant gallows

funnels bend
wordless blend
poems end



John G. Lawless


Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: food, funny, imagination, life, love

Can'T Live Without

How I desire you
To hold you in hands
Gaze on your beauty
Freshness of your scent
What's that extra touch

Some say my love
Is way too shallow
I say that it's deep
Attached I cling

Deep, deep, deep

Can't live 


For contest: "I Just Can't Live Without You"
Sponsored by: Drake Eszes

Poem Details | by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: humor, poems, poetry,


Laughter is truly the best medicine. The simple act of laughing; brings much joy; to the human heart. To laugh is joy; to cry is not. Most agree that laughter is fun. Try to smile, try to laugh; be happy. Laughter Is great. Laugh!

Poem Details | by Sandra Hudson |
Categories: food, funny, places

No Mcnuggets

I do not like clowns!
Especially him!
I won’t encourage!
Eating at his place!
Because of Trans fats! 

Devin, Hunter,
Continue cries!
Mommy stops there!
Why can’t we too?

Hi again,
Left-hand turn,



Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: funny,

Running On Fumes

When I go to buy gas,
My teeth I want to gnash,
And I curse 'neath my breath,
And want to choke the hose!
Save room at the poor house;
I am gonna need it!

Gas is awful high.
Four bucks a gallon!
A loan from the bank.
Might help somewhat to,
Fill my empty tank!

Those crude cartels,
Control each drop.
And what is worse,
They drain my purse!

Help Congress!
Off your duffs!
Ease my plight!

My car
Gasps for


Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Placed No. 8 in David Williams' "Diminished Hexaverse" Contest - June 2012

Poem Details | by Ed Morris |
Categories: fun, funny, halloween, humor, humorous,


The moment has come: We have to leave now. The zombies are here, And after our brains, As everyone feared. They can't be killed. They can't be beat. Take my advice: Don't even try. Don't dawdle. No gawking. No yacking. Come on! Quickly! Run!!
Date Written: January 17, 2019 For Contest: Diminished Hexaverse, sponsored by Charles Messina

Poem Details | by Tom Quigley |
Categories: america, humor, political, , cute,

Acute-On-Chronic Bumper Sticker Deficiency

Politics season
Sans rhyme and reason
Never-ending blitz
Constant News Network
Won’t give it a rest

Traffic today
Bumper stickers’
Noted absence
Relief, not grief

Is absent
Root against

Trump chump
Hill pill



Poem Details | by Tirzah Conway |
Categories: funny


Wide expanse of space,
Galaxies and stars,
Planets and their moons,
Darkness lit by suns,
Asteroids burning out;
Solar systems;
Halley’s Comet
And galactic;

Outer space,
Dark matter,

Of it…


Poem Details | by Brian Strand |
Categories: funny, on writing and words,


Are iambuses
in motion an
s m s
txt 2

Poem Details | by Iveren Ikyembe |
Categories: humorous,


On and on she runs
Non stop as a truck
Blood suckers away
Lil effort she made
Didn't cost a buck
On her stomach
Then opposite
She swaps on with
Pitch flunctuating
Blaring on
I poke on
Nothing works
What more
Do I?


Poem Details | by Alexander Seal |
Categories: funny,

The Prized Bowl

It is a very nice bowl
I clean the nice bowl
Very careful

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: age, giggle, happiness, joy,

Ninety-Year-Olds Privilege

Untold laughter shaking her loudly
Diabolical and ruthless
Ninety-year-old’s privilege
Fooling almost no one
Delighting her cat
Smirking with mirth
Partner in

Poem Details | by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: confusion, funny, how i feel, poems, poetry, senses,

Late Night Babble

Wishing on a star, I wanted a car; But a horse walked by; Winked its’ big brown eye; And I had a ride. The night is late My horse just ate; This poem’s sure, Full of manure. Still I write In the night; Though I’ve not One thing To say; NON.

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: humorous, marriage, moving on,

Big Mistake

The odd way you looked 
At me when I booked 
Our honeymoon flight 
I expected tears
Joyous ecstasy. 

Then, I first knew ... 
Did not know you, 
Slow on the make 
My sad mistake! 

Held my breath 
“Until death 
Doth us part.” 

What’s up? 

Written January 4, 2021
for Caren Krutsinger's
Diminished Hexaverse Contest

Poem Details | by Hilo Poet |
Categories: america, animal, anxiety, fun, happiness, humor, magic,

Circus Comes To Town

Come kids one and all,
The show will begin,
Watch the many clowns
Acrobats sky high
Cowboys and horses,

Flying daggers,
Lions, tigers,
Elephant act,
Spinning dishes,

Dancing dogs,
Twirling bears,

Bull horn


Poem Details | by Jeanne Mcgee |
Categories: beach, fun, giggle,

Beach Day

Beach time is play time
Towels, hats, sunscreen, snacks
Blanket, books and toys
Sun shines down on us
Water invites cool

Build sandcastles
Watch it topple
Lie down in sand
Race to the shore

Splashes rain
Giggles bloom

Day ends
